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VOL 35, NO.


of the

American Ceramic Society

Properties of Graphite
Research laboratory, General Electric Company, Schenectady, New Yark

The structure, thermal properties, electrical

characteristics, and mechanical behavior of
graphite are reviewed and the highly anisotropic
character of graphite crystals is emphasized.
The interesting properties of graphite are due in
large measure to the strong semimetallic bonds
between carbon atoms in plane layers and to
the relatively weak binding between planes.
Details of its structure are due in part to the (A)
Frank dislocation mechanism for growth of crys-
tals. Thus graphite has a low vapor pressure I
and approximately two-dimensional electrical
and thermal conductivity. It is easily deformed C
in slip on the basal plane, but in polycrystalline
form it is relatively strong at high temperature.
Its lamellar nature is emphasized by its reaction /C\
with alkali metals and bromine.

( B) (D)
1. Introduction
IS'I'KAV,U.~~ST carbon atorris can be bonded together to Fig. 1. Two types of carbon valence bands. (A) Drawings of two farms

T form a solid in two ways, as shown in Fig. 1 . Diamond,

in which classical carbon-carbon single bonds join each
atorn to four others, each at the corner of a regular tetrahedron,
of diamond crystals. (6) Tetrahedral arrangement of carbon atoms in
diamond. (C) Drawing of a graphite crystal. . (0) Trigonal arrangement
of carbon atoms in graphite.
is the hardest substance known. It is, however, slightly
less stablc than graphite, one of the softest substances known,
in which each carbon atom is bonded to three others to make
111) a large phnc molecule. 'l'hrse planes in turn are stacked
togcther relatively loosely to make a crystal, in it manner to this discussion, the structure of tlic ideal graphitc crystal
l)e described latcr. and its deviations arc useful. The thermodynamics or
'I'hat tetravalent c;lrbon atoms could be bound as firnily enqetics of the more important dxanges graphite can undergo
will1 three bonds as with four was first suggested by Kekul6, are also required. Finally, the properties that are important
although hc used the idea of double bonds. Quantum mc- in the uses of graphite can be discussed. KO attempt is
chanical dcscriptions have been offered showing the main made to review completely the information on graphite,
fraturcs of such Ix)nds, which are so important in the chemis-. as it is very extensive. Rather, evidence for the illustra-
try of aromatic carbon conipounds. The large amount of tive or characteristic properties is presented.
work on the dcscription t d carbon and carbon compounds
Croiii lirst 1)rincinlesmakes it interesting to see to what extent
II. Crystal Structure
the iiiiportcint properties of graphite can he understood. Ihr (1)
The /deal cry&
What might tie termed the ideal graphite crystal structure
:It Lllc Irifty..Fourtll ~~~~~~~~l
t~rrsclltctl ~i ~ , ~ , wax proposed by Rernal' in 1924 arid is shown in 17i'iR.2. 'l'hc
, ~ ~ ~' ~ 1~ ,~~~~~~~i~~~
Ccraiilir Society, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 30, 1952 (Refractories
Ihisioii, So. 20). Kcceivcd April 19, 1963; reviscd copy rc-
rrivrtl July 7, 1962.
The author is rrsrareh associate, (kiicral Physics Kescarch 1 j. 1). Rernal, "Structure of Graphite," I'YOC.Roy. Sot.
I )q):irtiiiciit, Rrsrarrh I,:ihorntory, General 'f<lrctricCompany. (Lonrlon), A106 17401 749-73 (1924).
Journal of The American Ceramic Society -IIozze Vol. 35, KO. 11

Fig. 2. Hexagonal structure of graphite. ( A ) Cn = 6.71 a.u.; (8) Ao = 2 4 6 a.u.

Fig. 3. Rhombohedra1 structure of graphite.

Fig. 4. An orthorhombic structure.

icgular lic~agoiial riiig armiigeiiieiit of the atoms in each thus suggesting ;ti1 inipuiity origin of the rhoinbohedml
1)lam agrees with our knowledge ahLhout aromatic hydro- \tructure I,ukc\h” also has shown that X-ray diffraction
lwhons, :md is the logical end result of building larger and
larger tnolecules in the series, for exainple I)enzene, naphtha
lcne, anthracene, and coronciic. Why the planes stack as
t tic?; appear to is not clear. I n fact. one might like to believe I’ 1)ebyc mid 1’ Schcrrcr, “Interfcrenzcn an rcgellos oricsii-
tiereri Teilchen im Kbtitgeiilicht, IIT,” I’hysik Z , 18 [13] 291-301
lhaL thc structurc in Fig. 3 is to be preferred. I k b y e anti (1917)
Schemer: proposcd this structure and concludrd that amor €3. Lipsoii and A. K. Stokes, “Struetiire of ( h p h i t e , ” /’tor.
phous carbons are finely divided graphite. KOY SOG.( L o ~ d o t ~A181
) , [984] 101-105 (1942).
4 ( a ) G. I. Finch and 13. Wilman, “I)iffr:tction of I<lectrons by
Slokes” coricluded that certain weak X-ray refl
Graphite,” Prnc. Roy Soc (Lnndoiaf,A155 [SSti] 3 4 5 f i 5 (1936).
iouiid by Pinch and \\’jilmand(~’in electron diffraction and ( b ) I?. A. Taylor and I). Laidler, “Anornalous Iliffractions in
showri riot t o come from the Iiexagonal structurc, could he IIull-I>ebyc-Sr€icrrcrSprctriim of <>raphite,” i\Jatzup, 146 [3A9 I J
explained 1))- a proper admixture of the rhombohedra1 struc- 130 (1940)
ture mith the hexagonal. Avorerecently, Lukesh5 has shown 5 J.. S. ’ Lukcsh, “Anomalous S-Ray Diffraction Spectra iu
Graphite,” J . Chem. Phys., 19 [9] 1203-1204 (1951).
that the strongest of the reflections used by Lipson and Stokes 1. S . Luke\h, “Svnimrtry of Graphite,” PBys. R e v . , 80 121
‘ire ititrodttcd whcti tinliir:il graphite is treated with hromine,

