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1. Iron is absorb in the lumen part of the stomach.

2. In the lumen part of the stomach there is a Aspical Surface an enzyme that is also known as Vit C
Ferro Reductase, it converts the Fe3+(Oxidize Ferric Iron) into Fe2+.

3. But before Fe+3 to + Fe+2 it the Fe+2 will be transport by a transport channel or Co-Channel Also
known as the Divalent Metal Transporter 1 or “DMT 1”

4. Not only Iron are absorb inside the Lumen but also the H+(Hydrogen Ion).

1. When the Fe+2 is inside the cell it will oxidize into Fe+3 but Ferrous iron is inside the cell It is called
a “FERRITIN” a stored Iron.

2. . In the basal surface on the lumen part of the stomach, when iron leave the cell it is converted by
the Ferroportin or also known is “I Reg 1”.

3. After in the basal surface, the Fe+2 Will be convert by the Hephastin into Fe3+ so that it can be
transport during circulation.

1. in the circulation there are, there are Apo Transferrin and Transferrin,, Apo Transferrin means -
Not Bound to anything, while the Transferrin means there is already bound by an Fe3+ only.

Note: Only 2 Iron Per Transferrin

2. The Main role of the Transferrin is to transport the Fe3+ in the body beacuse iron can’t transport
by it’s own.


1. 75% of the transferrin will be bound into Bone Marrow by Transferrin Receptros, in the Bone
Marrow, iron is use to carry oxygen in the hemoglobin. Use to premature RBC ready for circulation
this process is called Erythropoieses,


1. 10- 25% of the transferrin is bound into the liver’s transferrin receptors.
2. So how the binding works?
3. The binding of the transferrin molecule int othe transferrin receptor of the liver are in the parts, 1 st
is in the Extracellular Fluid and 2nd is in the Intracellular fluid.

4. The binding of the transferrin in the transferrin receptor will express into a vesicle formation or
also known as the “endocytosis” when the Transferrin binds into the receptros the Hydrogen ion will
now enter the vesicle.

5. When the hydrogen ion inters the vescile, it crease the PH level causing the formation of
the DMT1 and after that the Fe3+ will detach from the transferrin. The Formation of
Vesicle is called Cytosol.

6. When the Fe3+ it already out in the cytosol it carries hydrogen ions already, after that it
before entering into the Intracellular it will be converted again into Fe2+, then when it
enters the Intracellular cell it will be convert again into Fe3+(Ferritin) because it is stored
in the cell.

7. Cytosol will be slowly make out in the cell membrane, and the other transferrin will be
release into the circulation in the outer membrane.


1. in order to regulate the iron transportation the, liver will release hepcidin, the Hepcidin is the
master regulator produce by the liver, main function is inhibits the transportation of iron of
ferroportin in the circulatory.

2. Also it decrease the Plasma Ion Concentration.


1. In the circulatory the spleen is the main production of macrophages, it engulf the old RBC in the
body, when it engulf it smaller smaller materials like “IRON” but Fe3+ will be release inside the
macrophages for another purpose.

2. When the Fe3+ is release inside the Spleen marcophages, The Hepcidin will block the Fe3+, to
decrease the Plasma Ion concetration, because it will be use on erythropoiesis.

3. Also It will inhibit the absorption again in the Lumen area of the Small intestine.


1. Increase of Fe3+ can stimulate the hepcidin regulator

2. Bacteria can stimulate the hepcidin regulator

3. Production and release of hepcidin is the inflammatory cytokines also known as Interleukin-6

4. The main production of the hepcidin is the HPE Protein(The Main Regulator)

HFE Protein

1. HFE Protein is the main source of the hepcidin.

2. HFE Gene is the main creator of HFE Protein, HFE Protein is called Hemochromatosis Gene.

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