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My 12 Week Plan:

Leading with Purpose

OCTOBER 1, 2020
Remember the Basics:
Week 9: Demonstrate Ubuntu
(Our Well-Being is Tied to the Well-Being of Others)
Quote 17, from Boyd Varty:
“In a more collective society, we realize from the inside that our own well-being is deeply tied The Pando Aspen Grove in Utah is a Forest
to the well-being of others. Danger is shared. Pain is shared. Joy is shared. Achievement is which makes up a single organism connected
shared. Houses are shared. Food is shared. Ubuntu asks us to open our hearts and to share,
and what Solly taught me that day is the essence of this value, his animated, empathetic action by an underground root system
in every moment.” (Varty, 2013, 8:44)
This quote explains the idea of Ubuntu and just how important it is for a society or group of people
to have. Ubuntu is the realization that our own well-being is tied to the well-being of others.
Genuinely caring for others and opening your heart to other people is the key to creating a work
environment that fosters good relationships. Acting empathetically makes everyone feel more
comfortable and less stressed because they know everyone has their back and everyone is willing to
help one another.

Quote 18, from Varty:

"What Elvis and the herd taught me caused me to expand my definition of ubuntu… And it is
not only through other people that we get to experience our humanity but through all the
creatures that live on this planet. If Africa has a gift to share, it's a gift of a more collective
society. And while it's true that ubuntu is an African idea, what I see is the essence of that
value being invented here.” (Varty, 2013, 12:01)
Ubuntu is important because we must understand that our experiences are created not just through
other people, but also the creatures on the planet. It is important to act empathetically towards
people and other living creatures that share our planet to make our experience of humanity more
positive. Looking out for yourself and only yourself will not help you as a leader.
Qualitative Question 6:

How do you treat the members of your

team, inside and outside of the
conference room?
Week 9: Demonstrate Ubuntu (cont’d)
Kouzes and Posner quote 22
“’If you cannot trust others, then you will fail
Kouzes and Posner quote 21
to become a leader precisely because you are “Extraordinary performance isn’t possible
not able to be dependent on the words and unless there’s a strong sense of shared
works of others. You will end up doing all of creation and shared responbsibility.
the work yourself or micromanaging the work Exemplary leaders make the commitment to
so intensely that your constituents will despise Foster Collaboration by engaging in these
you.’” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 257/451
E-Book Location)
essentials: Create a Climate of Trust;
Facilitate Relationships.” (Kouzes and
This quote shows why it is so important for Posner 2017, pg. 255/451 E-Book Location)
leaders to be the first to trust. Being the first
person to trust in your team shows that you are As a Leader, creating a shared vision is
committed to the team and believe in their essential to enabling others to act. Using the
capabilities. If a Leader is not first to trust their idea of Ubuntu (I am because we are) can help
constituents, the constituents will never fully
trust the leader. You will make the team despise build motivation and foster creativity in a team.
you and, on top of that, they will not be able to A leader must demonstrate Ubuntu by fostering
complete any task without your assistance. You a climate of trust between all constituents and
will end up feeling like you need to by creating relationships with your constituents
micromanage all the time. to make them feel more comfortable.
Week 9: Demonstrate Ubuntu
Add’l Quote 19, from Marcel Mauss:

“To trade, the first condition was to be able to lay aside the spear. From
then onwards they succeeded in exchanging goods and persons, no
longer only between clans, but between tribes and nations, and, above
all, between individuals. Only then did people learn how to create
mutual interests, giving mutual satisfaction, and, in the end, to defend
them without having to resort to arms.” (Mauss, 1954, pg. 105-106)
When you stop acting defensively and look to create mutual interests, you
will be able to foster an environment of open communication and mutual
satisfaction. As a Leader you must be able to manage conflict and debate “Look to Create Mutual Interests”
topics internally without creating a hostile environment. When all people - Marcel Mauss
agree to lay down their weapons and defend themselves without resorting to
arms, the people will feel much more comfortable and freer to express how
they feel. When you want to have information flow freely through your
organization you must learn how to create mutual interests that lead to
mutual satisfaction so that there is incentive for one department to “trade”
with all the other departments in the organization.
Week 9: Demonstrate Ubuntu (cont’d)
Quote 20, from Marcel Mauss:
“The obligation to reciprocate worthily is imperative. One loses face for ever
if one does not reciprocate, or if one does not carry out destruction of
equivalent value. The punishment for failure to reciprocate is slavery for
debt.”(Mauss, 1954, pg. 54)
When someone does something selfless to help you or benefit you, it is your
obligation to reciprocate that act. When you are taking from others and not
returning the favor, you will “lose face” and in turn, lose respect. If you receive,
you need to reciprocate the favor and give something back. You will notice people
will begin to stop giving and reciprocating if they keep giving with nothing ever
coming of it.

Quote 21, from Marcel:

“You know, if you have a friend, In whom you have confidence, And if you wish to get good results, Your soul
must blend in with his, And you must exchange presents, And frequently pay him visits.” (Mauss, 1954, pg. 2)
Our well-being is tied to the well-being of others. If you have a friend or a co-worker that you are confident in,
you must develop a relationship with that person and offer them help often. You must exchange words with them
that are open and honest if you want to get good results. Mistrust leads to lies being told and intentions being
Triumvirate (Co-Mentoring Team) Quotes & Reflections:

“Forgiving someone is not easy, nor is it cheap. An exemplary leader lets his constituents know
that he understands the suffering they have experienced has contributed to who they are now
and that he will help reconcile their feelings toward the matter. A Leader should open wounds so
that people can cleanse these feelings without denying them, and not allow them to continue to
– Louie Galaz
I have included this quote from my Co-Mentor Louie because it aligns the values of Ubuntu with the
aspects of the “Truth and Reconciliation” Video about Tutu and the TRC. Forgiveness is not an easy
thing to accomplish, but it is essential to remaining level-headed and centered. If our well-being is tied
to the well-being of all people and living creatures on the planet, we must learn to address and heal
our wounds, so they do not continue to fester and influence us negatively. An exemplary leader will
communicate with his constituents, develop relationships with them, and make sure they are not being
held back by suffering they have experienced in the past. Leaders need to genuinely care about their
constituents and having an “Out of sight, Out of mind” outlook on people’s suffering will only foster a
negative environment.
Week 10: Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities
Kouzes and Posner quote 23
TO DO today (in the…FUTURE!):
“Leaders accept and act on this paradox of power: you become more 1. Challenge the Process by reading
powerful when you give your power away. Long before empowerment
articles about habits of successful
entered the mainstream vocabulary, exemplary leaders understood how
important it was for their constituents to feel strong, capable, and people and practice them.
efficacious.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 286/451 E-Book Location) 2. Enable to my brother to learn by
lending him How to Win Friends and
Leaders gain respect by showing humility and by giving power to others to Influence People
make them feel confident. By giving responsibilities to your constituents you
enable them to grow and learn which will motivate them to contribute to the
team’s mission. You must not beat down your constituents and expect them to
improve, but as a Leader, you need to make them feel capable and effective. To Earn Respect, A
Leaders are responsible for empowering their constituents so that more Leader Must Give
possibilities can be realized, and more opportunities can be chased. Leaders
that do not give away any power to constituents will feel like everything is Respect.
pilling up on his/her plate and they will never get around to looking for new
opportunities or trying to innovate.
Week 10: Enable Others and Discover Opportunities
Kouzes and Posner quote 24
“Freedom is the ability to make choices. People who perceive they don’t
have any choices feel trapped, and like rats in a maze, when left with no
alternatives, they typically stop moving, and eventually shut down. By giving
genuine autonomy, leaders can reduce the sense of powerlessness and stress
that people feel and increase their willingness to exercise more fully their
capabilities.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 291/451 E-Book Location)