Fig. 6. Photomicrographs of spirals on graphite crystals. ( A ) 1 lox; (B)

Fig. 5 . A screw dislocation on surface of a simple cubic crystal.

1);ttlcmis of iiatiiral graplfitc singlt crystals show reflections

tli;tt are iiot given by either structure and that require, among otial rings in thc planes (o directioiis) atid llial the j;lanes
othtr things, twinning caused by discrete rotations of parts are stacked approximately equidistant and parallel There
ol the crystal about the c axis. Thus the details of the strue- is complete disorder, however, in the orientation of the planes
lure of graphite are not yet clcar, although 1,ukesh has worked about their norm:tls (the c direction), and the spctcing of the
out one way 01 resolving the dificulties. I k will publish p1:ines is slightly greater than in graphite. As the carbon
his results soon. black in this turbostatic condition is heated above 1000°C.,
It is interesting to note that slill another possible structure hydrogen is evolved, the dimensions of the regions in which
has I)ecri proposed by h k e s h and I ’ a ~ l i n g as
, ~ shown in Fig. parallel-layer groups exist increase, and the graphitic order-
.I. 13y a slight distortion the hexagonal rings, observed ing of the planes takes place, so that, at 3800°C., true graphite
rctlrctions can be accounted for aild, furthermore, the twin crystals approxi1n:ttely 40 by 70 a.u, in tlie L mid u directions,
1 espectively, are produced.
rclationships an be understood. Ik-tlier work hy Lukesh,
Iiowcver. makes thcir interpretation dubious. Little grain growth appears to occur in graphite, a t least
under commonly attained temperatures of Lpphitization.
(2) Mechanism for Growth It is reported, howex-er, that each small particle” can be
converted into a crystal. That this process is influenced by
More recently, theories and nieclianisni of crystal growth impurities is apprently the b of Acheson’s patent for
having a bearing on the details of the structure of graphite making artificial graphite.
liavc been proposed and demonstrated.R If graphite crystals The formation of carbon blacks would appear to involve
grow, as proposed by Frank, by adding atoms to the edges condensation of hydrocarbon molecules to form large aro-
of a sicrew dislocation in the manner shown in Fig. 5, then inatic molecules, which stack like cards, parallel, but a t ran-
the \tacking of the planes and the details of the structure are tlom otherit-ise. As the temperature is raised, the hydrogen
tietri mined by tlie growth process. Hortl“ has found spirals a t the edge of the large plane molecules dissociates and carbon
on natural and artificial graphite crystals, as shown in Pig. 6. tttoms move, pro1xtbly building up graphite crystallites by
‘These spirals 1)econir visible under the microscope when a the mechanism of l‘rank.8 The planes least stable hecause
number of growth centers have combined to give a step of a of shape or size are consumed first. Hydrogen atoms bonded
few liundred angstrom units. Areas that show no spirals to the edge of these large plane molecules can make elongated
may Iiave many screw dislocations that happen to combine to molecules more stable than square ones because, as Bradburn,
givc smooth areas or steps too sinall to be seen. Not all Coulson, and l i u s h b r ~ o k e ~ ~show,
( a ) the energy of the carbon-
graphite crystals show growth spir:tls, but those that do not hydrogen bond gives a negative edge tension. Impurities
liave been deformed. can both initiate screw dislocations and provide surface
Most crystals of natural graphite are soniewliat inipure, media through which carbon atoms can move more e a d y .
arc often deformed, and show twin markings. Their density A still less-well-defined cl.ass of carbons results from char-
is close to theoretical (about 2.25 gin. per Artificial ring sugar and other organic compounds a t temperatures no
graphites are porous and have bulk densities of 1.(i to 1.8 higher than 1000 “C. Riley“ concludes that the hexagorial
gin. per ems. ’They may be m : ~ khighly pure. IIiglier structure is not developed completely, but that some rings
densities also can hc achieved. are rotated out of the planes. X-ray diflraction shows that
the c spacing of the planes is even greater than in the carbon
(3) Carbon Blacks blacks and that the planes themselves are poorly defined.
’l‘lie forination or carboil blacks from Iiydrocnrl~oiibdoes I n summary, the forms of carbon related to graphite that
not appear to follow the foregoing picture of growth in the have been descrilied are as follows:
first stages. 13iscoe arid Gild that in the carbon- (1) Xatural gaphites made up of easily distinguished
I)laclr particles, carbon atonis are arranged regularly in hcxag- crystals, which may be twinned and distorted in other ways
but which consist essentially of planes of hexagonal rings
stacked a b a.
’‘ .I.S. 1,ukcsh a t i d I,. I’auliiig, “Probleiii of Graphite Struc- (2) Artificial graphites containing crystals extending 50
(wJL., 35 11 /21 125-28 (1!150). to 100 a.u. in thc u direction aiid 20 to 60 a.u. in the c direc-
” ( a ) 1‘. C. Vruik, “Influence of 1)islocatiotis oil Cryst:iI tion, but otherwise similar to the above ; and artificial graph-
(>rowtli,” I)iscussions Faraduy SOC.,1949, S o . 5, pp. 48-54.
( 6 ) I?. C. I h n k , “ ( h w t h of Carborundum: 1)islor:Ltions a i i t l
I’olyiypisni,” Phil. M o g . , 171 42, 1014--21 (1951).
!I V. 11. IIorii, “Spiral Growth on Graphite,” Nafzrre, ill press.
lo 1. Hisroe ail(/ 13. 1C. R:arrcn, “.%Ray Study of Carhon 11 I f . I,. Riley, “Amorphous Carbon a ~ i dGraphite,” Quart.
Hlac*k,” J . .4pP/icd I’hys., 13 161 364-71 (1942). Revs. (London), 1 111 59-72 (1947).
2’78 Journal of Il ‘he Arnev.ircin Cerarnic Society- --IIowe Vol. 35, No. 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I200F ’ A
/ - I

