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Topic / Title Acids and Bases

Grade Level Grade 7

Time Allotment 90 minutes
Learning Competency
Investigate the properties of acidic and basic mixtures using natural indicators
By the end of class, students should be able to:
1. Investigate the properties of acidic and basic mixtures using natural indicators.
2. Give examples of acids and bases that they encounter in their everyday life.
ELICIT (Access prior knowledge). Materials/Assessment Tool
Students are grouped into 4 with names element, compound, homogeneous and
heterogeneous mixtures. The group will say “kami yun” when the description given
by the teacher refers to them. The description are as follows:
1. has more than one type of atom
2. separate parts can be seen 4 Group labels (written in
3. has two or more substances bondpaper/colorbond)
4. components are physically combined
5. Occupies space and has mass
Students will further answer the following questions briefly:
1. What are some classifications of matter?
2. How is matter classified?
In today’s lesson, we will classify certain groups of matter in a different way based
on their distinctive properties.
ENGAGE (Get the students’ minds focused on the topic (short; question or picture).
Show pictures of different swimming pools. Let students focus on the swimming
pool crowded with a lot of people. Make them realize how contaminated that Pictures of swimming pool
swimming pool is and its effect to humans when not treated.

For health reasons, swimming pools are regularly treated with chemicals that are
usually called “chlorine” (Calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite) as
disinfectants. The effectiveness of these disinfectants depends on how acidic or
basic the water is. Pool owners must therefore measure and, if necessary, adjust,
the acidity of their pool through a pH test kit.
What do the terms acidic, basic and pH test mean?
EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience).
Mixtures of turmeric and rubbing
To give students the idea on how they will classify substances, the teacher will mix alcohol, baking soda and water,
the prepared substances to show color changes. and vinegar
Key Question: Why does a substance give a distinctive color when mixed with
other substance?

Students will perform the activity “Acids and Bases in the Home.” The activity aims 10 Different household solutions
to investigate the properties of acidic and basic mixtures using plant indicator and 3 Plastic teaspoons
classify them as acid or base. Plastic egg tray or
Key Questions: 10 party cups made into saucers
1. What color is the indicator in acidic solution? In basic solution? 3 Plant indicators freshly prepared
2. Are cleaning products more likely to be acidic or basic? Apron
3. Are food products more likely to be acidic or basic? Mask
Rubber gloves
The teacher will assess students’ laboratory activity performance by group. The Laboratory performance rating
teacher should see that the students follow the procedure and safety precautions sheet
in activity.
EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students).
Each group will present their laboratory report. After the report, the teacher will Laboratory Performance rating
give inputs on important concepts missed by the students. He will also give sheet
feedback on their laboratory activity group performance.
ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned in the Explain).
1 cup water in a party cup
Empty party cup
The students will perform the activity “What does an antacid do?” Acids are said to
Antacid tablet
“neutralize” bases, and vice versa. In this activity the students will investigate the
effect of these substances to each other and define the word neutralize. This will
Plant indicator
lead them to answer the question:
How does an antacid work to counteract excess stomach acid?
Experiment Design Rating Sheet
Peer Assessment
EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept)?
Students are evaluated in each phase of the lesson.
EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in new context).
Short-answer response
Part A (individual). Proper Handling of Acids and Bases
1. Read labels of acidic and basic household substances found in your home.
2. Write briefly your practice of handling these products safely.

Part B (by group). The Acid Rain

1. Explain the acid rain phenomenon
2. Describe the impact of acid rain on humans and the environment.
3. Give ways of preventing the adverse effects of acid rain.

DepEd Grade 7 Science Learner’s Material
Chemistry the Physical Setting. Myers.

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