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Protein Purification Flow Charts UNIT 1.

Protein purification flow charts are pre- tration step before proceeding, especially if the
sented to give a broad outline of the methods protein has been excreted into the culture me-
used for different types of proteins. They cannot dium. Normally ultrafiltration is used, although
give any detail, as the process appropriate for other techniques are possible, especially if the
each protein will have its own variations at each extract contains particulates that block ultrafil-
stage. In most cases, the first stage is to obtain tration membranes.
a solution containing the desired protein, after Recombinant expression in the cytoplasm
which it can be dealt with by the many separa- of bacteria, followed by extraction via total cell
tion techniques described in the following disruption, results in large amounts of nucleic
chapters. In some cases the insolubility of the acids being solubilized with the protein. A num-
desired protein can be exploited by removing ber of treatments to remove nucleic acids are
soluble fractions. Purification procedures are possible. Streptomycin is used to precipitate
commonly divided into three stages: (a) the ribosomal material, and cationic polymers such
primary steps, which deal with crude mixtures as protamine (a basic protein) and polyethyl-
of proteins and other molecules present in the enimine will form insoluble complexes (at low
raw material; (b) the secondary processing, ionic strength) with nucleic acids. In addition,
which generates a product near to homogene- viscosity caused by DNA can be reduced by
ity; and (c) the polishing steps, which remove adding small amounts of DNase.
minor contaminants, a process that is especially
important for therapeutic proteins. INSOLUBLE RECOMBINANT
SOLUBLE RECOMBINANT It has been found that many proteins ex-
PROTEINS pressed in bacteria (mainly in Escherichia coli)
Proteins expressed in a recombinant manner do not fold correctly, and as a result aggregation
may be (1) soluble in the cytoplasm, (2) insol- occurs, leading to large insoluble inclusion
uble as inclusion bodies (see section on Insol- bodies within the cytoplasm of the cells (see
uble Recombinant Proteins), (3) excreted from Chapter 6). Although this creates major diffi-
the cells into the culture medium, (4) excreted culties in obtaining satisfactory amounts of
into the periplasmic space (e.g., in gram-nega- active native product, it greatly simplifies the
tive bacteria), or (5) associated with organelles initial stage of purification.
or membrane fractions. In addition they may The purification scheme for recombinant
be expressed (6) as the normal, mature, natu- insoluble proteins is outlined in Figure 1.3.2.
rally occurring protein, (7) containing a natural After cell disruption, inclusion bodies can be
leader peptide that would normally be proc- obtained in a fairly pure state by differential
essed, (8) as a fusion protein with a peptide that centrifugation. They must now be solubilized,
is not natural to the protein, or (9) lacking however, and the active protein generated by
glycosylation or other post-translational modi- encouraging correct folding. Solubilization is
fication, or incorrectly modified. Possibilities usually accomplished with guanidine hydro-
(1) to (5) affect the method of extraction used chloride and/or urea, and thiols such as 2-mer-
to obtain the starting material for purification. captoethanol or glutathione are included to dis-
Cases (6) to (9) can affect the methods used for rupt any disulfides that have formed and pre-
purification. vent more from forming. Folding the protein
The scheme for purifying soluble recombi- correctly may require a variety of additions to
nant proteins is outlined in Figure 1.3.1. The the solution, as well as slow removal of the
first stage is to obtain a clarified solution con- denaturant. The latter can be carried out by
taining the desired protein, with as little in the simple dilution or by dialysis. Folding occurs
way of unwanted proteins as possible. For sol- best at low protein concentrations, so dilution
uble cytoplasmic proteins, case (1), it is not may be adequate. If the native protein does
normally possible to exclude any significant contain disulfides, then it is important to create
amount of unwanted soluble proteins, but in redox conditions such that some (but not exces-
cases (2) to (5) the compartmentalization away sive) oxidation of thiols can occur. A combina-
from the cytoplasm allows such separation in tion of oxidized and reduced glutathione is Strategies of
the initial stage. commonly used. In addition, the action of the Protein
Purification and
It may be necessary to carry out a concen- enzyme protein disulfide isomerase, which can Characterization