80Ob /

: - 200O
-400t1 I I I I I I I , I id
200 400 600 .. 800 I000 1200
Fig. 7. Difference in free energy between graphite and diamond as a
function of temperature and pressure. Values below zero indicate within
limits of uncertainty the region in which diamond is thermodynamically
more stable than graphite.
Fig. 8. Dependence of specific heat of
grophite on temperature a t low tempera-
Table 1. Heats of Dissociation Related to Heat of Sub-
limation of Graphite
CO( g ) = C(g) + O(g) AIf *210.82, 227.04, or
256.1 8 kg.-cal./mole
out the crystal, electrical conductivity results and the sub-
stance is usually thought of as a metal. The problem of the
C(h) -1- ‘/J)2(g) = CO(g) AT[ = 27.202
O(6) = ‘/eOzk) 111 = 58,586 electronic structure of graphite has been treated by
by Coulson, I3radhurn, and R~shbrooke;’~ ( a ) ~ ( b ) ~ ( cand
) by
Ihrriol and ,\/Ietzger.13(“) \&’a&ace uses molecular electronic
orbitals sclectcd for the mobile electrons and computes their
* lIerzbcrg, footnote reference 18, behavior, i.e., the electrical and magnetic properties. Coul-
son, Bradburn, and Rushbrooke consider the planes large
molecules, construct molecular orbitals by taking linear
ites with crystals extending more than 1000 a.u. in the (z combinations of atomic orbitals, and calculate stabilities
of various-shaped crystallites as well as the distribution of
( 3 ) Carbons inticli like very linely divided graphite but electronic states versus energy. I3arriol and Metzger use
containing planes stacked nith random rotations about the c
molecular orbitals that satisfy the periodic boundary condi-
xis (turho5tatic). IIydrogeri and other impurities on thc tions for graphite crystals and compute binding energies.
edges of t h e planes arc important in determining the proper- Their calculation for the heat of sublimation of graphite to
ties of these carbons.
carbon atoms is 124.5 kg.-cal. per mole.
(4) Carbons in whicli some disorder is present in the planes The binding between layers has been studied theoretically
‘ind possibly some bonding between the planes. Aromatic by B r e n i i : ~ n . ~He
~ computes only the repulsive forces from
cark)on-carbon bonds arc dominant, but some single tionds
the inolecular orbital electronic wave functions for the crystal,
may exist. Impurities such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,
and assumes a van der W a d s type of attraction of magnitude
and boron are probal)ly important, and their presence depends to give a correct interplanar distance. He calculates that
on the source or the carbon. interplanar forces contribute only 3.99 kg.-cd. per mole to
the stability of the graphite crystal. The difference in energy
111. Electronic Structure of Graphite calculated for the o1)served stacking versus one in which the
’I’he sCal)ility of graphite at high temperatures in the atoms are all in register is so small as to suggcst that at high
itbscncc of oxidizing agents arid carbide-forming metals is temperatures no order should exist in the stacking, contrary
due to the very strong carbon-carbon bonds in the planes to observation.
\Vc arc uow used to the type of bond in aromatic hydro-
carbons in which part of the binding energy is prorided by
electrons not confined t o any given part of the structure. l 2 P. I<. Wnllacr, “Band Theory of Graphite,” Phys. Rev., 71
The extra hinding energy is usual1y called resonance energy, [!I] 622-34 (1947).
l 3 ( a ) Mary I<mdburn, C. A. Coulson, and C. S. Rushbrook:,
l)ecause it can be described as resulting from the superposition
“Graphite Crystals and Crystallites: I, Binding Energies in
of two or niorc electronic structures or spatial distributions Small Crystal Layers,” Proc. Roy. Soc. I<didinburgh, 62A, 336-49
of electrons to approxinmtc a n actual distribution. The (194%’).
rrsorraiit iriteraction of tlie superposed distributions gives rise ‘ ( b ) ’c.A. Coulson m d (>.S. 1tushl.n-ooke,“Graphite Crystal\
to a binding energy that may he estiinated by methods of and Crystallite?: 11, Energies of Mobile Electrons in Crystallite5
Infiiiite in One Direction,” zbzd., pp. 350-59.
quantum iiiechanical perturbation theory. Thus in gaphitc, (c) C. A. Coulson, “ISnergy Bands in Graphite,” f i a t u r f , 159
on tlie average, three electrons form standard single carbon- 140341 265-66 (1947).
carbon bonds and one electron per atom provides additional ( d ) Jean Ilarriol and Jacques Metzger, “Application of Molecu-
binding to each of the thrcc nearest neighbors. lar Orbital 1Iethod to Graphite Network,” J . chim. phys., 47,
4 3 2 3 6 (1950)
When in solids the energy lcvels (bands) and their p o p l a l4 R. 0. Hrentiari, “Interlayer Binding in Graphite,” J. Chem.
tion are such that sonic of the electrons may inow through- Phys., 20 [ l ] 40-48 (1952).
Novcmber 1952 Properties of Graphite 279
M ullikenlb suggests that forces between planes may be
partidly due to electron transfer arid that this type of binding 2.21
would account for the observed stacking.
20 -

