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Active Players: Leo, Vincenzo, Dr. Valentino, Tristan

Leo Liongate and his ghoul “Abby” get a message to retrieve a secret package from the mail
courier service. It contained money and rail tickets for 2. It has a message from the “society” to
evacuate their location to Paris to meet up with a contact at the transit hub.

Vincenzo receives a message from “the society” instructing him to pack up his research and
leave paris due to security breaches. He is to first meet up with a contact at the paris station in
the middle of the night and wait for further instructions. Vincenzo waits for Leo and Abby and
brings him back to his research facility overnight (over day) awaiting new orders. Vincenzo
receives another text with electronic tickets to bring all 3 of them by train to a vineyard estate in
Italy. Vincenzo stores his research and eliminates all the evidence.

Vincenzo contacts his unauthorized Childer, a 14th+ gen in Paris to lay low. He also contacts
his other unauthorized Childer in Italy to go to the station and prepare to drive them to their
location. They leave at sunset and travel through the night. After being driven to the the Manor,
Vincenzo tells this Childer to disappear until further notice.

Dr. Carlo Valentino is overseeing his patients in his usual manner. He receives a work email
from a source he recognizes as “the society”. He is instructed to evacuate his position and
head to a Vineyard estate, also in italy. Dr. Valentino takes his ghoul Roman in a work van and
drive to the estate, which is only about 2 hours away.

Tristan Langely resides at the vineyard manor in one of the wine counties in north eastern italy.
The master of the house, a secretive vampire of an older age has left months ago leaving
Tristan as the temporary custodian. One night Tristan hosts an elaborate dinner for other
human vineyard operators, an activity he often holds to secretly feed off his hosts. That night
his Ghoul Arnoldo, his highly productive groundskeeper informs him that a letter has been sent
for him by mail. It is cryptic but clear to him that something is wrong and he is to prepare to
receive refugee vampires at his manor.

Tristan instructs Arnoldo to clear out his human guests at first morning and prepare the manor
for guests.
Tristan instructs Arnoldo to repair and upgrade the video surveillance system.
Tristan instructs Arnoldo to Greet the incoming refugees
Tristan instructs Arnoldo to show the refugees to their quarters
Tristan instructs Arnoldo to follow the News feeds to get an idea of the World state
Tristan tells arnoldo to do just about everything.

Arnoldo converts one of the basement wine cellars into a Vampire coffin room that can
accommodate the incoming refugees.
Upon arrival the refugees settle in and try to piece out what is happening. They agree that
something is jarring the society and that contact with the society is getting only harder.
Vincenzo asserts himself as more “authoritative” since he has the most direct contact with the
society. Dr Valentino also gets messages from his hospital that Police authorities have been
moving through the building interviewing workers.

The group also gets news that terrorist attacks across the world has gotten worse over the last
48 hours and major cities thought safe by human authorities have just gotten hit.

While the vampires slumber for the day, Arnoldo wakens Tristan to tell him that there are
“agents” at the front gate. All the vampires are awoken and they communicate to the “agents”.
They are searching for a fugitive and want to be allowed in to investigate. They are recognized
as not local authorities but some unknown military entity. After negotiations across the speaker
system, the surveillance picks up armed soldiers closing in around the manor through the grape
fields. Tristan then has Arnoldo open the entrance to the underground waterway at the bottom
of the manor, designed as an escape. Everyone exits to the waterway and Leo sets the manor
on fire on their way out. They then use the night vision of Vincenzo to navigate through the
waterways to escape the area.

The vampires move through the waterways as far away as possible. They eventually make
their way through a junction sealed by metal grates.
On the other side they detect some type of animal in the water. Leo picks up supernatural
forces and some of them see the creature shift its form into a large water dwelling monster.
The monster moves through the underwater canals seemingly stalking them until it finally
The coterie runs and the monster kills Roman before chasing them to the end of the canal
barricaded by another gate.
A vampire on the other side of the gate uses some vampiric power to pacify the monster so the
group can escape past the gate on his side..
The Vampire is a nosferatu named Valmond and he explains later that the monster is a mystery
but made its home in that water passageway. It probably got in there and grew too large to slip
through the grates and got trapped. Valmond and his coterie have taken advantage of its
presence as an added security for their hideout.
The Vampire group follows Valmond to the “refuge” where 3 nosferatu reside, Valmond, Olric
and Katrine. They have set up a media center where they have been monitoring human activity.
They seem tech proficient and warned the group that the world terrorism seems to involve
vampyrs and their strongholds. They have monitored net infiltration of the vampire networks
months ago and this coterie have disconnected from the Net last week when they felt the
infiltration was getting out of hand. They have had no contact from the society.
Vincenzo tries to assert his authority over this coterie and finds out that the World has
descended into further chaos, with major terrorist attacks on cities such as Berlin, Prague,
Rome, San Francisco, Tehran, and Johannesburg. The World governments are declaring a
state of World Wide Emergency one at a time.
The protagonists have been without blood for several nights and need to feed. The nosferatu
tell them that their refuge is underneath a food processing plant that runs 24 hours and this has
always been their feeding ground.
The protagonists decide to go up into the food plant and feed. They do not kill anyone but do
comatose several workers to get a significant feed. They attempt to hide any traces by staging
these employees were “just sleeping on the job”. Dr valentino finds a computer in an office and
directs Tristan to it since Tristan was awaiting further orders from the Society. When he checks,
he has indeed received a message days ago telling him to bring any refugees to an address.
The message is authenticated and includes code digits.
The coterie leaves the refuge by night to the unknown address which is ends up being a
decommissioned civilian plane runway. Inside one of the plane hangers is a passenger plane.
The coterie finds out that Arnoldo has served in the Italian Air Force and he is confident he can
fly it. The coterie readies itself to fly to the next destination which is a numeric coordinate from
Tristan’s Message from the “society”.



The group takes the civilian plane to the coded location. It is a decommissioned airfield in a city
outside of Vienna. An unidentified male meets the plane as it lands and the Coterie make a
stealth attack to incapacitate him. They find out he is the attendant of the airfield and that this
location is a reception point for Vhampyrs in times of emergency. The hanger has an array of
planes indicating that many refugees have arrived here. The attendant is a ghoul that tells them
they should rendezvous to large estate.

The group takes a taxi service to a large estate named Villa Haas. On arrival they meet several
other vhampyrs and their mobile devices are collected. After an hour everyone is summoned to
the Atrium of the mansion. The head of the household Baroness Delphine von Shteina meets
the new arrivals which are our coterie and two others, Julio and his childer Paulette. Upon
examination The Baroness executes Paulette for actions compromising the “Masquerade”.

The coterie passes the examination and Dr Valentino is summoned for a personal audience with
the Baroness. She recognizes that the protagonists were called together on purpose and she
officially designates them as a registered Coterie. She needs Dr Valentino to attend to a
community of outcast gypsies that live in a trailerpark community within the estate. They have
no Dr running the triage center and the people are in dire need of medical service. The
mansion uses this community as a feeding ground which only adds to the declining health of the

Information arrives to the mansion that more major cities around the World have reported
terrorist attacks. These cities are known places of Vhampyr base of operations.

Dr Valentino meets another Nosferatu in the mansion that informs him that he believes that the
major cause of the breach was the discovered online network of activities around the World by

The coterie go to the Gypsie camp to feed and assess the health condition of the people. They
discover that the condition is as bad as reported. The Coterie decide to head to the next small
city outside of Vienna to seek out medical supplies from the Hospital there. They get a meeting
with the head Doctor that explains that medical supplies everywhere have been short since the
Govt has put a restriction on distribution. This was created in response to the terrorist attacks.

In the private meeting, Dr Valentino and Leo incapacitate the Doctor and Dr. Valentino plans to
assume his identity.

Vincenzo searches for materials for his blood craft magic.

Dr Valentino carries a bat with him and plans to blood bond it as a familiar. He has named it
Players are searching for a method to gain medical supplies. They may want to raid this
hospital or go to a military base nearby to pillage theirs. Dr Valentino also wants to talk to the
baroness about ways of combating the terrorist threats to Vhampyrs.


**We can put into action, the “amendment” system for the game so we can assure players can
push what they need or want to move the story forward.

**We can also put into action the “Reveal” system where if the players become stumped by the
Story, they can defer to their Characters knowledge pool to give the players insight. In a severe
condition, if they need a clue that would have been beyond the players, or their characters
reasonable abilities, they can just ask the ST for a “push in the right direction”.

