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1) Esteban Murillo Patiño

2) According to internet my name means victorious and comes from the Greek '' Stefanos ''

3) Well, it's not a big story, my mother just liked that name and I put it on, although I've never
asked her why

4) Well, yes, in college they tell me rapper and the truth, I like it, it was time to have one that
I liked

Your experiences and attitude towards learning English

1) The language makes me feel very comfortable, because since childhood I have been
surrounded by videogames, but it does not seem as rich in terms of lexicon as Spanish

2) from my point of view, to learn English you have to be self-taught, try to apply it in
everyday life as much as you can, but not only with English, with any other language

3) Interactive, should be the main thing, since a good environment and good tools are good
for any learning content

4) From my view putno is a good method, but I just do not like the piffles, as it seems a little
monotonous, attached to learning the old

Espeanzas’s homework

1) Means hope, but that only in English, in Spanish is more like a soft name for a person

2) Yes, that name belongs to her great-grandmother and now it's her

3) Went to the tragic story of how a woman sat waiting for her husband for long hours in
a window
4) Although I do not share the behavior of my great-grandfather of hope, I share it because
at that time the stigma and tabu were very present in global societies

5) No, he's even thinking about changing his name to something more youthful, for
something that represents his true '' I ''

6) It does not have, although I'm not sure, since it speaks so much of name that it's difficult
to understand well

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