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Learning Activity Sheet (LAS #1)

Posadas, Rizza Mae D. Date: January 15, 2021

11 – STEM B

Learning Competency: Shares Research Experience and Knowledge

Project:S Documentary Video
Project Title: Documentary of my concept in Research
Name of the project: My Idea Of What Research Is
Project Concept: To let the students express ideas and thoughts about research
Reasons for doing the project:  Be able to express ideas about researches
 Be able to have a creative concept about research
 Be able to determine the importance of research
Title of the video: Documentary of my concept in Research
Self - introduction Hello my name is Rizza Posadas, you can call me what you want. I’m 17 years old
and a STEM student in San Jose National High School. I choose this strand
because I want to pursue a Science related course in college.
Video Introduction “The video you’re about to watch is my own viewpoint and experiences in
Research. Some ideas are from my groupmates which we decided to share our own
ideas about research to each other.”
Concept about the relevance of research Research is gathering information in
to our daily living able to resolve a problem, so as we
gather information we learned how to
identify which is true and which is
not. we adopt this to our life that we
should not believe to fake news, we
research until we know it is true and
Idea about the significance of science and With the help of science and
technology in research technology, research has been made
much easier and accessible. The
advancement of it also helps the
sectors of medicines, agriculture,
education, and the other industry. Our
skills and knowledge will also
improve by the help of it.
Research’s contribution to the Research made our lives much easier
improvement of things that surround us by all of the inventions and
innovations. Without research, we
will easily believe on many things
that doesn't have evidence. We
learned how to research a thing to
confirm if it’s true and evident. Also,
research have a big contribution in
many fields such as, medical,
agricultural, industries etc. Also It
improves things that can be adaptable
in our situation. In technology it
innovates machines that make the
things be easy to make and less
human power. And when it comes to
medical, scientists develop medicines
and to find cure in diseases. Like in
our situation now they are making a
COVID-19 vaccine. Also because of
it the cost of the products can be
lowered and be more affordable.
Hence, research is just not only trying
to solve a problem but also has a big
role in evolution in world and
contribution in everyone's life.

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