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Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Student




Education, as a part of every human’s armor to survive, undergoes a continuous process to

achieve further development. The more the need for development arise, the more dedicative
teachers and administrators work together to offer quality education for all. This development
pertains to the improvement of instructional materials which brings life to the daily discussion
between the learners and their teachers. This study aims to assess the effects of the utilization
of audiovisual materials in the language learning of Education students at the University of
Makati with the use of a researcher-made survey questionnaire. Data gathered shows the (a)
common audiovisual materials utilized inside the class (b) respondents’ perception and (c)
effectiveness of its use.

Keywords: Audiovisual materials, Perception, Effectiveness

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students


An instructional material is an aid to teaching and learning which helps raise learning from
verbalization to practical aspect of teaching and learning. Instructional materials make teaching
and learning interesting, easy, and amusing. In addition, audiovisual instructional material is a kind
of teaching material that uses the sense of sight and hearing in conveying an information or lesson.
Different kinds of this tool have different effects in the language learning of the student. Some of
these come in printed texts, in colorful cartolinas, and pictures which can be posted on illustration
boards or flashed on the screens in class, while some come in forms of videos and audio clips.

These instructional materials not only make the presentation of the lesson more creative but
help focus the attention of the students to the discussion. The diversity of students requires various
ways of teaching strategies and these visual aids will cater to the needs of the students depending
on their techniques and ways of learning. These instructional materials will bring life to the daily
discussion between the learners and their teachers. In order to accomplish it, the teacher should
have more preparation to effectively use the tool and allow the learning to take place.

Background of the Study

Language teachers have diverse students who require diverse strategies and learning aids.
These teachers, no matter how strategic, encounter challenges in delivering the lessons to the
learners in a unique and creative way. These challenges add up to the burdens which make it harder
for our heroic teachers to do their duty every day.

One of the challenges that our teachers face every time they strategize on how to make the
delivery of the lesson more active and participative is the teaching aid that must be used to help
focus the attention of the students. The next problem that the teacher must face is to assess the
effectivity of using chosen audiovisual aids in helping the students develop their language learning
while applying what they learn in communicating. “Language is best taught when it is being used
to transmit messages, not when it is explicitly taught for conscious learning,” this convincing
statement of Krashen and Terrell (1983) tells why these instructional materials must aid in enabling
the students to develop their language learning while expressing their ideas and thoughts in

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

This study is designed to analyze the effectiveness of audiovisual instructional tools in the
language learning of the students. An effective 21st century teacher integrates the use of
technology and hands on learning which is significant in the teaching field as the technology is
getting more advanced. As a future millennial teacher, we must be prepared and skilled in adapting
to the changing means of learning of our future students. With the help of these innovative ideas,
new ways of delivering subject content will be explored which may result in the continuous
development of the quality of education in our country.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Audiovisual aids are instructional tools used to make discussions inside the class more
active and participative. They are considered as the armors of the teachers when getting into battle
aside from their daily lesson plans. Teachers do not only consider these as designs in their delivery
of the topics but also use these tools to add more instructions and information to provide for the
learners. According to McKean and Roberts (2007), audio visual aids are supplementary devices
by which the teacher, through the utilization of more than one sensory channel is able to clarify,
establish, and correlate concepts, interpretations, and appreciations. Through the use of audiovisual
aids, students and teachers are given the chance to establish a good interaction. Teachers can clarify
things easily specifically inquiries connected to the language learning of the students.

Others may consider these kinds of materials as a part of entertaining the students while
some define these according to the purpose of its use. “Audiovisual aids are any device which can
be used to make the learning experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic,” this
statement according to James (n.d.) gives his thoughts on how audiovisual aids positively affects
the learning process of the students. This makes learning more effective for the reason that it let
students use their senses and provide them a realistic learning experiences.

While some teachers are still undecided on the effectivity of the use of such instructional
tools, other teachers’ hearts and trust have been captured with their observations on the favorable
outcomes that audiovisual aids cause to the learning of the students. They use these tools to aid in
developing multiple skills of the students. When the students are given the chance to learn through
more senses than one, they can learn faster, according to Uniprojects (2017). Teachers’ attentions

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

are being focused on helping the students learn through easier ways and strategies in line with their
needs and interests.

Teachers, with the use of their unbelievable ability in observing and decision-making, use
these tools to improve the learning of the students and assess them on how audiovisual aids
productively affect the students’ performances. In accordance with this, Jakubowski (2013)
conducted a research and stated that the raw score for the short-term post tests were higher for
participants who were provided with illustrations during both cycles of the study. In this research,
he set two different classes and let the students study a poetry. The only difference is that the
second class was given illustrations connected with the poetry. After assessing the students’
performances, the researchers and the teacher found out that results of the exams of the students
with illustrations were higher than those who studied the poetry alone without any other
instructional tool.

