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If the planets represent energies and cosmic forces that manifest in different
ways, then the planetary aspects show how these energies and forces tend to act and
react, one with another, if the will of the person is not brought into play to
change them. It is the spiritual task of each person to use the positive energies
in such ways so as to change the negative energies into positive energies. Negative
energies are simply energies that are either misdirected, misapplied, or applied in
too great a quantity. One of our purposes in life is to transform the negative
energies into positive ones through the use of our Will.

Venus blending with Neptune (power = 9.50 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.38)
You tend to be what some people call the hopeless romantic. You are very idealistic
about love and romance and many times it isn't so much the case that you love
someone or that you are in love with someone as it is that you are in love with
love. You tend to put your loved one on a pedestal and this can bring problems
because when the loved one eventually does something to "fall from grace", then
huge disappointment and disillusionment set in and you are crushed. You need to
stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and see things for how and
what they really are.

Another facet of this aspect is that you may have such an ideal mate built up in
your own imagination that no real person could ever come close to your fantasy. You
may spend your entire lifetime looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect such that you miss
Mr. or Ms. Right. Come down to earth and realize that no one is perfect and there
are no white knights ready to come dashing along to save you. Stop the dreaming but
don't give up the dream.

There is danger of falling into the wrong type of relationship, a relationship of

co-dependence. Either you or your partner may enjoy or feel obligated to play the
role of martyr, victim or savior. Remember that no good relationship is unequal.
Two equal partners who neither feel the need to save or be saved make the best

You are a sensitive person who enjoys the finer, aesthetic things in life. You
desire harmony and beauty and are probably attracted to the arts in some way,
either painting, music, dance, theater or drama. You are perhaps attracted to those
with artistic or mystical inclinations. This is a certain charm about you that
others find unworldly. The unusual and the intuitive, the sensual and the
explorative appeal to you. You are insecure in matters of love. Simply remember
that everyone has some human frailty, so do the best you can as that is all the
Universe asks of you.

Mars discordant to Neptune (power = 9.33 and this aspect is discordant = -11.66)
The danger with this aspect is that you tend to want to escape from reality and
avoid your day-to-day duties and responsibilities. If this escapism tendency is
carried too far, you may seek outlet through drugs or alcohol, both of which will
eventually ruin your life. Ordinary life seems dull and drab to you and you feel a
need for something that stirs your imagination, some vision or ideal or cause that
motivates you. Without such an impetus you tend to procrastinate doing the things
in your life that you need to be doing. People count on you and you let them down
in any manner of ways. People then lose their respect for you and eventually avoid
having anything whatsoever to do with you. You may have difficulty separating truth
from fiction or fantasy from reality. You need to stay grounded and disciplined so
that you can remain functional. Yes, it's true that your real home is in the
spiritual worlds, yet you must live your earth life here and learn as much as you
can from your experiences in concrete existence. That is what we are all here for.
So stop thinking about skipping out on the school of life and get back to business.

It is possible, though, that you can really pursue your dreams and bring them into
reality. You have the ability to do this if you approach it the right way. The
right way is in staying focused, centered and disciplined. Nothing worthwhile can
be accomplished without discipline and you need to realize that if you do not
already. You are an artist at heart, whether your medium is song, dance, drama,
poetry, music, art or painting. Any of these allow you to express the feelings you
have inside and that gives your emotions release from the day-to-day tribulations
of living. Your imagination is capable of quite a great deal if you will simply
keep it in check and not allow it to run away from you.

Work that serves only your own narrow personal interests does not satisfy you. You
need something more in your life than just living for yourself. You may lack the
competitive edge, the fighting spirit, the me-first attitude that is often required
for material advancement and success. Of course you simply may not have much
earthly ambition. You also have the tendency to either overestimate or
underestimate your own power and abilities. There is deception and self-delusion
present, either on your part or on the part of others that you come into contact
with. You are an easy target for swindlers and con-men because you are a sucker for
a sob story. You must realize that most people have to learn to help themselves.
You cannot save the world, as much as you might like to do so. The only one you can
save is yourself. And that is no easy task for any of us.

