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Journal of Research in Ecology ISSN No: Print: 2319 –1546; Online: 2319– 1554

An International Scientific Research Journal

Original Research

Effect of zeolite in improving the chemical properties of sandy and loamy

Authors: ABSTRACT:
Journal of Research in Ecology

Sarah Naim Abdel-Hassan This study was conducted in the field of Agriculture college, Al-Muthanna
and Abdul Mohsin University at the winter season 2016-2017, to study the effect of zeolite mineral on
Abdullah Radi the chemical properties of sand. Six levels of natural zeolite metal 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8
and 1%, were used with two levels of decomposed animal organic matter at 0.2 and
Institution: 0.4%, in two different soil cultures (sandy and loamy) to study. Zeolite was mixed with
Soil and Water Resource,
the organic matter and 10 Kg of soil in an anvil capacity 15-25 Kg to reach the size
Agriculture College,
6*2*2 m. The chemical fertilizer NPK was mixed with soil and zeolite according to the
Al-Muthanna University,
Iraq. fertilizer recommendation of the wheat crop. For all the treatments, the wheat seeds
were planted by the Maxibak class on 15/11/2016 and harvested on 15/4/2017. The
Corresponding author: results showed that the added zeolite led to the rise in the sandy and loamy soils
Sarah Naim Abdel-Hassan reaction degree and lowering in the electrical conductivity rates and dissolved salts in
both soils which increased zeolite mineral adding rate that contributed the rising of
the rate of cation exchange capacity and NPK during growth period in the soil. The
sandy soil response significantly improved the level of 1% zeolite with 0.4% organic
matter. The results showed that the addition rate of zeolite was associated with the
rate of soil organic matter.

Zeolite, Chemical properties, Sandy and loamy soils.

Article Citation:
Sarah Naim Abdel-Hassan and Abdul Mohsin Abdullah Radi
Effect of zeolite in improving the chemical properties of sandy and loamy soils
Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 2053-2066

Received: 02 July 2018 Accepted: 07 Aug 2018 Published: 21 Sep 2018

Web Address: This article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (
licenses/by/4.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Journal of Research 2053-2066| JRE | 2018 | Vol 6 | No 2

