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Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics

20:709–717 © 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia

Diagnosing Childhood Acetabular Dysplasia Using the Lateral

Margin of the Sourcil

Hui Taek Kim, M.D., Jung Il Kim, M.D., and Chong Il Yoo, M.D.

Study conducted at Pusan National University Hospital, Pusan, Korea

Summary: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the lat- underwent arthrographic studies. We found that the most lateral
eral edge of the acetabulum and locate the most accurate mark- bony margin of the acetabular roof on plain radiograph repre-
ing point on a plain radiograph when measuring the acetabular sents the anterolateral portion of the acetabulum. The lateral
index (AI) and the center-edge (CE) angle. We studied the end of the sourcil indicates the lateral margin of the mid-
radiographs of 53 patients with unilateral developmental dys- superior portion of the acetabulum. To reduce intra- and in-
plasia of the hip (DDH), all of whom were treated by closed terobserver errors, we suggest that when measuring the AI and
reduction. In addition to plain radiographs, eight patients had the CE angle, physicians clearly indicate in the medical records
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies, 16 had three- which of the two marking points was used. Key Words: De-
dimensional computed tomography (3-DCT) studies, and six velopmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)—Sourcil.

The availability of diagnostic imaging modalities, the AI and CE angle. However, it is sometimes difficult
such as ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging on plain radiographs to distinguish precisely the lateral
(MRI), and three-dimensional computed tomography (3- edge of the acetabulum to measure accurately the AI and
DCT), has enabled physicians to more accurately diag- the CE angle because of indistinct bony shadows, espe-
nose and better treat acetabular dysplasia (9,11–16). cially in acetabular dysplasia. Under these circum-
Each modality has its advantages and disadvantages. stances, measuring the AI and the CE angle may result in
Ultrasonography is helpful in the diagnosis and treat- intra- and interobserver errors and produce erroneous
ment of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in values.
infants younger than 3 months of age (5). MRI is ex- We have studied the lateral edge of the acetabulum in
tremely useful in studying cartilaginous structures of the pediatric dysplastic hips using plain radiography, MRI,
hip, and 3-DCT provides an accurate 3-D relationship 3-DCT, and arthrography. On plain radiographs, we have
between structures in complex hip deformities. However, frequently noted that the shape of the sourcil varies, dif-
the high cost of MRI and 3-DCT studies, along with the fering with the patient’s age and the position in which the
increased radiation exposure in 3-DCT, limits their use in radiograph was taken. In a normal young child’s hip,
long-term follow-up, which is required in the manage- double radiographic shadows can overlap the sourcil
ment of childhood acetabular dysplasia (7,10). Thus, (Fig. 1A) and the sourcil can also be seen as a single,
plain radiographs still maintain an important role in the dense straight line (Fig. 1B). The normal sourcil usually
management of this patient population (2,3). has a smooth configuration and its orientation is hori-
In the treatment of DDH, the acetabular index (AI) and zontal. However, in the dysplastic hip, the sourcil has an
the center-edge (CE) angle have traditionally been used irregular, short, interrupted shape with an upward slope.
as diagnostic factors for hip dysplasia. In a child one can The lateral end of the sourcil is incompletely rendered
usually visualize both the anterior and posterior borders and does not extend to the lateral bony margin of the
of the acetabular margin, which overlap. The lateral scle- acetabular roof (Fig. 1C,D).
rotic tip is the point that should be selected for measuring The purpose of this study was to clarify the anatomical
relationship between the sourcil and overlapping bony
shadows on plain radiographs and to evaluate the lateral
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. H. T. Kim, De- edge of the acetabulum to locate the most accurate mark-
partment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Pusan National University Hospital, ing point. In addition, we assessed the difference in the
1Ga-10, Ami-Dong, Seo-Gu, Pusan 602-739, Korea. E-mail:
measurement of the AI and the CE angle using two dif-
From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Pusan National Uni- ferent measuring points: the most lateral bony margin of
versity Hospital, Pusan, Korea. the acetabulum and the lateral end of the sourcil, noting

