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To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my interest in the doctoral program in the biology department at

Erciyes University

I am particularly keen to apply for the doctoral program in the biology department as its
research interests are an excellent match for my academic background. While studying for my BA in
biology at Sulaimani university in the Iraq developed a particular interest in the bacteriology.

After completing my BA, I undertook an MSc in biology at kahramanmaras sutcu imam


I now wish to continue my academic career with a PhD in biology, and I cannot imagine
a better place to study this than the biology department at the Erciyes University. With
the department's expertise in both memory processing and in research methodologies
such as Microbiology and Bioengineering, it would be the ideal location for my project.

This research has the potential to contribute to the academic understanding of memory
processes, but more than this, it may have an impact on wider society and healthcare
too. With an ageing world population and increasing levels of memory problems like
dementia, understanding the neural basis for memory processing will allow the
development of better pharmaceutical and therapeutic methods for the management of
memory disorders.

I am confident that I can complete the research project which I have proposed, as I
already have experience in fMRI, experimental techniques for the assessment of
memory, and in running a research project. In my Master's project, I designed the
experimental methodology, recruited participants, assisted with the data analysis, and
contributed theoretical knowledge to the write-up. I believe that these skills and
experience will allow me to complete a larger-scale project like a PhD effectively.

After completing the PhD, I plan to pursue a postdoc placement within academic
psychology, likely in the area of episodic memory processing. Driven by a lifelong
interest in human psychology, I am keen to continue my education in this subject and to
perform my own research which can contribute to the knowledge of the field.

Many thanks for your consideration.

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