IV. Properties of Graphite
- 16-
?’he characteristics of graphite that are used to advantage 0
:ire ( 1) stability a t high temperatures, (a) electrical conduc- \

tivity, and (:<) crystallirir anisotropy arid weak binding be- 12-
tween planes. 4
-. 10-

(I) Thermodynamic Properties -i O 8 --

““0 6
’I’he basic reasons for the stability of graphite have already
Iiccn given. Calculation alone, of course, does not yield 04-

accurate values €or bond energies or heats of reaction. Ac- 02-

curate measurements have been made of the heats of combus-
t ion of graphite and dianiond.IG IJsirig these values together 0
with measured heat capacities and compressibilities, Wagman TEMPERATURE (OK)

:tnd his co-workers16 computed the free-energy diffrrence Fig. 9. Specific heat of graphite. Curve (A): DeSorbo and Tyler, foot-
note 23; (squores), W. Nernst,”Der Energieinhaltfesterstoffe,” Ann. Physik,
Iictween graphite and diamond as a function of temperature 36, 395-439 ( 1 91 1 ); (solid circles), A. Magnus, “Specific Heats of Carbon,
and pressure. as shown in Fig. 7. Iiates of transformation Silicon, and Silicon Carbide,” Ann. Physik, 70, 303-31 (1923); ( X I S ) ,
of diamond to graphite are appreciable a t temperatures of C. J. Jacobs and G. S. Parks, “Thermal Data on Organic Compoundr:
wveral hundred degrees. Pressures of more than 20,000 XIV, Some Heat-Capacity, Entropy, and Free-Energy Data for Cyclic Sub-
stances,” 1. Am. Chem. SOC., 56, 1513-17 (1934). Curve (8) (diamond):
atmospheres therefore would be rrqiiired to transform graphite K. S. Pitzer, “Heat Capacity of Diamond from 70° to 300°K.,” 1. Chem.
to diamond. Phys., 6,68-70 (1938).
12 basic thermodynamic quantity, the heat of sublimation
of graphite, is lcss well known, in spite of a great deal of
rarciul work aimed a t determining the value by measuring
vapor pressures or rates of evaporation. Experimental work Table II. Entropy of Graphite at 298.16’K. (cal./mole/
by Ikewer, Gilles, and Jenkins17 appears to confirm the high degree)
value of a set of threr allowed by the possible values of the
Tacobs and Parks*
lieat of dissociation of carbon monoxide, as shown in Table I.18
Marshall and Sortonlq also obtained the high value in
1933 by rncasuring rates of evaporatioii. Objection has been 0 “-90 OK. extrapolated 0.182
90 ‘-298.1 OK. graphical 1.182
raixd l o these values on the basis that the accommodation -
cocflicient for the condensation of carbon atoms on graphite .S029R.16 1.36 f.0 02
may be siiiall and inay v with trmperature. Although 1)eSorbo and Tvlert
Hrewer, Gilles, arid Jenki report a careful test of this
point by showing that their results do not vary with the size 0 “-13 “K. extrapolated 0.004
13 ‘-298.16 “K. graphical 1.367
of the orifice of their Knudsen effusion cell, many other workers .

