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NGEC 10 SOCIAL SCIENCES and Philosophy

What is concept of social science?

Definition of social science. 1 : a branch of science that deals with the institutions
and functioning of human society and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals
as members of society. 2 : a science (such as economics or political science) dealing
with a particular phase or aspect of human society.

What is social science examples?

Social science as a whole has many branches. These social sciences include, but are
not limited to: anthropology, archaeology, communication studies, economics, history,
musicology, human geography, jurisprudence, linguistics, political science, psychology,
public health, and sociology.

What is the study of philosophy?

Philosophy uses the tools of logic and reason to analyze the ways in which humans
experience the world. It teaches critical thinking, close reading, clear writing, and
logical analysis; it uses these to understand the language we use to describe the world,
and our place within it.

What are the types of philosophy?

The Branches of Philosophy[edit]
 Epistemology[edit] ...
 Metaphysics[edit] ...
 Logic[edit] ...
 Ethics[edit] ...
 Aesthetics[edit] ...

Why is it important to study philosophy?

Below is a description of how philosophy helps us develop these various important
skills. General Problem Solving Skills: The study of philosophy enhances a person's
problem-solving capacities. It helps us to analyze concepts, definitions, arguments, and

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