710 H. T. KIM ET AL.

FIG. 1. A: Radiograph of a normal hip in a 2-year-old girl. Double radiographic shadows are seen in the acetabulum. The sourcil is seen
as a curved area of dense bone (arrow). Another radiographic shadow overlaps the sourcil. It is well known that these shadows may vary
depending on the rotation of the pelvis. B: Radiograph of a normal hip in an 8-month-old boy. The sourcil is seen as a single, dense,
straight line (arrow). Anterior and posterior borders may overlap and make measurement of AI and CE angle much more straightforward.
C: Radiograph of a dysplastic hip in a 6-year-old boy. The sourcil is not clearly delineated and is shorter than normal (arrow). The lateral
end of the sourcil is incompletely rendered and does not extend to the lateral bony margin of the acetabular roof. D: Radiograph of a
dysplastic hip in a 2-year-old girl 1 year after closed reduction of DDH. The sourcil is irregular in shape (arrow). A radiographic shadow
overlaps the sourcil. The slope of the sourcil is greater than that found in a normal hip.

in particular the feasibility of using the lateral end of the analysis of measurement in dysplastic hip. The AI and
sourcil as a measuring point. CE angle were measured on the radiographs by two
methods: method A, using the most lateral bony margin
MATERIALS AND METHODS of the acetabulum and method B, using the lateral end of
the sourcil (Fig. 2A,B). The AI was measured when the
We reviewed the plain radiographs of 53 patients who patients were 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 years of age, and the CE
had been treated for DDH. Requirements for inclusion in angle was measured when the patients were 4, 6, 8, 10,
the study were unilateral DDH that was treated by closed and 12 years of age.
reduction, so that we could compare the AI and CE angle In addition to the radiographic studies, four patients
with the uninvolved hip. In this study, we focused on the underwent MRI studies and 16 patients had 3-DCT stud-

J Pediatr Orthop, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2000


FIG. 2. Two methods of measuring the AI and the CE angle. A: Method A involves using the most lateral bony margin of the acetabulum.
The AI is measured as the angle formed by lines A and H, and the CE angle is measured as the angle formed by line PCA. B: Method
B involves using the lateral end of the sourcil. The AI is measured as the angle formed by lines B and H, and the CE angle is measured
as the angle formed by line PCB. H, Hilgenreiner’s line; C, center of femoral head.

ies to obtain a greater anatomical understanding of the RESULTS

sourcil and the overlapping bony shadow seen on plain
radiograph. The MRI scans were obtained using a Measurement of the AI and CE angle on plain
Siemens Magneton 1.5-T Superconductive system (Mag- radiographs using two methods of calculation
neton Vision; Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). The Table 1 summarizes the differences in the measured
3-DCT studies were performed using a General Electric AI using methods A (lateral bony margin of the acetabu-
scanner (LightSpeed QX/i; General Electric, Milwaukee, lum) and B (lateral end of the sourcil). At 1 year of age,
WI) and a CEMAX 5000 imaging processor. Although the mean AI was 31.9° using method A and 39.0° using
the MRI and 3-DCT studies were not performed in the method B, a statistically significant difference of 7.1° (p
same patients, the data in each of the studies were con- < 0.05). The absolute values of the AI and the difference
sidered sufficient to provide useful information regard- in measured values using the two measuring methods
ing hip morphology, especially that of the sourcil and the gradually decreased as the children matured owing to
lateral edge of the acetabulum. acetabular cartilage ossification; however, at 8 years of
Six patients also underwent arthrographic studies, age, the difference between the two methods of 2.9° was
which were performed before consideration of surgery or still statistically significant (p < 0.05).
at the time of surgical treatment. In the arthrographic Table 2 summarizes the differences in the measured
studies, the location of the lateral margin of the acetabu- CE angle using methods A and B. At 1 year of age, the
lum was confirmed by insertion of a spinal needle from mean CE angle was 13.8° using method A and 8.0° using
a lateral approach to the hip joint during arthrography. method B, a statistically significant difference of 5.8° (p
The sourcil was also evaluated intraoperatively during < 0.05). The absolute values of the CE angle gradually
pelvic osteotomy. increased and the difference in measured values of the
Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used to analyze the CE angle using the two measuring methods gradually
data with a p <0.05 considered statistically significant. decreased as the children matured; however, at 12 years