**We can also speed up the game by implementing the RPG mode of the game, where once
declared, all outside discussion ceases and all play is done in character. This ensures the
game progresses steadily and doesn't get halted. This mode is exhausting however so this is to
be used intermittently, especially in times we detect the game is staggering.
SESSION 4: 3/3/19
ACTIVE PLAYERS: Zee- Research-Dr. Vincenzo Fiati
Nick- Professor Tristan Langley
Parker-Medical Dr. Carlo Valentino
Guest Star NPCs: Screetch, Dr Valentino’s terrifying utility pet bat
Arnoldo, Professor Langley’s highly skilled and overworked ghoul
ABSENT: Easter-Leo “Lamb” Liongate

Dr. Valentino and Leo have incapacitated the administrative Doctor at the Hospital with
inhalants. Dr. Valentino then comes up with a plan to Obfuscate the Doctor’s identity and
gather lethal doses of drugs to stage a suicide. They figured this Doctor threatens their plan to
take medical supplies. After making sure he makes contact with several hospital staff with the
drugs in his possession, he returns to the office and kills the unconscious Dr with the drugs. Dr
Valentino then uses the admin computer to reroute incoming medical supplies to the Gypsy
camp at the Villa Haas estate.

Dr. Fiati ends up obtaining a gold blade from a pawn shop with the assistance of Dr. Langley.
They ask to look at further items in the back room with the owner and they incapacite him so
they can feed off him. On their way out they alert the front staff that the owner just had a
medical emergency and they leave to retrieve Dr Valentino and Leo from the hospital.

Back at the Villa Haas Manor Dr. Valentino continues to work in the gypsy camp triage center.
He attempts to show the nurse his vampiric healing powers on a patient hoping to recruit her as
an assistant. She instead panics in horror and Dr Fiati has to wipe her mind with his mind
altering ability. Regular activity resumes.

While working at the triage center a highly paranoid vhampyr enters the triage center looking for
our protagonists. His name is Dale Van der Berg and he requests assistance from them. He
explains he is a camarilla agent, with high authorization hunting for a wanted criminal. The
criminal goes by the electronic callsign Chariot-227. Brief details goes as follows:
*Dale has tracked Chariot-227 to Villa Haas
*Chariot has been wanted for serious crimes against the Camarilla and has been operating from
*Chariot has only been recently been tracked leading up to arrival at Villa Haas but the identity
is unknown. Chariot is usually on the move but the breach and the subsequent lockdown and
telecoms silence has held Chariot to this location.
*Dale was scheduled to randevou with 2 other agents to help him, but after the Breach, they
never arrived and their whereabouts are unknown. Dale is choosing to continue his duty alone.
*Dale sought out help from our protagonists because they arrived to Villa Haas after the last
transmission from Chariot was made originating from Villa Haas. Therefore he deduced that all
the vhampyrs in the Manor are suspects except for the last arrivals. Dale has mostly frozen his
investigation until now since he is trying to recruit help.
*Dale wants to be careful who they alert because Chariot has proven to be skillfully elusive and
as of now, he believes Chariot does not know he has been tracked. If word gets out, he can go
back into hiding and evade Dale’s investigation.

The following day Dr Valentino, Vincenzo, and Tristan leave the manor at first Dusk to feed at
the gypsy camp. At arrival, they are alerted by a ghoul that an Agent has been spotted in the
camp snooping around. Dr Valentino Obfuscates into a police officer and walks in to greet the
agent under the guise of authority. Soon after Tristan receives a closed circuit radio
transmission from Leo back at the manor telling him he has felt paranormal activity in the camp.
He says several other vhampyrs have also felt something. When Tristan informs leo that an
Agent was just spotted in the camp, Leo informs them that the agent must be dangerous.
Tristan hurries in to intercept Dr Valentino. They decide to try to take down the agent together.
The agent is located at the triage center.

Dr Valentino and Tristan move in the front and Vincenzo goes in to the back. The agent is in full
tact gear and sees the two at the front. Seeming aware that something is amiss, the Agent pulls
out a large crucifix from within her vest and the two vhampyrs find themselves transfixed on it
impeding their ability to initiate action. Tristan is able to distract the Agent’s attention with his
own Presence and during this tense moment, Dr. Valentino charges the Agent.

The agent opens fire on Dr valentino and hits him with painful incendiary rounds. Vincenzo runs
up behind and attempts to incapacitate the Agent with his toxic blood. Tristan attempts to
grapple her. Dr Valentino bites the Agent on the back of the neck and is immediately stunned
by the blood burning his mouth down his throat. The agent is now wounded and bleeding
everywhere and our protagonists find that her blood burns their skin on touch as well making
close combat even more dangerous. They get the agent on the floor and Vincenzo knocks the
gun away. Vincenzo gets an idea to get the largest plastic tarp and throw it over Tristan and the
Agent to shield them from her blood. Tristan shuffles out from the tarp leaving the agent
underneath. The agent must have a second gun because they hear gunshots from under the
tarp and later turns out the Agent killed herself after shooting most of the rounds blindly through
the tarp.

After the loud incident vhampyrs from the manor begin to swarm the camp. They roundup the
fleeing Romani citizens and convince them to return since the gunfire is over and they are safe.
The triage center is trashed from the fight and Dr Valentino works to straighten it up. Most of
the patients in the center were already in critical and several patients perished or worsened
during the fight.

The coterie are able to recover the Agent’s Laptop and guncase from her Jeep. The Agent’s
name was Chela Suarez. In the guncase is a disassembled Sniper rifle with custom incendiary
rounds and a mobile telecoms transmitter.

Dr Valentino and Tristan are summoned to report to the Baroness on what they experienced at
the camp. She reveals to them that Vampire hunters have always been a threat since the Old
Ages and they still exist today. When they tell her they recovered her equipment, they are
authorized to uncover vital information about the Agent, her organization, and the Breach.
When they ask her about Munich because they saw that on Agent Suarez’s laptop, The
Baroness Delphine informs them that Munich contains one of the Camarilla seat of influence,
located at the Atlas Tower.

The Coterie inspects the laptop and telecoms transmitter with the help of Arnoldo. They find:

*Agent Suarez has been on a path that led her from Spain across Europe ending here.
*Her last assignment was to investigate Villa Haas. It is not indicated if they knew about
Vhampyr activity ahead of time.
*She was directed to report back to a staging area in Munich once she is done with investigating
Villa Hass and to cancel her future investigations.
*The Coterie finds detailed blueprints on Atlas Tower in Munich.

At this point, the coterie is planning to learn more about the Agent’s organization by searching
deeper in Agent Suarez’s computer.

They want to help Dale with identifying Chariot-227 but want to first find out if Dale is trustworthy
and if the Agent’s arrival is somehow connected.

They want to warn Atlas Tower that they may be the target of the next terrorist attack. And
since the breach has prompted telecoms silence, there may be no way to contact them except
to travel there to personally warn them.

SESSION 5 March 17, 2019

ACTIVE PLAYERS: Zee- Research-Dr. Vincenzo Fiati
Nick- Professor Tristan Langley
Parker-Medical Dr. Carlo Valentino
Easter-Leo “Lamb” Liongate

The protagonists decide to travel to Atlas Tower in Munich. They ask others for suggestions on
how to best travel. Leo suggests using riverways that will lead from the nearest Marina near
Villa Haas to Munich. Researchers find the best riverway route for the coterie and they leave to
the nearest Marina.

On arrival they find a Mid sized boat with a father and child in dock. Vincenzo uses his vhampyr
ability to command the man to drive his boat along the riverways up to munich. After the 5 hour
trip, they arrive near munich and the driver ties the boat to a fishing pier. The coterie feed off
him and leave the boat. They locate an empty car and Leo hotwires it. They travel until they
get to a checkpoint along a narrow highway surrounded by tall grass. Do valentino obfuscates
to an italian worker from back in italy. Dr Valentino also stole his ID back then. When the
officer asks Dr Valentino for ID, he presents the italian ID. The officer begins to check it. Leo
uses his Auspex to tap into the officers senses and discovered the ID was reported missing
days ago. The officer then receives information that this ID check is proven suspicious and the
officers are to stand down until “specialists” arrive. The coterie believes the police, and
authorities have identified them as terrorists. This checkpoint probably exists because Germany
is going through a State of Emergency because Berlin had been hit earlier on by “terrorist
activity” which the coterie has now identified as the 2nd Inquisition.

Leo listens in and tells the coterie they should flee since the police seem onto them. They run
into the tall grass. Continuing to listen in, Leo hears the conversation from the officer. This
officer decided to defy orders and take on the terrorists without the agents. He seems fed up
the agents keep intervening in police affairs and decides to handle it himself. He convinces the
other officer at the checkpoint to assist him. They both run into the grass after the coterie.

Dr Valentino stays back and incapacitates 1 officer and kills the second. Tristan returns back to
finish off the 1st. While running more police cars respond and the coterie run away. A
helicopter is spotted. They encounter a stopped car with passengers and they hijack the car.
The helicopter follows the coterie on a high speed chase that ends up as a multiple car collision
as they approach the first outter limits of cityscape. They scramble out with minor injuries and
attempt to find an escape. Leo spots a storm grate and they pull off the metal guard. They then
slip in and use Vincenzo to guide them in the dark.

*The coterie are now at the very edge of Munich’s city border but realize they have tipped off
police and possibly Inquisition Agents.

*The coterie do not know how much time they have left before Atlas Tower is hit.