Different kinds, colors and sizes of papers were the usual forms of instructional materials in
the last decades but with the next generation technology will play a big role in transforming these
instructional materials into new styles to fit into the improving needs of the generations. And this
change has been felt by many during these past years. “Young learners also appreciate the role that
visual materials such as pictures, posters, postcards, word calendars, realia, charts, graphic
organizers, picture books, television, videos from iTunes and computers can play in helping them
to learn English,” this conclusion by Konomi (n.d) shows the evolution from paper forms of
instructional materials to the most recent forms being used. She stated the classic kinds of teachers’
aids and the audiovisual aids brought about by the developing technology.

Diversity of students require diversity of strategies and techniques and because teachers are
considered gifted when it comes to creativity, they use visual aids to cater the needs of the students
learning. As the generations’ norms change as rapid as the development of technology, new forms
of visual aids come out as well. “For twenty first century students brought up in a society
dominated by visuality, paintings provide an immediate connection inviting them to explore
linguistics structures, literary texts and cultural constructs in memorable ways” this statement by
Knapp (2012) proves that different generations require different forms of instructional tools to

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

accommodate the various needs of the students. It also states that the new generation is exposed to
visuality and these visuals will aid in the widening of the language skills of the students.

Technology is now playing a big role in peoples’ lives. Most people have internet-enabled
devices or smartphones, and becoming more dependent to it. As the prices of technology drop,
digital devices are now very accessible. When pioneering educational technology advocate,
Hawkins (1997) wrote an essay entitled: "The World at Your Fingertips: Education Technology

Opens Doors," and it is about how technology brings the tools of empowerment into the hands and
minds of those who use them. Education is now more accessible because we have technology and
it has developed the way we think, work, and play. Technology, when integrated into the
curriculum, develops the learning process. More and more studies show that technology integration
in the curriculum improves students' learning processes and outcomes. Teachers who recognize
digital devices as a good instructional material change the way they teach.

Students are engaged in their learning using these powerful tools which may allow them to
become creators and critics instead of just consumers. According to Hawkins (1997), another
reason for technology integration is the necessity of today's students to have 21st century skills
which includes knowing how and when to use technology and choosing the most appropriate tool
for the task.

Technology integrated to the curriculum is truly an advantage to education. Audiovisual

aids as part of the products of the developing technology is very helpful for some schools and
institutions but it may be accessible for some but not to all. According to Golani (1982), schools
that were situated in urban areas and the ones which were conducted by rich societies possessed
audiovisual aids, that is why only few teachers used audiovisual aids in teaching, and those are
teachers who are well-trained and has ability to provide such materials, in the use of audiovisual
aids materials it can contribute to a great deal, to the effectiveness of teaching. His statement gives
us a glimpse of the million factors that may affect the use of audiovisual aids.

Lack of fund, inadequate time for the use of instructional materials, and lack of knowledge
on the side of the teacher on how to operate the available instructional materials are just some of
the factors associated with the effectivity of instructional materials. Some solutions to cope with

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

these hindrances are seminars or workshops on how to use instructional materials effectively and
practically. Local organizations of teachers usually conduct seminars or workshops on how they
can improve their teaching strategies through the use of instructional materials. Seminars and
workshops are helpful to teachers, leading them to produce instructional materials with good
quality. Instructional materials of good quality do not have to be expensive, as stated by Rentoy
(2011) good provider of materials selects appropriately from what is available, and gets creative
with it. Then, modifies activities to suit learners’ needs. Lastly, adds up by providing extra
activities. Good instructional materials should arouse the interest of the learners and get the
learners to think about new concepts and ideas.

Teachers are giving their best efforts in delivering to the class the lessons assigned and with
their creativity and resourcefulness they are able to use what they have to aid the learning of the
students just like video tapes and audio clips from phones which are very accessible even to urban
places. Dian (2014) stated that by watching, listening, and imitating dialogue from audiovisual
instructional materials, student’s pronunciation in speaking improves. Most of the students made
correct pronunciation because they had practiced, imitated, and repeated the correct pronunciation
from the model of dialogue in the audiovisual instructional materials. This kind of media could
enhance the students’ confidence, pronunciation, vocabulary and fluency in speaking which will
be an edge for them in their chosen field.