Leaders need to create an environment that offers their constituents freedom, or

at least the perception that they are free to choose. Offering a few options or
approaches to a problem and giving team members the option to decide will
make them feel empowered and capable in the work they do. People that feel like
they have no options will freeze up and stop growing., They will do just enough
to get by until their motivation is completely depleted, and they despise their
Leader. Having freedom will reduce the stress and trapped feeling constituents
Making the perception of freedom to get from being powerless, which enables them challenge themselves and improve
choose, but those choices are either false individually.
ones or not choices at all.
Qualitative Question 7:

In addition to your strengths as a

communicator, what challenges or areas of
improvement should you focus on, to
improve your communications with team
Week 10: Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities
Kouzes and Posner quote 25

“Even if people know how to do something, a lack of

confidence may stop them from doing it. Strengthening others
is an essential step in a psychological process that affects the
intrinsic need for self-determination.” (Kouzes and Posner
2017, pg. 304/451 E-Book Location)
Leaders need to welcome opportunities by building constituent's
confidence in the work they do. People will not try new things or
be determined to improve their skills if their leader constantly puts
them down and restricts them from having freedom. When people
have confidence and self-determination, possibilities and
opportunities emerge that would have never been realized if
everyone was too insecure to be confident in their findings.
Week 10: Welcome Possibilities/Opportunities

Quote 22, from Marcel Mauss’s The Gift:

“In reality this symbol of social life—the permanence of
influence over the things exchanged—serves merely to reflect
somewhat directly the manner in which the subgroups in
these segmented societies, archaic in type and constantly
enmeshed with one another, feel that they are everything to
one another.” (Mauss, 1954, pg. 43)

When a group of people begin to become mutually dependent on

the exchange of information or good between one another, they You Cannot Always Do
feel that they are useless without the other group. Sub-Groups Things Yourself, Relying on
that become enmeshed with one another naturally begin to care Others to Give You a Hand
about the other group and are willing to sacrifice things for them.
A Leader needs to create an environment that encourages sub-
is Essential When Working
groups to interact and cooperate with one another so that they in a Group.
become less divided and more efficient. This opens the door for
opportunities that would not have been realized otherwise.
Week 9 and Week 10 “Wrap-Up”:
Ubuntu: This is the idea that our personal well-being is tied to the well-being of others. A Leader must understand that giving genuine
concern and respect to their constituents will create an environment where members are willing to help each other. This will lead to positive
personal relationships developing and everyone feeling comfortable with each other. Using this concept enables others to act and work towards
their potential.
Enable Others to Welcome Opportunities: Opportunities will never be discovered if a leader does not enable others to act. When you
enable your team to make decisions and give feedback you will discover opportunities that would have gone unnoticed. When you foster an
environment that encourages cooperation and transparent communication you will open the doors for efficient and productive team members
that work well with one another.
A. “Freedom is the ability to make choices. People who perceive they don’t have any choices feel trapped, and like rats in a maze, when left with
no alternatives, they typically stop moving, and eventually shut down. By giving genuine autonomy, leaders can reduce the sense of
powerlessness and stress that people feel and increase their willingness to exercise more fully their capabilities.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017,
pg. 291/451 E-Book Location)
B. “Leaders accept and act on this paradox of power: you become more powerful when you give your power away. Long before empowerment
entered the mainstream vocabulary, exemplary leaders understood how important it was for their constituents to feel strong, capable, and
efficacious.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 286/451 E-Book Location)
C. “You know, if you have a friend, In whom you have confidence, And if you wish to get good results, Your soul must blend in with his, And you
must exchange presents, And frequently pay him visits.” (Mauss, 1954, pg. 2)
Personal Connection: When I first was hired at my job my boss tended to micromanage every task he assigned to me. He did not enable me to
act so much as he showed me exactly how to act. This was not helpful and lead to problems going unnoticed for longer than they should have.
Once I had earned my bosses respect and he trusted me more, I was able to uncover opportunities that were mutually beneficial. Fostering an
environment that allows open communication and enables others to reach their true potential. Without it, there will be problems that never get
discussed and conflict that could have been avoided.
Even ifif you
you think
think the
the outcome
outcome will
will be
be the
the same
same regardless
of the
the approach,
approach, you
you must
must give
give people
people the
the perception
perception of
having thethe freedom
freedom to
to choose.
Week 11: Enable Others to Grow
Quote 23, from Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own Spark Notes:
“By addressing this question, she hopes to situate the
problem of women and fiction in an objective and
historicized framework—in rejection of a theoretical
tradition founded on the assumption that women are
naturally inferior to men.” ( Spark Notes Summary,
Chapter 1, pg. 2)
Virginia Woolf Challenged the process just as Leader’s need
to challenge the process. Leaders are willing to discuss and
debate controversial topics to better the well-being of their
constituents. Leaders need to be able to convince their
constituents to implement innovative ideas. Leaders willing to TO DO today:
challenge the process open the door for new ideas and  Be humble when speaking with my
opportunities to be realized. This allows people that have a Parents while in front of my little
different point of view on a problem to feel like they can
speak up and be heard by the leader.
 Say Thanks to my family and Max for
being supportive/patient.
Week 11: Enable Others to Grow
Quote 24, from The Art of War
“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their
projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while
you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.” (Sun Tzu, The
Art of War)
Leaders must model the way by remaining consistent in their actions and words. This creates and environment
where your constituents can know what to expect on a daily basis, which will make them comfortable. This
prepares them to be able to react to unexpected situations more effectively because their minds are not being
occupied by daily responsibilities since they can predict those outcomes. Acting consistently allows leaders to
build credibility with their constituents and make them comfortable in the team.