*The coterie are considering the possibility that they their current circumstance may accidentally
draw the Inquisition to Atlas Tower faster than they anticipated if they are tracked and followed.

*To sort out Identities, i will try to change my language in reference to “Agents” of the inquisition
and Agents of the Camarilla:
Inquisition Agents, the international group of vampire hunters that seems to include
zealous individuals will be called AGENTS
Camarilla Agents that are given specialized missions from higher authority will be
referred as OPERATIVES
I will be referred to as a BADASS…. :)
Session 6 March 31 2019
Active Players: Dr Valentino
Prof Langley
Dr Fiati
New Arrival Player: Prof Trevor Martin
Permanently inactive: Leo Liongate

The coterie are now in the waterways under munich. Vincenzo uses his dark vision to guide the
group. After moving through about a miles of tunnels, they see a flashlight ahead. They
discover that it is a solder from above that is peering into the underground. Although Dr
Valentino is obfuscated, they seem to still see him and the whole coterie run back away. The
authorities above begin dropping flares down from the drain slits into the tunnel alerting the
group they have been identified.

Trevor meanwhile has been monitoring the surface commotion as well as the coteries
movement. While police and military personnel seem be shifting their attention, he debates
using this chance to escape to the surface. But he soon identified the nosferatu in the coterie
and chooses to help them. Trevor has been working alone for too long and this coterie may be
lost and cornered in this waterway without him. Trevor uses the PA system, cameras, and
remote locking systems to guide the way for the coterie. They make it to the central staging
area where trevor resides. They thank him and he tells them about how he is alone and this
underground system was setup by another vampire that perished days ago. They decide that
they should all escape soon since many enemies may be entering the underground, clearing the
surface of patrols. They leave and activate the data killswitch for this operation on their way out.

The coterie and Trevor move above ground emerging at the transit station. They debate taking
a train or using the street deciding on the later. They are dressed in subway work uniforms from
Trevors hideout. They find a taxi that drives them to the corner of the block where Atlas High
Rise sits. They enter the front which has a sectional glass security compartments. An
automated computer asks the coterie for an authorization and Dr Valentino enters the
authorization given to him by Baroness Delphine at Villa Hass. The system grants access after
more confirmation codes are asked. At the front, the security guard at the desk directs them to
elevator 4 which will take them to floor 7. At their destination, the elevator opens revealing two
monstrous beasts awaiting them. Although intimidating, they are calm in composure and use
body gestures to invite the coterie to proceed. They are followed down the hall to a board room
where a Man is standing at the head of the table.

He introduces himself as Herr Sigmund Vogel and everyone politely meets. They learn that
Atlas is not actually a political headquarters as the Baroness informed them. It is actually a
Vault that holds artifacts for the Camarilla. The information was falsified, on purpose as a
security measure for “The Society”. Sigmund explains he is the last Operative here since
everyone else has already evacuated and cleared out nearly all the artifacts with them. They
began this process many days ago when Berlin was first hit by “terrorist attacks”. There are two
items remaining at Atlas and Sigmund has been delayed since he cannot move them. Sigmund
shows the coterie to the Vault in the basement level 3
“Item 1” is a 5 Tonn stone structure in the shape of a 4 faced archway. The second (item 2) is
mounted underneath Item 1. Sigmund has ordered heavy moving equipment and transport for
item 1 but after all the countrywide alerts, he is certain no suitable equipment will arrive.
The coterie offer their help since they tell Sigmund that at attack seems on its way. Sigmund
expresses gratitude that more help has arrived and tasks the coterie with moving Item 2 since
Item 1 is unmovable. Sigmund Authorizes the coterie with a code from Atlas and tasks them
with this mission. He also unlocks all relevant information Atlas has for the coterie. Sigmund
also explains how research data is not archived in the same place and that many researchers
have come and gone over the decades to study all the various artifacts at Atlas. He sums up
this with a statement,

”Since researchers have always come and gone since Atlas secured its artifacts, it is likely that
scholars abroad may know more about the secrets in our vault than we do.”

Vincenzo and Tristan research on the computers about Item 1 and Item 2.

Item 1:
**is a piece of egyption architecture with etched writing that appears unique from other egyption
artifacts that humans have studied.
**appears to be only a segment of a larger stone building that may be a tomb.
**It was found in the late 1800’s by unrecognized Vhampyr operatives. It ended up on a series
of railways ending at Munich in the early 1900’s.

Item 2:
**is carried in a metal case the size of a large musical instrument. The entire wt is about 60 lbs.
**inside is a sword that has qualities unlike human designs in history.
**It contains a significant % of silver and weighs itself over 25 lbs which is well over the practical
size for a human weapon
**It has sigils and symbols acid marked and pressed into its design. None of it seems to have
human origins.
**Item 2 was acquired during WW1 and was brought together with Item 1 in 1918, 4 years after
the war. The two items have been together since.
**instruction sidenotes on both Item 1 + 2 recommend that both items always remain in their
configuration with Item 2 mounted beneath the stone archway of Item 1 at all times and that
movement should also maintain this configuration.

Valentino decides to evacuate the following day after police begin probing the lobby of Atlas.
They decide to take Item 2 since it is the only item they can carry. Part of their escape plan
includes using a causeway built underground between Atlas and another high rise across the
street. This other skyscraper is a Pentek building. Sigmund sets the coterie on their way saying
he has a mission of his own to travel elsewhere. He says he will stay and secure atlas the best
he can while they leave. Leo decides to stay and cause a distraction that may help lure
enemies out of their way. Hours later a fire starts at Atlas tower.

The coterie escape to the parking basement of the Pentek building and load into a van acquired
for them. A ghoul from Atlas is driving them. They drive out of Munich getting past the road
checkpoints using their Vampiric abilities. They drive to Villa Haas and arrive 4 hours later.

They arrive to Villa Hass to find Arnoldo still working on Agent Suarez’s laptop. He finds
additional information that 4 other of her colleagues also originated from Spain.

The coterie decide to keep Item 2 secret from everyone.

They call a meeting with the Baroness who asks them information about their mission. They
conclude in their story that the mission was almost not necessary since Atlas was mostly
evacuated already when they arrived. They do explain that Sigmund authorized them with a
mission and when the Baroness checks it, it shows as a high priority mission. She suspiciously
allows the coterie to view the general directives of their mission in privacy. She seems intrigued
when she realized the coterie arrived to Atlas on their own initiative to leave with a high priority
mission that even she is unauthorized to access.

The coteries mission given by Atlas is a courier mission to relocate their items to Vilnius,

The coterie and their operative codes has also increased their security clearance and access to
the database at Villa Haas.
Session 7 April 14 2019
Active Players: Parker as -Dr Valentino, Nosferatu
Nick as -Prof Langley, Toreador
Zee as -Dr Vincenzo Fiati, Tremere
Clayton as -Prof Trevor Martin, Ventrue

**The coterie have more information about the “Database” that each Camarilla place of interest
seems to use. (Villa Haas, and Atlas) It has a nickname called Aion. It acts as several things:
**Data Archive
**Command structure
**Security Checkpoints.

Aion appears to be driven with an AI. So far the Coterie has watched Aion do the following:
**recognize and grant authority
**secure and release sensitive data
**register and track Vhampyrs
**Provide archived information about all things academic about the World

The coterie is back at Villa Haas. They decide to help Dale pursue Chariot 227.

They secretly invite Dale to a meeting and he responds with a message he will meet in the
Romani Camp. The coterie help set up the shipment of medical supplies to the Triage Center
and feed from the population.

Trevor needs to find a physically fit victim that meets his feeding criteria and follows leads to
physically strong citizens in the camp. They end up being a gang of larger men at the edge of
the camp. Identifying Trevor as a wealthier outcast, perhaps from the mansion, they surround
him attempting to intimidate or rob him. Trevor convinces the toughest guy he assumes to be
the leader to a fist fight with stakes. During the fight Trevor uses his Vhampyre powers to make
the large man unwilling to win or fight. Completely confusing the crowd, Trevor wins when the
man shows signs of giving up and walking away. Trevor follows him to a private place and
feeds. The entire gang is dumbstruck as Trevor peacefully leaves.

Dale meets the coterie while in the Romani Camp and they re-establish their efforts to help with
finding Chariot. They decide to use Dales specialized software to infiltrate Aeon to advance
their search. His software pulls all the incoming and outgoing messages from Villa Haas. When
the coterie search through it, they find a single transmission that is bulkier in size. The
transmission, which failed to send held within it research data on genetics. The research effort
which is segmented and non-collaborative originate in several locations, Berlin, Minsk, Moscow,
Warsaw, Bucharest and Tehran.

The coterie looks at the profiles of the inhabitants of Villa Haas and find that 2 other coteries
have had residency in Moscow and Berlin. Dr Valentino approaches the first coterie from
Moscow, a Nosferatu and another female. The 3rd was not present. Soon he discovers that
the Coterie is only related to Moscow because their coterie was founded there. They are
unaware of the stolen research he is asking about.