TABLE 1. Measurement of the AI (mean ± SD) in TABLE 2. Measurement of the CE angle (mean ± SD) in
dysplastic hips using two methods of calculation dysplastic hips using two methods of calculation
AI (deg) Difference CE angle (deg) Difference
Age (y)/no. Method A Method B Degrees Significance (p) Age (y)/no. Method A Method B Degrees Significance (p)
1/(n ⳱ 53) 31.9 ± 4.6 39.0 ± 6.7 7.1 ± 4.3 <0.001 4/(n ⳱ 53) 13.8 ± 7.3 8.0 ± 6.7 5.8 ± 7.4 <0.001
2/(n ⳱ 50) 28.0 ± 4.3 33.4 ± 6.3 5.4 ± 4.5 <0.001 6/(n ⳱ 48) 16.4 ± 7.2 12.3 ± 6.7 4.1 ± 4.4 <0.001
4/(n ⳱ 53) 25.0 ± 4.3 30.1 ± 6.2 5.1 ± 4.6 <0.001 8/(n ⳱ 45) 18.2 ± 5.7 14.2 ± 5.4 4.0 ± 1.8 <0.001
6/(n ⳱ 48) 24.2 ± 4.2 27.3 ± 6.7 3.1 ± 3.3 <0.001 10/(n ⳱ 53) 19.8 ± 4.3 17.3 ± 5.1 3.5 ± 2.2 <0.001
8/(n ⳱ 45) 23.2 ± 4.7 26.1 ± 7.7 2.9 ± 2.7 <0.001 12/(n ⳱ 50) 20.5 ± 4.5 18.2 ± 4.1 2.3 ± 1.4 <0.001

SD, standard deviation; n, number of hips. SD, standard deviation; n, number of hips.

J Pediatr Orthop, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2000

712 H. T. KIM ET AL.

FIG. 3. A: Radiograph of a 4-year-old girl 3 years after treatment

of left DDH by closed reduction. The sourcil is irregular in shape
and its orientation is oblique (arrow). A radiographic shadow
overlaps the sourcil. The AI is 20° when measured using the most
lateral bony margin of the acetabulum (method A). However,
when the lateral margin of the sourcil is used (method B), the AI
is 38°. B: MRI coronal section of the anterior one third of the left
hip joint (arrow) indicates a relatively well-developed acetabular
roof shadow compared with that of the normal right hip. C: MRI
coronal section of the middle one third of the same left hip joint
indicates a large mid-superior bony defect (arrow). The shape of
the acetabular roof in this image coincides with that of the sourcil
on the plain radiograph (A). D: MRI sagittal section (T1WI) of the
lateral margin of the acetabulum shows a mid-superior defect
(arrow) of the left (L) acetabulum compared with that of the nor-
mal right (R) hip. E: Radiograph performed 2 years after Pem-
berton acetabuloplasty and femoral varus osteotomy.

J Pediatr Orthop, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2000


that a thick lateral cartilaginous acetabular margin was

attenuated and does not appear to have developmental
potential. The shape of an as-yet unossified acetabular
edge closely mirrors the shape of the bony acetabular
rim. In addition, MRI studies provided evidence that a
short, irregular sourcil with an oblique orientation on
plain radiograph indicated a mid-acetabular bony defect
(Fig. 3). Coronal and sagittal sections of the middle one
third of dysplastic hip joints demonstrated a mid-superior
acetabular defect that was not easily recognized on plain
radiographs. The shape of the acetabular roof on coronal
sections of the middle one third of dysplastic hips coin-
cided with that of the shape of the sourcil as seen on plain
FIG. 3. Continued 3-DCT studies
3-DCT studies allowed us to identify various types of
of age, the difference of 2.3° was still statistically sig- acetabular deficiency (minimal deficiency, anterosupe-
nificant (p < 0.05). rior deficiency, mid-superior deficiency) in DDH. Mid-
superior deficiency could be distinguished only on the
MRI study lateral 3-DCT view because the AP radiograph was very
In eight hips, MRI revealed the relationship between similar in all dysplastic hips.
the cartilaginous acetabulum and the bony acetabulum. True lateral, 90° rotated 3-DCT images of the acetabu-
The most valuable information of MRI in this study was lum, with the femoral head subtracted, provided an ac-

FIG. 4. A: Radiograph of a 6-year-old girl with an untreated dislocation of the right hip. The sourcil (arrowheads) is irregular in shape and
its orientation is upward. The AI is greater than that found in a normal hip. B: Coronal reformation 2-DCT image of the mid-portion of the
acetabulum shows that the shape of the bony margin of the acetabular roof is oblique, which coincides with the orientation of the sourcil
on plain radiograph (A) and that the AI is increased. C: Lateral 3-DCT image of the right hip, with the femoral head subtracted, better
demonstrates the inner side of the acetabulum. In this image, we can see a large, mid-superior defect of the acetabulum, which
corresponds to a false acetabulum. The bony margin of the inner side of the mid-acetabulum (arrowheads) corresponds to the sourcil
shape seen on the plain radiograph (A). An anterolateral bony shadow (arrow) corresponds to the bony shadow overlapping the sourcil
on the plain radiograph (A). D: Radiograph performed 1 year 6 months after open reduction, capsulorrhaphy, femoral varus derotational
osteotomy with femoral shortening, and Salter innominate osteotomy of the right hip.