“Consistent Action
Creates Consistent Results”
– Christine Kane

To what extent do you actively listen when

communicating with your team?
Week 11: Enable Others to Grow
Kouzes and Posner quote 26 Kouzes and Posner quote 27
“By putting these essentials [Expect the Best, “People need to know if they’re making
Personalize Recognition] into practice, you progress toward the goal or simply marking
uplift people’s spirits and arouse the internal time. Their motivation to perform a task
drive to strive. You stimulate their efforts to increases only when they have a challenging
reach for higher levels of performance and to goal and receive feedback on their
aspire to be faithful to the visions and values of progress.”(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg.
the organization. You help people find the 326/451 E-Book Location)
courage to do things that they have never done High expectations without feedback on progress
before.”(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 319/451 achieved is the perfect way to discourage your
E-Book Location) Constituents constituents. You must motivate your team by
giving them feedback on their progress up to this
Challenging point. This will increase their ambition to do a
Leading involves motivating and inspiring your Constituents good job for the rest of the project.
constituents. Enabling the heart by giving people
individual praise for a job well done will build their
self-esteem and give them the courage to try new
things. Having high expectations for your team
while maintaining a balance of encouragement and TO DO Today
challenges, will motivate them to do their best 1. Cook Dinner for Siblings and Facetime
work. Leaders should not make the team feel
Parents to see how they are doing.
helpless and lost, but they do need to set high
expectations for them.
2. Surprise our Operations Manager and my
Boss with a small gift for their desks.

“Working hard consistently requires a lot of ambition and motivation to

succeed and grow. When leaders hold their constituents to high expectations
but do not give feedback on the progress that has been made, it makes people
shut down and feel like they are not doing well. It discourages constituents
which will inevitably cause them to not contribute or leave altogether.”
– Angelina Padilla
I included this quote from my Co-Mentor Angelina Padilla because it shows how
important feedback is to keeping everyone involved and motivated. When leaders
do not offer feedback or only give feedback when people make mistakes, they will
not develop relationships with anyone, and everyone will be more stressed. Positive
interactions and personal relationships are essential to maintaining an environment
people look forward to working in and strive to reach their full potential. It is hard
to get people to open up after they have shut down, so giving positive feedback
should be a primary focus for the leader from the start.
Week 12: Build Genuine Relationships
Kouzes and Posner quote 28
“Supportive relationships at work – relationships characterized by a genuine
belief in and advocacy for the interests of others – are essential in maintaining
personal and organization vitality. People who don’t like the folks they’re working
with don’t do their best work or stick around very long.” (Kouzes and Posner
2017, pg. 354/451 E-Book Location)
Building relationships with your constituents is essential to leading a strong and
efficient team. If you want your constituents to work with you long-term, a Leader
must develop a personal relationship with all of them. People want to feel recognized
as an individual when in a group.; they want to get feedback and praise for doing a
good job. Having a personal relationship with someone makes it easier to give
professional, constructive feedback while maintaining a positive environment. A strong
team includes members who are genuinely interested in one another’s success. A
Leader should adjust the organization’s values to be somewhat aligned with the team’s
personal values.