The use of audio-visual aids in the classroom is greatly helpful for the students not only in
their pronunciation and vocabulary but also in developing understanding of complex concepts. The
use of these devices enables the students to grasp these concepts quickly and easily but with the
changing needs and interests of the students we can’t actually state that audiovisual aids, in any
forms, are the most effective instructional tool which a teacher can use inside the class. Though
audiovisual aids open a new door in the teaching-learning scene, teachers must still be reminded
that relying too much on technology, or using it in a thoughtless manner, might actually make it
difficult for them to achieve their intended learning outcomes. Teachers should understand that
audiovisual instructional materials are there to assist them, not to take their place because teachers
are considered the mother of their students in school and no one can take the place of a mother in
the hearts of her children.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

Theoretical Framework

An audiovisual instructional material is a teaching aid that uses the sense of sight and
hearing in conveying an information or lesson. It helps the students to grasp the lesson with much
enthusiasm and a lesser usual classroom and set-up. It also helps the teachers to present the lesson
in an enthusiastic mood and supports them in improving their teaching skills with the use of the
technology. Harmer (1998) stated that one of the greatest enemies of making teaching successful
is the boredom of learners during lectures. With this, audiovisual materials are regarded as an
external motivating technique used by teachers to develop student’s ability to communicate and
enhance their speaking skills as well as keep them stimulated and interested.

In order to express the relationship between experience and knowing, Dale (1946)
introduced The Cone of Experience in his Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching textbook. It is a
visual device that meant to summarize his classification system for the varied types of mediated
learning experiences. The organizing principle of the cone was a progression from most concrete
experiences (at the bottom of the cone) to most abstract (at the top).

Figure 1: Dale’s Cone of Experience

As can be seen from figure 1, people generally remembers the 50% percent of the things they
see and hear at the same time and this is where the audiovisual instructional materials take place.
The cone charts the average retention rate for various methods of teaching. The further you

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

progress down the cone, the greater the learning and the more information is likely to be retained.
It also suggests that when choosing an instructional method, it is important to remember that
involving students in the process strengthens knowledge retention. People learn best when they
use perceptual learning styles, and perceptual learning styles are sensory based. The more sensory
channels possible in interacting with a resource, the better the chance that many students can learn
from it. According to Dale (1946), audiovisual materials supply a concrete basis for conceptual
thinking and hence reduce meaningless word-response of students. It also gives a high degree of
interest for students as well as they make learning more permanent. This kind of instructional
material helps develop a continuity of thought, especially trough of motion pictures. It contributes
to growth of meaning and hence to vocabulary development. It provides experiences not easily
obtained through other materials and contribute to the efficiency, depth, and variety of learning.

An audiovisual instructional material is an instructional aid which provides information

and entertainment as well. The learning process becomes more attractive and it delivers
information that can be heard, seen, so as to describe the principles, concepts, processes, and
procedures that are abstract and incomplete to be complete. A lesson with the use of audiovisual
materials are more likely to be retained in the learning process of the students. There is also a shift
from teacher-centered to student-centered method where the teacher becomes a facilitator of an
intellectual and instructional environment. Additionally, audiovisual materials promote greater
acquisition and high retention of actual knowledge therefore, boredom situation in learning can be
avoided. Effectiveness of teaching-learning process does not depend only on the teacher but also
up to the different types of materials available in the classes. How teachers present a lesson has
big impact on the learning process of the students, that is why it is important to evaluate how
different kinds of instructional media or materials takes place in the teaching and learning process.

Statement of the Problem

It is the major purpose of this study to determine the effectivity of audiovisual materials in the
language learning of students.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

1. What is the profile of the respondents from the College of Education students in the
University of Makati in terms of:

1.1 age;
1.2 gender; and
1.3 year level?

2. What audiovisual materials observed by the respondents were utilized by the professors in
delivering the instructions?

3. What is the perception of the respondents with the use of audiovisual material in their
language learning?

4. What is the effect of audiovisual materials on the language learning of the respondents?

Significance of the Study

Audio visual materials can contribute in today’s generation and to the effectiveness in
teaching specifically in teaching the English language. Dewey (1915) suggested that education
needs to adapt new instructional approaches based on future societal needs. He claimed that 20th
century schools should reorganize their curricula, emphasize freedom, and individuality, and
respond to changing employment requirements. He also stated that if we teach today’s students as
we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.

The significance of this study therefore is towards the improvement and the effectivity of
audiovisual materials in the classroom and in language learning. This study will be helpful to the
school administrators in promoting the use of audiovisual as an aid for language learning. The
school will also be exposed to the cutting edge of technology and be a school ready for 21st century
learners. The teachers will benefit from this study as well as they explore in making their students
motivated and to give their students a realistic and meaningful learning experiences with the help
of audiovisual materials. The study seeks to help, especially the traditional teachers, to deal with
the learners of the 21st century and be open to new methods of teaching, giving them ideas about
the usefulness of audiovisual materials. The students will also be benefiting from this study, by
using audiovisual materials they will be encouraged and be motivated to experience meaningful

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

and realistic learning experience. Lastly, to the future researchers, this paper would be helpful as
their reference for future study regarding the topic of audiovisual.