in Ecology
An International
Scientific Research Journal
Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
INTRODUCTION soil with the minerals led to increased plant growth,
Zeolite is a natural (and industrial) mineral seed production and dry matter to improve of nitrogen
formed by a change occurring in volcanic rocks rich in efficiency use in soil (Bernardi et al., 2011). Najaf-
glass by their interaction with seawater at a high base inezhad et al. (2014) noted that biochemical and mor-
reaction and temperature between 27-55°C (Badillo- phological changes and low protein content in fodder
Almaraz et al., 2003). Woodford (2009) showed that plant due to soil moisture and water stress were treated
zeolite mineral (aluminosilicates) contains a high per- with the addition of zeolite to soil which increased soil
centage of aluminum and attracts non-polar particles moisture, reduced water stress and increased the rate of
when it is high in silica. All types of zeolite have a three large and small feed nutrients in soil. The addition of
-dimensional structure in a tetrahedron system that is zeolite to soil had improved chemical properties, in-
harmonized in ions Si4 and Al . This correlation arised creased ion exchangeability and soil fertility (Polat et
from a negative charge in the case of equilibrium with al., 2004). Wul and Liu (2008) showed that zeolite re-
the positive charge of the moving cations inside it duced the high loss of nitrogen (40-70 %) and phospho-
(Jakkula, 2005). Zeolite effectively increased the phos- rus (80-90 %) and potassium (50-70 %) in arid and semi
phorus ratio of phosphate rocks, increase the efficiency -arid areas and contributed to improve the properties of
of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and to improve chemical soils and fertility. This study was aimed to
plant growth and yield (Al-Busaidi et al., 2008). It is determine the effect of adding zeolite on the chemical
non-toxic to soil by increasing the biomass of bacteria properties of sand and loamy soil in arid and semi-arid
when it is added to the soil (Chander and Joergensen, conditions at southern Iraq.
2002). The cellulite characterized by a high cation ex-
change capacity when it is added to coarse sandy soil, it MATERIALS AND METHODS
gets increased at a higher rate than soft soil texture The experiment was carried out at Agriculture
(Ippolito et al., 2011). It improved the properties of de- college station Al-Muthanna University (476° 31’ 45E
graded soils by increasing their water retention, nutrient and 205° 12’ 31N), for two silt loam and sandy witches
balance, fertilizer efficiency, growth and productivity of under the category torriorthents. The treatments includ-
field crops, geotechnical crops (Ge et al., 2010). ed six levels of zeolite mineral (0. 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and
Rabai et al. (2013) explained that the mixing of 1 %), with two level of animal organic matter (0.2 and
urea with zeolite led to reduce it and improve the effi- 0.4 %) for two type of soils (sandy and loamy), with
ciency of urea nitrogen. The mineral prevents excess three replicates for each. Soil collected from two sites
ammonium loss and works slowly on the soil (Torma et where no zeolite or fertilizer was used previously and
al., 2014). It also contributed to reduce the process of soil samples were taken randomly for each site and then
nitrification near the roots to enter ammonium ion with- mixed quotes to the lab - For a sample vehicle of depth
in the metal gaps (Vilcek et al., 2013). The zeolite in- 0-30 cm and transferred to the laboratory to complete
creases the absorption rate of manganese, ammonium, the examination of physical and chemical properties.
iron and magnesium by 90% in the soil (Afrous and Soil was aerobic dried and softened by a polyethylene
Goudarzi, 2015). Khan et al. (2008) pointed that the hammer and passed from a sieve diameter sieve 2 mm,
increase of plant height with increasing the amount of then took a sample vehicle to estimate some chemical
mineral added to the soil due to the gradual release of soil properties according to Bremner (1965) and Jack-
nutrients from the mineral cavities, the mixing of the son (1958) in Table 1 and 2. The chemical properties of
2054 Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 2053-2066
Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of the soil studied before planting
S. No Adjective Sandy soil Silty loam Unit
1 pH 7.12 7.10 -
2 EC 3.47 3.80 dSm-1
3 CEC 2.3 9.32 Mol. Kg-1 C.
4 Organic matter 4 6
5 Lime 300 340
6 Bicarbonate 5.27 6.33 mmol.L-1
7 Calcium 16.62 18.8 mmol.L-1
8 Magnesium 4.61 5.70 mmol.L-1
9 Sodium 3.7 8.10 mmol.L-1
10 Chloride 7.50 8.73 mmol.L-1
11 Sulphates 8.22 10.1 mmol.L-1
12 Boron 0.32 0.28 mmol.L-1
13 Partial density 2.65 2.60 mg.m-3
14 Bulk density 1.6 1.3 mg.m-3
15 Porosity 39.62 50 %
16 Nitrogen 0.002 0.003
17 Phosphorus 16.12 19.12
18 Prepared ions Zinc 0.203 0.148
19 Manganese 1.263 1.384
20 Potassium 14.3 30.2
21 Clay 42 222
22 Silt 32 672
Soil separators
23 Sand 932 112
24 Texture Sandy Silty Loam

the soil were estimated before planting and some traits Richards (1954). Chlorides (Cl-1) were estimated by
were studied after the harvest. The exchange capacity titration with silver nitrate (AgNO3) 0.05 N by the
was estimated to be saturated with sodium (1 M) and method of Jackson (1958) sulphates (SO4-2) were esti-
ammonium (1 M). Measurement of cations and dis- mated accessing the turbidity using barium chloride
+2 +2
solved ions of calcium (Ca ) and magnesium (Mg ) by (BaCl2.2H2O) using spectrophotometer type Biochrom
the method of titration with EDTA-Na2 (0.01N) as per (Libra S5) at 470 nm. The degree of soil reaction in
Jackson (1958). Potassium (K ) and sodium were esti- suspension 1: 1 (soil: water) was measured using a pH-
mated using flame photometer (Jackson, 1958), carbon meter model (PTR 79). According to Jackson (1958) the
(CO3-2) and bicarbonate (HCO3-1) by H2SO4 titration electrical conductivity (Ec) was measured in separated
(0.01 M) using orange methyl detector according to 1:1 ratio using conductivity bridge and were estimated
Table 2. Some physical and chemical properties of mineral zeolite
Partial density Bulk density Porosity CEC
S. No pH EC (dsm-1)
(Mg m-3) (Mg m-3) )%( (
1 7.3 2.21 1.0 0.09 91 73.6
Distribution of sizes of mineral (microns)
More than Less than
2 4750-2360 2360-1000 1222-622 622-322 322-125 125-75
4752 75
3 14.44% 39.11% 25.11% 16.13% 0.65% 3.23% 1.12% 0.21%

Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 2053-2066 2055

Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018

Table 3. Effect of zeolite on the degree of reaction (pH)