Vincenzo Fiati sets up a meeting with the Baroness. In the meeting he asks for the profiles of
the 2nd coterie from Berlin. The Baroness seems interested in the mission they received from
Atlas and says she will give them the information on the coterie if Dr Fiati authorizes the
Baroness as an affiliate to their mission from Atlas. He agrees and they both initialize it through

Vincenzo sets up an interrogation of the leader of the Berlin Coterie named Galind. She is
caught off guard and expresses her disapproval of the procedure but goings along with it. Fiati
uses his blood magic to ensure she is telling the truth which she does willing. Things she
**She was stationed with her coterie in Berlin.
**She had a series of tasks given by the Society, nearly all of them were observing and
**The group was relocated to switzerland, and Italy.
**The 2nd inquisition happened while they were in Italy and they got an evacuation order to Villa
**While at Villa Haas, she attempted to send a message back to her authority which failed to
send like most everyone else’s
**At the time she was operating her terminal, there was a data jam and she recalls having her
transmission timing delayed

The coterie realize that this Vhampyr and her coterie seems to have nothing to do with the
stolen research in Berlin or Chariot but do learn of the date and time of the bulk data delay.
Using some cross information, they find those individuals logged into Aion within the narrow
window. There were 5 suspects logged in:

Sergei- The Baroness’s Tech Assistant

Elena- the reclusive female vhampyr with no coterie
Galind- The Vhampyr that just got interrogated
Murat - A solitary Vhampyr with no coterie
Gusan - A solitary Vhampyr with no coterie

**Behind the Scenes background tasks

Dr Valentino Identifies 3 drug addicts outside the triage tent. He tasks them with stealing
merchandise front the neighboring city in exchange for drugs. He is awaiting their completion.

Tristan asks Gennady about weapons. He is told that the armory is depleted and reserved for
emergencies. In the time of emergency, everyone will be armed as quickly as possible for
The coterie plans to move in on the remaining suspects.

Session 8 May 13 “Irregular Saturday”

Active Players: Parker as -Dr Valentino, Nosferatu
Zee as -Dr Vincenzo Fiati, Tremere
Absent Players: Clayton as -Prof Trevor Martin, Ventrue
Permanently absent: Nick as -Prof Langley, Toreador

Dr Valentino makes small talk with Elena first before she gets called to the interrogation. She
doesn't appear to be suspicious.

The coterie calls in Elena and begins to use the same methods to question her. She tells them
the truth. She appears to not be the spy they are looking for. The messages she was
attempting to send on that day of question were text only and were not data packages.

Apathetic to the coterie’s embarrassment, the Baroness tells them she will just line up the rest of
the suspects for interviews since she knows the coterie will ask anyways.

Trevor and Professor Langley want to appease the Baroness by going down to the triage
center. They will let Dr Valentino continue the investigation with Dale and Fiati.

They help the nurses in the triage center and Trevor eventually excuses himself. He heads to
the outskirt of the trailer park where the Romani ruffians are located. On arrival, he finds that
the gang has a different composure. When trevor arrives he finds the dominant gang leader
away from the rest of the group and once they see Trevor, they slowly get up and move away.
Trevor can see the one guy as distressed. Trevor prompts him to have a conversation and he
nervously asks if Trevor is someone “different”. Suspiciously Trevor asks why he is asking and
he says that after their encounter, his friends were confused and went to an older woman in the
camp to report what they experienced. He says his friends told her about what they saw that
night and she told them a story about a creature, disguised as a person that arrives unexpected
but never stays long. She then tells them of the legend of the monster Ravnos.

He says his friends came back after talking to this “Gypsy” wisewoman and they are convinced
that he is now forever cursed. Trevor listens to all this and eventually tells him that the story is
true, except not as bad as it sounds. The man listens, still in his depressed state and Trevor
says that he is not a Ravnos that has come to inflict a curse and then leave him to die. Trevor
instead says he is another type of being, opposite the Ravnos that has instead invites him to live
in comfort with him. Trevor gives the man a dose of his blood and invites him to come to the
manor with him. Trevor then asks the man about his former friends, who they are and which
trailers they sleep. As Trevor tries to comfort him he finally asks, “And tell me everything you
know about this Gypsy fortune teller.”
The coterie calls in Murat into the interview room. Dale, Fiati, the Baroness, and Gennady are
present. Dr Valentino is also there and he is obfuscated on the ceiling directly above.

Murat expresses how he wants to cooperate since he has always been loyal to Villa Haas. Dr
Fiati pushes the bowl towards him and Murat tells them he is nervous about cutting himself. He
convinces Fiati to cut him so it is done right, He grabs Fiati’s arm and pulls him across the table.
Fiati attempts to command Murat to release him with partial success. Murat fails to attack but
continues to hold him.

Valentino drops from above and tries to attack and Murat ends up releasing Fiati. After
gunshots are heard, Murat disappears into a blurry streak and ends up across the room behind
a large table. He flips it and crouches behind it. As they approach, they find nobody behind the
table so Murat must have obfuscated.

The Baroness uses voice command to lockdown Villa Haas and everyone hears bars moving
and locks engaging all around them. The manor seems secure. Valentino tries to use Screetch
(his bat famulus) and his spider swarms to fan out and try to locate Murat now confirmed as
“Chariot”. After some time looking for the invisible vhampyr, Dale approaches the Baroness and
asks to use her sidearm. This alarms Valentino who shouts don’t do it! He says that Chariot
could be impersonating anyone in the room and everyone draws their attention to Dale. Dale
puts his hands up in surrender and says “i’m not Chariot but I can see him and he is behind

In the moment of distraction, Chariot impales Fiati from behind and Valentino charges him.
Chariot kicks Fiati into Valentino to try to obstruct him which fails and they are soon fighting.
More gunshots are heard and they hear the sword fall to the ground. Chariot then uses his swift
movement again to flash to the spot behind the flipped table. Valentino rushes Chariot behind
the table who is illuminated because of the Baroness’s incendiary bullets lodged into his
bulletproof vest. Gennady joins Valentino in holding down Chariot while the Baroness walks up
and stakes him through the chest, causing him to torpor after his body convulses in agony.

[STORYTELLER NOTE] - Players at this point expressed frustration with the story, mostly along
the lines of “fairness” and feelings of “inferiority” and “helplessness”. They also recognized that
the dice were abnormally bad for Zee that day and Parker says he really wants Dr Valentino to
have claws but has no character system to get them. The ST has considered all of this and has
also written an supplement for the players to read. It is only meant to be helpful, cheeky at best.
:) [See Eyes of the Storyteller - Chariot edition]

The Manor is unlocked and they find vampires around the manor asking what happened and on
high alert. The coterie take Chariot to a makeshift prison under the manor and they take a

Dr Valentino finds that one of the criminals he dispatched has returned to the Romani camp. He
give him some blood and invited him back to the Manor.
Dale searches Murats room and finds a data storage device. They also recover Chariots sword.
They plan on awakening Chariot to question him before executing him but Aion has given the
Baroness a high authority command to not interrogate and to secure chariot for delivery at a
future date to “the society”. She informs them they are under orders to leave Chariot alone.

Soon after a alert from Aion causes all the vampyrs in the manor to divert their attention. The AI
that powers Aion is requesting a reconnect to the NET. Everyone gets the message differently
but they all come to the conclusion that Aion is prompting a reconnect to other Aion systems to
update itself. This will renew Aion at Villa Haas as it continues to organize the Camarilla. The
Baroness and her assistants are frantic with work and decide they will allow Aion to reconnect,
especially since it seems to be threatening that it may deactivate itself if it is not allowed to re-
establish connections to the other Aion systems.

Everyone waits and it finally happens at the time Aion indicated. After a brief time, probably 10
minutes of being reconnected, the Baroness disconnects Aion and everyone is excited to review
their situations with Aion. Some information is learned about our coterie:

*Their visit to Atlas and their courier task has been shared to other Aions
*The coteries recent acquisition of Chariot is also recognized by the Society.
*Several Vampyrs in the manor express that the high priority reconnect was somewhat
underwhelming. They suppose many situations remained unchanged.
*Once Aion was reconnected and updated, it obtained more information about the “terrorist
incursions” across the world.
*Aion also updated the responsibilities of most vampyrs registered.
*Aion seems to be more intuitive on giving the vampyrs better information on their inquiries.
*Aion continues to enforce a strict authorization of information as before and the coterie find that
most of the information they were locked out of, continues to remain locked.

Trevor expresses that he is growing more uncomfortable with Aion and its control over how their
vampyr society operates.

Dale also asks to join their coterie since he remains alone and Aion has no plans for him as of
now. The coterie accept him and the Baroness registers him as an additional member.

Tristan Langley is also cut from the coterie via Aion and although nobody has spoken to him yet,
they assume that his situation is probably confidential.
Session 9 May 19 2019
Active Players: Clayton as -Prof Trevor Martin, Ventrue

Zee as -Dr Vincenzo Fiati, Tremere

Player Active at half point: Parker as -Dr Valentino, Nosferatu

After Aion reconnected, it updated its status. The Baroness has revealed that after the update
Aion now is interested in information about Chariot and grants her the authorization to
interrogate if she chooses. She asks the coterie if they are interested since Dale had the
original mission to locate him. He seems curious but not eager to interrogate Chariot. His
original mission was to uncover and Identify Chariot-227. Chariots capture was in excess of his
mission directives.