Scope and Limitations

Audiovisual aids are instructional tools used to aid the learning of students. Teachers
choose the most effective materials to be used to help focus the attention of the learners and develop
their learning. This study focused on the effectivity of audiovisual aids on the language learning
of Education students. Audiovisual aids used in classrooms today such as videos, clips, PowerPoint
presentations, presented through televisions, LCD projectors and computers were studied.
Immediate effects of these materials to the learning of the students were included in the study.

The respondents were limited to eighty students from the 1st year to the 4th year students of
the College of Education. The respondents were selected randomly from each year. Some of the
courses that the respondents were taking during their first semester, school year 2017-2018, were
language courses, these were the courses that were studied in this research, and it did not cover
other courses aside from these ones.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students


Research Design

This study aims to determine the effectivity of using audiovisual materials in the language
learning of the students in the College of Education at the University of Makati. Its goal is to
describe the possible effects of the use of these instructional aids in the development of the
students’ language learning and thereupon the researchers choose a qualitative research design for
the achievement of the aforesaid goal. No variables were used by the researchers to manipulate
and control neither the data gathered nor the results in this study. The data consisting this research
came purely from the surveys answered voluntarily by the respondents.


The study took place at the University of Makati during the first semester of the school
year 2017-2018. University of Makati is located at J. P. Rizal Extension, West Rembo, Makati
City, and was founded in 1972 with Makati Polytechnic Community College as its founding name.
This institution is envisioned to be the primary instrument in producing Makati youths into
productive citizens and IT-enabled professionals. UMak aims to provide innovative and quality
education in order to produce skilled and knowledgeable individuals of the 21st century.
Moreover, the university also inculcates good moral values and desirable personality development
in their students aside from molding them into highly competent professionals and skilled


The researchers got their respondents from the College of Education at the University of
Makati. The respondents of this research were limited to eighty (80) randomly selected students
from the 1st year to 4th year students in the aforementioned college. The researchers chose the
respondents because half of them has gone through and the other half are currently taking up
language courses in their first semester school year 2017-2018 which are perfect subjects to use
to observe the language learning of the respondents in line with the topic of the study.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students


The researcher designed a self-administered questionnaire for the data gathering process to
get qualitative data. The primary aim of the questionnaire is to determine the effectivity of
audiovisual materials in the language learning of College of Education students. This research
used sets of closed questions in the questionnaire. A closed question is one that has pre-coded
answers that the respondents can readily select. Through closed questions, the researchers were
able to limit responses that are within the scope of this study.

The survey questionnaire was in a checklist type wherein the respondents can readily point
all relevant impacts that are likely be affected, including those that may be less obvious but may
still be relevant. Checklists are composed of a series of questions that highlight potentially relevant
effects or issues. Usually, the checklists first identify a general issue area (e.g. audiovisual
materials) and then asks more detailed questions about the concrete impacts of a measure in this
issue area and their likely importance.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers prepared a checklist type questionnaire, that aimed to draw and gather
reliable answers from the respondents for the improvement of the study. According to Merriam-
Webster (1828), data defines as information, especially facts or numbers, collected to be examined
and considered and used to help-decision making. In order to support this study, the researchers
conducted a pilot testing to prove the validity and the reliability of this study about the effectivity
of using audio visual aids in the language learning of Education students.

The intended target respondents were 80 students, and they were selected randomly with
10 students per year level. First, before the data gathering, on September 19, 2017, Tuesday at
exactly 9:00 a.m., the researchers met their adviser for validation and approval of the
questionnaires. Then, the researchers needed to wait for the approval before administering the
survey questionnaire to the selected respondents.

After the approval of the researcher’s adviser, the comment and suggestions from the
adviser were noted and used to enhance the quality of the items before collecting the data. The

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

researchers needed to use a laptop in improving and revising the questionnaires. Since the items
were improved on Sept 20, 2017, at 10:00 am the researchers went to the respondent’s respective
classrooms to meet and coordinate with the College of Education students at the University of
Makati, for conducting the survey. The researchers gave some instructions to the selected
respondents on how to answer the questionnaires. The students were given enough time to answer
the questions. After the gathering of the data, as token of appreciation to the selected respondents,
the researchers gave a candy to each of the respondents, then the researchers collected all the data
and gathered it for tallying of the scores and for transcribing the respondent’s answers, and to
apply the statistical treatment needed in the study.