There is the tendency here to get involved in co-dependent relationships. Either

you or your partner or both knowingly or unknowingly play the role of martyr,
victim or savior. You must realize that any relationship that isn't based on
equality is eventually doomed to failure.

This aspect may make your nature coarse and sensual, impulsive and irascible,
militant and extravagant in speech and action, self-indulgent to a degree in
whatever direction your passions may lead you and unable to exercise restraint over
yourself in any direction. It tends to give a fanatical spirit which may express
itself in either religion or atheism. There can be tendencies toward lawlessness.
Self-control is the saving grace that you need to develop.

You do have talent, even though it is easier for you to doubt your abilities and to
question your own worth. Your lack of self-esteem is distorting the truth and you
must work your way through the illusion. The challenge is to conquer
discouragement. You see failure as an indication of your unworthiness to merit
rewards or success. To dissipate your feelings of unworthiness, you may resort to
placing the blame for your failure upon others until your gossiping even convinces
you it is the truth. Eventually, when the real truth is revealed, you suffer
greatly, for you have made yourself unbelievable to others. You could save yourself
much inner distress if you would recognize that failures are simply spiritual
stumbling blocks which test everyone's courage in picking themselves up again
without emotional turmoil. Any suffering you experience will, in the long run,
teach you obedience and that is one of the roads that leads to God. Self-forgetting
service to others is another road that is safe and sure.

Be careful of the people and situations you associate with as not everyone is
really whom they say they are. Some may be secret enemies from past lives who are
conscious or unconscious agents of God acting so that you may reap what you have
sown previously. Stay away from negative psychic influences such as Ouija boards,
s�ances, hypnotism and mediums. There is an urgent need for you to be totally
honest with yourself and others.
Moon harmonizing with Ascendant (power = 8.24 and this aspect is harmonious = 8.24)
You need people around you for your emotional well-being. You understand and are
attentive to the needs of others. You openly reveal your emotions to those around
you. You enjoy life and people and are basically caring, sympathetic, understanding
and sensitive.

Sun discordant to Jupiter (power = 7.37 and this aspect is discordant = -3.68)
You tend to be optimistic and confident, but overly so. You are self-indulgent and
over-extravagant. There is a selfish streak within you that sometimes keeps you
from devoting yourself to others. There may be religious fanaticism here, with a
closed-minded adherence to one particular dogma. You do not have the best judgment
at times and you promise more than you are capable of delivering. You display false
pride. You tend to exaggerate your stories or your own abilities. You find it
difficult to generate the necessary resolve to follow through on completing the
projects you start. You have big aspirations and the desire to succeed in life in a
grand way, but you may not have the initiative or persistence to make it a reality.
But in spite of all this, you never seem to lose your hopes for the future.

You may become restless and discontent with the responsibilities and limitations
you have in life. At some point your faith will be tested to see just how strong it
is. You may encounter legal problems, especially with or through those in positions
of authority. You need to ask yourself when does self-confidence become egotism?
You want to feel important and that can easily bring on an egotistical manner. You
love to show yourself off and make yourself into someone important. You are capable
of gaudy displays of extravagance. You are wasteful of the energies and resources
that you have been entrusted with. All actions should be carefully thought out, so
that you do not experience severe losses due to overspeculation, loans,
investments, gambling, etc. Social prestige is important to you. You may be subject
to circulation problems of the blood, especially the arterial circulation. Living
the "good life" can add extra pounds and this can contribute to health problems as
well. You need to stay active and keep exercising.