The coterie decide that they should follow-up with their courier mission to Vilnius. They decide
to do more research about their “Item 2” since they held off on that mission while they did
others. Some more information since Aion’s update:


*Item 2 is related to a creature labeled “Wolfen”

*Item 2 was acquired during WW1 near Poland

*At the time of acquiring Item 2, Vhampyr hideouts throughout the region were facing recurring
attacks by Wolfen at the same time WW1 was enveloping Europe.

*Aion gathered information for the coterie which included scanned written letters from Vhampyr
to Vhampyr on how to handle Item 2

*Item 2 was relocated to many locations, possibly 20+ during the span of the War. They do not
know the details on how it ended up at Atlas.

*Scholars sent to examine Item 2 in 1904 concluded that it was somehow haunted or infused by
some living entity with sentience. Although at the time they were considering destroying the
artifact which the scholars highly recommended against. This entity which is mysterious to the
Vhampyrs, is infusing the weapon but in doing so, remains a prison within it. Destroying Item 2
will release this entity from the prison with unknown consequences. It was advised by the
highest orders to keep the artifact intact and in the possession of the Ivory Tower.

“Item 1”

*“Item 1” (The stone archway) was collected by Vhampyrs near the year 1904 for scholarly
purposes. Notes from the vhampyr researchers took interest of the distinct design that stood
out from the rest of the tomb.

*“Item 1 was part of a undiscovered tomb under Mt, M’ket Banat in Egypt.

*“Item 1 was excavated out with great difficulty and loaded onto a railway system for transport
back to Vhampyr control.

*Aion also has scanned Encrypted letters that are related to Item 1, but cannot be translated
without a cipher. Aion is missing the appropriate ciphers and does not know the contents.

The coterie use Aion to research their best options to deliver the item to Vilnius. They factor in
the additional help they received from the Baroness when they authorized her as an assistant
for their courier mission.
They decide to leave Dimitri (The Romani ruffian) behind. They final group that will be leaving
is, Dr Valentino, Trevor, Dr fiati Dale and the ghoul “gravedigger” who was their driver from

Aion in relationship to the Coterie’s courier mission, informed the them that there have been
Agent sightings along major freeway system in Poland.

They decide to take country and rural roads to avoid the main freeways so they can avoid
checkpoints which may involve Agents.

This backroad route will extend a typical 13 hour freeway trip to a 30 hour trip. They figure that
they should drive conservatively with extra time at dusk and dawn so they won't be trapped at
daylight if something were to happen. The rough math puts their trip at 7-8 nights of travel.

Things go well until Trevor has difficulty finding his specific victim type at the many small
villages along the country backroads. Several nights his hunger climbs to dangerous levels. In
need of a larger city, Dale remind them that the Baroness had authorized them access to
Vhampyr hideouts along their path to Vilnius. One such city is nearby. They decide to stop at
this city, not only to feed but to register with Aion just in case there are status updates. They
have been on the road for 5 days which is a long time.

The coterie stop at this larger town, which still has only approx 10k+ citizens. They find a small
community academy and the coterie enter. Trevor is looking for an athletic dept i this academy.
They find a gymnastics studio and 3 young men in there. One is asleep with his jacket over his
face and two others are practicing on opposite corners. Trevor convinces them he is an athletic
scout and talks to each of the 2 in private and feeds off them. It turns out the sweaty, shirtless,
Polish gymnasts that barely hit 20 years of age, meets Trevor’s feeding requirement.

They group then decides to check into the location that was provided by the Baroness. They
drive to the outskirt of the property and find a large lumber mill. Large stacks of logs and
buildings cover the large area. The see trucks constantly coming and going from the main road.
They drive up and the front gate guard asks them questions. When they say they are on
business to see their manager the human asks questions that indicates he understands they are
here for Vhampyr business. He asks them to punch in verification to an Aion unit and they do.
He tells them to go up the logging road but turn on the service road halfway up. They take the
road and end up at a large 3 story office building surrounded on all sides by walls of stored
lumber. They enter and verify themselves. The coterie go to the designated area and meet a
Vhampyr that must be the master of this safehouse. He introduces himself as the Duke Bartley
de le Porte.

[Ref: Barley de le Porte is a name the coterie heard before. In session 3 the Baroness took the
new arrivals at Villa Haas to the Atrium and after review executed a young vhampyr Paulette in
front of everyone at the manor. Her Sire, Julio was present and he begged for her life saying to
the Baroness that his Sire, Bartley de le Porte spoke highly of the the Baroness Delphine. She
was unmoved by this and proceeded with the execution.]
The coterie ask Barley questions that may help them on their mission. He shares that he knows
about the Agent activity and he is tasked with dealing with it since they are mostly in his zone of
responsibility. Following the backroads was the better choice they made. Bartley is interested
in their mission and Dr Valentino reminds him that it is improper to attempt to intrude on the
business of operatives of the Tower, without clearance. Bartley obviously does not have access
to the coterie’s courier mission.

The protagonists ask Bartley to inform them about werewolves. He is interested to know why
but says he can only share what he personally knows which is limited. He does say that Aion
does have more archived information that he can unlock should he find it necessary for the
mission of coteries operating in his area. The coterie express their frustration that the Aion is
aware of their mission, which may involve werewolves but kept its werewolf archive locked to

He offers that if they authorize him as an accomplice to their mission, he can unlock Aions
information about werewolves to them. Still wanting to keep information from him, they decline.
He tells the group that they can remain here under his protection for as long as they need.

This facility is a lumber processing mill and trucks are constantly delivering raw lumber and
dispatching processed wood. There is a multi-unit hostel for the truckers which is maintained by
human maintenance staff. The Vhampyrs at this location use the traveling population to feed.
All the hostel rooms have surveillance cameras installed and secret doors that access each

The coterie plan their next moves to complete their courier mission.
Session 10 June 9th All players active:

Parker - Dr Valentino Nosferatu

Zee - Dr Fiati Tremere

Clayton- Prof Martin Ventrue

NPC - Dale van der Berg Malkavian

The coterie are residing at Kulikov, the camarilla haven disguised as a high output lumbermill.
Dr Martin calls one last meeting with Duke Bartley de la Porte to discuss what they know about
1st Light. Mostly of what they learn from Bartley is:

**Their religious cults have a long history of conflict with Vhampyrs since the age of antiquity

**Their Religious icons are recorded as dangerous to vhampyrs but the power seems to come
more from the wielder of the icon than the actual object itself.

**Their title of 1st Light is a public front for an older order of religious zealots and their publicity
seems to be done on purpose as a political counter to the “terrorist” threats.

**Although their origin appears to be Spain, they have spread their operations all over Europe
showing signs they are spread thin.

**A specific vhampyr bloodline may have more lore on these zealots since their history has
clashed through the ages. They were referred by the Duke as “The Ministry”. Dr Fiati and
Trevor know them from lore as “Setites”.

**The First Light organization seems to be a collabortive partnership with other human
instituations such as the police, and international anti-terrorism task forces. Overtime their
inclusion has caused political friction with the human organizations.

They decide to stay at Kulikov for one more day cycle before leaving for Vilnius, the target city
of their courier mission. During the sleep cycle Dr Valentino’s bat alerts him awake. Vhampyrs
have entered his room and tell him he needs to be escorted to building 2, the trucker hostel here
at Kulikov.

Each coterie members is wakened and escorted to building 2 as if under arrest. Dr Fiati
realizes the artifact “Item 2” has been taken.

Once in building 2 they are brought to a conference room under the watch of 6 armed
Vhampyrs. The Duke Bartley enters the room with another Vhampyr. Barley is holding the
case. He informs our protagonists that he is insulted by the coterie arriving with such a crucial
mission yet do not trust him enough to authorize him through Aeon to assist. The coterie assert
their political status to say it was their choice to make, authorized by Aion and the Vhampyr at
Atlas, Herr Sigmund Vogel. Trevor reminds Bartley that his actions will cause dire
consequences to fall down from the Tower and anyone in the room cooperating will suffer the
same fate.
Although Trevors warning is conveyed with a compelling tone, Bartley replies with a devious
response ,”Aion is not in the room with us.” The coterie sigh a collective “.....damn”.

Realizing this situation is happening in secret, the coterie continue to remind him and the other
vhampyrs in the room that this breach of Camarilla protocol will get out and be addressed.
Bartley is showing signs that he has doubts in his own course of action.