TO DO today (… in a FUTURE DAY that is…):

 Be humble when speaking with Max (other assistant at work)
 Say Thanks to My Boss.
 Show thanks by Getting him a gift that he needs.
 Take care of MYSELF by start reading personal development and
leadership books daily
Week 12: Build Genuine Relationships
“Slow down and make building relationships as important as
building projects” – Greg Mortension
Kouzes and Posner quote 29
“But an obsession with being seen as a role model can lead to being focused on
your own values and your way of doing things. It can cause you to discount
others’ views and be closed to feedback. It can push you into isolation for fear
of losing privacy or being ‘found out.’ It can also cause you to be more
concerned with style than substance.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 390/451
E-Book Location)

A Leader cannot become obsessed with trying to look like the best role model.
This causes them to think they always have the best answers and refuse to take
feedback seriously. Once the Leader starts doing this, they will try more and more
to keep up the act and lose the respect of their constituents. Acting genuinely is the
best way to build relationships with your constituents and you must consistently
behave like a Leader, getting better over time and showing people you are a good
role model. It is not possible to do on the first day, practice makes perfect.
Week 12: Build Genuine Relationships
Kouzes and Posner quote 30
“Learning about yourself and about leadership, however, are not the same
as leading. Deciding to be an exemplary leader is not the same as being
one. Leading is doing. You need to make leading a daily habit. You need to
do something every day to learn more about leading, and you need to put
those lessons into practice every day.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg.
397/451 E-Book Location)

Although learning about yourself and leadership is essential to leading, it is not

everything. This cannot be all you focus on as a leader because you will not
develop relationships with your constituents. Over time, by learning about
leadership and practicing what you learn daily, you will become the Leader and
Role Model you strive to be. The title alone cannot make you a role model to
your constituents. Only developing yourself and your leadership skills will you
earn the respect and status of role model from your team.

TO DO today:
1. Celebrate today with siblings and friends by cooking for them all
2. Reciprocate the patience my boss show me by not talking back or giving him

What areas of strength would you like to see

yourself continue to build on?
Enable Others to Grow: As a leader, you must create an environment that enables others to grow personally and grow their self-confidence. By
remaining consistent in your behavior and actions, in good times and bad you let your constituents know that they can rely on you to be
predictable. This makes them feel comfortable when things are going smoothly and better prepared to act when things go sideways. You want to
have a good balance of challenging your team and teaching your team so they can grow without becoming overwhelmed and shut down.
Build Genuine Relationships: Genuine relationships are key to enabling others to grow. People who do not like their co-workers will not stay
around for long. When people feel they are genuinely cared about they will want to stay in that comfortable environment and will treat it more like
a family. Family members will always look out for one another and look out for the best interests of everyone. When your team has built genuine
relationships this means they have been open and honest with each other and everyone respects one another. This is the best environment to create
when working towards being an exemplary leader.
1. “Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns
of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.” (Sun Tzu, The Art of War)
2. “Supportive relationships at work – relationships characterized by a genuine belief in and advocacy for the interests of others – are essential in
maintaining personal and organization vitality. People who don’t like the folks they’re working with don’t do their best work or stick around very
long.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 354/451 E-Book Location)
3. “But an obsession with being seen as a role model can lead to being focused on your own values and your way of doing things. It can cause you
to discount others’ views and be closed to feedback. It can push you into isolation for fear of losing privacy or being ‘found out.’ It can also cause
you to be more concerned with style than substance.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 390/451 E-Book Location)
Personal Connection: For the first couple of years after being hired by my current boss I did not understand the importance of building genuine
relationships. He would always invite me to do things that were not work related just to spend time with me, but I would always think “Why would
I want to spend even more of my day with my boss?” Once I came to the realization that not only is building relationships essential to working in a
team and efficiently working together, but it relieves the stress associated with him being my boss and me being his assistant. It allows each of us to
openly talk about topics both professional and personal.