J Pediatr Orthop, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2000

714 H. T. KIM ET AL.

curate 3-D morphology of the acetabulum. For example, responds to the anterolateral portion of the acetabulum
in untreated DDH, the bony margin of the inner side of (Fig. 5B). The tip of the needle that was inserted to the
the mid-acetabulum on the lateral 3-DCT image (arrow- middle portion of the acetabulum was placed at the lat-
heads in Fig. 4C) corresponded to the shape of the sourcil eral end of the sourcil, which corresponds to the mid-
on plain radiograph (arrowheads in Fig. 4A). The antero- superior portion of the acetabulum (Fig. 5C and Fig. 6C).
lateral bony shadow of the acetabulum on 3-DCT (arrow These findings confirmed that the lateral end of the
in Fig. 4C) corresponded to the bony shadow overlap- sourcil reflects a mid-acetabular portion on plain radio-
ping the sourcil on plain radiograph (arrow in Fig. 4A). graphs.
Because this portion of the acetabulum is near the an-
teroinferior iliac spine, measurement of the AI and the Intraoperative study
CE angle using this anterolateral bony shadow on plain During the Salter innominate osteotomy in two dys-
radiograph could not reflect a mid-superior acetabular plastic hips, the indicator placed in the mid-superior por-
deficiency. tion of the acetabulum indicated the lateral margin of the
sourcil (Fig. 7).
Arthrographic study
Absolute values of this arthrographic study have yet to DISCUSSION
be reinforced by other sophisticated diagnostic tools,
which make it possible to calculate 3-D coordinates of The sourcil is a curved area of dense bone on the
points on the edge of the acetabulum. weight-bearing surface of the acetabulum. This radio-
During arthrography of the hip, a spinal needle was graphic shadow indirectly represents a stress distribution
inserted into the anterior and into the middle portions of within the hip joint (1). In a normal hip, the sourcil is
the acetabulum from a lateral approach to the hip joint uniformly thick and semilunar in shape, with a horizontal
(Figs. 5 and 6). The tip of the needle that was inserted to or downward orientation. However, in the dysplastic hip,
the anterior portion of the acetabulum was placed at the the orientation of the sourcil is upward, suggesting an
most lateral bony shadow of the acetabulum, which cor- uneven distribution of stress within the hip joint.

FIG. 5. Plain radiograph and arthrographic images of a 7-year-old boy. The patient had a mild, waddling gait and difficulty in climbing
stairs. His mother had been diagnosed with dysplastic hips and treated with osteotomy. A: Radiograph shows an obscure sourcil, which
is shorter than normal. The lateral end of the sourcil does not extend to the lateral bony margin of the acetabular roof. B: In this
intraoperative arthrographic image, a spinal needle is inserted into the lateral aspect of the hip joint to the anterior portion of the
acetabulum. The tip of the needle is placed at the most lateral bony shadow of the acetabulum, which corresponds to the anterolateral
portion of the acetabulum. C: In this intraoperative arthrographic image, a spinal needle is inserted into the lateral aspect of the hip joint
to the middle portion of the acetabulum. The tip of the needle is placed at the lateral end of the sourcil, which corresponds to the
mid-superior portion of the acetabulum.

J Pediatr Orthop, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2000


FIG. 6. Plain radiographs and arthrographic image of a 5-year-old girl with right DDH. A: Anteroposterior radiograph in neutral position
shows the sourcil is irregular in shape and its orientation is upward in slope (arrow). B: Radiograph with hip abducted and internally rotated
(the image is the same as the caudal view of the pelvis). The sourcil of the right hip is short and interrupted (arrow) compared with that
of the normal left hip, and its orientation is upward in slope. C: Intraoperative arthrographic image shows the spinal needle inserted in the
lateral edge of the sourcil, which is the mid-portion of the acetabulum. D: Radiograph performed 2 years after Salter innominate osteotomy
to correct dysplasia.

