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A research design is a plan to answer the research questions.

Research Design is a strategy or

overall roadmap which describes how the research is going to be conducted.
Analytical Research Design is used in the research design as The analytical research usually
concerns itself with cause-effect relationships.
Research design means an overall framework for the activities to be taken during the course of a
research study. Firstly, it specifies the sources & type of information relevant to research question,
secondly it specifies; the data. Thus, a research design specifies various methods & procedures for
acquiring the information including from which sources & by what procedure it is obtained. In
context of Nepal, 30 commercial banks are in operation. These thirty banks are regarded as
population. But it is not possible to study all data related with these all banks. Hence, for this study
a commercial bank has been taken as sample from the whole population. NIC ASIA Bank Ltd is
taken as sample

Father’s Day
I have always been one to have bad luck, no matter what I do something always goes wrong for
me. I was going hoping that today would be different it had to be, it was fathers day and it just had
to go perfect. I got my dad something he has been wanting for three months, I couldn’t wait to see
his face. As my dad ribbed open the red and blue wrapping paper we heard a shatter. The glass
frame from the wristwatch was scattered around the box. I couldn’t bare that my dad’s present was
broke, I ran out of his office causing the bowl of peppermints to hit the floor. I ran into my mom
who was walking in with cake, she set the cake down and ask me why I was crying. I explained
and she gave me a hug, I stepped away and an old lady grabbed my arm hugged me and kissed me
on the cheek. after that I never had bad luck, I guess that lady was a which or something.

“He’s outside,”Karen whispered through the phone. I quickly dashed to my parents room and
grabbed my dad’s binoculars.Then I grabbed the basket filled with the items I had prepared the
night before. I scrambled out onto the terrace of our 6th story apartment.”Karen I am ready,feast
your eyes on this,”I said. She giggled on the line while watching from her spot across the street. I
peered into the binoculars spotting Justin,my ex-boyfriend.I fingered my good luck charm,my
necklace I got in Florida.I grabbed the waterballoon and waited until it was a straight shot .Then
released it. I heard Justin yell. I shouted over the railing,”Revenge is sweet!”

The Closet...
“Ethan! Aiden! Hurry, we need you!” There was a intruder in the school building. Ethan
and Aiden were identical twins and they were the strongest, most skilled, fighters in the school.
They ran in fear that something was wrong, but it was just Lydia passing out her party invitations
for that night. Ethan and Lydia had a “thing”. Everybody was dying to get an invitation to this
Later that night Ethan and Aiden showed up at Lydia’s house and there were so many
people there. Ethan was curious of what he was getting into, so he snooped around Lydia’s house.
Only to find a locked closet door. It wasn’t just “locked” it was bolted 57 times, as I said earlier
Ethan and Aiden are the strongest, most skilled, fighters in the school. They easily broke the locks,
and bolts. Only to find an empty room...

He’s coming
“Hey, I’ll be right back alright Sally?” Jeff whispered to me.
I watched as he walked away; leaving me in this meadow that was getting darker with each
passing minute. As he left i felt a unsteady feeling grow in me as if something was creeping up at
me. I watched the campfire for hours, watching it steadily grow dimmed until a dull glow was
visible. I couldn’t believe he left me here. I decided if he couldn’t be bothered enough to come
back then i shouldn’t be bothered staying here.
Walking back I could feel the leaves crack under my feet. The autumn aroma in the air,
filling my nose with the delectable scents. What I didn’t like though was how I still felt that
unsteady feeling. I felt as though I knew something was going to happen.
All of a sudden I saw a dark figure running towards me. It had large claws; longer than a
rakes. Rotting skin and blood filled my senses and consumed all my thoughts.
The last thing i remember is a distant scream and the world going black.

A Hug That went too Far

I was so ready like Spongebob Squarepants! It’s the last day of school. There was a girl that I loved
and never went out with. This is my chance to shine, I’m finally becoming a man! I was chewing
on a peppermint nervously. Here is my plan for today, I’ll give her a wristwatch, and lean in for
a hug. I hope that does not go too far.

I saw her beautiful self wearing that purple dress I like! While I was walking to her, my hands got
sweaty and the wristwatch fell off the steps. It transformed into a broken wristwatch and soon
my hope was gone. Then she started walking to me and we started talking. I told her what
happened, but she accepted it and she gave me a hug! The feeling made me excited and I leaned
in, then the hug went too far and I kissed her. We got separated but I still remember that moment.
But, she never touched me again.

Recipe for Disaster.

So its the first day of school and i'm so nervous to see my crush. I made him a love note and i hope
to use my special “cupcakes.” wink wink. Its just a sprinkle of pig juice, sugar, and owl feet. I
hope it works without the hobos big toe, because they were all gone at the hobo’r’us. I left it in his
locker with the love note. WAIT HE JUST OPENED HIS LOCKER, OMG. he just took a bite.
at that. My Recipe is a disaster.