I always had the perception that being an exemplary leader was accomplished through personal development and practicing
the leadership skills you learn. But this is only half of the puzzle. Leaders need to enable and encourage their constituents to
reach their full potential. A Leader needs to treat his constituents like family. As a leader, genuinely caring about your
constituent’s well-being and showing genuine appreciation when they make progress will help you gain respect and open the
door to conversations that people would have felt uncomfortable having previously. When the Leader acts this way
consistently, they create a team that looks up their leader and will be more prepared to take on an unexpected problem
because they do not have to worry about what their leader might do next. Developing relationships with others and
encouraging others to do their best are key parts of leadership I was overlooking. Without practicing and implementing these
aspects of leadership, there is not a chance you will become an exemplary leader whose team would do anything for. There is
no “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” with personal relationships and feelings in a group of people. If personal connections are
ignored and the leader treats everyone like robots, the team will dislike each other and eventually fall apart. If you only focus
on yourself, you build up an ego that you begin to try and protect by acting like you are better than everyone else. This does
the opposite of create an exemplary leader because you close yourself off from personally connecting with your constituents.
Authors of Quotes Slide(s)
Gennep, Arnold van …………………. 37, 41, 42, 43
Horwitz, Tony (re. Capt. Cook)………. 24, 26, 27
Homer (The Odyssey) ………………….14, 15, 17, 21
Kouzes and Posner (6th ed.)………….. 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19,
20, 24, 26, 30, 31, 36, 40, 48, 52, 53, 55, 62, 64, 65, 66
Mauss, Marcell ………………………49, 50, 56
Coulter, Mary……………………………...31
Varty, Boyd …………………………….....46
Woolf, Virginia ……………………….35, 36, 59
The Bible……………………………………29
Lusthaus, Charles…………………………30
Tzu, Sun……………………………………..60

TO DO Going Forward:
1. Read at least one of these quotes everyday when you
wake up for a month.
2. Practice whatever that quote teaches you that day at
work or school
References (Works Cited)
1. Charles, L., Marie-Hélène, A., Gary, A., Plinio, G., & Carden, M. H. (2002). Organizational assessment : A framework for improving performance. Retrieved from
2. Coulter, M. (2013). Strategic management in action (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
3. Coutler, Mary (2012) Strategic Management in Action: 6 th Edition
4. Gennep, Arnold van (1925). The Rites of Passage. London: Routledge.
5. Horowitz, T. (2002). Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before. New York: Picador
6. King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online. (original work published 1769)
7. Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2017). The leadership challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
8. Lusthaus, C. (2002). Organizational assessment: A framework for improving performance. Washington: Inter-American Development Bank.
9. Mauss, M. (2002). The gift: The form and reason for exchange in archaic societies. London: Routledge.
10. Michael, April 29, 2019, 61 Bible Verses About Leadership
11. OGL 360, “Odyssey synopsis” (2019)
12. Spark Notes, A Room of One’s Own: Summary. Retrieved September 11, 2020, from
13. Tzu, S. (2005). The Art of War - 500 B.C. Shambhala.
14. Varty, B. (Director). (2013, December). Boyd Varty: What I Learned From Nelson Mandela [TedTalk]. Retrieved September 11, 2020, from
15. Wisecrack (2013, October 15). Homer's Odyssey - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis. Retrieved from
16. Woolf, V. (1928). A room of one's own. London: Published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press.
ADDENDUM (AKA “COOL STUFF”) Trying to Think Outside the Box

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