Contributed by R.K. Scopes 1.3.1

Current Protocols in Protein Science (1995) 1.3.1-1.3.7
Copyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CPPS
cells with cells with cells with protein cells with
protein soluble protein excreted in periplasmic protein organelle-
in cytoplasm to medium space associated

break up cells; centrifuge or filter gently treat separate organelles;

centrifuge or to remove with lysozyme to perform differential
ultrafilter to cells minimize cell centrifugation
remove lysis

treat to remove remove protoplasts extract to

nucleic acids and cell debris solubilize proteins,
remove insolubles


starting material:
soluble fraction containing
the protein

perform purification steps

use salt fractionation, for tagged fusion protein,

ion-exchange chromatography, use affinity column
hydrophobic chromatography, chromatography and
affinity and pseudoaffinity polishing steps
chromatography, gel filtration,
or other less conventional steps
(i.e., preparative electrophoresis)

purified protein

Figure 1.3.1 Purification scheme for soluble recombinant proteins, which may be excreted or
located in the periplasm, in the membrane fraction, or most commonly the cytoplasm. The first step
is to obtain an extract containing the desired protein in soluble form. After this, conventional
purification steps may be carried out, or affinity purification of tagged fused proteins can be

make and unmake disulfides by exchange reac- Ryalls et al., 1991). The most studied, and just
tions, has been found to be beneficial in many becoming commercially available as of 1995,
cases. If the native protein is of intracellular are the E. coli chaperonins GroEL and GroES,
origin, it probably will not contain disulfides; both of which are needed, together with ATP,
it will, however, contain cysteines, so a full to renature many proteins. Proline residues
reducing potential should be maintained. Spe- can adopt two isomeric conformations in pro-
cific methodology is discussed in UNIT 6.5. teins, and the wrong conformation is switched
Not all proteins can fold unassisted by other to the correct one by the enzyme prolyl
cellular components. Chaperonins are proteins isomerase, aiding the process of protein fold-
Protein whose role is to refold denatured proteins such ing. At present these are not large-scale pros-
Purification as those that form during heat shock (Zeilstra- pects, both because of the cost of the chap-
Flow Charts

Current Protocols in Protein Science
cells containing protein

disrupt cells

perform differential centrifugation

wash inclusion bodies

dissolve in denaturing agents

dilute with buffer or dialyze

to dilute denaturing agents

add appropriate reducing agents

and/or folding factors


perform purification procedure:

remove unwanted proteins and
incorrectly folded species
(e.g., by ion-exchange chromatography,
immunoaffinity methods, gel filtration)

purified protein

Figure 1.3.2 Purification scheme for insoluble recombinant proteins that are produced as inclu-
sion bodies in the cytoplasm of host cells. The cells must be broken open, and then the insoluble
inclusion bodies are separated by differential centrifugation. Solubilization is achieved by the use
of denaturing solvents, and renaturation of the dissolved protein occurs on removal of the
denaturant. Further polishing steps will be needed to remove small amounts of contaminating
proteins as well as incorrectly folded species. Additional information can be found in UNIT 6.3-6.5.

eronins and because the agents operate best in SOLUBLE NONRECOMBINANT

vitro at very low protein concentrations. PROTEINS
Once the proteins are folded, the purification There are so many sources of soluble pro-
process consists of removing small amounts of teins that it is not possible to give a complete
still incorrectly folded protein plus any other overview of methods used to obtain starting
host proteins that were trapped with the original extracts from which a desired protein can be
inclusion bodies. The former may be difficult, isolated. The sources can be classified as either
since incorrectly folded species have a size and microorganisms, plants, or animals, as shown
charge similar to those of the correct product. in Figure 1.3.3, but these in turn should be
However, subtle differences arising from the subdivided according to how the starting ex-
folded conformation can be exploited by chro- tract is obtained. In particular there is a distinc-
matographic techniques. In ideal cases immu- tion between extracellular and intracellular
noaffinity techniques using antibodies specific proteins. With the latter it is necessary to disrupt
for either the incorrectly folded form or the the cells and release the proteins, whereas with
Strategies of
correct one can be used to resolve the mixture. the former, if the extracellular fluid can be Protein
obtained directly, there need be no contamina- Purification and
tion with intracellular proteins. Extracellular Characterization