The Man with a Hook

On a stormy afternoon a guy with a hook for his right hand walked into my store.

“Where’s the money?” he asked, holding the hook to my neck.

I said,“I don’t have any money the boss took it home when he left, but I do have a ring.”

He demanded, “Give me the ring… OR ELSE!” I took the ring off of my finger and handed it to
him. Just then and there, a spider fell from the ceiling and onto the sinister strangers nose. He
yelped “Not a SPIDER!” Then he dropped the ring and ran for his puny little life.

I yelled, “DON’T COME BACK!”

Surprise Surprise
“What are you wearing today,” I yelled across the room at my annoying, rude, and stingy
twin sister.
“ Clothes obviously,” she replied mockingly. I can’t do this today she is going to make my head
“ What are you wearing,” I ask again more sternly hoping and praying it’s not the same thing I am.
“ My blue jeans and a mint green shirt,” she says as she walks in and leans against my door frame.
This always happens! She stole my shirt, AGAIN.
“ Thats my shirt!” I stutter with anger. She looks down at the shirt and them up at me.
“ Gotta go, bye,” then she scurries down the stairs into the kitchen. I can’t believe her! I start
chasing after her.
“ COME BACK HERE!” I scream jumping down the stairs two at a time. As I stumble into the
kitchen she is sitting behind our mom eating a piece of bacon, with a big toothy smirk on her face.
“Mom she took my shirt,” I mumble sitting across from her at the table.
“ Oh dear, just let her wear it today,” she says in a sweet voice that no one can deny, but I could
this morning, I was enraged.
“ She is going to ruin it,” I say pointing at the piece of bacon in her hand.
“ If she does get something on it, we can wash it out,” my mother replies. I decide to ignore the
problem, and just eat my breakfast. When the bus come to pick us up, we both walk down the
driveway and step onto the bus. Instantly I see my best friend Jill, and of course my boyfriend, and
I walk down the aisle and plop down in the seat.
“ Hey Hailey,” Josh- my boyfriend says to me as he scoots a little closer. The seat next to me is
full of Jill and Nicole. Nicole is my other bestfriend, but the downside is the fact that she also likes
my identical sister, but he are nothing alike. She is having a party and she is probably inviting both
of us. Great.
“Here you go,” Nicole spits out really fast while handing me an invitation to her party.
“ Thanks, I’ll be there,” I replied just as fast.
The next saturday I am staring at my self in a mirror making sure my hair is just perfect for
the party. The party that me and my sister are going to, it might just suck. As we are walking out
to the car, we both stop dead in our tracks. We have the same exact thing on.
“ I can’t believe you,” she murmurs coming up to me.
“ Go change,” I insist biting the inside of my cheek.
“ No,” she says looking me right in the eye. I give up, I can’t deal with her anymore. I walk away
from her and get into the car.
Just because it was Nicole party of course she had play 7 minutes of Heaven, thats just the way
she is. I didn’t play, but my boyfriend didn’t think that. He was playing, and so was my sister. As
I walk into the room that they are playing it in everyones faces go pale. Jill comes up to me and
“ Josh and Amy went into the closet,” Then she backs up. I can tell my face is red. I run over to
the closet and jrab the handle shaking it.
‘’ Come out!!!!!!!!” I scream banging on the door. Then it slowly opens, and I see my sister and
MY boyfriend standing there staring at me.

The Shocking Blind Date

It was taking forever trying to wave a TAXI over. After five minutes, I finally got a taxis
attention. I was heading to Kris’s Steak House for a blind date that my friend set up for me. I
can't believe that she set it up on VALENTINES DAY when the restaurant is going to be
packed. My date was suppose to be wearing a red rose in his shirt pocket. When I spotted him at
a table for two, the first thing that popped into my head was how handsome he was. Sitting down
next to him, I realized that he was my OLD ENEMIES brother. I could tell that he recognized me
too. I put it aside and so did he because that was all back in high school. We actualy went out on
a couple of more dates after that and we are now in a relationship. Everything is going really well
with his sister and I, were actually best friends now. We are recently still dating and its going so
well, plus its almost been a year since our first date.
Never Trusted
One time when I was playing with my friend,and my other friends came and they Invited me and
my friend to their Party they were hosting. So me and my friend were heading to or friends house,
so we got their and straight away my friend took me to a Locked Closet and then he said “Try to
get in the closet”. So I tried and tried so he just told me to open it cause it was never locked. I
opened it and these two Identical Twin puppets jumped in My face and my friends laughed their
heads off and I never talked about it again.

