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Name : Siti Asyifa Anindya

Reg.number : 1610117320032

Subject : Second Language Acquisition


 The theory of Elaine Tarone, stylistic continuum

- Careful style, evident when learners are consciously attending to their choice of
linguistic forms, as they feel the need to be 'correct'.
- Vernacular style, evident when learners are making spontaneous choices of linguistic
forms, as is likely to be in free conversation

 Definition of acculturation of L2 acquisition

The Acculturation Model is a theory proposed by John Schumann to describe the acquisition
process of a second language (L2) by members of ethnic minorities that typically include
immigrants, migrant workers, or the children of such groups.

 There are two problems with such a model

First, it fails to acknowledge that factors like integration pattern and attitude are not fixed and
static but potentially variable and dynamic.
Second, it fails to acknowledge that learners are not just subject to social conditions but can also
become the subject of them.

 Social identity and investment in L2 learning

The notion of social identity is central to the theory peirce advances. She argues that language
learners have complex social identities that can only be understood in term of the power
relations that shape social structures.

 Communicative competence
Communicative competence can be defined as simply as “what a speaker needs to know to
communicate appropriately within a particular language community” (Saville-Troike2003).

 Variation in Learner Language

They occur at every linguistic level: vocabulary, phonology, morphology, syntax, discourse; they
include both standard (“correct”) and nonstandard options; and they are characteristic of all
natural language production, whether L1 or L2.

 Input and Interaction

From a social perspective, interaction is generally seen as essential in providing learners with the
quantity and quality of external linguistic input which is required for internal processing.

 Acquisition without Interaction; Interaction without Acquisition

There are challenges to a socio-culturally oriented view of L2 acquisition, however. Officially,
there are two facts are somewhat difficult to explain if we hold a strong position that social
interaction is an essential causative force in second language learning:
(1) Some individuals are able to achieve a relatively advanced level of L2 proficiency without the
benefit of any interpersonal communication or opportunity to negotiate meaning in the
language with others.
(2) Some individuals engage in extensive interaction with speakers of another language without
learning that language to any significant degree.

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