Bartley is still intent on pressuring the coterie to authorize him through Aion and asks again.
The coterie obviously refuses. Vincenzo uses his Dominate to force Bartley to release the case
and it works. Bartleys accomplice beside him, Estelle pulls out her gun and threatens Vincenzo
to stop. He then uses dominate on the vhampyr beside her to disarm her. That vhampyr
casually walks up to take her gun and she nonchalantly lets him take it. She seems to know
exactly what Vincenzo is doing. She then makes contact with Vincenzo and uses her Dominate
to say “You will stop your mind games immediately” forcing him to comply. She then tells the
vhampyr Sarchev to shoot vincenzo if he does not cooperate. He pulls out his sidearm.

Estelle looks at Bartley who is still under the command of Vincenzo’s Dominate and still appears
hesitant. She tells him to move forward with “the plan” and pulls the case close to her and
unlatches it. Trevor gives one final warning that they are all showing incredible stupidity by not
listening to the warnings. He goes on to say that Aion secured their courier mission on purpose
for the protection of everyone and that this action will bring dire consequences to everyone
here. Trevor is partly sincere but is also intent on inflating the warning to teter their morale.
Trevor himself thinks nothing may happen since they have had possession of Item 2 this entire
time with no incident.

Dr valentino attempts to dive under the table out of view so he can obfuscate but with so many
enemy vhampyrs in the room watching, it fails and he climbs back out embarrassed.

Estelle finally opens the case and looks at the sword. She says,”It's not what I expected. Lets
go” She takes Barley’s arm, carrying the case in the other and exits with him.

The coterie imagine that Bartley’s plan was to declare the coterie’s courier mission a failure and
then resume the courier mission himself to gain the glory. They also believe that he may just
want the artifact for himself since it was important enough to keep at Atlas.

Two more Vhampyr guards enter and keep the coterie prisoners for an extended time. They
continue to talk to the group telling them its not too late to make the right decision because they
all know they are breaking the will of the Camarilla. Although some vhampyrs seem willing to
follow the Duke, several of them do seem like they are indecisive on what to do.

Vincenzo tries to get up to stand down Sarchev and when he tries to use dominate he shoots
vincenzo in the face. Although he causes a minor injury its enough to know the vhampyrs will
kill the coterie if they act up.

After a long time in the room, and everyone seems to get impatient, the lights flicker and the
building shakes. Trevor wastes no time voicing that this is the warning he mentioned. After
some frantic attempts to establish communication they realize the comms network seems to be
down. Several vhampyrs hear on their radios to report back to building 1. They begin to leave
and some ask Trevor to pardon their actions since Bartley gave them no choice. Trevor is

Once the vhampyrs leave, the group head out into the hall to a window. Truckers are rushing
out of their hostel rooms to view the commotion. A logging truck has appeared to careen over
the security booth and crash near the lot of parked logging trucks. An explosion follows causing
damage everywhere. Kulikov is comprised of two buildings surrounded on all sides by walls of
stacked lumber on all sides but the opening at the entrance. This crash and explosion is near
that single opening into Kulikov station. Vincenzo uses his Auspex to view out the window and
sees a human on top of the lumber wall looking down. He can see through its supernatural
camouflage. Vincezno and Valentino both attack and drink from the two humans who are
watching the same action at this window. Valentino then uses his Protean to break out of the
building and climb along the outside of the walls. Trevor and Vincenzo and Dale rush outside to
their parked SUV they arrived in.

Dr Valentino climbs down the side of building 2 and then climbs back up building 1 where he
believes the artifact [Item 2] is being held. He breaks the window on floor 4 and enters. He
sends his bat and a swarm of mosquitoes to spread out and help locate the artifact. He does
find a room with a computer with an Aion prompt. He registers and Aion asks for a security
status of Kulikov. Dr Valentino tells Aion that Kulikov is under attack. Dr Valentino types to
Aion that the duke has violated the protocols of the Camarilla. Aion acknowledges and begins a
self destruct protocol for this Aion unit. Valentino assumes this is a normal action of Aion to
prevent security breach. Valentino then exits and climbs along the ceiling. The power goes out
in building 1 and after a few seconds the emergency exit signs activate illuminating the halls
with an orange ambient light.

He sees two Vhampyrs running until they stop to aim their guns down the Hall. Valentino
remains obfuscated and on the ceiling observing. Down the hall, he hears a scraping sound
which is an office refrigerator being scooted out a sideroom into the hall. Then suddenly the
refrigerator is propelled down the hall at the two vhampyrs knocking them both down and
pinning one to the floor.

A giant creature, [presumably a “Wolfen”] leaps up on the crashed refrigerator and begins to
dismember the vhampyrs beneath them in a violent flurry. As Dr valentino observes blood and
body parts spraying all over the halls, he backs away down the hall and goes down a side Hall.
Moments later he hears a galloping noise coming down the hall and he freezes. He sees the
monster run at incredible speed down the hall past Valenino on the ceiling. Valentino sifts
through the wreckage until he finds a long broken piece of wood he intends to use as a stake.

Trevor, Dr Fiati, and Dale make their way outside and the see big-rig trucks begin to move in an
attempt to exit. They traffic jam at the narrow entrypoint, gridlocking all the trucks in place.
Soon they hear another explosion from another truck scattering bits of burning wreckage and
fuel. Humans begin exiting their trucks and run in panic.
They run to their SUV and Dr. Fiati assembles the sniper rifle they acquired from Agent
Suaraz’s Jeep back at Villa Haas. He mounts it on the roof of the SUV aiming at the front entry
lobby of building 1. Dr Fiati planted a bloodstone in the case of Item 2 so he can feel the
whereabouts of it and he aims the rifle at the entrance. Trevor pulls his handgun and stands at
another angle covering the entrance to the building.

Dr Valentino goes down a stairwell and finds a cowering vhampyr in the corner with his gun
pointed at the door. Dr Valentino goes to the door along the ceiling and begins to open it. He
immediately sees the hairy back of a monster to the door. He lets his obfuscate drop and
violently swings the door open. While the door slowly closes on its own, the monster runs
through the door at the cowering Vhampyr facing him. As soon as the “Wolfen” sprints through
the door, Dr Valenino skitters along the ceiling through the top of the door and when on the
other side in the building hall, obfuscates again. He soon finds the case when screetch returns
informing him that he found it. Valentino runs down the hall and sees two vhampyrs fleeing, one
holding the case. Valentino pursues until they end up in the front lobby with Bartley and Estelle
running for the front entrance.

Estelle runs out the front door first followed by Bartley. As soon as he does Dr Fiati fires his rifle
and the shot knocks Bartley off his feet onto the ground.

At that moment, one of the Wolfen jumps through a window on the 2nd floor landing on the
ground in between the SUV and Bartley. It lands on its feet and looks over the situation. Dr
Fiati climbs down jumping in the SUV.

Valentino runs up to the prone Bartley and prepares to drive the stake into him. Bartley is able
to look up at Valentino and tries to pull the case over his body as protection and Valentino is
able to use his Potence enhanced strength to drive the stake through the case and into Bartley
until the stake stops at the cement floor. Estelle runs away.

The Wolfen stares down Valentino and starts to charge. The SUV starts to accelerate at top
speed almost knocking Dr Fiati out. After only a moment, the SUV slams into the Wolfen
propelling it through the glass of the building lobby and then brakes to a screeching stop.
Valentino grabs the case and runs to the SUV. Trevor jumps in and Fiati recovers the fallen
sniper rifle and jumps in. Once inside the vehicle, Dale drives quickly to the entrance where all
the trucks are gridlocked. He hops the barrier out of the truck lane onto a maintenance lane and
cruises through until he has to slow down to avoid the wreckage from the explosions. As they
finally get to the narrow opening between the two walls of lumber another Wolfen lands on the
roof and reachings its giant arm into the window. Dale speeds off at max speed and Trevor
shoots the arm at point blank making the monster withdraw it. They see two large talons
puncture into the roof as they speed away. Valenino quickly opens the case and pulls out the
sword. He then drives it up through roof and stabs the monster making it dislodge and roll down
the windshield and off the front of the vehicle. Dale slams the breaks to avoid crashing and
loses control flipping the SUV on its side. When it slides to a halt, the Vhampyrs quickly climb
out and try to push the vehicle back on its wheels. Dr Fiati approaches the unconscious Wolfen
face down on the road. It slowly transforms into the human form of a nude young man. Dr Fiati
uses his blood magic to strike the man killing it. He then tries to drag the body back to the
vehicle. The coterie successfully push the vehicle back on its wheels and they drag the body of
the Wolfen into the car. Valentino and Fiati taste the blood of the Wolfen and immediately
realize that it is extremely potent.

The coterie drive off leaving Kulikov to burn in the distance behind them.


Session 11 June 24

Active Players:

Parker - Dr Valentino Nosferatu

Zee - Dr Fiati Tremere

Clayton- Prof Martin Ventrue

NPC - Dale van der Berg Malkavian

The coterie continues along the highway away from Kulikov. They decide that they need a new
vehicle since this SUV is damaged severely. They stop at the very next exit which has a fueling
station. They find a person alone pumping gas and Trevor Dominates him and tells him to
abandon his car and walk away. They quickly move all their belongings into the new vehicle
and continue.