in the field are still not satisfied. I’uture work will resolve s 029R.1ti 1 . 3 7 1 5 0 005
this question. * For referencc, see caption of Fig. 9.
Illhatever the heat of sulAirnation, the vapor pressure of t Footnote referencc 23.
carbon reaches o m atmosphere only at high temperatures
(near 3600° to 37OO0C. (GT,OOo to (i700°1~.)).20 It appears,
inoreover, that the pressure a t the triple point is approximately
100 atmospheres ;21 consequently, direct observation of a 22 ( a ) F. R. Bichowsky and F. D. Rosini, Thermochemistry of
melting point is diKieult. Chcmieal Substances. Reinhold Publishing Corp., Kcw York,
Much o f the equilibrium chemistry of graphite may be 1936. 464 pp.; Ceram. Abstracts, 15 [lo] 317 (1936).
rclated to the extrrisivc thermodynamic dala that have been ( b ) K. K. Kelley, “Data. on Theoretical Metallurgy: I, En-
tropies of Inorganic Substances,” U. S. Bur. Mines Bull., h-0.
conipiled.lti~ 22 350, 63 pp. (1932). “11,High-Tcrnperature Spccific-Heat Equa-
tions for Inorganic Substances,” ibid., No. 371, 78 pp. (1934);
Ceram. Abstracts, 14 [7] 170 (1935). “111, Free Energies of Vapori-
zation and Vapor Pressures of Inorganic Substances,” U. S. Bur.
R. S Mullikeii, “Molecular Compounds and Their Spectra,” Mines Hull., KO. 383, 132 pp. (1935); Ceram. Abstracts, 16 [ 6 ]
J . A m CIcen? Soc , 74 [:3l 811-24 (1952). 190 (1937). (With C. T. Anderson) “IV, Mctal Carbonates -
1) I). W~tgnicm, 1:. Kilpatrick, W. J. Taylor, K. S. Pitzer, Correlations and Applications of Thermodynamic I’roperties,”
and 17 I ). Ro\\iiii, “Heat 5, I‘ree ISnergics, and Equilibrium Con- U. S. Bur. Mines Bull., No. 384,73 pp. (1935); Ceram. Abstracts,
stants of Some Reactions Involving 0 2 , &, 1 1 2 0 , C, CO, CO,, and 16 [61 191 (1937). “V, Heats of Fusion of Inorganic Substances,”
CIla,” J . lirsrarch Nut1 l h r Stn?cdardy, 34 121 143-61 (1945); U. S. Bur. Mines Hull., S o . 393, 166 pp. (1936); Ceram. A b -
IU’ 1834; Cryan? /Ib,tvacts, 24 151 94 (1945). sfracts, 16 [5] 162 (1937). “VII, Thermodynamic Properties of
Leo Ihewcr, 1’. W. Gillcs, :md 1’. A. Jenkins, “Vapor Pres- Sulfur and Its Inoyanic Compounds,” U. S. Bur. Mines Bull.,
w r r and IIcat of Sublimation of Graphite,” .I. Chem. Phys., 16 No. 406 (1937). VIII, Thermodynamic Properties of Metal
181 797-807 (1948) Carbides and Nitrides,” U. S. B u r . Mines Rull., No. 407, 66 pp.
G IIcriberg, “Ilrat of 1)issociation oi the Carbon Mon- ( 1937). “IX, Entropics of Inorganic Substances; Revision
oxide Molcculr and Neat of Sublimation of C:Lrbon,” Chem. Revs., (1940) of Data and Methods of Calculation,” ibid., No. 434, 115
20 111 145-67 (1937). pp. (1941); Ceram. Abstracts, 20 [9] 226 (1941). “X, High-
I” A. L. Marshall and I?. J. Norton, “Vapor Pressure and Heat Temperature Heat-Content, Heat-Capacity, and Entropy Data
of \‘aporimtion of Graphitc,” J . An?. Chem. Soc., 55 [ 11 431-32 for Inorganic Compounds,” U. S. Bur. M i n e s Bull., No. 476,
(1 W 3 ) pp. (1949). “XI, Bntropies of Inorganic Substances; Re-
nprrimcntal Rcalization of Melting of Graphite on (1948) of Data and Methods of Calculation,” ibid., No.
Kg./Sq. Cm ,” Hrennstuff-Chem.,
s up t o 11,500 477, 147 pp. (1950).
Part VI was prcpared by the U. S. Bureau of Mines and is as
N.k. Chmey, V. C. Ikmistcr, and S. W. Glass, “Properties follows: ‘ T I , Revision of Entropies of Inorganic Substances,
of Carbon a t Arc Temperature,” Trans. Rlectrochem. Soc., 67, 1935,’’ U. S. Bur. Mines Hull., No. 394, 55 pp.; Ceram. Abstracts,
107 50 (1935); Ceronz. Absfracts, 18 [91 245 (1939). 16 [ti] 191 (1937).
280 Journal of T h e American Ceramic Society Ilowe Vol. 35, KO. 1 I
The lieat capacity of grapliitc is especially interesting be-
c:tuse the high degree of crystal anisotropy is manifested at
low tcrnperatures by tlic depmdeiice of the specific heat on
I .*-.2 One may think o€ the heat content as due to three types
of vibrations in the graphite crystal, as follows :
(1) Very low frequency waves involving motions of the
planes as molecules, soniewhat like an accordion.
( 5 ) Interiiiediate-frequericy waves with displacements
transverse to the plane, like vibrations o€ a drumhead or
waves in water.
( 3 ) High-frequency longitudinal waves moving in the Fig. 10. Distribution of electronic energy
planes and iiivolviiig displacements that stretch the strong states vs. energy.
carbon-carbon bonds
Kruriihanslz4has studied the spectrum o€ the normal vibra-
tional modes of a grapliite crystal and has shown that, over a
certain temperature range, the crystal behaves much like a temperature. At higher temperatures a maxiinuni is ob-
Lw-diinensional system, requiring that the specific heat served, followed by a decrease.
vary a\ the second power of the temperature instead of as the Wallace estimates that the conductivity parallel to the
third power, :is in three-dimensional solids. Qualitatively planes (a) is 110 times that in the perpendicular direction (6).
it is because tlie low-frequency modes attain their classical The measured values range from 1 0 2 to 105.*G This large
cquipartition value at very low temperatures that only two anisotropy is another manifestation of the two-dimensional
degrees of freedom per atom are left to contribute to the nature of graphite. Iliamagnetic susceptibility provides
