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E-Book from Kanchi Periva Forum

The Essence of Hindu Tradition and Culture

ANBE ARULE – Chapter 4
Experiences of Sri Baraneedharan with
His Holiness Sri Kanchi Maha Periva

Translated by Sri Narayanan Bala

(Above drawing is by Sri Narayanan Bala)
Volume - 48
October 13, 2015 – Shukla Paksha Pratamai

© Copyrights reserved Kanchi Periva Forum

Chapter 4 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri Baraneedharan)

Sri Kanchi Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Saranam


Hari Om! Namaskaram from the Kanchi Periva Forum community.

We are very happy to continue this special ebook series, a huge treasure this one, on Experiences with Sri Maha
Periva. Yes, this is one of the wonderful best-sellers in Tamil titled “Anbe Arule” authored by a great writer – Sri
Baraneedharan. More than just being an acclaimed, prolific writer, he is an extremely humble human being and
is an ardent devotee of Sri Maha Periva. He has a lot of books and articles to his credit – almost everyone is a
jewel but the ones that outshine others are his travel accounts (பயணக்கட்டுரைகள் & அருணாச்சல
மகிரம). It is a matter of great pride and satisfaction for us that this title is getting translated and published
through this Satsang.

Again, the translator (and mostly the illustrator too) of the series is a well-known, highly respected moderator
of our Forum – Sri Narayanan Bala (known as anusham163 in our Forum), someone who has dedicated his life
to thoughts about Periva and working on something related to Periva all the time – be it drawing, translation of
articles, new writing, sketching or a wonderful painting. He is so abundantly blessed by Periva’s Divine Grace
and it shows in every step that he takes on any of these fronts. For this particular series, Sri Narayanan Bala has
taken lot of pains to conceive the idea, secured permission for translation personally from Sri Baraneedharan
and has put in so much of effort to get this treasure to all the Periva devotees at large. Our sincere thanks and
namaskarams to both Sri Baraneedharan and Sri Narayanan Bala for this outstanding effort.

When we decided to launch this series, we were looking for an appropriate time to commence and it struck us
that the “Pratamai thithi” certainly deserves a special place for us as our Periva’s avatar on earth was on a
Krishna Paksha Pratamai. Like Sri Krishna Ashtami and Sri Rama Navami, Sri Periva Pratamai should become one
of the celebrated thithis in the future, and with such a desire, we decided to launch this as a regular series to
be published on Pratamai. We published the First Chapter of this series on Krishna Paksha Pratamai and on the
day of Gayatri Japam– 30 Aug, 2015. Chapter 4 of this series is being published on 13th October 2015, Shukla
Paksha Pratamai thithi.

On behalf of this Forum and our respected members, I would also like to specially thank our moderator
Smt.Sumi, who has put in tremendous effort in compiling this title for getting it published well in time. We
humbly submit this e-book edition at the lotus feet of Sri Maha Periva. Though this book is for restricted
circulation among like - minded members of the society, this is a free publication which can be downloaded
from Feedback may be sent at

Kanchi Periva Forum
Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara!

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Chapter 4 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri Baraneedharan)


Om Sri Gurubhyo Namah! Sri Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Charanam

Mr.Baraneedharan's book, 'Anbe Arule..' was the turning

point in my life, which moved me towards Maha Periva'.

After this only I started reading all the books by Sri

Ra.Ganapathy and Deivathin Kural. I also showed my first
ten oil paintings of Maha Periva to him who encouraged
me and blessed me by saying, "you will do 108 paintings
of Periva".

I submitted all these ten paintings to SriMatam. Later he

asked me to paint portraits of Sri Seshadri swamikal, Sri Ramanar and Sri MahaPeriva (I
quote him " these three Mahans were contemporaries; I want to display them in the Sri
Seshadhri swamikal maemorial in Chinna Kancheepuram on Sri Seshadhri Swamikal's
Jayanthi day.")