Level of zeolite Level of organic Type of soil Average of Rate of organic
(%) matter (%) Sandy Loamy zeolite matter
2 0.2 7.20 7.35 7.28 0.2%
0.4 7.05 7.15 7.10 7.19 7.65
Average 7.13 7.25
0.2 0.2 7.30 7.45 7.38 0.4%
0.4 7.15 7.25 7.20 7.29 7.46
Average 7.23 7.35
0.4 0.2 7.45 7.55 7.50 Soil rate
0.4 7.30 7.40 7.35 7.43 7.45
Average 7.38 7.48
0.2 7.60 7.75 7.68 Sandy
0.6 0.4 7.45 7.60 7.53 7.60 7.45
Average 7.53 7.68
0.2 7.75 8.05 7.90 Loamy
0.8 0.4 7.55 7.85 7.70 7.80 7.66
Average 7.65 7.95
1 0.2 7.95 8.45 8.20
0.4 7.75 8.05 7.90 8.05
Average 7.85 8.25
Rate of less Zeolite Organic matter Type of Zeolite× Organic matter N.S
significant 2.272 2.242 soil
difference 2.242
2.25 Zeolite ×Type of soil Organic matter× Zeolite× Type of soil× Organic
2.121 Type of soil N.S matter N.S

by method sedimentation using acetone (Richards, after mixed with the level of zeolite mineral parasites
1954). Nitrogen was extracted by potassium chloride and organic matter ratios for each treatment. Ten seeds
solution (2 standards), using microcaldale according to of the maxipak wheat plant, an economic crop were
the method described by Page et al. (1982). Extraction planted in each pot, and seedlings were reduced to four
of phosphorus was done in sodium bicarbonate solution after 10 days of planting for each pot to maintain mois-
(pH=8.5) and colour development was measured using ture content nearer to the field capacity and to compen-
ammonium molybdenum solution and ascorbic acid as a sate moisture loss due to evaporation. In a weighted
reducing factor estimated using spectrophotometer fol- method, crop processing was carried out by weeding
lowing the methods of Watanabe and Olsen (1965). and pest control until the end of the experiment and the
Available potassium was extracted by ammonium ace- major nutrients were added: e.g. nitrogen in the form of
tate solution (1 standard) and estimated using flame urea. In the first batch payments 1.1 g before planting
photometer Page et al. (1982). Plastic pot with a capaci- and in the second batch 1.1 g after planting for forty
ty of 10 Kg depth and 25 cm for mineral levels (0 and days. The phosphorus was added in the form of P 2O5 (3
0.2 %) for zeolite and plastic pot with a capacity of 15 g) before planting and potassium was added in the form
Kg depth 28 cm for mineral levels (0.4 and 0.6 %) zeo- of potassium sulphate (1 g) before planting. At the final
lite. Plastic pot with a capacity of 20 Kg depth 32 cm maturity stage, the plant was harvested in 15/4/2017,
for mineral levels (0.8 and 1 %) zeolite and the bottom carried out the experiment factorial in pots 6x2x2 in a
of the pot was filled with 300 g of fine gravel (less than Complete Random Design (CRD) with three replicates
4 mm) with the addition of cotton fabric to prevent soil per transaction and distributed in a random manner. The
leakage. 10 Kg of the two soils were added on each pot chemicals properties of the soil such as interaction de-

2056 Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 2053-2066

Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
gree, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, crease in the soil interaction with the percentage in-
available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were ana- crease of added metal. In the sandy soil, it increased
lyzed using standard protocols. Results were statistically from 7.13 to 7.23, 7.38, 7.53, 7.65 and 7.85 when the
analyzed by the analysis of variance and ‘t’ test using level of soil additive was increased from 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6,
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science and the 0.8 and 1 % respectively. Although the effect of organic
least significant difference according to AL-Rawee and matter shows reduction of the reaction degree, as rec-
Khalaf (2000). orded in the comparison treatment of sandy soil 7.20 at
the level of 0.2% organic matter and 7.05 at the level of
RESULTS 0.4% organic material, but raising the levels of zeolite
Interaction degree to 1% has raised the values of the degree of interaction
Table 3 shows the significant increase in zeolite in both the sandy and loamy soils. Same table noted a
as the values of the reaction degree increased slightly by significant difference between the soil types in the val-
increasing the level of the added metal in both sandy ues of the degree of interaction as the general average
and loamy soils. The highest value of the interaction of was7.45 for sandy and 7.66 for loamy soils.
sandy soil was 7.85 and 7.65 at the level of addition of Electrical conductivity (dSm-1)
1% and 0.8% zeolite, 8.25 and 7.95 in the mixed soil Table 4 shows a significant decrease in the val-
when comparing these values with the control treatment, ues of electrical conductivity with increasing levels of
(0% zeolite) it is 7.13 for the sandy soil and 7.25 for the addition of the metal for both sandy and loamy soil. In
mixed soil. The metal increases this trait in both the the sandy soils, the electrical conductivity values in the
sandy and loamy soils. The same table shows the in- control treatment were 3.35 dSm-1 and decreased to 2.63

