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“I can…”

Student’s name: _____________________________________ Section: ________

Read each sentence and mark (√) the correct opinion for you.

English 1
Excellent Very Good Needs
Language Skills good improvement
I can say hello and good bye.
I can use classroom language (Thank
you, Can you help me?).
I can introduce myself and other people.
I can spell my name, address and other
personal details.
Unit 1

I can ask and answer questions about

myself and other people (where I live,
things I have, people I know).
I can write a short description about
I can understand general and specific
information from audios or readings.
I can describe objects, places or people.

I can ask and answer questions about

people’s job.
I can ask and answer yes no questions
with the verb to be.
Unit 2

I can ask and answer questions with this,

that, these and those.
I can understand singular y plural forms
of the nouns.
I can understand general and specific
information from audios or readings.
I can talk about family and relationship.
I can talk about home.
I can ask and give dates.
I can ask where things are.
I can write a description about my family.
Unit 3

I can use connectors like ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’

and ‘because’ in short written texts.
I can use possessive nouns (‘s)
I can use possessive adjectives (his, my)
I can use the correct form of have / has.
I can understand general and specific
information from audios or readings.
I can talk about places.
I can give and receive information about
numbers, quantities and prices
I can ask for and give descriptions.
Unit 4

I can ask and answer questions about

myself and other people (where I live,
things I have, people I know).
I can understand general and specific
information from audios or readings.
I can use the correct form of there is / are
I can talk about likes and dislikes. (food
and drink, sports)
I can give and receive information about
the time.
Unit 5

I can talk about my daily routines.

I can use the correct form of the present
simple in 3rd person singular.
I can write about my daily routines
I can use connectors like ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’
and ‘because’ in short written texts.
I can understand general and specific
information from audios or readings.
I can talk about routines.
I can ask and answer questions about
people’s job.
I can talk about how often I do things.
Unit 6

I can use the present simple in all forms.

I can talk about abilities.
I can understand general and specific
information from audios or readings.

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