Data Analysis

Data in this study was analyzed with the use of descriptive analysis; henceforth, the
identifying of central tendency was done to describe the responses provided by the participants.
The mean, median and mode of the data was defined to let the data speak on behalf of the
respondents’ perceptions on the questions asked. The researchers used SPSS to validate the sets
of questions on the researcher-made questionnaire. Data gathered by the researchers was
organized with proper precautions into tables and graphs to maintain the transparency and clarity
of these significant information.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students


Table 1

Respondents’ Profile in Terms of Age

Respondents F

16-20 44

21-25 35

26-30 1

Total 80

Table 1 shows the respondents’ profiles in terms of their age. Most of the respondents were
aged 16-20 years old. This age bracket consists mostly the first year to third year education
students. However, only one of the respondents is in the age bracket of 26-30 years old. More than
half of the respondents aged 16-20 because some of the randomly selected students may have
entered schooling earlier than the others while some has accelerated and skipped the K-12 program
in the Higher School at the University of Makati.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

Table 2

Respondents’ Profile in Terms of Gender

Respondents Female Male

1st year 18 3

2nd year 16 3

3rd year 16 4

4th year 15 5

Sub-total 65 15

Total 80

According to Table 2 most of the respondents are female furthermore, the highest numbers
of female respondents are from 1st year, while men have the least number of the respondents and
they are from both 1st year and 2nd year Education students. Most of the respondents from each
year level were female because three-fourth of the population of the Education students was
consisted of female learners.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

Table 3

Checklist of Audiovisual Aids Utilized for the Delivery of Instruction

Questions f % Mean

Laptop 79 98.8 2.99

Cellphone 49 61.2 2.54

L.C.D Projector 76 95 2.95

Television 74 92.5 2.91

Speakers 69 86.2 2.85

Power Point Presentation 75 93.8 2.93

Motion Pictures 58 72.5 2.66

Graphs 62 77.5 2.74

Charts 60 75 2.71

Online Videos 69 86.2 2.80

Teacher-made Videos 37 46.2 2.34

Online Applications 60 75 2.69

Table 3 shows the most common audiovisual aids utilized by the professors of the College
of Education students for the delivery of instruction. As can be seen, almost all of the respondents
agreed that Laptop is the most common audiovisual aid utilized for the delivery of the professors’
instructions. However, teacher-made videos were used by nearly 40% of the professors according
to the respondents. This result may have occurred because Laptop is one of the considered
necessity in the society and even inside the classrooms nowadays. Audiovisual aids may come in
different forms, colors, structures and types but the appropriateness and usefulness of these tools
must be considered by the professors.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

Table 4

Level of perception on Audio-visual Materials

Questions f % Mean Mode SD

Help in delivering the lesson creatively 41 51.2 4.45 5 .61

Used in delivering instruction to ensure understanding 39 48.8 4.36 4 .62

Important in making the discussion participative 41 51.2 4.41 5 .67

Help learners become active 36 45 4.31 5 .72

Catch attention to focus on the lesson 35 43.8 4.26 4 .76

Cause distraction on the lesson 27 33.8 4.95 3 .21

Student-friendly 45 56.2 4.08 4 .69

Take time to be set-up 33 41.2 4.88 4 .83

Make activities enjoyable 39 48.8 4.18 4 .73

Motivating way to increase language learning 40 50 4.28 4 .66

Table 4 shows the respondents perception on audiovisual materials. As can be seen, more
than half of the students claimed that audiovisual aids are student-friendly. Therefore, students
find audiovisual materials to be suitable for them. However, almost 34% of the respondents
confessed that audiovisual can cause distraction on the lesson. More than half of the respondents
considered audiovisual materials as student-friendly because in the society today, learners of all
ages are exposed to these materials even outside the school which makes them feel at home and
comfortable when using these tools. Audiovisual materials have different effects to every student
thus, some students find the use of it as advantageous and helpful on their lesson, while some find
it distractive.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

Table 5

Level of Effectiveness of Audiovisual Materials

Questions f % Mean Mode SD

Help understanding of instruction occur 48 60 4.23 4 .59

Give clarity to the delivery of the lesson 39 48.8 4.21 4 .69

Provide understanding about the lesson 40 50 4.30 4 .64

Make learning long lasting 35 43.8 4.08 4 .82

Make difficult things simpler to understand 31 38.8 3.94 4 1.04

Make the flow of the lesson meaningful 39 48.8 4.26 4 .68

Help develop language learning in English classes 36 45 4.31 4 .70

Develop eagerness to learn 32 40 4.13 5 .88

Make the discussion boring 23 28.8 2.80 3 1.31

Cause distraction 22 27.5 2.78 3 1.29

Attract interest 36 45 4.28 5 .88

Maintain the focus and attention 30 40 3.99 4 .85

Table 5 shows the level of effectiveness of audiovisual materials in delivering the

instructions of the professors. As can be seen, more than half of the respondents agreed that using
audio visual aids in classroom helps them in understanding the instructions, while more than a
quarter of the number of respondents answered that using audio visual aids in class is just causing
distraction. Therefore, this is just a proof that most of the education students at the University of
Makati find that the effects of using audio visual aids helps them in understanding the instructions,
meaning teachers should rely more on using audio visual aids in teaching English to their students
it helps the students in improving their language learning.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students


