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FICTION- is basically any story that is not true.

It usually comes from the

imagination of the author. Three examples of fiction would include Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, The Great Gatsby and The Hunger Games
1. Hunger games series
2. The little mermaid
3. The lion king
4. Snow white
5. Harry Potter
6. Diary of a wimpy kid
7. Wonder
8. Miss Peregrine
9. Maleficent
10. Tarzan

NON-FICTION- Non-fiction is pretty much everything else that is realistic.

Some examples of nonfiction writing are cookbooks, autobiographies,
dictionaries and fact books that give information on people, places or things.
Most types of nonfiction writing fall within the categories of informational texts,
how-to books, reference books, essays and biographical writings.
7. Journalism,
10.Historical and Biographical works


Afro-Asian Literature mirrors not only the customs and traditions of African and Asian
countries but also their philosophy of life which on the whole are deeply and
predominantly contemplative and hauntingly sweet. Afro-Asian Literature is the reflection
of the storm and the stress of developing nations seeking a place under the sun which every
student must understand so he may know how this literature affects the history and
culture of a nation.
In a simpler thought, Afro-Asian literature refers to the literary output of the various
countries and cultures in Africa and Asia. This includes their oral traditions and from the
first to the contemporary written and/or published prose and poetry.
Asian Literature alone is diverse and vibrant. Add to that the splendor of African Literature,
and you get enriching Afro Asian Literature.
There are some of reading list:
Two Brothers

This story is about the two brothers, Anpu and Bata, who faced many challenges because of
Anpu’s wife. The trust of Anpu to his brother is tested. Will he believe his wife? or his

to read the whole story visit:
This story is about Rama who is the eldest son of king Dasaratha but because the king
promised two wishes to his second wife which is not the mother of Rama, Rama is kicked
out in their kingdom and the throne is given to Bharata, the son of king Dasartha’s second
Know more about ramayana. Visit:
This story is about Shakuntala who met Dushyanta. They met in a forest and fall inlove and
as a sign of love Dushyanta give Shakuntala a wedding ring but because Dushyanta is a
king, he has to go back to his kingdom but he promised he will come back for Shakuntala.
One day, sage Durwasa came to Shakuntala’s door and repeatedly asked for water but
because Shakuntala was lost in thoughts of Dushyanta she paid no attention. The sage got
angry and cursed Shakuntala that whoever who is in her mind will forget her

Prose comes from the Latin "prosa" which means "straightforward." Prose can be
written or spoken and has no formal metrical structure. It is basically ordinary language -
the way people speak.
Prose is a form or technique of language that exhibits a natural flow
of speech and grammatical structure. Novels, textbooks and
newspaper articles are all examples of prose. The word prose is
frequently used in opposition to traditional poetry, which is language
with a regular structure with a common unit of verse based
on metre and/or rhyme. However, as T. S. Eliot noted, while "the
distinction between verse and prose is clear, the distinction
between poetry and prose is obscure";[1] developments in modern
literature, including free verse and prose poetry, have led to the two
techniques indicating two ends on a spectrum of ways to compose
language, as opposed to two discrete options.

Prose in Nonfiction
Here are examples of prose found in nonfiction sources, such as newspapers, magazines,
history books and encyclopedias:
 Some of the exports of Brazil are soybeans, sugar, orange juice and iron ore.
 The cheetah is the fastest land animal.
 Tomorrow we have a sixty percent chance of snow with a high temperature around 34
 Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan were married in 1988.
 The population of Rome was 600,000 in 1900 and 3,500,000 in 1990.
 The planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune.
 A family trust is formed in order to pass assets to children and other heirs.

Prose in Novels
Here are examples of prose that appear in novels:
 Call me Ishmael. - Moby Dick by Herman Melville
 Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Anna
Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
 It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. 1984 - George Orwell
 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age
of foolishness. A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
 Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held
by anybody else, these pages must show. David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
 You better not never tell nobody but God. The Color Purple - Alice Walker

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