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1. Have you ever used Branded Fuel?

➢ Yes
➢ No
2. If you are guaranteed highly efficient fuel at little higher price will you buy it?
➢ Yes
➢ No
➢ Decide it after using it
3. If you are guaranteed better vehicular performance with branded fuel which will improve mileage &
reduces your fuel costs will you buy it?
➢ Yes
➢ No
➢ Decide after using it
4. Are you aware of HPCL Branded Fuel PoWer?
➢ Yes
➢ No
5. How were you made aware of it?
➢ Advertisement
➢ Hoarding
➢ Retail Outlets (personnel, prompting by FSM)
6. Are you currently using it?
➢ Yes
➢ No
7. Are you using any other branded fuel available in market?

8. How satisfied are or were you with PoWer?

➢ Highly satisfied
➢ Satisfied
➢ Okay
➢ Dissatisfied
➢ Highly dissatisfied
9. If you are not using or dissatisfied then what are the reasons?
➢ Not aware of the product
➢ Used it and found not helpful
➢ It felt no difference to you
10. Are you aware of PoWer advantages?
➢ Yes
➢ No

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