I did them and they were hung on the walls there on His Jayanthi day as planned. He
blessed me there with the 'Pattu Angavasthram' with which Sri Seshadri Swamikal's photo
was decorated during the homam and puja. Memorable day for me.

Because of his blessings only, I have completed 69 portraits and I am sure I will be able
to complete 108 with his and MahaPeriva's anugraham.

I welcome your feedback on this compilation. I can be reached on

Narayanan Bala

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Chapter 4 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri Baraneedharan)


I found the presence of Sri K.M.Rangasami, special correspondent from Dinamani (a daily
newspaper from Chennai) in the conference very convenient and useful. Even though I
could not attend the conference on all the days as planned, I was happy to learn the
activities of those days from him, and was greatly benefited by that.

Only two days were left for the conclusion of the conference. I went to have Darsan
of Swamikal, before going to the conference venue. He was sitting leisurely without
many people around.

“I want to tell Periava about something……”

“Come on ! Go ahead…”

“I had been to Ekambareswarar temple. There was a board kept there, in which was
written—‘Ten Paise must be paid to enter and have Swami darsan’. I felt very sad on
seeing that. Is it not sufficient if they charge for Abishekam and Archanai ? I feel it is
wrong on the part of Hindu Religious Endowment to charge the devotees for having
simple darsan also…”

“Have they kept such a notice there?”

“Yes ! I also found some other thing more atrocious than that; a screen was kept in
front of the Dwaja Sthambam (the tall bronze pillar kept at the entrance of every temple,
under which only, devotees are supposed to do Namaskaram). I enquired the reason for
that; I was told that some people are having Darsan from outside without paying the
ten paise charge and hence the screen was kept in order to prevent that ! To do such
things when we want people to become more and more devoted to God and more
and more people should visit temples…….” (he did not complete the sentence by saying
“is totally negative”!).

“Yes, it is a very great blunder..”

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Chapter 4 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri Baraneedharan)

On the next day, there was a meeting of administrative officers of all Hindu Religious
Endowments in the conference. Many officers from different temples in Tamil Nadu had
come to attend the same. Swamikal gave His blessings to them and also many advices.
At the end of His speech to them, He said, “ I should talk to you now about a very
important matter. Yesterday, a youngster who had seen a board in Ekambareswarar
temple announcing a charge of ten paise for Swami Darsanam came to me and made
a complaint with a heavy heart. Not only that, a screen had also been kept in front of
Dhwaja Sthambam hiding the Deity from the devotees’ vision. I do not know who had
ordered this to be done; but this has to be removed forthwith and today itself; Not only
in this temple but in all the temples wherever they have kept this board. It is a great
sin to say that only those who pay money can have Swami Darsan…”

That evening itself the notice and the screen were removed from the Ekambareswarar

After the conclusion of the conference, before leaving for Chennai, when I went to see
Him to get Prasadam (sacred ash and Kumkum), I took some liberty with Him, and told
Him, “ Next year Periava should conduct the conference in Madras (now, Chennai).”

Swamikal did not answer but simply smiled.

Swamikal who came to Chennai at the end of 1957, and left the place in the beginning
of 1959, visited Chennai again in 1965. At that time, He called all the important
personalities and conferred with them regarding the plans to conduct the conference of
Vedic science and sculpture in Chennai. I was told that a conference committee would
be formed and names of secretaries would be decided.

After the meeting was over, I, who was standing outside, was called in. I went in,
prostrated before Swamikal and stood.

Swamikal looked at the conference committee members and told them, “ Please add his
name also to the list of secretaries we have made today… Last year in Kanchi, as soon
as the conference was over, he came to me and requested me to conduct the next

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Chapter 4 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri Baraneedharan)

conference in Chennai. He only invited me before all of you did…..therefore, I think we

will give him also some responsibility..”

