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1. I have good idea.

2. That's interesting job!

3. They have found gold in that old mine.
4. Do the Smiths have yellow van?
5. Look! He's having water.
6. He always likes piece of chocolate.
7. I have homework to do for tomorrow.
8. There's nice girl in the red car.
9. Would you like milk with your cookies?
10. How about grapes?

1. He met nice girl yesterday.

2. They went to the zoo and saw elephant.

3. She heard awful thing about that film.

4. John is honest boy.

5. He will go to university in England.

6. She met handsome young man at the party.

7. I read interesting book yesterday.

8. She is cute and quiet child.

9. I have to go now. My train leaves in hour.

10. She hopes she will have happy life with her

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