Table 4. Effect of zeolite in electrical conductivity (dSm-1)

Level of zeolite Level of organic Type of soil Average of Rate of organic
(%) matter (%) Sandy Loamy Zeolite matter
2 0.2 3.85 4.80 4.33 0.2%
0.4 2.85 4.25 3.55 3.94 2.51
Average 3.35 4.53
0.2 0.2 3.20 4.05 3.63 0.4%
0.4 2.05 3.65 2.85 3.24 1.92
Average 2.63 3.85
0.4 0.2 2.45 3.35 2.90 Soil rate
0.4 1.25 3.05 2.15 2.53 1.68
Average 1.85 3.20
0.2 1.65 2.55 2.10 Sandy
0.6 0.4 0.80 2.30 1.55 1.83 2.73
Average 1.23 2.43
0.2 0.85 1.85 1.35
0.8 0.4 0.45 1.40 0.93 1.14
Average 0.65 1.63
1 0.2 0.55 1.00 0.78
0.4 0.20 0.55 0.38 0.58
Average 0.38 0.78
Rate of least Zeolite Organic matter Type of Zeolite × Organic matter
significant 2.298 2.257 soil 0.140
difference 2.257
2.25 Zeolite × Type of soil Organic matter× Type of Zeolite× Type of soil× Organic mat-
2.142 soil 0.081 ter 0.198

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Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
Table 5. Effect of zeolite in cation exchange capacity (C.Mol.Kg -1)
Level of zeolite Level of organic Type of soil Average of Rate of organic
(%) matter (%) Sandy Loamy zeolite matter
2 0.2 2.54 9.67 6.10 0.2%
0.4 3.84 11.7 7.80 6.95 29.53
Average 3.19 10.71
0.2 0.2 10.80 18.87 14.83 0.4%
0.4 11.72 19.43 15.57 15.20 31.29
Average 11.26 19.15
0.4 0.2 25.85 30.42 28.13
Soil rate
0.4 25.88 32.15 29.01 28.57
Average 25.86 31.28
0.2 33.66 38.85 36.25 Sandy
0.6 0.4 35.17 39.69 37.43 36.84 27.24
Average 34.41 39.27
0.2 38.31 43.36 40.84 Loamy
0.8 0.4 41.38 45.48 43.43 42.13 33.38
Average 39.84 44.42
1 0.2 47.22 54.80 51.01
0.4 50.51 56.17 53.34 52.17
Average 48.86 55.48
Value of least Zeolite Organic matter Type of Zeolite × Organic matter
significant 2.829 2.482 soil N.S
difference 2.482
2.25 Zeolite ×Type of soil Organic matter× Type of Zeolite× Type of soil× Organic mat-
1.172 soil N.S ter N.S

dSm-1 at the level of addition of 0.2% zeolite and then level of 0.4% organic material, but the addition of zeo-
gradually decreased with the addition of the 1% mineral lite metal has reduced these values to 1.00 and 0.55 at
to 0.38 dSm-1. Zeolite had an effect in reducing this the level of organic matter addition at 0.2% and 0.4%,
quality in both sandy and loamy soils. As there is a respectively. The values of the electrical conductivity of
quick response to the EC with different percentages of both soil levels are lower at 0.4% organic matter than at
mineral added in sandy soils, it decreased from 3.35 to 0.2% organic matter, indicating the importance of in-
2.63, 1.85, 1.23, 0.65 and 0.38 dSm when raising metal creasing the organic matter ratio with zeolite in reducing
added to soil from 0 to 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1%, respec- soil salinity. There were significant differences between
tively. The loamy soils decreased from 4.53 dSm-1 to the two soil in the values of electrical conductivity as
3.85, 3.20, 2.43, 1.63, 0.78 dSm when the metal was the mean of the sandy soil was 1.68 dSm-1 and the mix-
upgraded from 0 to 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1%, respective- ture showed 2.73 dSm-1.
ly. Although there was a significant effect of the organic Cation exchange capacity (C.Mol.Kg-1)
matter in reducing the values of electrical conductivity, Table 5 shows that the mixing of zeolite with
the control treatment of sandy soil showed 3.85 at the sandy soils resulted in an increase in the exchange ca-
level of 0.2% organic matter and decreased to 2.85 pacity of sandy soils to 11.26, 25.86 and 34.41 C.Mol.
when raising the level of organic matter to 0.4%, but Kg-1 for metal levels of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6% respectively
raising the levels of added zeolite metal has reduced the with the control treatment having 3.19 C.Mol.Kg -1 to
values of electrical conductivity at both levels of sandy whereas the loamy soil had 19.15, 31.28 and 39.27
soils. In loamy soil, as for the control treatment, it was C.Mol.Kg-1 for the same levels respectively, compared
4.80 at the level of 0.2% organic matter and 4.25 at the to the control, which recorded the lowest average of

