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The criminology is the scientific study of the causes, control, consequences, management
and prevention of the criminal behavior. The crimen is study from different areas like the
medicine, genetic, anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc.

One of the most importants is the psychology, it is the study of the external human behaviors
and his relation with the mental process unconscious. Freud was a psychologist that study
the human behavior from differents theories, especially the psychosexual stages, where
each stage influence the personality of the person.

The first stage is the oral, it starts from the birth to eighteen months ago, where the pleasure
is concentrated in the infant’s mouth. The infant expresses his necessities with his mouth.
The oral stimulation is crucial in this stage, exists a necessity for tasting and sucking to
produce pleasure. If this stage is dissatisfied the kid can develop behaviors like the thumb
sucking, smoking, overeating, nail biting, and alcoholism.

The second stage is the anal, in this stage the pleasure is focus on the bowels and bladder,
the parents teach to have bladder control during this period. The fixation in this stage can be
in the anal-retention or anal-expulsion. It last from eighteen months to three years old. The
anal stage is relationated with the self control, learning and order. In case of this stage was
insattisfated the person is going to have bad behaviors, problems like the patrimonial
retention, disorganized, messy and destructive.

The third stage the phallic, it begins at three years old and finish at six or seven years old. It
is the most important of those, because the child define his personality and sexual
orientation. Also it’s called like the mirror stage therefore the infant find someone who he can
follow in his behavior. If the child suffers from abuse can develop psychopathy or sociopathy.

The next is the latency stage, where the libido is sleepy, and the child set his personality and
skills abilities. Additionality this start at 6 o 7 years old and finish at 11 or 12 years.

The last stage is the genital, it starts in mens from the 14 years old, and in womans begins at
12 years old, and ends at 18 years old. In this stage the person start to reflect the interest to
another to the opposite sex. Also, in this stage the pleasure is focused in the genitals and is
expressed in the orgasm.

Sigmund Freud also studied the complex, like the oedipus complex, castration complex, and
the electra complex. The first consist in the fixation for the person who gives protection and
disqualifies the person who does not gives that protection. The second is relationated with
the low self esteem that had a kid, and thought that if he was a girl would have attention.
The last is suffered for girls that don’t like the female genre and only likes the men genre.

Freud proposed a set of defense mechanisms, that mechanisms exists to justificate the bad
behaviors, they are:
● Projection: is to project in other person that he wants to do, but he can't.
● Introjection: when someone feels guilty for everything.
● Transference: to transfer a behavior to a object.
● Reaction formation: to concentrate a bad behavior to another activity.
● Sublimation: redirecting ‘wrong’ urges into socially acceptable actions.
● Rationalization: creating false but believable justifications.
● Regression: going back to a previous moments.

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