Current Protocols in Protein Science
microorganisms plants animals

disrupt cells, disrupt cells, homogenize with

e.g., using French press, e.g., using French press 2-5 vol buffer or
bead mill, or sonication or by grinding with sand mince and stir
with 5-10 vol buffer using 1-2 vol buffer with buffer

treat to remove treat to remove

nucleic acids phenols


starting extract proteins
(5-20 mg/ml protein)

perform initial fractionation:

use salt fractionation, precipitation
with organic solvents,
affinity methods, and/or
two-phase partitioning

perform secondary fractionation:

use ion-exchange chromatography,
hydrophobic chromatography,
affinity methods, other adsorbents,
and/or gel filtration

perform polishing step:

use HPLC– reversed phase,
HPLC– ion exchange,
or isoelectric focusing

purified protein

Figure 1.3.3 Purification scheme for soluble proteins present in their natural host cells. Cells must
be disrupted to release the proteins, usually in the presence of 2 to 10 ml of a suitable buffer per
gram weight. After removal of insoluble material, the process will generally require several steps,
using various standard fractionation procedures in a suitable order. For production of highly pure
protein, a final polishing step may be required to remove final trace contaminants. Additional
information can be found in UNIT 6.2.

sources include microorganism culture me- tween 5 and 20 mg protein per milliliter, though
dium, plant and animal tissue culture medium, lesser concentrations can be dealt with, espe-
venoms, milk, blood, and cerebrospinal fluids. cially if working on a small scale. It may be
Soluble proteins may also occur within organ- necessary to include a concentration step before
elles such as mitochondria; these may be best starting the purification process in order to
obtained by first isolating the organelle, then approach that level. There are exceptions to
Purification disrupting it to release the contents. every rule, however, and very high protein
Flow Charts The starting extract normally contains be- concentrations can be handled, for example,

Current Protocols in Protein Science
whole tissue

homogenize disrupt cells; gently

without detergent; isolate organelles

supernatant residue

with detergent;

supernatant containing residue containing

membrane-associated insoluble proteins

suspend and extract

perform primary fractionation: with other solvents
use hydrophobic chromatography, (e.g., ethanol, urea, or SDS)
precipitation with organic solvents,
ion-exchange chromatography,
and/or phase partitioning

purified insoluble
perform secondary fractionation: protein residue
use ion-exchange chromatography,
affinity methods, and/or
gel filtration

perform polishing step:

use HPLC or isoelectric focusing

purified protein

Figure 1.3.4 Purification scheme for membrane-associated and poorly soluble proteins (nonre-
combinant). An initial purification can be achieved by isolation of organelles containing the desired
protein. Membrane proteins are normally solubilized with a nonionic detergent, although loosely
associated proteins may be extracted without detergent at high pH, with EDTA, or with small
amounts of an organic solvent such as N-butanol. Normal fractionation procedures may need some
modification if the detergent is required throughout to maintain the integrity of the protein.

with two-phase partitioning (Walter and Jo- cessive amounts of nucleic acids, phenolics,
hansson, 1994). When isolating proteins on a and lipids may be necessary in order to obtain
large scale, the volumes being manipulated an extract that is amenable to standard frac-
become of increasing concern, so maximizing tionation procedures.
protein concentration can be an important aim. Fractionation procedures can somewhat ar-
The starting extract should be clarified, usually bitrarily be divided into three steps: initial frac-
by centrifugation; on a large scale, ultrafiltra- tionation, secondary fractionation, and polish- Strategies of
tion methods are becoming more widely used. ing. Initial processing, which deals with a large Purification and
Pretreatment of certain extracts to remove ex- amount of extract that is not all protein, may Characterization