I could not control tears welling up in my eyes ! This was a lucky opportunity that I
never expected even in my dream. Having kept in mind my request made an year ago,
and remembering it now amidst those important devotees, and giving me a rare
opportunity to serve along with those eminent personalities, was something very extra
ordinary !

It was decided to conduct the conference in Karpakambal Kalyana Mantapam (marriage

hall). SriMatam also had its camp in the nearby Sanskrit college in Mylapore.

Two days to go for the conference to start; Periava called me.

“I am going to allot two important tasks to you in the conference. One, you should take
Pudhu Periava from here to the conference hall and bring Him back, two times a day.
This is an important responsibility for you. Two, you should find out every evening, who
are all going to talk and on what subjects; then, allot a time limit for every one of
them, and conduct the meeting in an orderly way. If one person keeps on talking, others
will not get time; You should remind everyone diplomatically, about the time allotted to
him (half an hour or forty five minutes, whatever it be) and do your job skillfully; it is
a tough job, alright; I am going to watch how you are going to accomplish this..”---He
said and laughed.

I understood the meaning of that laugh; He was telling me , “ you said it easily, that the
next conference should be conducted in Chennai; You also take some responsibility in
that and help as much as you can..”

One day, there was discussion and debate in the conference on the subject of computing
the Almanac, in the presence of Pudhu Periava. Astronomy, Mathematics and minute
computations were discussed and analyzed there. The experts in Almanac and researchers
from other states spoke in their respective languages, giving explanations and raising
objections. Now and then, an expert from Bengal by name SriLahari, was interrupting

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Chapter 4 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri Baraneedharan)

and debating resolutely with his opinions. The debate became hotter as time passed,
and there was no end to it. No consensus was in sight.

Pudhu Periava called me and said, “Go and bring Periava here immediately. Conclusion
to this debate can be reached only after He comes. Go fast.”

I took some car and went to Samskrit college and informed Periava what was conveyed
by Pudhu Periava.

“Go and tell Pudhu Periava that I will be coming right now”.---Periava said. I returned in
the same car and informed Pudhu Periava. He was happy.

Within ten minutes when Periava reached there in His Mena, I could notice a feeling of
trust and happiness in the shamiana.

Swamikal asked the pundits a few questions. Everybody started opening up their books,
but no one could answer His questions.

Swamikal, then gave the answers for His questions and gave explanations to the points
raised in the discussion, and concluded the long drawn debate. Al those pundits were

There was another incident during the Chennai conference, which I cannot forget.

One day, Swamikal called me and asked me to go to Nagalapuram on way to Tirupathi,

and have darsan in the VedhaNarayan Perumal temple and come back; He specifically
told me to have a look at the Veena Dhakshinamurthy on the southern side of the
Gopuram above the Sanctum Sanctoram. He also asked Allur Vishwanatha Gurukkal,
Thiruvadanai Aiyamani Sivachariyar, Srivilliputhur Alankara Battacharyar, and Ganapathy
Sthapathi to accompany me along with photographer J.Satagopan and Kannan.

As per Swamikal’s instruction, Kalaimakal Ramarathnam arranged a big (boat) car for all
of us to go comfortably.

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Chapter 4 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri Baraneedharan)

In the year 1958 Swamikal sent me to Sri Mankadu Kamakshi temple along with artist
Silpi. But this time, He sent me with experts in Agama and sculpture to make me
understand how one should have Darsan of a temple and get the benefits.-----I understood
this a few years later only !

After returning to Chennai, I briefed Swamikal what I understood in Nagalapuram temple

by minutely observing and analyzing it, and also about the history of the temple and its
special points. I then asked Him, “What should I do now?”. Swamikal did not say anything.
I reminded Him again after two or three days. Silence was the answer.

Next year, I asked Him, “Shall I write about VedaNarayanPerumal temple in the Deepavali
special issue?”. He nodded His head to say ‘yes’ and raised His hand and blessed me.

This was the blessed forerunner for my traveling to various sacred places and writing
about holy temples as a series in Vikatan.

To be Continued …

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