increase in specific heat with temperature. Figure 8 shows the another illustration of this nature also, both in theoryi2
logarithni of expcrimentally determined values plotted versus and by exp~riment.~7
the logarithm of tlie Kelviii temperature. This work oi Incompletely graphitized carbons show different electrical
1)eSorI)oand has iinproved the value of the entropy characteristics, their conductivities being less and, up to
of graphite at room teniperature. Their data are presented very high temperatures, increasing with temperature. In-
.tnd suinniarbetl in 1%g.9 arid ’Table 11. completely proved suggestions in terms of molecule size and
IIrat capacities for grapliitc a t liiglicr temperatures may edge impurities may be made to account for this behavior
1)c obtained lrom tlie publication by the Kational Bureau Although the spirals provide an additional path for current
ol Standartis. flow in the c direction, i t can be shown that the effect on the
In addition to bcing more stable than dianiond by virtue anisotropy of the conductivity is ncgligible unless the density
of hinding energy, graphite also possesses the greater entropy of dislocations should exceed 1 0 ’ 0 per cm2.
at any tcnipcrature above 0 OK. because of the thermal vibra-
t ions possil)le atid the greater volume per atom.
(3) Thermal Conductivity
(2) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Two facts show that the thermal conductivity is not elec-
tronic as in metals: ( I ) the value of the Lorcnz, Wiedemann-
’I‘hc general rcatures of the electrical and magnetic proper- Fram ratio, which is the product of the electrical resistivity
ties may be undcrstood in terms of the work of Wallace12 and the thermal conductixity divided by the absolute tem-
and others.”j Thc~ideal infinite graphite single crystal on perature and (2) the low temperature dependence of the ther-
tlic basis of these calculations lias the distribution of electronic mal conductivity. Rather, therrnal energy is transported by
energy states versus energy shown in Fig. 10. Just enough crystal vibrations, and, although a theory is being developetl,
statcs lie below 150 l o house all tlie mobile electrons at OOK. tlie exact reasons for the temperature dependence observed
At higlwr tcniprraturcs, electrons are excited to states above by Tyler” and Bermant a t low temperatures are not known.
ICO, wlicrcupori 1)otli they and the vacant states below A major Pactor, however, must be the T 2 dependence of the
contriliutc to the conductivity. According to U-allace, the specific heat, and a simple theory would predict the same
iiuiiil)er of free electroiis permitted by the Ikrmi distrilmtion dependence for the thermal conductivity if boundary and
at rooiii tciiipcraturc is 2.25 x 10 per carbon atom Thus permanent inperfections only scatter vibrational waves.
the conductivity is low. The conducti\Tity depends not only o m data obtained by Tyler, which vary somewhat
on the riutiibcr or carriers hit also on their scattering as they y than Z 2 . They are given here because they
tuove. Scatt eririg by lattice waves clccrcases very rapidly appear to be better than values already in the literature.
;it low tcniprraturcs m d would permit the conductivity to A inore complete account will be publishetl later by Tyler.
I)ccoiiic very large if 110 F)crm,iticnt scattering centers were Energy transport by thermal vibrations in crystals falls ofl
tal. Xeasured values o f the conductivity as T-l in the high-temperature region, owing to interaction of
r s iricrcase with decreasing ternperature, various vibrational niodes. It is very likely that electronic
but appear to reniaiii liriite in the range below 10°K It must transport becomes the more important process of the two
lie c-oncluded iron1 this behavior that scattering centers for types a t sufficiently high temperature. Finely divided
electron\ are present in real crystds and that the number of graphites or carbons owe their insulating value largely to
carriers does not go to 7ero a t low temperatures. From Hall the [act that conduction through the gas surrounding each
cl‘fcct studics25i t can be further concluded that there is a particle limits the transport of helit.
slighl cxce\s of electrons, but lheir donors are not known.
Graphites made hy bonding small particles with pitch followed
I)y grai’lii tizaiiori show increasing conductivity at room
26 ( a ) W. I’riinak and I
,. Pucks, “1~:lectrical Coriductivities of
Natural Graphite Crystal\,” /MI. Am. Pl~ys.Sor , 27 [a] 18
(1 952).
W. 1)eSorbo :ind U‘.W. Tyler, “Specific Tleat of Graphite
21 (2)) K. S. Krishnan arid S.Ganguli, “1,arg-e Atiisotropy of Elec-
Iron1 1:3’ t o :300”1< ,” f’hyp. /<w.,83 141 878-79 (1951). trical Conductivity of Graphite,” NnturP, 144 136501 667 (1931).
J . liriirrili~iisl,‘“l’licory of Specific Heat of Graphite”; t o be 2i K. S. Krishnan and S. Ganguli, “Temperature Variation of
published. Abnormal 1Jiiidirectional I>iamagnetism of Graphite Crystals,”
2i J. J . 1)oiioghue and u’.1’. Ihtherly, “A Kew Method for Nature, 139 135081 155-56 (1937).
l’rcci4on Mr:i\ureriiciils of 1I;tll :nit1 M:~gticto Iie\i\livc Corf- A W. W. Tyler, private communication.
ficic.tits,” Rrzi fw\tymir/,fitY, 22 (71 513 I f i (1951). t I<. Derrnan, privatc cotnmunicatioti to W. W ’Tyler.
November 1952 Properties of Graphite 28 I
I 1 I I I I I I l l


