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CAA Pakistan

Material for Guidance of Assistant Director (ATC) Test in CAA Pakistan

NTS Paper experience for AATCO May 09, 2015

Part one: English portion: 30 marks

a) Comprehension:

Six questions related to importance of packaging in marketing i-e attracts customers, helps to
recognize brand name, makes specification easily accessible and finally makes consumers to
identify their brand easily among other present products.
Question were like:

i) what is main idea of paragraph,

ii) which statement does not fulfills the arguments made in the paragraph
iii) in paragraph, “THEY” refers to
b) Fill in the blanks related to tense, preposition and vocabulary; almost 7-8 Q.
c) Analogies 5-6 Q
d) Antonym like propel, unmerited
e) Synonym like pleasant=lovely
Part two: Physics portion 20 marks

Some questions that I remember along with their answers are as follows:

1) A body moves in circle with constant speed; Then which of the following is true:
a) Work done is zero (correct confirmed)
b) Velocity is constant

2) a satellite moving around the earth in orbit. which one represents its orbital speed i-e (formulas
were given in mcqs) and correct one was (sqrtGM/R) which was option B.

3) a rope of length (value was given) has tension 8oN and mass was given and frequency of waves
was asked (this was related to “stationary waves in stretched string” and related formula that was
being used in numerical was “f=(1/2l) (sqrt(F/M))”.

4) four particles move in a constant magnetic field with same speed; which will have highest
a) a copper ion
b) helium nucleus
c) electron (correct confirmed)
d) proton
(the reason is that particles will deflects on the basis of their m/e value
electron has lowest m-e value so will deflect most)
5) superposition and constructive interference related numerical.

6) organ pipe closed at one end having length (value was given) and speed of sound was given.
Fundamental frequency of note was asked: (the formula for this numerical is “f=v/4l”).

7) numerical related to a projectile launched with speed (value was given) at an angle of 30 degree:
what time will it require to reach the peak of trajectory.
(for this question I am unable to find any formula or solution anyone having its solution method will
be appreciated).
8) a train (or any object was given) at a distance (value was given) produces a sound whose speed
is (value was given). what time will sound require to reach the listener?
(very easy question related to formula “t=s/v”).
9) a stone is thrown horizontally with speed 30 m/s. what will be its speed when it hits water surface
after 4 seconds
a) 30
b) 40
c) 50
d) 60
10) A person in an elevator is moving with constant speed (value I think 20 m/s was given) leaves a
stone at the height of (I think 4.9 m was given or some other value may be).what time will stone take
to reach the surface?
(I solved it like that but does not know that it is right or not:
Vi=0, g=9.8 or 10, height or s=let 4.9 m: the NY 2nd equation of motion
S=Vit_.5gtsqr) If anyone has confirm solution then please share.

11) Numerical related to velocity at the base point of simple pendulum.

I have obtained 12/20 marks in the portion.
Part three: quick math 30 marks

1) If (x+y)/(x-y) = ½ then (xy+xsqr)/(xy-xsqr) =? I took x=3/2, y= -1/2 and solved it.

2) Which of the following is sum of three consecutive integers’:

a) 17
b) 23
c) 30(correct as 9+10+11=30)
d) 40

3) X: y, y: z was given the x: y: z?

Part four: GK, airplane and aviation related questions; marks 20.

Questions related to this portion:

1)C-394 has switching circuits

a) 6 (not correct as I filled it but answer key made it wrong).
8,9 were given does not know exactly.

2) Capital of china=Beijing.
2) term empennage means:
a) I think nose/tail like something was given and this “a” option is right according to answer key;

3) Gwadar is on -----side of makran valley

a) east
b) west (confirm correct by answer key since this was question# 91 or 92)
c) south
d) north

4) Arabian sea is located in which ocean=Indian ocean.

5) ATU stands for=antenna tuning unit.

6) CVR stands for= cockpit voice recorder.

7)ASCB stand for= avionics standards communication.

8)FAA stands for= federal aviation administration (USA aviation).

9)HF is (single band (correct confirm by answer key) double, triple band).

10)ILS stands for=instrument landing system

(I marked internal landing system that was wrong).

11)aerodynamically stall means.

12)K-2 in in (Pakistan (correct), India, Nepal,).

13)old name of KPK=NWFP.

14) border between azad Kashmir and Indian occupied Kashmir is=line of control.

15) Siachen glaciers is dispute between (Pakistan-india, india-china, india-Nepal).

16) Pakistan location in Asia=south Asia.

ATU?? Antenna tuning unit
CVR?? Cockpit voice recorder
FAA?? Federal aviation Administration
ASCB?? Avionics standard communication bus
Take off affect by? Hot and humid, cold and humid etc.
Largest PIA destinations is in which province?
what happens when aircraft stall?
Largest pia dest. Province is Punjab
cold and humid could affect the takeoff
Hf is SSB
Continent without river Antarctica
Baggage loading depends question i.e. all of above
In ticketing COB stands for?
Intercom switches?
ILS stands for?
Change of booking but not sure
ILS instrument landing system
COB= change of booking
ILS = instrument landing system
Intercom switches = 8 (not sure)
Free falling body is (a) 1st law of motion (b) 2nd law of motion (c) Archimedes principle (d)
Fc=m(2v) ^2/r
1. Province of Pakistan has most PIA destination (Punjab)
2. ILS means (Instrumental landing system)
3. Luggage should be loaded in baggage compartment of aircraft according to (capacity of
4. Management of airport is primary duty of (airport manager)
5. In the context of ticketing COB stands for (change of booking)
6. which of the following would have most negative impact on takeoff performance (Hot and Humid)
7. ATU stands for (Antenna Tuning Unit)
8. HF System is (SSB)
9. ASCB stands for (Avionics standard communication bus)
10. Intercom C-3942 has_______ monitory switches (9)
11. CVR stand for (Cockpit voice recorder)
12. FAA stand for (Federal aviation administration)
13. Capital of Afghanistan (Kabul)
14. Continent has no river (Antarctica)

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