Current Protocols in Protein Science
involve materials that become soiled and un- tives). Strongly acidic detergents such as sulfate
able to be used many times. Consequently, esters (e.g., sodium dodecyl sulfate) usually
preferred methods do not require expensive result in denaturation.
reagents or adsorbents such as are used in high- Detergents can be removed either by adsorp-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). tion of the protein on a column, and subsequent
Classic salt fractionation and the less-used or- elution without detergent, by use of special
ganic solvent fractionation can achieve, if not detergent-adsorbing beads, or even by extrac-
a high degree of purification, a useful level of tion with nonmiscible organic solvents in
concentration and removal of much unwanted which the detergent partitions. On the other
nonproteinaceous material. Alternatively, a hand, many membrane proteins require the
highly selective affinity procedure may be used presence of detergent at all times in order to
as the first step, but only if the affinity material remain in solution and in a native conformation.
is inexpensive to make and/or the extract is a These include most integral membrane pro-
simple, clear solution, as opposed to a turbid teins, for example, cytochrome: P450, trans-
whole-cell homogenate. membrane receptors, and transporters. The
Secondary processing achieves the main pu- most sensitive proteins require a particular
rification, and may involve two or more steps combination of natural lipids (in addition to the
in difficult situations. Ion-exchange and hydro- detergent) to maintain structural integrity. Pu-
phobic-interaction chromatography, gel filtra- rification methods include most of those used
tion, and affinity techniques (see Chapter 8 and for soluble proteins, but some techniques are
Chapter 9) are the main procedures. Finally, it not recommended if detergent is needed at all
may be necessary to remove traces of contami- times. For instance, ammonium sulfate precipi-
nants by “polishing,” using high-resolution tation will often cause a detergent-protein com-
procedures such as reversed-phase HPLC (UNIT plex to come out of solution and float rather
11.6) and isoelectric focusing (IEF; UNIT 10.2 & than sink on centrifugation—this can be useful,
UNIT 10.4). Because every protein has unique but the “floatate,” when redissolved, may have
characteristics, it is impossible to make general a high detergent content. Hydrophobic chroma-
statements about procedures to be followed. tography can be very useful, as membrane pro-
teins are naturally hydrophobic.
MEMBRANE-ASSOCIATED AND Integral membrane proteins that are com-
INSOLUBLE NONRECOMBINANT pletely insoluble in normal detergents may be
PROTEINS solubilized by denaturation using compounds
Proteins that are not physiologically soluble such as sodium dodecyl sulfate and guanidine
can be purified after extracting and removing hydrochloride. Some cross-linked proteins
soluble proteins, thereby achieving a substan- such as elastin are not soluble without disrup-
tial degree of purification at the extraction step tion of the covalent linkages.
(Fig. 1.3.4; also see UNITS 6.1 & 6.2). To carry out
a purification it is nearly always necessary to
obtain the desired protein in a soluble form, Literature Cited
which will often require the addition of solubi- Walter, H. and Johansson, G. (eds.) 1994. Aqueous
lizing agents such as detergents. Some proteins two-phase systems. Methods Enzymol. 228:1-
remain insoluble even with detergent treatment, 725.
and so can be substantially purified by remov- Zeilstra-Ryalls, J., Fayet, O., and Georgopoulos, C.
ing the soluble fractions. Some membrane-as- 1991. The universally-conserved GroE (Hsp60)
chaperonins. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 45:301-325.
sociated proteins become partly solubilized
during breaking up of the tissue, and recovery
in the particulate fraction may be poor. In such
Key References
Deutscher, M.P. (ed.) 1990. Guide to protein purifi-
cases it may be best to solubilize the whole cation. Methods Enzymol. 182:1-894.
tissue by including detergent in the homogeniz- Extensive collection of purification methods, with
ing buffer. Extraction of insoluble residues us- some general protocols and examples.
ing detergents can be done differentially; some
proteins are released at low detergent concen- Janson, J.-C. and Ryden, L.G. 1989. Protein Purifi-
cation: Principles, High Resolution Methods,
tration, whereas others require complete solu- and Applications. VCH Publishers, New York.
bilization of the membrane fraction. Suitable
A useful collection of methods and examples.
detergents include nonionic (e.g., Triton) and
Purification weakly acidic types (e.g., cholic acid deriva-
Flow Charts

Current Protocols in Protein Science
Kennedy, J.F. and Cabral, J.M. (eds.) 1993. Recov- Scopes, R.K. 1993. Protein Purification, Principles
ery Processes for Biological Materials. John and Practice, 3rd ed. Springer-Verlag, New York
Wiley & Sons, New York. and Heidelberg.
A useful introduction to the problems of large-scale General principles of all the main techniques used
methods. in purifying proteins. A useful laboratory handbook;
does not include recipes or procedures for specific
Kenny, A. and Fowell, S. (eds.) 1992. Practical proteins.
protein chromatography. Methods Mol. Biol.
Extensive descriptions of affinity chromatographic
techniques with protocols and recipes. Contributed by R. K. Scopes
La Trobe University
Bundoora, Australia

Strategies of
Purification and

Current Protocols in Protein Science

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