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Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
Table 6. Effect of zeolite in available nitrogen ( -1)
Level of zeolite Level of organic Type of soil Average of Rate of organic
(%) matter (%) Sandy Loamy zeolite matter
2 0.2 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.2%
0.4 0.22 0.29 0.26 0.15 11.47
Average 2.13 0.16
0.2 0.2 7.20 16.28 11.74 0.4%
0.4 7.89 16.80 12.34 12.04 12.14
Average 7.54 16.54
0.4 0.2 8.08 17.29 12.69
Soil rate
0.4 8.85 17.82 13.33 13.01
Average 8.46 17.56
0.2 9.16 18.49 13.83 Sandy
0.6 0.4 9.78 19.43 14.60 14.21 7.91
Average 9.47 18.96
0.2 10.07 19.42 14.74 Loamy
0.8 0.4 10.69 20.06 15.37 15.06 15.70
Average 10.38 19.74
1 0.2 11.06 20.32 15.69
0.4 11.88 22.17 17.02 16.36
Average 11.47 21.24
Value of least Zeolite Organic matter Type of Zeolite × Organic matter
significant 2.452 2.336 soil N.S
difference 2.336
2.25 Zeolite × Type of soil Organic matter × Type Zeolite × Type of soil× Organic
2.562 of soil N.S matter N.S

10.71 C.Mol.Kg-1. Moreover, the addition of zeolite to in the soil with the increase in the amount of organic
the soil increases the values of cation exchange capaci- matter added was noted. The largest difference in the
ty. The addition of zeolite with 0.8% and 1% zeolite for values of available nitrogen was recorded in the level of
sandy soil gave the highest increase of 39.84 and 48.86 1% zeolite, 11.06 at the level of organic matter
C.Mol.Kg-1 and the loamy soil had 44.42 and 55.48 at 0.2% and rose to 11.88 in the level of 0.4%
C.Mol.Kg-1 respectively for the same levels. organic matter indicating the importance of adding zeo-
Available nitrogen ( ) lite with organic matter in raising the values of available
Table 6 shows a significant effect of zeolite in nitrogen in sandy soils. The nitrogen values in both the
raising the nitrogen values in both the soil after harvest. soils were higher at 0.4% of organic matter at an aver-
In loamy soil the nitrogen content was significantly age of 12.14% and 0.2% at organic matter addition, the
higher than the sandy soil. The doubling of the amount average was with an average of 11.47 at all lev-
of organic matter added showed significant differences els of addition of zeolite metal, indicating the im-
in the ratio of nitrogen uptake in both soil and increase portance of increasing the organic addition of available
with increasing the percentage of organic matter added. nitrogen when treated with zeolite metal.
The mixing of zeolite with sandy soils resulted in an Available phosphorus (
increase in the post-harvest nitrogen ratio after a signifi- Table 7 shows that the sandy soil was signifi-
cant increase from 130 in comparison to 7.54, cantly higher than the loamy soil on average phosphorus
8.46, 9.47, 10.38 and 11.47 when lifting the content after harvest. The doubling of the amount of
metal levels from 0.2 and 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1%, respec- organic matter added showed significant differences in
tively. The increase in the amount of available nitrogen the ratio of phosphorus available in both soil with sig-

Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 2053-2066 2059

Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
Table 7. Effect of zeolite in available phosphorus ( -1)
Level of zeolite Level of organic Type of soil Average of Rate of organic
(%) matter (%) Sandy Loamy zeolite matter
2 0.2 3.20 5.40 4.30 0.2%
0.4 3.85 4.95 4.40 4.35 11.19
Average 3.53 5.18 4.35
0.2 0.2 9.20 12.70 10.95 0.4%
0.4 9.85 13.00 11.43 11.19 11.48
Average 9.53 12.85 11.19
0.4 0.2 9.75 13.50 11.63
Soil rate
0.4 10.20 13.70 11.95 11.79
Average 9.98 13.60 11.79
0.2 10.70 14.30 12.50 Sandy
0.6 0.4 10.80 14.50 12.65 12.58 9.62
Average 10.75 14.40 12.58
0.2 11.40 15.60 13.50 Loamy
0.8 0.4 11.90 15.95 13.93 13.71 13.05
Average 11.65 15.78
1 0.2 12.15 16.35 14.25
0.4 12.45 16.60 14.53 14.39
Average 12.30 16.48 14.39
Value of least Zeolite Organic matter Type of Zeolite × Organic matter
significant 2.3732 2.2154 soil N.S
difference 2.2154
2.25 Zeolite × Type of soil Organic matter× Type of Zeolite × Type of soil× Organic
2.5276 soil N.S matter N.S

nificant effect of the interaction between zeolite and soil showed 5.40 at 0.2% organic matter and 4.95 -1 at
texture. The zeolite mixing with the soil had a signifi- 0.4% organic matter. Zeolite has raised these values to
cantly increased phosphorus values. The highest aver- 16.35 and 16.60 at is 0.2% and 0.4%
age phosphorus in the sandy soil was 12.30 -1 at organic matter respectively.
the level of 1% zeolite and 16.48 in the mixed Available potassium ( -1)
soil. A comparison of these values with control treat- Table 8 shows a significant effect of zeolite in
-1 -1
ment of 3.53 for sandy soils and 5.18 raising the available potassium values in all soil types, a
for loamy soils showing the role of the metal in increas- significantly higher values in loamy soils when com-
ing the phosphorus uptake in soil. A gradual increase of pared with sandy soils in the average potassium content.
phosphorus with increased zeolite added to sandy soils The doubling of the amount of organic matter added has
from 9.53 to 9.98, 10.75, 11.65 and 12.30 when shown significant differences in the rate of available
the added zeolite increased from 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and potassium in soil types. It increased the proportion of
1% respectively was added. The results showed a signif- organic matter added, as well as a significant effect of
icant effect of the organic matter in raising the values of the interaction between zeolite and soil texture and a
available phosphorus, as in the control treatment of significant effect of the interaction of other factors were
sandy soil showing 3.20 at 0.2% organic matter noted. In the sandy soils, it is higher than 1%, with an
and 3.85 at 0.4% organic matter. Raising phos- average of 103.00, and the levels of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6
phorus values at both levels of sandy soil more, double and 0.8% of zeolite had averages of 64.75, 74.00, 86.00
the effect of organic matter in the comparison sample and 102.00, respectively. Zeolite increase led to
significantly. In the loamy soil as for control treatment it the increase of available potassium. The level of 1%

2060 Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 2053-2066

Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
Table 8. Effect of zeolite in available potassium ( -1)
Level of zeolite Level of organic Type of soil Average of Rate of organic
(%) matter (%) Sandy Loamy zeolite matter
2 0.2 35.50 62.50 49.00 0.2%
0.4 56.00 68.00 62.00 55.50 79.25
Average 45.75 65.25 55.50
0.2 0.2 62.50 73.50 68.00 0.4%
0.4 67.00 77.50 72.25 70.13 92.42
Average 64.75 75.50 70.13
0.4 0.2 72.50 76.00 74.25
Soil rate
0.4 75.50 80.50 78.00 76.13
Average 74.00 78.25 76.13
0.2 86.00 92.00 89.00 Sandy
0.6 0.4 86.00 95.50 90.75 89.88 83.13
Average 86.00 93.75 89.88
0.2 99.50 116.50 108.00 Loamy
0.8 0.4 104.50 120.50 112.50 110.25 88.54
Average 102.00 118.50 -
1 0.2 100.50 120.50 110.50
0.4 105.50 126.00 115.75 113.13
Average 103.00 123.25 113.13
Value of least Zeolite Organic matter Type of Zeolite × Organic matter
significant 3.856 2.226 soil N.S
difference 2.226
2.25 Zeolite × Type of soil Organic matter× Type of Zeolite× Type of soil× Organic mat-
5.453 soil N.S ter N.S

