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2.1 Concept of Value

2.1.1 Definition of Value

Baased on Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (1990: 615), value is defined as the

nature of the issue of issues. Maryawati and Suryawati, in their Sociology book

(2012: 34) interpret that value as a conception (thought) of abstract in humans

regarding what is considered good and bad. While, Priyono (2011: 55) says the value

is everything that is considered good and true by the people then as an example of

good behaviour and expected by all citizens. In addition, the writer serves some

definitions of value according to scientists are as follows:

According to Robert M. Z. Lawang says that value is the picture of what is

desirable, worth wise, valuable and affect social behaviour of those who have the


A. W. Green defines the value as a relaxed consciousness, accompanied by

emotions against objects and ideas.

While, Establish and Woods draws that value is a long-term instruction, which

directs behaviour and satisfaction in everyday life.

Moreover, Soerjono Soekanto interprets value is abstract conception in

humans regarding which is considered good and bad.

Based on the various interpretations and definitions that are stated above, the

writer sums up value as an overview of what is considered good and badly passed on
the hereditary inhabitants to influence the public behaviour (as a guideline) has the


2.1.2. Kinds of Value

According to Notonegoro, kinds of value grow in society such as:

1) Material value

2) Vital value, and

3) The spiritual value. Spiritual value is differentiated to some kinds as:

value of truth, the value of beauty, moral value, as well as the religious


2.1.3 Functions of Value

The functions of value are to:

1. Set a one's social class.

2. Be able to think and also behave according to the values in the


3. Be able to do good behaviour. Exactly, for those who as supervisors,

benders, drivers and also individual-ship

4. Motivate or spirit against every human being to manifest her or his self

to behave as expected to the roles in achieving goals.

2.2 Definition of the Moral Value

The term of moral according to Prent (Cholsin, 1989: 25) value is from Latin:

mores means customs, behaviour, character or morality. Here are moral defined by

the experts:

Dewey declares morals as things related to social values.

In other hand, W.J.S. Poerdamita states that moral is a teaching of good bad or


While, Baron et al states that moral is the matter related to ban or action that

speaks wrong or right.

Thus, moral value can be interpreted as the teachings of both the bad human

actions (which should and should not be done) in conjunction with other humans in


2.3 The Definition of Religious Value

Religious terms of the latin 're-ligare' which means binding. It begins to make

someone tie himself to close to the Lord (Brata, 2007: 16). According to the experts

are the following:

Sarwono (2006) defines religious as a trust to the owner of power that

regulates the universe.

Moreover, Glock, in Paloutzian (Sudrajat, 2010) mentions that religion is a

religious commitment, which is done as religious, what a person is done honestly,

how the emotions or observations that realize the person is included in his religion,

and how a person lives and affected by her or his religion.

From the various viewpoints, the writer concludes that the understanding of

the religious value is viewed as maturation of human behaviour in relation to the

abstract forms that he or she believes to have strong influential for their lives.

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