Mercury discordant to Uranus (power = 6.92 and this aspect is discordant = -6.92)
You are a lightning quick thinker who is constantly coming up with new ways of
doing things. You have an intuitive genius for originality. You are unconventional,
weird, a bit eccentric and you demand complete freedom of expression. New ideas,
discoveries and inventions thrill you to no end. You love keeping up with the
latest state-of-the-art theories and products. Because you grasp ideas so quickly,
you may have difficulty being patient with those around you who do not pick up on
things as quickly as you do. You understand scientific and mechanical theory
easily. You are indeed blessed with a sharp, brilliant, swift and clever mentality.
You may be attracted to electronics, astrology or astronomy and metaphysics in
general. You have a decidedly high-strung and nervous temperament and you find it
difficult to relax. You get bored rather easily so you need lots of things going on
at the same time. You enjoy travel as there is always something new to learn or
think about. Your mind functions in an intuitive, non-linear fashion, and sudden
insights and ideas often come to you "out of the blue". You do well in open,
unpredictable atmospheres where flexibility and quick responses are required. You
are self-reliant and demand freedom of thought and expression at all times.

But, you have the tendency that if ideas do not fit in with your previously
conceived pattern, then they are simply rejected. Your interest in knowing about
everything can dissipate your mental focus and concentration. You tend to scatter
your energies into too many directions at once and to make impulsive or hasty
decisions. You jump from one thing to another without finishing what you've
started. Your mind is rather antagonistic towards the ideas of others so that you
have a tendency to disbelieve them out of hand. But, if your own mind comes to the
same conclusion, then you find it totally believable. You usually like new ideas,
but you don't want them "preached" to you. Thus, it's important for you to realize
that others are not necessarily "preaching" to you when they present different
viewpoints. Discipline yourself to stay with a subject long enough to master it.
You may be carrying a chip around on your shoulder that is most unattractive. Let
it go and become detached.

Venus discordant to Mars (power = 6.83 and this aspect is discordant = -6.83)
Amongst various possible tendencies are these: Your need to satisfy your own
desires before considering other people's needs causes anger and frustration. You
suppress your own desires in order to maintain peace, which causes internal
conflict within you. Sex and love can cause problems because either you run hot and
cold alternately, or you don't know the difference between the two or perhaps you
simply have love-hate types of relationships. Your high sex drive can lead you to
squander your creative force through sexual excess and sensuality. Perhaps you
"fall" into love easily with whoever pays you the slightest bit of attention and

You are intensely amorous and attractive to the opposite sex and are not inclined
to simple, friendly platonic relationships. There is a lot of tension in your love
life because you often put your own needs ahead of your partner's or you are
impatient when it comes to having your own needs met. You tend to run hot and cold
in your relationships. If your partner is hot to trot, then you are not, and when
you are ready for action, then your partner is not in the mood. You probably find
yourself releasing your "hate" through verbal or physical fights when there are
differences of opinion with your partner and after your hostility is released, then
you once again feel "love" for that person. Of course, while your emotions might be
back to normal, you partner is still trying to figure out just what happened and
what hit them. You are ready to go again, but they are not and you can't understand
why. This can create a great deal of frustration and disappointment that you do not
easily shrug off because you cannot understand what the other person's "problem"
is. If you are not in a love relationship, then you want to be in one and if you
are, then you don't want to be. Your emotions are not stable and you have problems
dealing with them. You are indecisive and your values and standards of behavior
change from one moment to the next. You need to learn how to compromise with others
so that your anger does not erupt when you do not get your way. Blowing off steam
is fine, and perhaps you need to buy yourself a punching bag so you can spar with
it when you are upset, but it is not right to use other people, especially loved
ones, as verbal punching bags or as objects of your assault tactics. Additionally,
you need to overcome your feelings of love and hate toward the people you care

Jupiter harmonizing with Neptune (power = 6.51 and this aspect is harmonious =
You have the opportunity and ability to use your creative imagination to help those
around you. Your emotions can find constructive outlet through music, art,
painting, poetry or perhaps dance. You have interest in metaphysical, spiritual or
religious pursuits. Church music uplifts and comforts you and you seek to pass this
peace to others in helping them to find the Way. Trust in your intuition and seek
the guidance of your Higher Self, for you are probably in close contact with it.
Your sensitivity and compassion towards people makes it easy for others to trust in
you and to seek your wisdom. Your powers of visualization can help bring your
dreams into reality. Strive to seek the Truth in all that you do.

