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Why do “birds of a feather flock together”?

“Birds of a feather flock together" is an old proverb that is often used to describe groups of people.
A proverb is an old saying that's considered to be wise or good advice. “Birds of a feather flock together" has been around in the English
language since the mid-1500s.
When applied to people, this phrase means that people who are similar to each other or share similar interests tend to spend time with
each other. You've probably noticed this at school. The friends that you hang out with probably tend to be people who are similar to you
or like the same things that you do.
It's only natural for people with similar interests to hang out together. However, it doesn't have to mean that you only spend time with
the same people. People have many different interests, so you may be part of many different groups that share interests.
For example, if you play soccer, you may hang out with your soccer teammates from time to time. But you might also love to
play chess, which means you might also hang out with friends who are on the chess team at school.
Even in the case of nations, one nation keeps friend by tie-ups with the other who has similar notions and principles. The
international movement called Non-Alignment Movement was founded by a set of leaders from five countries who did not want to align
with either the U.S.A. or the U.S.S.R. at the time of the cold war era. Similar organizations like NATO, ASEAN and many other
organizations have been constituted in view of keeping tie-up with like minded countries.
In the world of animals, some of them tend to form groups, because they are stronger, safer and have a better chance to find
food. For animals like elephants, antilopes staying together means everything. An antilopa against two lions or two jaguars has no chance,
but twelve antilopes may get a pretty good shot at surviving. It’s the same thing for predators, if a wolf attacks a flock of sheep it may end
up with the wolf beaten up by the Shepherd and his dogs, but if a pack of wolves attacks a flock of sheep, then some of the sheep may not
see the day light ever again.
So this concept of “Birds of a feather flock together” it’s all about similarity, agreement, connection. If we have the same
interest, the same purpose why don’t we stick together? The more we are the easier it becames to achieve our goal. Stronger by number.
Imagine if we could form large groups of people who want to do something great, that would totally work out in solving every problem
that the world has right now. People usually like to make connection, they like to feel that they belong so they will always gravitate
towards others that make them feel like that, even if they are great, weird, smart, funny, a mess, introverts, extroverts. Togetherness
makes us feel stronger, safer, better.

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