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Educ 1 -
Reshell kwin B. Ramos
Name: ________________________________________

Course & Year: ____Professional Education_________

Instructor: _________Ms. Adelina O. Antonio_________

July 09, 2022

Date Submitted: _________________________________


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Summer 2022


Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. define human development in your own words;
2. draw some principles of human development;
3. define developmental tasks in your own words;
4. identify developmental stages and describe the developmental tasks in each stage; and
5. state for yourself how these developmental tasks affect your role as a facilitator of

Let’s Get Started

Lesson 1 – Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and Approaches

As you read this module and do the desired activities, you are undergoing the process of
development. What principles govern this development? What do experts say about

Activity 1

Research on the following and answer the following questions:

1. What is human development?

Refers to the biological and psychological development of the human being throughout the lifespan.
It consists of the development from infancy, childhood, and adolescence to adulthood. According to Measure
of America, human development is defined as a process if enlarging people’s freedom and opportunities and
improving their well-being. It’s about real freedom ordinary have to decide who to be, what to do and how to live.
The human development concept was developed by economist Dr. mahbub ul Haq in year 1970’s

2. State at least three (3) major principles of human development and explain each briefly.
a. Development is relatively orderly
Development occurs in a relatively orderly sequence, with later abilities, skills, and knowledge building on those
already acquired. In this principle we have two patterns, the proximodistal pattern and cephalocaudal pattern.
When we say proximodistal pattern it’s develops from the center of the body outwards, the muscular control of the
trunk and the urns comes earlier as compared to the hand and finger. Second is the cephalocaudal pattern this
pattern is develop proceeds from the head downward. and will gain physical control of their head first.
After this, physical control will move downward to the arms and toe.

While the pattern of development my be similar, the outcomes of development processes and the use of development
are likely to vary among individuals. Example; home with a loving and caring parents the child develop to become
warm and responsible adolescents. while if the home with deprived environment the child develop carefree and
irresponsible adolescents. it simply means that the individual differences in developmental characteristics are
base on their experience and events that will influence their development.

Development takes place gradually, it take weeks, months, years to undergo changes. like for example a plant,
the bud of the plant does not blossom suddenly it take time, it needs water, minerals for the plant to grow so while
changes occur in flash of insight more often it take weeks months years for a person to undergo changes that result
in the display of developmental characteristics.

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3. Differentiate between proximodistal pattern of development from cephalo-caudal

pattern of development.
The difference between proximodistal pattern and cephalocaudal pattern is that the proximodistal pattern development
proceeds from the center of the body outward. Growth starts at the centre of the body and moves towards the extremities.
While the cephalocaudal pattern development from head to foot or toe, and will gain physical control of their head first.
After this, physical control will move downward to the arms and toe.


1. Explain the meaning of this statement “Growth is an evidence of life.”

We live life to learn. To choose our thought processes, to choose how to work with others, choose an occupation, to meet
and hopefully form relationships, interact with children, animals, learn compassion, and come to learn who we are inside.
All of these create an environment, This only means the growth for a personal interpretation to a person means we must
value our selves in this world on how to cope with environmental changes in order to survive. such as, health lifestyle
proper and healthy diet as well as exercise.

2. Define development in your own words.

In my own words, development cannot be measured unlike growth so anything that happened to us in terms of
series of conditions that leads to activities like the defferent skills in reading and writing, we know how to read, we
know how to write, we know how to walk when we were child so those things refer to development.

Write down your reflections about Lesson 1.

After all that has been said above I think that we are really different from each other.No matter how similar
we may appear to be, there will always be a difference due to the different factors that influence our development
as a human. We are all in different environment, surrounded by different people, and we are all have different
genetic structures.

Lesson 2 – The Stages of Development and Developmental Tasks

For every developmental stage, there is an expected developmental task. What happen
when the expected development tasks are not achieved at the corresponding developmental
stage? How can you help children achieve these developmental tasks?

Activity 1

Research on the different developmental stages. Describe the developmental tasks for
each developmental stage.

1. Pre-natal Period
Conception occurs and development begins. All of the major structures of the body are forming and the health
of the mother is of primary concern. Understanding nutrition, teratogens (or environmental factors that can lead
to birth defects), and labor and delivery are primary concerns.