Mars harmonizing with Pluto (power = 6.20 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.65)
You believe in yourself and the missions you undertake. You have a strong sense of
self-confidence and will power that will not admit defeat. You know what you want
and how to go about getting it in the most constructive manner. You are a natural
leader and people look to you to show them the way. You have strong opinions and
are not afraid to voice them or to stand up for what you believe. You are
interested in making reforms when something could be made better. You have the
drive, the stamina and the persistence to succeed at anything you desire. Sometimes
you can become so engrossed in a project that you are unable to quit, even when you
are physically worn out. You need to listen to your physical body and stop before
you are exhausted. Your ego is strong but you are usually understated about it as
you do not always need to be the center of attention. You like to be in total
control of your life and prefer to be the leader in any situation. Since this is
not always possible, you may need to learn how to cooperate and compromise better.

You like the unknown and the mysterious and want to get to the bottom of things.
You want answers. Issues of life after death may be particularly interesting to
you. Perhaps one of the healing arts is of significance to you. For all you know,
perhaps you have healing ability. You are a natural detective and ferret and you
can size up people and situations accurately and relatively quickly. Little escapes
your notice. You prefer depth rather than breadth. You do not care to fight
verbally, but will if necessary. Although you may control your anger quite well,
when you do lose your temper, it is very explosive.

Mars harmonizing with Jupiter (power = 6.18 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.73)
You have a lot of self-confidence, enthusiasm and vitality. You believe that you
can accomplish just about anything you set your mind to. Your sense of timing is
good and you have the ability to foresee what will work and what won't. You enjoy
competition and you have a mostly playful, good-humored attitude about it. You
mostly compete with yourself to see how far you can go or how much you can
accomplish. You don't hold onto grudges and you don't resort to mean acts to get
even with people for real or imagined slights. You enjoy anything that will help
stretch your limits � traveling, education, philosophy, religion. You enjoy
adventure, taking risks, sports and outdoor activities. You may be good in sports
but may not exercise the appropriate discipline to really excel. You are usually
very optimistic and enthusiastic and pretty much always retain a positive attitude
towards life. This aspect may help bring you wealth, but at the same time it may
also bring a free-spending attitude with it. You tend to be lucky in speculation
and you are generous with all you have. You have faith in the future and usually do
not worry about what you need for tomorrow. You are recognized for your integrity,
sincerity and honesty. Even when angry, your anger quickly fades as you have an
inborn knowledge that getting angry is a waste of your energy. Even during
difficult times, you remain positive and never lower yourself by stepping on
anyone's toes to satisfy your own desires.

Neptune harmonizing with Pluto (power = 5.88 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.88)
As with all in your generation, you have the opportunity to be of service to others
for the benefit of humanity. Use any psychic or spiritual powers to help those
around you.

Venus harmonizing with Pluto (power = 5.62 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.03)
You put everything you have into your emotions. Because you feel and love so
deeply, so passionately and wholeheartedly, others may find your intensity either
extremely attractive or very threatening. You are charismatic, with sex appeal and
a certain amount of animal magnetism which can't help but be noticed by the
opposite sex. You have the ability to use your attractiveness and charm to
manipulate others, oftentimes without even realizing it. This aspect gives you the
opportunity to transform your values or to be the catalyst to help others transform
theirs. There is artistic ability along with a desire to create beauty, harmony and
comfort. You have an understanding and an empathy for the problems of others and
you are always looking for ways in which to help them or at least find the good
that is in them.