They encounter a checkpoint with 3 police units checking cars. Acting paranoid as usual, they
use their dominate ability to confuse him over and over. Dr Fiati tastes his blood and realizes
he is a ghoul. The officer did ask if they were from “Kulikov” which is a location name only used
by Vhampyrs. They remain paranoid and Dale speaks up and affirms to the officer that he
knows of “Kulikov”. The officer then asks if they are familiar with Aion which Dale responds they
are. The officer hands them a computer tablet which has the Aion prompt. Dale and Trevor log
into Aion and the ghoul officer realizes they are Vhampyr and signals to the other officers a
“Clear” gesture. He tells them that there is a rest stop just for them at the next exit up and the
coterie move along their way. They take the exit which leads them to a hotel at the end. The
front desk person is clearly a Vhampyr affiliate and she gives them a key to rest. They take a
break here for the rest of the night. There is an Aion unit in the room.

During this time, Dale communicates with Aion and tries to convince it that he needs more data
on the “Wolfen” since they are in possession of the body. Aion unlocks additional data for the
coterie which includes video recordings and research notes of researchers gathering
information about captured Wolfen.

It can be summarized as:

**Wolfen have the ability to hold onto life, even while incapacitated although it has its limits.
Researchers report killing their captive subjects after prolonged stress and injury is applied to
their bodies
**Wolfen will remain in their human form when incapacitated and seem to lose their ability to
shapechange if thier injuries were severe enough and caused by silver. Some wolfen on certain
occasions have unexpectedly shape changed and escaped but this only happened after days of
allowing them to recover

**Captive wolfen have been brought back to consciousness and interrogated just as regular
humans indicating they have the full sentience of humans.

**Researchers of the Tremere have a special interest in the blood of living Wolfen and most
have killed their captive as they continually bled the Wolfen to further their research.

Aion asks Dr Valentino to do a forensic analysis on the Wolfen and they find it is indeed barely
showing signs that it is still alive. Dr Valentino convinces the group to keep the Wolfen alive so
they can do their own research on it. They are also careful to restrain it as much as possible but
are convinced their captive may remain human for several days while incapaciated as covered
in the research videos provided by Aion.

They also feed in this Hotel.

They leave at dusk straight for Vilnius Lithuania and Dale unhooks Aion and talk to it, telling it
that they need a mobile unit since they are all offline still and they no longer have a portable
unit. Aion informs the coterie not to take it but when Dale yells at Aion that they need the
navigation database to finish their courier mission, it seems to comply by remaining active after
being detached.

At this point, Dale appears to be getting proficient with Aion but is also increasingly frustrated.

They reach a checkpoint and Trevor is able to dominate the officer with a single command and
the coterie is allowed to pass through. They head to Vilnius city limit and Dr Valenino tells Aion
they are approaching. Aion gives them a map and directions to a large empty parking lot near a
cluster of buildings that appear vacant and dark. After driving in the lot they see a figure that
identifies himself as an affiliate. The coterie follow him through the walkway between the dark
buildings until they reach a large room with 1 person in it. He introduces himself as Neptune-42
as Aion would refer to him, but asks to be referred by his name Oleg. He has known about their
courier mission ever since all the Aion units went online to synchronize over 8 days ago. [refer
to session 8 when the Aion went back online briefly to synchronize] When he asks the coterie
to register on Aion, it actually refers to Oleg as “Sire”. The coterie strike a casual conversation
about their frustration with Aion and he indicates that he is also not a particular fan but says it
has its benefits. He also says that he remembers a time when the Ivory Tower did its business
long before anything like Aion.

He asks the coterie to open the case for him and Trevor tries to warn him about the dangers.
Seemingly unalarmed Dr Valentino opens the case and he looks down on it and speaks out loud
to himself,”Why, Hello again”. Trevor realizes Oleg is already familiarized with it and asks if he
has seen it before. Oleg responds by saying that he was in possession of it for the first 3 years
of the 1st Great War (WW1). He also says to the coterie “So it was at Atlas for all this time?”.
He thanks them for their service and asks them if they need anything from him. Valentino
requests information about his Sire. In a gesture of amiability, Oleg asks Valentino if he is
certain he wants this information, reminding him that knowing one’s Sire is not always a fulfilling
endeavor for a Vhampyr. Valentino expresses that he is certain he wants to know.

Oleg voice activates Aion and requests information on Valentino’s sire and Aion says the
information has been secured. Oleg then tells Aion to unlock the profile on his authority and
Aion responds with “Affirmative”. Valentino then receives the information about his Sire from

He knows his name Codename Tethis-195, true name Georgio Florenze

Last registered on an Aion in (Winturthur) Switzerland 8 days ago, the day of Aion’s last
reconnection time.

Dr Fiati also asks to be granted permission to Sire another and Oleg tells him that he is not
ready for that responsibility yet and denies it for his own good although he implies that it may be
possible in the future.

Trevor seems satisfied with just the credit of completing the mission.

The coterie ask if they have permission to research their Wolfen captive while it is still alive and
Oleg grants them permission and tells them to return to Warsaw where they will find suitable
labs to conduct their research. Valentino tells Oleg that he wishes to personally assist him in
the future should he need it.

Oleg tells the coterie that they need to check into Warsaw because this location at Vilnius is not
equipped for “Tower” operations. They are leaving and Dale mentions that Aion has kept most
of its data archives about the Wolfen locked. He says he believes Aion is not convinced they
have a Wolfen captive and will not unlock its information. Oleg then tells Aion to unlock the
entire archive on Wolfen for the coterie and Aion complies. They are given a portable Aion.
They are given a fresh SUV from Vilnius to drive back to Warsaw.

The coterie then leaves to Warsaw. At the checkpoint the officer runs the SUV plate and then
waves them through after saying “Please Proceed Embassador”. They drive to Warsaw,

They arrive in the financial district surrounded by Highrises. Valentino exits the vehicle and
makes contact with suspicious people around the buildings and as he suspected, they turn out
being Camarilla vhampyrs. They allow Valentino in and he tells them to allow the rest of his
coterie in as well. After parking their SUV they all meet up in the lobby. The hook in their
portable Aion into their Aion and the receptionist tells them that they may not receive a meeting
since they are late to register and the list to have an audience is already too long. When the
coterie asks for who they are meeting, the receptionist responds, “The Prince”.

Moments after, when Aion updates, the receptionist looks shocked and tells the coterie that their
meeting has been moved to the front. The enter an elevator to an upper floor where they are
met with a group of grumpy vhampyrs giving them dirty looks. They also seem to be bickering
amongst themselves. When the coterie make it to the front of the group to the main room, The
Prince tells everyone to leave and for the coterie to have a seat.
The Prince is designated Olympus-Ki Epsilon by Aion. And he is surprised at their arrival. He
tells them that he is responsible for the security of Warsaw but also entitlements and our coterie
has been authorized to be granted a sanctuary within his domain. The Prince offers a selection
of locations as well as a research lab they requested. The coterie make a selection from
available havens and they receive a research lab space within a contracted Pentek facility. The
coterie also receives their haven, an entire 2nd floor of a building in the entertainment district, 3
blocks away from the Pentek facility.

The coterie is asked one last thing from the Prince before they leave to scope out their new
havens. He asks,”Did Herr Sigmund Vogel at Atlas indicate where any of the other Vaults of the
Ivory Tower were located”? The coterie says they were not told of anything like that and then
leave. They head off to check out their new haven.



The coterie, Inspector Dale Van der Berg, Dr Vincenzo Fiati, Dr Carlo Valentino, and Professor
Trevor Martin drive to their haven first. Following instructions from their mobile Aion, they arrive
to a busy street in the entertainment district. Although it is late in the morning, the streets are
still full of cars transporting people from the various businesses. Although traffic on this main
street called Trocka is incredibly busy, Aion guides the group to a side alley with a heavy garage
door. The sturdy code console on the front accepts the code that Aion provides and they enter
and park. The garage can accomodate 4 large sized vehicles and has a personnel and loading
elevator. Both elevators have a standard console that also act as an Aion terminal if an Aion
registry is entered. The coterie go up the building to floor 2. Floor 2 appears to be a large office
space that is barely furnished except for a main table that can accomodate 12 or more people.
An Aion computer sits at this central table. Valentino first goes to the table and activates Aion
and connects it to their portable. He monitors it while it updates.

Dale investigate the rooms on the periphery of the floor and finds that they mostly are empty
and have fortified windows that can open mechanically from the inside. They are double paned
with a layer of plexiglass. Dale reports that the rooms around the outer edge are labeled from
the halls so periphery rooms and internal rooms are distinguishable from the inside. Also, all
the windows are bulletproof on the 2nd floor. Dale says all the internal rooms and the main
central room will be blocked off from outside light.