The world is in the state where rapid changes happen even in a blink of an eye. As the
means of living of generations develop, so as their needs. Education, as one of the essential things
a person must have to survive, must undergo further development. The system of Education in
different countries has undergone a lot of processes to achieve holistic development. One of the
changes that has happened in the system of education is the improving of instructional materials.
These materials used to be in the form of text printed in papers, however, the changes brought by
technology affected its forms. From visual materials and audio tools comes the newest form of a
teacher’s best friend otherwise known as audiovisual materials. Audiovisual material users give
their definition of audiovisual materials according on its texture, colors and forms, thus; others
define according to the purpose of these tools. “Audiovisual aids are any device which can be used
to make the learning experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic,” this statement
according to James (n.d.) gives his thoughts on how audiovisual aids can be used inside the class.

Being guided by these definitions and information, the researchers upon conducting a
survey to the respondents from the College of Education at the University of Makati has answered
relevant questions being tackled in this study in line with the use of audiovisual aids for the
delivery of instruction of the professors inside the class. Tables were formed to present the data
clearly. The first two tables showed the profiles of the respondents according to their age and
gender, furthermore, the remaining tables were designed to present the respondents’ answers to
the given questions provided by the researchers. Data showed that more than half of the
respondents aged from 16-20 years old, furthermore, more than half of the respondents coming
from each year level are female.

The checklist of the common audiovisual aids showed that nearly 50% of the respondents’
have agreed that Laptop is the most utilized audiovisual aids being used by the professors in
delivering instruction. In the last decades, different sizes of papers were the usual forms of
instructional materials however, with the generation today technology plays a big role in
transforming these instructional materials into new styles and with new purposes. “Young learners
also appreciate the role that visual materials such as pictures, posters, postcards, word calendars,
realia, charts, graphic organizers, picture books, television, videos from iTunes and computers can

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

play in helping them to learn English,” this statement by Konomi (n.d) shows the development
from paper forms of instructional materials to the most recent forms being used. “For twenty first
century students brought up in a society dominated by visuality, paintings provide an immediate
connection inviting them to explore linguistics structures, literary texts and cultural constructs in
memorable ways” this statement by Knapp (2012) explains why most of the audiovisual materials
included in the checklist was used by the professors to cater the needs of this generation.

In the respondents’ perception on audiovisual materials, more than half of the respondents
claimed that audiovisual aids are student-friendly and this can be somehow explained by Hawkins
(1997) when he was pioneering educational technology advocate and wrote an essay entitled: "The
World at Your Fingertips: Education Technology Opens Doors," and it is about how technology
brings the tools of empowerment into the hands and minds of those who use them. Generations of
today are known for their observable knowledge on how to effectively use the gadgets and
machines brought about by technology which makes it advantageous and user-friendly for their
professors to use these audiovisual materials.

In the level of effectiveness of audiovisual materials in delivering the instructions of the

professors. Data gathered showed that more than half of the respondents agreed that using audio
visual aids in classroom helps them in understanding the instructions, while more than a quarter
of the number of respondents answered that using audio visual aids in class is just causing
distraction. The result of the table can be connected with the research of Jakubowski (2013). In his
conducted research, it found out that the raw score for the short-term posttests which they provided
for the students were higher for participants who were given the opportunity to use illustrations
during the two cycles of the conducted study. In his research, he set two different classes and let
the students study a poetry. He allowed the second class to use illustrations connected with the
poetry. Upon assessing the students’ performances, the researchers found out that results of the
exams of the students who used illustrations were higher than those who studied the poetry alone
without any other instructional material. Teachers, with the use of their plausible ability in deciding
for the betterment of their students, use different tools to improve the learning of the students and
assess them on how audiovisual aids productively affect the students’ performances.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

Education is now more accessible because we have technology and it has developed the
way we think, work, speak and learn. Teachers who recognize digital devices as a good
instructional material change the way they touch the lives of their students. The utilization of these
devices enables the students to gather these concepts quickly but with the growing needs of the
students we can’t merely decide that any audiovisual aid is the most effective instructional tool to
use to ensure learning inside the class. Though audiovisual aids open a new door in the teaching-
learning scene, teachers must be reminded that these tools are there to lighten their burden in
teaching and the students’ burden in learning but the most essential connection that must stay
inside any class is the interaction and respect of the students to their teachers and vice-versa,
because these two will ensure the harmony and peace and everything else will come smoothly.