Jupiter discordant to Pluto (power = 5.39 and this aspect is discordant = -2.69)
You may need to learn to better respect other people's opinions, beliefs and
viewpoints. Others at times think you are too full of yourself. Practicing a bit
more humility would draw people closer to you. You have executive ability and know
how to get things done. It's just that you may not be sensitive enough to other
people's needs or enough aware of what you are asking them to do. It is important
to you to believe that you are always right. This agitates others because no one
can be right all the time, and that is the impression they have of you � that you
think you are always right. Be open-minded regarding the suggestions and ideas of
others. Admit that you may not know it all and that there is room for further
discovery. Be tolerant, avoid fanatical ideas and expression, and help those around
you by using your power and leadership abilities to serve others rather than for
simply gratifying your ego.

Moon discordant to Saturn (power = 4.61 and this aspect is discordant = -6.91)
You are highly ambitious, but the real pitfall of this aspect is self-doubt. You do
not trust yourself and your own capabilities, talents or skills. You believe that
you don't have what it takes in order for people to like you. You have low self-
esteem and low self-confidence. That is one reason why you are so busy working,
trying to prove yourself to everyone. You are filled with insecurities and the fear
of failure. You are afraid that what you have, as little as it might be, will be
taken away from you. You are lonely and have a difficult time opening up and
feeling close to others. You think that you can buy other people's affections and
trust. That is not the way it works � you must earn it. You must also realize that
others cannot love you until you first come to love yourself, then others after
that. You need constant reassurance from others that you are loved, so much so that
it may eventually become a burden on your loved ones. There is a strong need for
you to re-evaluate the meaning of emotional security. You often feel that you must
do something or be something other than what you really are in order to receive
approval and acceptance from others. You are very sensitive to criticism and easily
feel left out or neglected, and though you may appear cool or distant, you actually
care very much about being included in things. Because you are so sensitive, it may
seem easier for you to withdraw into a shell rather than risk the emotional bumps
and bruises that can occur when you let others really know you in an intimate and
personal way.

Your reserve and caution make establishing a close emotional rapport with others
difficult for you. You can gain inner security and emotional strength through
periods of solitude if you look at these periods as times where you can nourish
yourself and develop your own interests, rather than as times of loneliness. You
are subject to occasional bouts of depression, anxiety and frustration. There are
delays and roadblocks set up in your path of accomplishment. At times it seems like
the whole world is against you and that you have to carry the weight of the world
entirely on your own shoulders. You need to learn to overcome your feelings of
being totally alone in life. This isn't exactly true. These feelings stem from your
inability to express your emotions, so that you feel separated from others. In
previous lives, you have tried to love and to be affectionate, but you have been
rejected and in this life you are afraid to love because you feel you may be
rejected again. You need to learn that emotional security is based on a good
philosophy of life and not on other people. Even though you are a controlled,
serious and practical person, locked within you is a warm and affectionate person
just waiting to get out. But that does involve taking the risk of being hurt again.
There's no way around it. You learn through experience.

This is perhaps the single most powerful aspect you can have in a horoscope. Your
greatest asset is your ability to learn by experience, for even though you have
made many mistakes, your self-knowledge is your salvation. At the height of
depression, despair or error you are able to look yourself squarely in the face and
start building your way back to where you want to be. You have a jump on the others
who are not assisted by the mental energy and psychological drive that this aspect
Mercury harmonizing with Venus (power = 4.42 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.53)
You can appreciate the finer, more aesthetic things of life because you have a
well-developed sense of form, proportion, design and beauty. With such skills you
could perhaps be successful as an artist, sculptor, fashion designer, craftsmen,
interior decorator, creative writer or jewelry designer. This aspect usually gives
talent in the arts, whether it be writing, poetry, speaking or musical ability. You
may possess a lovely singing voice. You have the ability to bring harmony to
situations through your expert use of the spoken word. The way you think and speak
tends to bring peace in difficult situations. You are a natural arbiter and
diplomat. You may have success in sales of artistic or other beautiful objects. You
have a natural eye for color and an ear for music. Your sense of humor, tact, and
personal charm are of great benefit to you in any work with people on a one-to-one
level. Your emotions are tied to your mental processes and it may be hard for you
to express your feelings without intellectualizing or rationalizing them. If you do
not have artistic talent yourself, then you certainly have a fine appreciation of
art, in all its many forms. You are a natural at settling arguments and soothing
hurt feelings.