zeolite had the highest mean soil level of 123.25 gree may be due to the high adsorption of base cations
-1 , exceeding all levels of sandy and loamy soil by the ion exchange sites of the mineral which is con-
followed by 0.8% zeolite with an average of 118.50 sistent with Ajirloo et al. (2013). This phenomenon was
-1 . The increase in the amount of available potas- repeated in the mixed soil as the values of the reaction
sium with the increase in the amount of organic matter level increased at the end of the experiment. The
added showed the largest difference in the available increase in the level of the mineral added to the soil may
potassium value at the level of 1% zeolite, as it is be due to the direct effect of the zeolite metal base or
100.50 at the level of 0.2% organic matter and the adsorption of alkaline elements in the soil and rais-
rose to 105.50 at the level of 0.4% organic mat- ing the values of their reaction. The values of the reac-
ter. It is noted that the level of 0.4% organic matter, tion level for both soil levels are less at 0.4% organic
which scored an average of 92.42 , while the matter than at the level of 0.2% organic matter even at
record level of 0.2% organic matter had less average of all levels of addition of zeolite metal, indicating the
79.25 , considering for the effect of soil texture importance of increasing the percentage of organic mat-
on the potassium content, the loamy soil was signifi- ter added to soil when treated with zeolite. However, the
cantly higher with an average of 88.54 and extent of the increase in the loamy soil is higher than the
sandy soil with a mean average of 83.13 -1. sandy soils due to the washing of basal elements in the
sandy soils higher than the rate of the loamy soil.
DISCUSSION Electrical conductivity (dSm-1)
Interaction degree The differences in electrical conductivity are
A significant increase in zeolite in reaction de- due to the ability of the metal to balance the salt in the

Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 2053-2066 2061

Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
soil. It is an effective way to remove salts from the soil of the metal. Increase in the total number of reciprocal
due to its effective role in increasing soil porosity and sites and change the exchange capacity values were
thus increasing the water movement downwards and associated with the charges on the internal and external
carrying the salts, and thereby reducing its concentration surfaces of the metal crystals as well as the density of
in the soil solution. The zeolite absorbs potassium ions these charges on the specific surfaces of the metal. This
more than sodium ions and thus reduces the adsorption result is consistent with Ippolito et al. (2011). The sig-
properties of sodium ions and decreases their concentra- nificant increase in the exchange capacity values when
tion in the soil solution by washing. Zeolite can be use- mixing the metal with the soil may be due to the effect
ful to reduce the negative effects of high salinity in soil of the high cationic exchange capacity of zeolite with
(Ghorbani and Babaei, 2008). The extent of the decrease the less interchangeable mineral soil parts as it was in-
in sandy soils is more than that of the mixed soil when creased after soil mixing with zeolite. Similar results
treated with zeolite. The reason may be due to the in- were obtained by Sangeetha and Baskar (2016). The
creased dilution of salts in the soil solution due to in- results showed a convergence in the values of the ex-
creased moisture content of the soil with increased min- change capacity of the soil with the ratios of organic
eralization, which is consistent with Ajirlo et al. (2013) matter. The addition of zeolite resulted in increased
who pointed that one of the important properties of zeo- CEC values especially at the level of addition of 1%
lite is to capture water and cation and reduce salt con- zeolite for both soil. In addition, the organic content
centration in the soil solution leading to great reduction increases the cation exchange capacity values of both
in the values of electrical conductivity. There is a signif- soils due to the increase of the charged sites in the soil
icant effect of interaction between zeolite and soil tex- (Ali and Shaker 2016).
ture. Due to different soil texture and different levels of Available nitrogen (
metal and due to the high water retention ability of the The process of zeolite sand soil mixing in-
mineral, the concentration of salts reduce in the soil creased nitrogen values after harvest. Zeolite may im-
solution. There is also a significant effect of the interac- prove nutrient use, particularly NO3 and NH4 and in-
tion between zeolite and organic matter due to the dif- crease nitrogen uptake (Polat et al., 2004; Tamer et al.,
ference in the reaction of the electrical conductivity of 2014). Zeolite acts as a slow ammonium ion editor in
the organic matter by the levels of the added metal. In the soil and reduces the loss of nitrogen by washing,
addition, there is a significant effect of the interaction especially in sandy soils and reducing the ammonia vol-
between organic material and soil type in electrical con- atility by the metal's ability to reduce the process of
ductivity. Indicating the importance of zeolite in the denitrification (Manolov, 2000). It also reduces ammo-
efficiency of washing salts from the soil and reduce the nia volatilization in the of urea when mixing fertilizer
values of electrical conductivity of the soil when treated with zeolite in sandy and calcareous soils (Latip et al.,
with organic matter. 2011; Sartbaeva et al., 2006). The amount of available
- -1
Cation exchange capacity ( C.Mol.Kg ) nitrogen in the soil continues to increase with the in-
The addition of less concentration of zeolite crease of the added zeolite. The treatment of 0.8 and
resulted in a small increase in the values of the recipro- 1% zeolite is superior to the rest of the treatments, indi-
cal capacity while raising the value of the metal to more cating the importance of the metal in maintaining the
than 0.8% gave a great leap in the values of the ex- nitrogen in the soil and the continued readiness of the
change capacity of the soil because of the high capacity plant. High-value nitrogen retention in soil due to the