The Dog
One bright sunny day in the summer when the sun was so bright the glare gave you a headache.The
only way to avoid the direct glare was to wear sunglasses and avoid looking up. It was a
good Tuesday to go see a wrestling match. So we hopped in the car and started to drive off and I
yelled “stop the car I forgot the binoculars!” I tried run to the house as fast as I could.I ran in the
tripping over the rug. I raced up the stairs out of breath and mouth dry. I opened the closet door
and snatched the binoculars off the top shelf.I raced down the stairs and almost tripped over my
shoestrings that were untied. Thinking to myself I’ll tie them later. I ran out the house yelling “I
got them” I ran down the stairs not going 1 at a time and tripped over my shoestring.I tumble down
the rest of the stairs belly first refusing to let go the binoculars. I got into the car body scraped
ready to cry.”You alright’ my friend asked.”I’m cool” I replied. At the time my body was aching
and I was leaking blood, but I was still ready and anxious to see the wrestling match.We got there
15 min before the 1st match started. By that time the blood was to my shoes. When my friend
roared”your legs I looked down and looked back up with a panic look on my face i yelled “No not
my beautiful legs!”the wrestling match was awesome i got to see my favorite wrestler wrestle.We
got in the car getting ready to go home.My grandpa dropped us off in front of the house when we
see my dog’s ex-boyfriend he turned his head look at us eyes cold as ice. We tried to stay still as
possible,but it’s hard to stay still seeing a 100 lbs pitbull coming toward you at a great speed. We
started the other way running as fast as possible. We hopped the neighbors gate pounding on their
doo.”help,Help”we screamed “your dog’s loose!”No one came to the door the dog hopped the gate
and walked up to us tail wagging. It sat directly in front of us and laid on his back. Turns out all
he wanted was his belly rubbed.The neighbors came to the door. “Where's the silly mutt.” “right
here.” I replied. “Good thing he’s friendly”my friend said. “yea i replied.
Bye Honey
It was a normal day, neighbors mowing lawns, birds in trees, and like normal, the sun was in the
sky. I had a normal suburban lifestyle, a husband and 2 kids, at least until this day…

“Bye honey!” my husband exclaimed.

“Love you, see ya later,” I said.
I had a fairly good job, it paid the bills, and gave me money for extra stuff. The only thing I hated
about work was I had to leave my family for 7 hours, 5 days a week, every week. I had arrived at
my work, and was expecting nothing abnormal, but what came next was far from normal. A man
in ragged clothes and in a robe was standing behind the door, of course I entered the windowed
door, knowing the man was behind it.
“Uhh, hello?” I asked the man. I got returned a deep groan. I tried to continue walking like
nothing was going on, but it was a like a force field was holding me back. I look down to find my
wedding ring I had lost 3 weeks ago on the strangers hand.
“I see you found my wedding ring, thanks, I owe you!” I gushed. Again, all I got in return
was a deep groan. I see he had a pet spider, my worst fear.
“Ahh, please get that spider away from me!” I squealed. This time I got returned no groan,
but the man did make a make a quick flick of his and and formed a quick cloud of dust. He was
gone, but the spider remained, suddenly I see the man scurrying towards me, he was holding
something sharp!
“Omg, please tell me that was a dream!” I screamed.
My husband quickly rolled over and gave me a scowl.
“Thank god,” I puffed.

The World will Never Know

Luce was coming home from her aerobics class worrying why she got a blank phone call from
home.She pulled into her driveway in front of her husband’s fire red car then unlocked the door
and waltzed right in.
“HONEYYYY” she bellowed through out the house “WHERE IS BEN AND JEFF AT?” her
husband,mark ran into the room the split second she asked him.
“t-they were just there sleeping I left the room for a minute!”
*BAM* *CRASH* they both looked toward their room then darted to that direction but they found
nothing in their room but a open hope chest.luce gasped then started to sob
“luce what is wrong honey?” mark asked her luce told him that basically someone stole her secret
“shhh shut up ben she will hear us now hurry up and open it!” mark glanced at the unpleasant
sounds from under the bed “ jeff?” “ben?” mark asked in a quiet tone to the bed.
luce pulled out the two little boys from under the bed ben started crying and then jeff followed a
second after
“w-we just wanted to read a book but daddy wouldn't let us!” they both said still crying then wiping
away the tears from their small chubby faces.Luce smiled then glanced at mark “awww my boys
are adventure-ers how cute!” she squealed after that luce and mark re-hid luce’s diary and everyone
went to bed but no one noticed when ben was reading a book that looked just the same as Luces
diary!was it luces? the world will never know!!

Valentine’s Day
It was Valentine’s day and Ludwag was taking chocolates to his girlfriend. So his gloriousness
got into the taxi and ordered “Broadway!” When they got to Broadway the driver opened the door
for him.
The boyfriend saw that it was his arch nemeses Dr. DoofinFangle.
“Ready to die?” Dr. DoofenFangle stabs the glorious man.
The Felicy runs out to stab the villain. She cried off into the sunset because of the tragic death.

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