Mercury harmonizing with Pluto (power = 4.05 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.05)
Your mind is deep and penetrating and you are interested in anything secret,
mysterious, or hidden, including the deeper aspects of the human psyche. You have
an aptitude for research, private investigation, detective work, psychology and
anything having to do with death or life after death. You are drawn to occult or
esoteric studies and want to get to the truth. You prefer depth of knowledge rather
than breadth of knowledge. You do not disclose your intentions easily, although you
want to know what everyone else is up to or planning. You prefer to work behind the
scenes as that way there are less people to disturb you and there are also less
people that know what you're really doing. You may have healing ability with your
hands and perhaps could be an excellent masseuse or physical therapist. You
probably have mechanical ability and you enjoy taking things apart to see how they
work. You are always up for a good mystery and ferreting out information is like a
game for you. You have a fine ability to communicate your knowledge to others. You
analyze all situations with logic and intuition. Your mind is geared toward reform
and transformation. You have self-discipline, self-confidence and intellectual
abilities which gain you recognition from your peers. You are always interested in
why people act the way they do and say the things they say. You have the knack for
being able to study any subject in depth. Very little escapes your notice and you
have the ability to quickly and accurately size up people and situations for what
they really are.

Venus harmonizing with Jupiter (power = 4.01 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.02)
You are a generous, warm-hearted and open-handed person who shares every resource
with others. You give of both yourself and your possessions to those whom you
favor, although you will rarely put yourself out too much in order to do so. You
enjoy luxury and refinement and you desire to always be in comfortable, elegant
surroundings. You hate having to get your hands dirty. You are charming, gracious
and charitable and you are the model host or hostess. This aspect brings material
good fortune, which has been earned from previous lives. If there is a negative
here, then it is your tendency towards self-indulgence, over-extravagance and
laziness. Sometimes things come to you so easily that you do not appreciate them.
Things are most appreciated if one has to work hard for them. There may be a love
of rich, sweet food as well as too much of it, hence a tendency to gain weight. You
are a very gentle and social person who loves harmony, beauty and travel. Be
careful not to take things too much for granted or take the easy way out.

Sun discordant to Moon (power = 3.98 and this aspect is discordant = -3.98)
Your selfishness and interest in your own affairs keeps you from being sympathetic
to the needs and feelings of others. You feel at cross-purposes with yourself
because your conscious intentions and desires conflict with your subconscious
emotional needs and drives. You feel pulled in two different directions. This is a
major reason why you find it hard to be decisive. You vacillate on whether or not
you should do this or that and this causes you a great deal of inner stress. You
can't seem to make up your mind on anything. You try to do the right thing, but you
aren't sure what the right thing is. You have problems with satisfying both your
need to be an individual and your need for caring relationships and a sense of
belonging. Because of the mixed messages you send out, people don't always know how
to respond to you or know what you really want. This can cause confusion and
conflict in relationships. You need to find the right balance between your emotions
and your will. Come to an awareness that your energy flow fluctuates like the ebb
and flow of the tides. When your energy is at a high, you should try to accomplish
as much as possible during that time. When your energy is low, then you should pace
yourself accordingly and not overtax your physical body. You often fluctuate from
being extremely logical to being extremely sensitive. Many times you are unaware of
other people's emotional needs and, thus, you fail to respond to them.

