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Task 1

In the appendix there are 20 captions which you will read carefully and analyze.
The first task is to group the captions according to the formats.

1. First, you will read to understand the captions below. Make sure that you know the meaning
of every word and every part of each news report.
2. Then, you will copy each of them into the table.
3. Finally, you will group them according to the visible format.
Some have been done for you as examples.

Captions Headlines Captions

Different Types of Captions
The next step is to put the captions with a similar format together. Some have been done for you
as examples.
Group 1:
Caption 1, 2, 3, ...

Captions Headlines Captions

Group 2:
Caption 13, 14, ...

Captions Headlines Captions

Group 3:
Caption 4, ...

Captions Headlines Captions

Miss, I am so sorry. I couldn’t finish the Task 1 and Task 2 because I couldn’t find the 20
captions, so my friends did.

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