2062 Journal of Research in Ecology (2018) 6(2): 2053-2066

Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
addition of zeolite metal may be due to ammonium ad- when needed gradually Giuseppe et al. (2016) indicat-
sorption on zeolite surfaces and maintenance from ing the importance of zeolite in raising the values of
washing with irrigation water or volatilization (Latip et phosphorus in sandy soils, improving soil fertility and
al., 2011). Available nitrogen values in all types of soil increasing nutrient retention when mixing zeolite with
were at highest levels of organic matter and at all levels chemical fertilizers and soils (Kavoosi, 2007). The in-
of zeolite, indicating the importance of increasing the crease in loamy soil due to the mixing of zeolite metal
organic addition of ready-made nitrogen when treating with chemical fertilizer significantly affects the soil
soils with zeolite metal, although there is no significant content of the ions and increases its readiness due to the
difference between the addition of organic matter to the cation exchange properties and adsorption of zeolite
physical and chemical soil properties such as ventila- metal (Supapron et al., 2002). The available phosphorus
tion, permeability and cation exchange capacity values for both soil levels are higher at 0.4% organic
(Saralidze and Bakhtadze, 1989). The increase of avail- matter and at all levels of metal addition, indicating the
able nitrogen in the soil with the increase of organic importance of increasing the proportion of organic mat-
matter results in containing the crystals of zeolite metal ter when treated with zeolite mineral (Kavoosi, 2007).
on small internal channels to protect the ammonium The increase in the availability of phosphorus values in
ions from excessive nitrate entering these channels and loamy soil due to increase of moisture content in soils
protect it from nitrification bacteria because of the small compared to sandy soils, microbiology, clustering sta-
volume of channels that does not allow the bacteria to bility and high surface area has resulted in higher phos-
enter into metal channels (Brady and Ray, 2002). The phorus concentrations in these soils (Najafinezhad et al.,
significant effect of the interaction between zeolite and 2014). Available phosphorus increase can be attributed
soil texture has been observed, which has led to an in- to its addition with urea. Zeolite reserves phosphorus
crease in the nitrogen values in both soils by varying and is phased out when the plant is needed, an important
levels of the added metal and its effect on increasing feature of zeolite metal in phasing up phosphorus in soil
nutrient uptake (Palanivell et al., 2015). The mainte- (Abdi et al., 2010).
nance of nitrogen is highly preferred in the soil of the Available potassium ( -1)
study. It gives an indication of the role of the metal in Potassium increases with increase in zeolite
processing the nitrogen of the cultivated plant, and levels due to the effect of zeolite in increasing the soil
maintaining its readiness throughout the experiment content of potassium for its high cation exchange capac-
period, which is positively reflected on the vegetative ity and high adsorption of positive cations. It acts as a
growth and the yield of the wheat grown in these soils fertilizer store and is gradually prepared in soil (María-
(Gairley et al., 2015). Ramírez et al., 2011; Bagdasarov et al., 2004). It is pos-
Available phosphorus ( ) sible that zeolite is highly selective for potassium be-
The increase of phosphorus with the increase in cause of the porous composition of the metal and the
the percentage of zeolite added to the sandy soil due to high ability to maintain the ready-made potassium and
the variation of the release of phosphorus by the crystals gradually release it to the soil solution (Cairo et al.,
of the metal and concurrently with the levels of addition 2017), cation efficiency exchange in and out of zeolite
as the metal collects the phosphorus ions within the crystals due to the silicate-dense silicate structure,
channels and reduce loss of filtration, and release and which is given by open cavities in the form of channels
increase the phosphorus solubility to the soil solution filled with water molecules and cations such as potassi-

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Abdel-Hassan and Radi, 2018
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