Sun discordant to Pluto (power = 2.75 and this aspect is discordant = -2.75)
You are intensely willful, zealous, and fanatical, though you usually hide the
intensity of your feelings and your personal motives and desires. You always want
to know what everyone else is up to or thinking, but you will seldom reveal your
own motivations, plans and activities. You love working behind the scenes where you
are free to do as you please with no one's knowledge or interference. You tend to
be possessive, jealous, obsessive and compulsive and you like to have power and
control over people and situations. You have the burning desire to be recognized
for your expertise and you want more than anything to be recognized as "the
authority" at something. You tend to worship "heroes" who have powerful magnetism
and charisma, and you want to follow in their footsteps. You need to recognize that
your strong will and stubbornness create difficulties for you because you are not
allowing others to teach you the lessons you need to learn. In order for you to see
this more clearly other people are brought into your life to mirror your negative
traits back to you. If you refuse to transform your ego, then things will only get
worse, as the universe will get its way with you.

You think you know it all and you believe that you are always right. People are
threatened by you and some will try to get you first before you get them. You have
a fear of and a fascination with death and the secret, hidden side of life. You are
seldom satisfied with your creative talents and are always re-doing or destroying
your efforts. You have a knack for controlling others in a very subtle way. You are
very confident and have great faith and trust in your own abilities. You believe
that you can survive anything that life throws your way. You expect to conquer any
obstacle, problem or bad habit that you may have. You have tremendous inner
resources, strength and stamina. You find it difficult to respect people who are
weak-willed or those who avoid confronting their lives and problems head-on. You
have the intuitive perception to see right through things and go straight to the
heart of the matter.

Give others a break and stop being such a slave driver. Stay out of their lives and
let them run them the way they see fit. Work on reforming yourself before you try
to reform the rest of the world. Use power wisely or it will come back to haunt you
in the end. Always remember that you will reap everything you sow, so sow wisely
and carefully.

Mercury harmonizing with Neptune (power = 1.93 and this aspect is harmonious =
You have an unusual amount of imagination and are very good at visualization. You
have dreams and visions and can make these a reality by bringing them into your
rational, conscious, and logical mind for practical implementation. You are open to
metaphysical subjects such as astrology, telepathy and various other occult areas
such as healing. In fact, you may have healing power through the laying on of
hands. You have the ability to tap into your subconscious mind and bring the ideas
found there into your consciousness. Your mind is inspired and you have an aptitude
for art, creative writing, poetry, drama or music. You prefer the artistic world
over the scientific and you learn more by soaking things up rather than forced
book-learning. You have a love of the sea because of its ability to soothe your
nerves. You have a high degree of intuition and inspiration. You have sensitivity
to the higher realms that can be developed more fully. You may tap those higher
realms in your dreams.

Planet Power Harmony | Sign Power Harmony | House Power
Sun 73.53 -6.49 | Aries 58.15 -26.35 | 1 114.81 -18.32
Moon 17.87 5.45 | Taurus 205.25 6.30 | 2 14.49 -0.59
Mercury 28.97 -1.17 | Gemini 97.84 0.12 | 3 15.68 8.53
Venus 31.36 17.06 | Cancer 45.02 11.61 | 4 22.02 -1.87
Mars 51.99 -16.35 | Leo 75.05 -5.11 | 5 23.20 1.44
Jupiter 46.39 2.88 | Virgo 54.25 -13.80 | 6 33.94 -3.64
Saturn 32.15 -18.18 | Libra 15.68 8.53 | 7 60.41 1.07
Uranus 23.94 10.95 | Scorpio 22.02 -1.87 | 8 53.69 -20.76
Neptune 39.76 -13.21 | Sagittarius 23.20 1.44 | 9 78.90 1.61
Pluto 36.09 8.89 | Capricorn 16.08 -9.09 | 10 204.32 -19.83
Ascendant 38.28 -1.86 | Aquarius 31.89 3.64 | 11 45.85 16.47
Midheaven 63.12 -5.52 | Pisces 67.93 0.29 | 12 45.02 11.61
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