The present study aims to determine the effectivity of audio visual aids in the language
learning of education students and it shows the overall responses of the students on the effectivity
of audio visual materials on the language learning of the education students. Hawkins (1997),
states that another reason for technology integration is the necessity of today's students to have
21st century skills which includes knowing how and when to use technology and choosing the
most appropriate tool for the task. This statement support this study and students responded on the
common used audio-visual materials utilized by the professor of the College of Education and they
respond that laptop is the audiovisual aid utilized for the delivery of the professors’ instructions,
and they find that laptop is most commonly used which readily available, and this findings revealed
that most of the teacher uses audiovisual in delivering instruction especially nowadays students
are 21st century learners, respondents also claimed in their observation on professors utilizing of
audio visual in classrooms and most of the students claimed that the used audiovisual material are
student-friendly, and they find it suitable for them, it is important that teacher knows what
audiovisual materials will be suitable for the student’s interests.

Furthermore, Knapp (2012) proves that different generations require different forms of
instructional tools to accommodate the various needs of the students. It also states that the new
generation is exposed to visually and these visuals will aid in the widening of the language skills
of the students. Overall its effects to student’s language learning, is positively helpful and this

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

proof by the answered of the respondents to the questions about the effectiveness of audio visual
aids in their language learning and most of the students agreed that using audiovisual aids in
classroom help them in understanding the instructions clearly and make a meaningful learning
experience with the help of audiovisual materials. Therefore, these are the effects on students
whenever their professors use audiovisual aids in teaching, and the use of audiovisual aids to
students proved that it really helps them to clearly understand the lessons. It is important to give
focus on the use of audiovisual materials in order to help the students in the development of their
language learning and the professors always need to consider that audiovisuals should be aligned
with goals of the instruction for it will lead to the improvement of student’s language learning.


After a thorough analysis of data, the following recommendations are hereby made. This
research study suggests that facilitators or teachers should explore more the usage of different
audiovisual materials for three reasons. First, teacher-made videos should be explored more for
them to be able to modify the audiovisual suited for their chosen topic and to their learners. High
technology gives a wide array of audiovisual materials that can be used in the classroom, therefore
facilitators should not limit their selves in delivering the lesson in a more effective and convenient
way. One way of being more knowledgeable about audiovisual materials is by attending seminars
which provide workshops and enhancement skills in using this kind of instructional materials.
Second, audiovisual materials should be simple yet informative so that the learners could focus
more on the information rather than being distracted by the instructional material. Lastly, the usage
of audiovisual materials should be chosen appropriately based on the students’ age, level and the
students’ ability before this media applied in the classroom as the material. It should be aligned
and appropriate to the needs of the learners to avoid confusion and distraction.

Given the findings and the limitations of the present study, several recommendations can
be made for the future research to further investigate the effectivity of audiovisual materials in the
language learning of the students. One of which is that they must focus on one audiovisual material
they believe that has a great impact on the language learning of the students to be specific in their
research, thus they will have more concrete study and results.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students


Dale, E. (1946). Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching. Dryden Press. New York, USA.

Dewey, J. & Dewey, E. (1915). Schools of To-morrow. E. P. Dutton & Company. The

Knickerbocker Press. New York, USA.

Dian, E. (2014). Improving Students’ Speaking Ability by Using Audio Visual as Teaching Media.
Tanjungpura University. Indonesia

Golani, T. P. (1982). Use of Audio-visual Aids in the Secondary Schools of District Thane,
Doctoral Dissertation. Poona University. Retrieved from:

Harmer, J. (1998). How to Teach English: An Introductory to the Practice of English

Language Teaching. Pearson Education Limited. England.

Hawkins, J. (1997). The World at Your Fingertips: Education Technology Opens Doors.
Retrieved from:

Jakubowski, A. (2013). Using Visual Aids in the Secondary Language Classroom an Action
Research Study on the Use of Illustrations during TPRS Instruction. Retrieved from:

James, K. (n.d). The Audio-Visual Reader. W.M.C Brown Company, 1934. San Diego, CA.

Retrieved from:

Knapp, T. E. (2012). Picturing German: Teaching Language and Literature through Visual Art.
Retrieved from:

Konomi, D. K. (n.d). Using Visual Materials in Teaching Vocabulary in English as a Foreign

Classroom with Young Learners. Retrieved from:

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

Krashen, S. & Terell, T. (1983). The natural approach: Language acquisition in the classroom.

