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Motivation Letter

I completed my bachelor and master’s degree from the department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, University of XXX. To begin with, my academic result is GPA 3.65 (out of
4) in B.Sc. and 3.775 (out of 4) in M.Sc. I obtained 2 nd top most position in B.Sc. and M.Sc.
among ZZ students respectively. So far, I have 3 publications in international journal and other 2
manuscripts have been submitted. My final year research project was “…write your thesis
My accomplishments were exciting as “write your exciting point of achievement from your
thesis within one or two sentences” (please see my thesis abstract). Moreover, I have also
worked on “if you have completed more than one project, write here within 1 or 2 sentences”.
I am very good at operating cell culture techniques, MS, HPLC, TLC, AAS, Fluorescence
microscopy, PCR, rtPCR, Immunostaining, Chromatography, Western blot, SDS-PAGE, AGE,
Gene Sequencing, etc. (as I am from biological science, so I have written about my own).
Also I have been doing analytical method development, validation, verification according to ICH
I am highly interested in the PhD program in neurochemical mechanisms of food reward in
vivo using positron emission tomography. During my undergraduate and master’s level study
period, I took several courses related to this field, which gave me many ideas in this area.
Furthermore, my final year research was in the same area of animal and food science. I was able
to gain valuable research experience and use a wide range of experimental equipment completing
my most numerical and theoretical education. Also, my devotion to work, endurance to long
term pressure and the will to be the first teacher of myself by a constructive auto-criticism will
help me to be a competent PhD research student in this field of research.
Therefore, all the circumstances above influenced me to involve myself in a higher study in
this field. I hope to be able to become a part of your community, sharing amity with motivated
people and contributing with my enthusiasm, skills and determination.
In future, I want to see myself as an excellent scientist, a noteworthy contributor in my
professional and as well as in social life. So, it is been a great challenge to overcome it and to
reach at the goal point, but I am willingly and confidently to take this challenge.
I am deeply indebted to my country. My main aim is to contribute in the development of my
country and people through my knowledge. I think highly standard study quality in KU Leuven
will help me to reach my goal. Very attractive current research and being one of the largest,
prestigious and oldest institutions in Belgium also claim that I will be benefited if I get the
opportunity to study in this university. I strongly believe that giving me the opportunity to study
under this PhD grants will definitely develop my knowledge and personal skill and help me to
contribute to the world.

Sincerely yours

Your name

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