The shape of the sourcil in childhood hip dysplasia is appear to reflect adequately the variability and complex-
difficult to discern accurately because large portions of ity of the deformity, nor does it permit us to measure
the acetabulum are cartilaginous. For this reason, numer- accurately the deformity in a reproducible manner. When
ous other methods have been used to measure childhood measuring the AI, errors can occur owing to the incorrect
acetabular dysplasia, including AI (21), CE angle (22), positioning of the child for radiographs. Errors of ±3°
femoral head uncovering (6), head–teardrop distance can be caused either by pelvic flexion/extension or by
(19), Smith’s c/b and h/b ratios (20), ACM angle and pelvic rotation. With increasing lumbar lordosis, which
M-Z distance (21), and center-head distance discrepancy corresponds to the extent of pelvic extension, the AI
(CHDD) (4). increases, and with decreasing lordosis or pelvic flexion,
Among these methods, two popular parameters that the AI decreases. Likewise, if the pelvis is rotated about
use the acetabular edge as a measurement point are the the longitudinal body axis, the AI toward the side of the
AI and the CE angle. The AI is measured between the rotation decreases and the AI on the opposite side in-
horizontal Hilgenreiner’s line and a line extending from creases (18,21).
the superolateral margin of the triradiate cartilage to the Furthermore, during measurement of the AI and the
most lateral ossified margin of the acetabulum. However, CE angle, it is difficult to mark the exact lateral bony
this method is only viable in measuring development of margin of the acetabulum because of irregular and indis-
the hip in children who are younger than 8 years of age, tinct bony shadows on radiographs of dysplastic hips
because Hilgenreiner’s line is difficult to measure after (8,22). In the dysplastic hip, the lateral end of the sourcil
ossification of the triradiate cartilage. The CE angle is a is incompletely rendered, as well. Another variable bony
useful method only in children after 5 years of age, be- shadow, which extends more laterally over the lateral
cause the center of the femoral head is difficult to define end of the sourcil, often overlaps the sourcil. In these
in a younger child because of an eccentrically located circumstances, the AI and the CE angle are poorly re-
ossific nucleus. producible.
In addition, the traditional measurement of a 3-D In this study, we attempted to clarify the anatomical
structure on standardized 2-D plain radiographs does not relationship between the sourcil and overlapping bony

J Pediatr Orthop, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2000

716 H. T. KIM ET AL.

FIG. 7. A: Anteroposterior radiograph of a 7-year-old girl with a left DDH shows a poorly developed, short, oblique sourcil (arrow). She
had been treated by closed reduction at the age of 13 months. B: Intraoperative arthrographic image of same hip. C: After Salter
innominate osteotomy, the orientation of the sourcil is more horizontal in slope. Indicator (asterisk) placed in the mid-superior portion of
the acetabulum during the operation demonstrates the lateral margin of the sourcil. D: Radiograph performed 3 years after Salter
innominate osteotomy.

shadows on plain radiographs. We found that the radio- young children depending on whether one uses the most
graphic lateral bony margin of the acetabulum extends lateral bony margin of the acetabulum or the lateral end
beyond the lateral end of the sourcil on plain radiographs of the sourcil as a marking point.
and that this shadow corresponds to the anterolateral In conclusion, when diagnosing childhood acetabular
margin of the acetabulum. The lateral end of the sourcil, dysplasia on plain radiographs, especially with measure-
which is located more medial to this shadow, corre- ments using the lateral edge of the acetabulum (e.g., the
sponds to the lateral edge of the mid-superior portion of AI or CE angle), physicians must consider that the most
the acetabulum. lateral bony shadow, which extends over the lateral end
In children, there is an ossification center on the lateral of the sourcil, represents the anterolateral portion of the
portion of the acetabulum that is associated with acetab- acetabulum. Measurement using the lateral end of
ular growth. This nucleus begins ossification when the the sourcil as a marking point represents the status of the
child is about 9 years of age and fuses to the ilium when midsuperior portion of the acetabulum. To reduce intra-
the child is about 15 years of age (15,16). During the and interobserver errors, we suggest that when measur-
growth period, continuous compression force on the os- ing the AI and the CE angle, physicians clearly indicate
sifying nucleus will result in a growth disturbance of the in themedical records which of the two marking points was
lateral edge of the acetabulum (17). These findings are used.
evident in the mid-superior acetabular dysplasia, in
which the increased magnitude of the shearing force pre-
vents normal acetabular development.
Even though the primary purpose of this study was not Acknowledgment: We thank Dennis R. Wenger, M.D.,
to assess intra- and interobserver errors in measuring the from the Children’s Hospital and Health Center–San Diego,
AI and the CE angle, we found that there is a significant University of California, and Daniel R. Faber for their kind
difference in measurement values on plain radiographs in help with this article.

J Pediatr Orthop, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2000


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J Pediatr Orthop, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2000

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