Trevor goes to a room facing Trocka Street and scopes out the activity. He identifies several
busy spots along the streets on either side. It appears this building is at the very center of the
entertainment strip. Trevor goes back to the main room where he finds a city planning grid with
all the streets and business locations marked. The nightclub below them is Klub Lutro, and was
the top rated nightclub in Warsaw for 2 years. Aion identifies a strip club “Za Kurtznya” which is
highly vhampyr affiliated but is not an official holding of Olympus-96, the Prince. Aion’s
database covers every business in this sector.

Dr Fiati finds a surveillance room that has all points of interest on the inside and outside
covered. The system is not turned on yet. He also finds a cluster of rooms that may be
intended for vhampyrs to sleep. The capacity could accommodate 12-18 vhampyrs if
configured for it. He also finds a palate of equipment wrapped in clear plastic and still in boxes.
The labeling indicates, computer equipment, Burner phones, First Aid kits, and building
maintenance equipment. Dr Fiati equips everyone with burner phones.

Dr Valentino interacts with Aion which is now updated with the portable Aion they brought with
them. This Aion unit is exercising Net silence just as the other Aions everywhere. As Aion
“talks” to Dr Valentino he realizes that this haven carries with it responsibilities as well. There
are some vague directives such as:

“maintaining the order of this section of the entertainment district”

“Assisting in distress calls from vhampyr operatives in their sector”

“Offering aid and refuge for vhampyrs in crisis [mission crisis]”

There are other more defined directives such as:

**This territory is under the Prince’s domain and all operations will be to further the interest of
the Tower or the Prince.

**The decree of the Prince will cover this haven and its district as an extension of his domain.

**The hospitality of the Prince is to be fully observed from this district. Camarilla operatives in
their area are to be assisted and protected (when on mission)

**Any Vhampyr crimes or missing operatives are to be under the responsibility of the coterie in
charge and failure to adequately perform these duties will mark against this coterie in the
registry. The coterie at this Haven is expected to investigate thoroughly.

**Commands from the Tower supercede the laws of the Prince should they act on this Haven

Valentino gathers that this haven is not an independently ran base of operation such as Villa
Haas or Kulikov which have their own controllers. This haven is under the direct control of the

Valentino also says to the coterie that they are in charge of naming this Haven, which will only
be known to the Camarilla.

Lastly, Valentino finds that Aion has unlocked a set of files. When he checks them, he finds a
“wanted list” of identified Tower affiliated and unaffiliated vhampyrs and ghouls. The nature of
the “Wanted status” is varied case by case. Known information on their profiles such as
surveillance files and pictures are provided by Aion. They are to keep an eye out for these
wanted individuals in their zone.

Fiati and Dale take a “REBU” to the pentek facility and take an Aion portable with them. Fiati
finds a fully operational lab at Pentek although its mostly closed for the night except a skeleton
crew. Their clearance takes them to a seperate sector and they find their lab, fully equipped to
do biological, chemical, forensic, and computer analysis. Most of the equipment is still in the
plastic and this lab may never have activated yet. Dale reminds Dr Fiati that they still have the
mobile data drives from “Chariot-227” and they can investigate from this lab if they wish to keep
Aion out of it. Their Haven is mostly integrated into Aion if they investigate there. Fiati calls the
coterie and says that Dale and he, will sleep at the facility since it is almost Dawn. Trevor and
Valentino also retire back at the Haven with their Wolfen captive still restrained.

As they retire for the daylight hours Aion promts another countdown for Net connection
scheduled for dusk. The coterie will see it upon awakening.


Session 12 7/7/2019

Active Players:

Parker - Dr Valentino Nosferatu

Clayton- Prof Martin Ventrue

NPC - Dale van der Berg Malkavian


Dr Valentino and Prof Trevor Martin at the haven. Dale and Dr Fiati retired at the Lab. Dr
Valentino and Trevor feed easily off the streets of Trocka. Even though it is early in the evening
it is busy with people. Aion does another update and is able to send Valentino’s message to his
Sire in Switzerland. They also receive a message from the Baroness congratulating them on
their missions completion at Vilnius.

Dr Valentino and Trevor review the “wolfen” files that Oleg, (Neptune 42) unlocked back at
Vilnius. They skim nearly a hundred written documents and video files to learn as much as they
can about the Wolfen captive. These are important things they learn from Aion’s “Wolfen” files:

**Wolfen are born. They are not “turned” or created. They tranform after their first change at
adolescence and are indistinguishable from a human before then. A video testimony from a
vhampyr recalls a vhampyr feeding off a human regularly only to find out the human changed
into a werewolf and disappeared. The Vhampyr swears that the blood of the Wolfen seemed
entirely human before its first change.

**Wolfen can change at will but sometimes involuntary.

**Wolfen walk around as human as their regular form and can blend in with human populations.

**Severe injuries from silver can keep Wolfen from changing. It is not an exact science how
severe of an injury and how much contact the silver needs to make. Although Wolfen cannot
change while suffering from their injuries, they can heal enough to the point where they can.
One video account shows a series of interrogation sessions of a Wolfen by a team of Vhampyrs.
After several days the Wolfen changed, killed several lab technicians and escaped. It was not
caught on camera but it seemed to hide its ability to changed until it had an opportunity. It is not
known how long it takes a Wolfen to recover enough to regain its ability to change but when
Dale asks Aion to give its best estimate after reviewing all the files it knows, 5 days seems to be
the minimum.

**Wolfen can be kept in its human state by maintaining an injury in contact with silver. Dale
coins the term “Silver Spiking”. Pushing a sharp object into the flesh of a Wolfen and securing it
there can prevent it from changing, but at the same time, poisons the Wolfen slowly and can kill
it suddenly.

**Wolfen are religious and tribal. They do not always cooperate with each other and have been
seen killing each other with no warning.

**There is a fringe sept of Wolfen that are determined to eradicate the rest. These Wolfen have
been recorded to interact with Vhampyrs the most. Nicknamed “Wolves of the Twisted Dance”
they have been important in providing lore about Wolfen and have collaborated with Vhampyrs.
Unfortunately, there are stories of these “Dark Wolves” leading Vhampyrs to their doom, only
surfacing later that a Wolfen disguised itself as a Dark Wolf to trap the unsuspecting Vhampyr
coterie. It is noted that although Dark Wolfen exist, they are not distinguishable from regular

Valentino takes the Wolfen to the lab while Trevor investigates Trocka street. When dr
valentino arrives, they decide to Silver Spike the Wolfen boy as a security measure. They call
Trevor and ask him to obtain the largest amount of silver he can acquire. Trevor heads to a
pawn shop that is off Trocka and uses his Vhampyr powers to purchase the largest silver item in
stock, a pure silver letter opener. Trevor then takes a “REBU” to the lab.

They spike the Wolfen boy and secure him to a lab table. Dale installs a camera and begins to
record the session. Valentino doses the captive with drugs to awaken him and Fiati monitors
his biometrics in the background. Trevor observes from a viewing room behind a mirrored wall.
Valentino chooses to keep his monstrous form and they awaken the Wolfen. He is groggy and
his vision is blurred for several minutes. They ask questions until the Wolfen begins to panic at
the sight of Valentino. They put him back under with drugs. They learn:

**The Wolven has a name Ernesti Grandlund. He is from Finland.

**One of the other wolfen at Kulikov is Otto and he seems to be the leader. The 3rd wolfen is
**The went to Kulikov when they got a message from contacts at Lotz, a city 40 min from
Kulikov. They traveled to a neighboring city until they struck Kulikov later on.

The coterie decides that they want more information but dont want Ernesti to panick this time.
Dale asks Trevor to come out from hiding to assist. They reorganize their strategy so they have
a better grasp on how to ask questions. They also decide that Valentino should obfuscate into a
lab personnel so he doesn't scare Ernesti. They redose him for another session. This time they

**Otto made the decision to attack Kulikov when he received a message from a Vhampyr in
Lotz. The Vhampyr is documented in Aion as unaffiliated and possibly sympathetic to the
Anarch movement. Instructions were to relocate to a city new Kulikov where they would likely
sense something. Indeed, Nina did confirm this and they attacked.
**Nina seems to have abilities to sense things. Ernesti describes this as “things talk to her”.
**Enresti and the group did not know what “Item 2” was, only that it was at Kulikov.

Ernesti began to get restless again once the drugs started to wear off and the coterie sedates
him again.

The coterie then head to the nearest road checkpoint which is reported to have agent activity.
They set up a telescope to view the checkpoint from far away and identify Agents and Military
personnel at this checkpoint. Valentino sends screetch to follow one of the Agents and report
back to him on the location. They then leave when they think there isnt much else to see.

Valentino and Trevor head back to their hideout and go to the Night Club on the 1st floor. There
they meet their first Vhampyr, Mileen who spotted Dr Valentino at the bar. She goes up to them
to introduce herself. She is with the tower and tells them she is interested in knowing them

The coterie have several plans at this point:

**They want to find out who these traitor Vhampyrs are at Lotz that gave the Wolfen information
about Kulikov

**Valentino wants to do more transformation experiments on Ernesti in hopes of finding a way to

integrate its shapechanging abilities into himself.

**The coterie wishes to try to capture an Agent once they know where they reside.


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