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[f il rlunsonv,luLY 4, 2o1e

existing protocols and tactics in its cam-
paign against terrorism.
"But let us not be too quick to draw
conclusions on nalionality since prior to
this incident, therc has been no reported
Filipino suicide bomber ever
Lasuca could just be one of the many
local Islamic €xtrcmisti who have been
indoctrinated and trained by foreign ter-
rorists as suicide bombers, and the In-
Apart from amending the provisions Nueva Ecija fiom Monday to Wednesday. danan incident could be the prelude to
of the Human Security Act to give it Nograles said the country's archipe- more deadlier attacks.
more teeth against terrorism, Puwersa ng lagic nature had made it very difficult Accordingto rcports, one ofthe suicide
Bayaning Atleta Party-list Rep. Jericho to secure its border, and this was aggra- bombers detonated himsellwhen he was
Nograles said next year's national budget vated by the fact that the Bureau of Im- accosted by Army personnel manning a
should include allotments to strengthen migration and the Transport department checkpoint near the command post ofthe
the country's border security. were far behind in the use of aeterrent lst BCT. After the fi$t detonation, the
He made the statement even as Army technologies rrrch as biomelric and face- second suicide bombet reportedly rushed
ChiefMacairog Alberto met with Israeli Am- recognition surveillance systems. inside the command post before setting
bassadot to t'he Philippines Rafael H4rpaz to
'"Terrorists so in and out of the
"Terrorists can go offthe bomb he was canying.
exchange vi€ws on corufefterofism in Fort country even by using our airports and Eight people were killed while 22 others
Bonifacio in Taguig City on Tiresday were injured in the attack that military ol
. Harpaz's made his courtesy call follow- ficials claim to be the fint suicide bombing
ing the Counter-Tenorisrn Trainers Train- attack involving a Filipino tenorist. The other
ing between the Philippine Army and the bomb is vet to be identified but WESMIN-
lsrael Defense Forces in fod Magsaysay in COM claim he is Caucasiim. with PNA

npaea- -AQ,t/

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