2. Infancy (from birth to 2 years)

The first year and a half to two years of life are ones of dramatic growth and change. A newborn, with a keen sense
of hearing but very poor vision is transformed into a walking, talking toddler within a relatively short period of time
Caregivers are also transformed from someone who manages feeding and sleep schedulesto a constantly moving
guide and safety inspector for a mobile, energetic child.

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3. Early Childhood (3 to 5 years)

Early childhood is also referred to as the preschool years consisting of the years which follow toddlerhood and precede
formal schooling. As a three to five-year-old, the child is busy learning language, is gaining a sense of self and
greater independence, and is beginning to learn the workings of the physical world. This knowledge does
not come quickly, however, and preschoolers may have initially have interesting conceptions of size,time, space and
distance such as fearing that they may go down the drain if they sit at the front of the bathtub or by demonstrating.

4. Middle and Late Childhood (6 to 12 years)

The ages of six through eleven comprise middle childhood and much of what children experience at this age is
connected to their involvement in the early grades of school. Now the world becomes one of learning and testing new
academic skills and by assessing one’s abilities and accomplishments by making comparisons between self and others.
Schools compare students and make these comparisons public through team sports, test scores, and other forms of
recognition. Growth rates slow down and children are able to refine their motor skills at this point in life.

5. Adolescence (13 to 18 years)

Adolescence is a period of dramatic physical change marked by an overall physical growth spurt and sexual maturation,
known as puberty. It is also a time of cognitive change as the adolescent begins to think of new possibilities and
to consider abstract concepts such as love, fear, and freedom. Ironically, adolescents have a sense of invincibility
that puts them at greater risk of dying from accidents or contracting sexually transmitted infections that can have
lifelong consequences.

6. Early Adulthood (19 to 29 years)

The twenties and thirties are often thought of as early adulthood. (Students who are in their mid 30s tend to love
to hear that they are a young adult!). It is a time when we are at our physiological peak but are most at risk for
involvement in violent crimes and substance abuse. It is a time of focusing on the future and putting a lot of energy into
making choices that will help one earn the status of a full adult in the eyes of others.Love and work are primary
concerns at this stage of life.

7. Middle Adulthood (30 to 60 years)

The late thirties through the mid-sixties is referred to as middle adulthood. This is a period in which aging, that began
earlier, becomes more noticeable and a period at which many people are at their peak of productivity in love and work.
It may be a period of gaining expertise in certain fields and being able to understand problems and find solutions
with greater efficiency than before. It can also be a time of becoming more realistic about possibilities in life previously
considered; of recognizing the difference between what is possible and what is likely.

8. Late Adulthood (60 years and above)

This period of the life span has increased in the last 100 years, particularly in industrialized countries. Late adulthood
is sometimes subdivided into two or three categories such as the “young old” and “old old” or the “young old”,
“old old”, and “oldest old”. We will follow the former categorization and make the distinction between the “young old”
who are people between 65 and 79 and the “old old” or those who are 80 and older.


1. Does a developmental task in a higher level require accomplishment of the higher

level developmental tasks? Why or why not?
Yes - development is sequential, with later skills building upon earlier skills. For example, fine motor development
that is appropriate for young children leads to later skills - stringing beads, using tweezers,all those games
using the fingers improving their strength and dexterity, eventually make handwriting much simpler
more controlled and less tiring.

2. How does your knowledge of the different developmental stages and the
developmental tasks affect your role as a a teacher or a facilitator of learning?
its affect my role as a teacher, because Teachers need to understand what developmental tasks are typical of children
and adolescents at different ages mostly for three reasons; one, so that they can teach to the whole child, and assist
students in achieving developmental milestones; two, so that they can teach appropriately, with expectations for

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children that match their developmental stages and abilities.; and three, so that they can support the child in his
education by watching for possible problems around achieving age-appropriate skills and behaviours. Of course,
developmental guidelines and their associated tasks are generalizations. The teacher must also always consider
that an individual student may or may not fit into those “standard”


Reflect on your early childhood, middle and late childhood days. Were you able to
acquire the developmental tasks of early, middle and late childhood? What facilitated your
acquisitions of the ability to perform such tasks? Write your reflections.
Yes, i was able to because my parents never took “No” for an answer. They always believed you
can find a way to do something and that helped me a alot.

Prepared by:



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