Fig. 12. Strength in tension of several forms of graphite as a function o f
0 NATURAL GRAPHITE BONDED AND temperature. Graphite grades (National Carbon Company terms):
( A ) AUF, ( B ) A W G , ( C ) SA-25, ( D ) C-18, ( E ) AGX.


Table 111. Types of Graphite on Which Strengths Have

I I I I I I l l I I I I l l Been Measured at High Temperatures
Approx. amount
TEMPERATURE (OK] Graphite Method of (h‘dphitization of oriented
grade* manufacture temp. (“C.) grains (%)
Fig. 1 1 . Thermal conductivity o f several types of graphite a t room
temperature and below; CS and A G O T a r e National Carbon Company AUF Extruded 3000 60
terms. AWG Molded 3000 30
SA-25 Molded 3000 1
c-18 Molded 2600 30
AGX Extruded 2600 40

(4) Mechanical Properties

* National Carbon Company terms.
The weak forces between planes permit graphite to slip
readily on the basal plane. This slip probably occurs without haps the most interesting and valuable feature is the increase
the benefit of moving dislocations. The lubricating proper- in strength with temperature to above 2400°C. (4350°F.)
ties of graphite have been attributed to this phenomenon, Figure 12, taken from Malstrom, Keen, and Green,
although Savage28has shown that another condition must illustrates the properties of several commercial artificial
be met also; namely, the presence of adsorbed films of water graphites listed in Table 111. Few readily available materials
ammonia, or hydrocarbons. When such adsorbed materials are stronger than graphite above 1600°C. (2900°F.).
are absent, graphite bearings wear rapidly and the resulting The anisotropy of thermal expansion and the resultant
dust is a very strong adsorber of nearly any gaseous substance. internal stresses in polycrystalline material must be important
.Is most pieces of graphite put to practical use have a pre- in explaining the variation of strength with temperature.
ferred orientation owing t o fabrication, the over-all strength It must also be remembered that the pores in artificial
of the material is anisotropic and is greatest in the direction graphites provide stress concentrations. At temperatures
of working. Although not a strong material, graphite is a sufficiently high for grain-boundary flow, some relaxation
useful high-temperature structural material in applications of stress can occur. For some local stress to exceed the point
not requiring the presence of oxygen, in particular in certain required for fracture, therefore, the average stress has to be
metallurgical and ceramic equipment and apparatus Per-