Retrieved from:

Merriam-Webster (1828). Meaning of Data. Retrieved from: https://www.merriam-

McKean and Roberts (2007). Moving Images and Sound: Retrieved from:

Rentoy, M. (2011). Effective Use of Instructional Materials. Retrieved from:


Uniprojects. (2017). Problems of Using of Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Social

Studies. Retrieved from:

University of Makati. Brief History of University of Makati. Retrieved from:

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students


Appendix A
Survey Questionnaire

University of Makati
J.P. Rizal Ext., West Rembo, Makati City
College of Education

Good day! We are the students from IV-A English majors of the College of Education. We
are asking for a minute of your time to fill out this survey form which we are conducting to gather
data for our research paper focusing on the effects of audiovisual materials on the language
learning of the students in the College of Education as a requirement for our research in the major
field. Please be assured that the data gathered will be organized with confidentiality.

Name: (optional) Year & Section

Gender: Age:
Kindly check the appropriate answers according to your observation.

I. Checklist of Audiovisual materials used by the professors

Audiovisual materials used by the professors: Yes No Not
a. Laptop
b. Cellphone
c. LCD Projector
d. Television
e. Speakers (sound)
f. PowerPoint Presentation
g. Motion Pictures
h. Graphs
i. Charts
j. Online videos
k. Teacher-made videos
l. Online applications

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

II. Level of perception on Audiovisual materials

Perception on audiovisual materials Very Much Little Very Not

much little at all
a. Audiovisual materials help the professors
in delivering the lesson creatively
b. Professors often use audiovisual materials
in delivering the lesson or instructions to
ensure understanding
c. Audiovisual materials are important in
making the discussion participative
d. With the use of audiovisual materials,
learners become active
e. Audiovisual materials catch attention to
focus on the lesson
f. The use of audiovisual materials cause
distraction on the lesson
g. Audiovisual materials are student-friendly
h. Audiovisual materials take time to be set-
up in the class
i. Activities with the use of audiovisual are
more enjoyable
j. The use of audio visual aids is a
motivating way to increase language

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

III. Level of effectiveness of Audiovisual materials

Effects of audiovisual materials 5 4 3 2 1

(excellent) (good) (average) (fair) (poor)
a. Understanding of instructions
occur through the use of
audiovisual aids
b. Audiovisual aids give clarity to
the delivery of the lesson
c. Audiovisual aids provide
understanding about the lesson
d. Audiovisual aids make learning
long lasting
e. Audiovisual aids make difficult
things simpler to understand
f. Audiovisual aids make the flow
of the lesson meaningful
g. Audiovisual aids in English class
helps develop language learning
h. Audiovisual materials develop
eagerness to learn
i. Audio visual aids make the
discussion boring
j. Audiovisual aids cause
k. Audiovisual aids attract interest
l. Audiovisual materials maintain
the focus and attention.

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

Appendix B

SPSS Results

Reliability Statistics on the Table of Perception

on the Use of Audiovisual Materials
Cronbach's Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Alpha Standardized Items N of Items
.808 .840 10

Reliability Statistics on the Table of Effectivity

of the Use of Audiovisual Materials
Cronbach's Alpha Based on
Cronbach's Alpha Standardized Items N of Items
.870 .901 12

Descriptive Statistics of Respondents’ Answers

on the Checklist of Audiovisual Materials
q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10 q11 q12
N Valid 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Mean 2.987 2.537 2.950 2.912 2.850 2.925 2.662 2.737 2.712 2.800 2.337 2.687
Mode 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Std. D .1118 .63533 .21932 .32584 .39298 .30914 .59414 .52153 .53234 .53722 .69252 .58664

Descriptive Statistics of Respondents’ Answers on their

Perception on the Use of Audiovisual Materials
q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10
N Valid 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Mean 4.4500 4.3625 4.4125 4.3125 4.2625 2.9500 4.0750 3.8750 4.1750 4.2750
Mode 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Std. D .61418 .62122 .66929 .72205 .75881 1.21071 .68943 .83249 .72522 .65555

Effectivity of Audiovisual Materials in the Language Learning of Education Students

Descriptive Statistics of Respondents’ Answers on the

Effectivity of the Use of Audiovisual Materials

q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10
N Valid 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Mean 4.4500 4.3625 4.4125 4.3125 4.2625 2.9500 4.0750 3.8750 4.1750 4.2750
Mode 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Std. D .61418 .62122 .66929 .72205 .75881 1.21071 .68943 .83249 .72522 .65555


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