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Freud’s Psychosexual Stages Worksheet

Go to the following website: and use the

information to fill out this worksheet.

1. Overview

a. How did Freud believe that we develop?



b. What causes a child to become fixated on a particular erogenous zone?

___________________ ____________________.

c. What is the result of this over fixation in adult life?



2. Oral Stage (________ to _____ months)

a. During this stage, the child is focused on ______________ pleasures; otherwise known

as _______________.

b. List the tendencies in adulthood for this type of personality:

i. ______________________

ii. ______________________

iii. ______________________

iv. ______________________

c. What are the personality characteristics of these individuals?


3. Anal Stage (_____ months to _________ years)

a. What is the focus of pleasure in this stage? ____________________________________

b. What can an anal fixation result in? Describe and identify both anal retentive and





4. Phallic Stage (ages ___________ to __________)

a. The pleasure zone in this stage is ___________________.

b. Describe the Oedipus Complex:





c. In the Electra Complex, girls develop _____________________ sexual attraction to

their _________________.

i. Did Freud agree with this (circle one) YES NO

d. According to Freud, why do boys eventually decide to identify with their fathers?



e. By identifying with his father, the boy develops __________________ characteristics

and ____________________ his sexual feelings toward his mother.

f. What does a fixation at this stage result in?


5. Latency Stage (age ________ to _______________)

a. Describe what happens at this stage




6. Genital Stage (____________________)

a. Why does this stage begin at the start of puberty?


b. To where do adolescents direct their sexual urges?


c. The primary focus of pleasure is in the __________________________.

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