29 ( a ) C. Malmstrom, K. Keen, and L. Green, Jr., “Some Me-

28 H Savage, “Graphite Lubrication,” J . Applied
( u ) R. chanical Properties of Graphite at Elevated Temperatures,” J .
I’hys., 19 111 1-10 (1948). Applied Plzys., 22 151 593-600 (1951).
(6) K. H. Savage, “Physically and Chemically Adsorbed (5) F. E. Faris, I,. Green, Jr., and C. A. Smith, “Thermal De-
Vilms in Lubrication of Graphite Sliding Contacts,” Ann. N. Y. pendence of ISlastic Moduli of Polycrystalline Ckaphite,” ibid.,
A G ( LSci.,
~ . 53, 862-69 (1951). 23 [I] 89-95 (1962).
282 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Discussion of Ilowe Paper Vol. 35, No. 11
greater at high temperatures than i t need be at low tempera- t h e potassium atoms t h a t are probably at least partially
i ~ ~ a similar explanation for t h e varia-
tures. M r o z o ~ s kgives ionized are placed i n regular positions between the planes.
tion of strength with temperature. T h u s one can think of a n ionic compound with large plane
Deforniation due t o t h e motion of t h e screw dislocations molecule ions having a negative charge held together by
required for growth would be shear in t h e c direction. T h e positively charged ions ; both electrostatic and exchange
author is not aware of evidence that this deformation mech- forces provide bonding. Other alkali metals react with
anism operates graphite in somewhat similar although less clear-cut fashion.
Bromine also forms lamellar compounds, one of which
(5) Lamellar Compounds appears t o be CsBr, although the stoichiometric relation is
not definite. Riley3I states t h a t the bromine cannot be
There is not space here to discuss fully t h e subject of lamel- present as ions. Bisulfate and nitrate ions, however, may be
lar compounds of graphite. Two cases, however, illustrate introduced b y electrolytic or chemical oxidation of t h e graph-
t h e nature of t h e substance very interestingly and are there ite in t h e presence of these ions.
fore mentioned briefly. T h u s i t is attractive, if not strictly accurate, to think
Potassium metal reacts readily with graphite t o form at of graphitic planes as plane amphoteric macromolecules form-
least two compounds, ClsK and C8K.31 It has been shown ing compounds with both electron donors and acceptors.
t h a t the plane arrays of carbon atoms remain intact, and that I n summary, t h e unique electrical, mechanical, and chemi-
cal properties of graphite are those of large plane molecules
i n which t h e strong bonding power of the carbon a t o m is
nearly, b u t not quite, satisfied b y bonds lying i n the planes.
3O S. Mrozowski, “Anisotropy of Thermal Expansion and
Internal Stresses in Graphite and Carbons,” Bull. Am. Phys. Acknowledgment
.TOG., 27 [ 1 I 47 (1952); abstract of paper presented a t Annual The writer is grateful to J. S. Lukesh, W. W. Tyler, and J.
Meeting of the American Physical Society, Columbia Univer- Krumhansl for many discussions of the structure and properties of
sity, New York, January 31-February 2, 1952. An abstract of graphite. He owes much to F. H. Horn, W. W. Tyler, and W.
this papcr also appears in Phys. Reu., 86, 622 (1952). DeSorbo for the use of recently obtained information and for the
8‘ H. L. Riley, “1,amellar Compounds of Carbon,” Fuel, use of graphs and photographs for figures. Many other sources
24 [ l ] 8-15; [2] 43-53 (1945); Ceram. Abstracts, 194’7, July, p. of information also have been used and are hereby gratefully
14Xd. acknowledged.

Discussion of Howe Paper by S. Mrozowski”

I>r. Howc has presented among other interesting information

the very important results of the recent unpublished work by
I k . Tyler and associates on the thermal conductivity of car-
bons I n spite of the great practical importance, carbons have
not yet becu systematically studied. The best available data,
until now, were presented by Powell and Schofield.’ The two
heavy curves in Fig. 1 represent the temperature dependence
of the conductivity for polycrystalline graphite ( G ) and for baked
carbon ( H ) as roughly obtained from their work. In the past
we all believed that the extension of curve ( G ) t o low tempera-
tures followed a curve obtained some time ago by Buerschaper
(dotted curve) and that :i maximurn in the thermal conductivity
was reached somewhere below -200°C.2 Dr. Tyler’s results
disprove Buerschaper’s work; the thin curve joining curve ( G )
in Fig. 1 roughly represents his findings as reported by Dr.
I [owe.
The t.hertna1 conductivity of carbons heat-treated to inter-
mediate temperatures has not yet been investigated. It might
he of interest, however, t o those who are using such carbons in
their products t o know at least approximately what kind of general
trend is expected. A system of predicted intermediate curves
is added in Fig. 1 (dashed curves). The main properties of
t.hese curves are as follows. On thc low-temperature side of
maximurn the heat conductivity must be proportional to the
specific heat C , and t o the crystallitc size L. On the high-tem-
gerature side the conductivity decreases almost inversely pro-

* Professor of Physics, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New

York. 1000 2000
R. W. Powell and F. H. Schofield, “Thermal and Electrical
Conductivities of Carbon and Graphite a t High Temperatures,” Temp (“C)
Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),5 1 , Part 1 [283] 153-72 (1939); Ceram. Fig. 1. Observed and predicted thermal conductivities (solid and dashed
~ o ~ ~ ~ ~18c rioi
t . 7271
. (1939). curves, respectively) for variously heat-treated carbons as function of
S. Mrozowski, “Thermal Conductivity of Carbons and temperature. Curves: (G)polycrystalline graphite, ( 6 ) baked carbon,
Graphite,” Phys. Rev., 86, 251-52 (1952). {HI heat-treatment.

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