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Target Language:

*Waiter: Welcome to Antico's. Here are your menus. Today's special is grilled salmon. I'll be
back to take your order in a minute.

*Waiter: Are you ready to order? / Customer 1: I'd like the seafood spaghetti.

Waiter: And you? / Customer 2: I'll have a hamburger and fries.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink? / Customer 1: I'll have a coke, please.

Waiter: And for you? / Customer 2: Just water, please.

Waiter: OK. So that's one seafood spaghetti, one hamburger and fries, one coke, and one water.
I'll take your menus. / *Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal.

*Waiter: How was everything? / Customers 2: Delicious, thanks.

Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert? / Customer 1: No, just the bill please.

Lesson Plan: At a Restaurant

Eating out is fun and exciting. It allows one to experience new taste sensations. It allows one to
see unique dining settings and ambiances. It allows one to save time and effort since someone
else does the cooking and cleaning up. There are any number of expression you are likely to
encounter at a restaurant. Below are just a few of them.

English Expressions

Expression Response
By a waiter
May I take your order? Could I have a few minutes, please?
Are you ready to order sir? Yes, I'll have the salmon.
How would you like ( ... your steak)? Medium rare, please.
You have a choice of ( ...baked I'll have the mashed.
or mashed potatoes).
Would you care ( ...for something to Yes, I’ll have an iced tea.
May I get you anything else? No, I'm fine thanks.

By a customer
Could I get another ( ... roll, please)? Certainly, I will bring it right away.
Could I see the (... menu)? One moment, please.
This steak is (... still bloody. Could you Right away, ma'am.

have the chef cook it a little more)?
This isn't what I ordered, (... I wanted I'm so sorry sir. It's my first day and
a BLT and you gave me meat loaf)? I’m still a little confused.
Can I get the check, please? Right away, sir.

Once you have eaten, or maybe before you order you may describe the food just eaten to your
dining companion. You may also want to know how something may taste before ordering
it. There are a number of words that can be used to describe food. Look at these examples.

Words used to describe food

Bland Rich Spicy Salty
Sweet Sour Bitter Hot

Ways to prepare food

Pickled Baked Boiled
Broiled Fried Sautéed

Words to describe the taste of food

Delicious Awful Good Tasty
Yummy Yucky Disgusting

English Dialogue

Students should work together in pairs and read the following dialogue, one student reading one
part, the other student reading the other. Note the expressions used in the dialogue and the
progression of the conversation. The dialogue can be used as a model to have similar

Waiter: Welcome to Kasey’s Kitchen. Do you have a reservation?

Customer: Yes, the name is Johnson, Paul.
Waiter: Ah, yes, here you are. That was a party for one, correct? / Customer: Yes.
Waiter: Right this way. Here’s the menu. I’ll return in a moment to take your order.
Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir? / Customer: Yes, I’ll have the T-bone steak.
Waiter: How would you like that cooked? / Customer: Well done, please.
Waiter: You have a choice of potatoes- French fried, mashed, or baked.
Customer: I’ll have the baked potato.
Waiter: Would you like that with butter or sour cream or both?
Customer: I’m on a diet, so only butter.
Waiter: The vegetables today are corn on the cob, peas and carrots, or broccoli.
Customer: I’ll take the corn on the cob. / Waiter: And what would you like for dessert?
Customer: What do you have?
Waiter: We have apple, cherry, and lemon meringue pie, chocolate and vanilla cake, peach
cobbler, and chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream.
Customer: I’ll take the cherry pie, a la mode, please.
Waiter: Would you care for something to drink?
Customer: I’ll take a large ice tea with my meal and a cup of black coffee with dessert.

Waiter: Very good sir. Enjoy you meal. / Customer: Thanks.

Ordering Food in a Restaurant

One of the most important tasks in English is ordering food when you go to a restaurant. There
are basic forms and questions, as well food vocabulary that you can use in places where people
speak English.

Read this dialogue

Waiter: Hello, Can I help you? / Kim: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch.
Waiter: Would you like a starter? / Kim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please.
Waiter: And what would you like for a main course? / Kim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink? / Kim: Yes, I'd like a glass of Coke, please.
Waiter... After Kim has her lunch.: Can I bring you anything else?

Kim: No thank you. Just the bill. / Waiter: Certainly.

Kim:I don't have my glasses. How much is the lunch? / Waiter: That's $6.75.
Kim: Here you are. Thank you very much. / Waiter: You're welcome. Have a good day.
Kim: Thank you, the same to you.

At the restaurant

1) The waiter

What can I do for you?

Can I help you?
Can I take your coat?
Have you booked a table?
How many are you?
Would you follow me, please?
Can I take your order, sir/madam?
What would you like to start with?
What would you like to drink?
What would you like for dessert?
How would you like your steak? (rare, medium, well done)
Do you want a salad with it?
What kind of dressing?
Anything to drink?
Do you want a dessert?
The burgers are very good.
Sorry, the hamburgers are off.
Is everything all right?

Did you enjoy your meal?
Are you paying together?
May I show you to a table?
If you wait, there'll be a table for you free in a minute.
Do you want vegetables with it?
Why don't you try the pizza?
It'll take about 20 minutes.

2) The guest

A table for two, please.

May we sit at this table?
The menu, please.
What's on the menu?
Do you want fish?
What's Irish Stew like?
We're not ready yet.
The steak for me, please.
Can you bring me the ketchup, please?
A salad, please.
I'll have the same.
That's all, thank you.
Can I have the bill (AE: check), please?
This is on me.
Here you are.
The rest is for you.
Have you got wine by the glass?
I'd prefer red wine.
Please bring us another beer.
Could I have chips (AE: French Fries) instead of salad?
What can you recommend?
Please bring me the bill (AE: check) with my coffee.
I think you've made a mistake.

