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Script in Science

K: Earth’s detectives, you have a new mission for today. You can open the red envelope for the
(Rachelle opens the envelop)
Rachelle: It states here that we need to find the missing Earth’s model. Through the clues, we
can reach the end and locate it.
Niamh: Let’s go then.
(Walk a few until reaching the first manila paper)
(Ashley raises the manila paper)
(Alyssa reads the writings)
Alyssa: The thinnest of all the layers, the outermost layer of a planet. It is composed of oxygen
(46.6%), silicon (27.7), aluminum (8.1), iron (5.0), calcium (3.6), potassium (2.8), sodium (2.6),
and magnesium (2.1). D-S-V-T-U. Step back if you don’t get it.
Tatiana: What is this thing?
Ashley: do you have any idea?
Niamh: step Backward?
Alyssa: Crust!!! When we move one letter backwards D will be C, then so on and so forth!
Rachelle: So crust is one of the layers of the earth, the thinnest and outermost.
Ashley: let’s proceed to the next one.
(Walk a few again, Tatiana raises up the Manila paper)
(Niamh reads the writings)
Niamh: It is made up of 44.8% oxygen, 21.5% silicon, and 22.8% magnesium. There's also iron,
aluminum, calcium, sodium, and potassium. These elements are all bound together in
the form of silicate rocks, all of which take the form of oxides. Lies between Earth's dense,
super-heated core and its thin outer layer, the crust. The mantle is about 2,900 kilometers
(1,802 miles) thick.
(pig pen code)
Rachelle: This is pig pen code and the answer should be MANTLE
Ashley: So mantle is the second layer of the earth.
(walks again)
(Rachelle picks up the paper)
(Tatiana reads)
Tatiana: something that is hot, and solid in form, s waves can’t travel here. What am I?
I start with o and ends in e
Niamh: Outer core? It is the only liquid layer, and is mainly made up of the metals iron
and nickel
(Walk again)
Ashley: Now we’re down to the last one
(Niamh raises the manila paper, Rachelle reads)
Rachelle: It is a solid ball composed of an element named NiFe. Ni for Nickel and Fe for Ferrum
also known as Iron. 9-14-14-5-18 3-15-18-5. Count me as a letter.
Tatiana: Inner core!! 1 corresponds to A so on and so forth
Ashley: Inner Core is the last layer of the earth, it is solid so therefore s waves can past through
(walks towards the model)
Alyssa: we already had the model but let us summarize the knowledge we got on the mission.
Earth have 4 layers, the crust, the mantle, the outer core and the inner core. The Crust is
abundant in elements such as oxygen, aluminum and silicon, it is solid in form.
Niamh: The second layer is Mantle, it is composed of oxygen, aluminium and magnesium, also
other elements. A semi-solid in form.
Rachelle: The third layer is Outer Core, it is composed of iron and nickel, liquid in form.
Ashley: The Fourth is Inner Core, it is also composed of iron and nickel, solid in form.
Tatiana: Since mantle, outer core and inner core are magma they are hot. P waves can travel to
all layers since it can pass to any media. But S waves cannot travel to outer core because it is
liquid, they can only pass to media with definite shape

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