Reserve a table

Example 1

Waiter : Excuse me, how many people?

You : Five, can we get a non-smoking section?
Waiter : Sure but there are few people ahead of you right now.
You : How long do we have to wait? / Waiter : Around five to ten minutes

Example 2

Waiter : How many do you have? / You : Just two. Can we have a table outside?
Waiter : You may have to wait for a while. / You : For how long?
Waiter : Twenty minutes / You : Well, I think we'll try another place then. Thank you!

English Conversations - At Restaurant

Ranjan is meeting prema for lunch at the North restaurant both of them have been out meeting
clients and have decided to meet for lunch to discuss the prospects of selling the products of their

Ranjan : (Who has arrived earlier) Hello, Prema. I am glad you were able to come. Did you get
my message?

Prema: Hello, Ranjan. I’m sorry I’m a bit late. I got your message about meeting you for lunch
just as I was leaving for my appointment with the builders of Akash Deep. I could’t get away any

Ranjan : Don’t worry. I haven’t been waiting long. Where would you like to sit? Shall we sit in
that corner? / Prema: Yes, let’s. It will be quieter over there. / Ranjan: How was your day?

Prema : Quite successful. But very tiring. People are interested in our products but are hesitant
to switch over to something new. I was wondering whether…… .

Ranjan: Before we get involved in a deep discussion lets order something to eat. (Calling to the
waiter) waiter.

Waiter: (Placing menu cards before both of them). Good afternoon. What would you like to

Ranjan: Prema, What would you like to eat? A soup to begin with?

Prema : No, thank you. I don’t think I’ll have soup. I’ve never been here before, so I
don’t know what their specialities are.

Ranjan: (Reading the menu) would you like some chicken curry with pullao?

Prema: Let me see. Waiter, are the prawns fresh?

Waiter: Yes, Ma’am Absolutely fresh. Why don’t you try some fried prawns with Chinese
fried rice?

A Chinese meal.

Ranjan: That is a good suggestion. Let’s have a Chinese meal.

Prema: All right, you order, Ranjan.

Ranjan: Right Let’s have a plate of chicken fried rice, sweet and sour prawns and an
American chopsey. Prema, would you like mushrooms or bamboo shoots?

Prema: No, thank you. What you’ve ordered is more than enough.

Ranjan : What about something to drink? An orange juice or a lemon squash or……..

Prema : I’d love to have a Limca.

Ranjan : That’s good. Waiter, a Limca cold Drink for the lady. And a fresh lime juice for me.
And please serve us quickly. We haven’t much time.

Waiter : Right Sir. It won’t be long. (Writing down the order).

Ranjan: You were about to make a suggestion about our marketing policy.

Prema: I was wondering whether we couldn’t recommend a cut in in the price of our product. As
it is, the profit margin is very small. And the overhead costs of introducing a new product
are already very high.

Prema: But we could increase the price once we have established ourselves in the market.

The waiter arrives with the LIMCA soft drinks.

Waiter : Here you are Sir. Limca for the lady and a fresh lime for you sir.

Ranjan : Thank you. Please hurry up with the lunch order.

Waiter : In a moment sir. What will you have for dessert?

Ranjan: (Looking at the menu again). Prema, what would you like? An ice cream, a soufflé or
a fruit custard? / Prema: Nothing at all. Thanks.

Ranjan: (Closing the menu-card and handing it back to the waiter). No dessert, thank you.

Waiter: What about coffee?

Ranjan : Will you have coffee after lunch, Prema? / Prema: Yes, Please. I’ll have coffee.

Waiter: with cream or milk? / Prema : Black please. / Waiter: And for you, sir?

Ranjan : Oh! I’ll have coffee but please. Be quick about it. The waiter hurries away.

Ranjan : I’m not sure how well it would go down psychologically if we cut on prices. It might
give people the impression that our’s is an inferior product.

Prema: Well then. You have to offer other forms of incentives. After all, why should people
buy our product and not keep using the brand that they are always used to!

Ranjan: You are right. We’ve got to scratch our heads and come up with what is known as a
“unique selling preposition”. What is it that our brand has

The waiter comes laden with the lunch dishes.

Ranjan : Ah! here comes the lunch. Let’s leave the lighting systems alone for a while and enjoy
our lunch.

Prema : (Eating the food) Mmm! This is delicious. So many restaurants serve Chinese food.
But I haven’t had food which is quite so well prepared as this. How did you discover this place?

Ranjan : Just by chance. Actually I was visiting an office in the next block. It was lunch time
and I looked around for a place to eat and found. The Nirula’s. It isn’t very grand but the food is
wholesome. I’m glad you like it.

Prema : Thank you for bringing me here.

Conversation in restaurant - customer and waiter - role play in English

B. Speaking

Task 1: Work in pairs. Talk with each other about your favourite restaurant. What do you like
most about it - the food, the ambience, the waiters, etc.?

Task 2: Read the following dialogues and then role-play them.

Customer : Waiter, there’s a dead fly swimming in my soup.
Waiter : That’s impossible, madam. Dead flies can’t swim.
*Customer : Waiter, there’s a fly in my soup.
Waiter : Look, there’s a spider on the bread, he’ll catch it for you!

*Hari : Hello Ravi, How are you? I thought we could go out to a restaurant to celebrate Mittu’s
Ravi : A great idea! We’ll give her a treat. Where shall we go?

Hari : Let Mittu come. She can decide…….Here she is!
Ravi and Hari (together): Happy Birthday, Mittu!
Mittu : Thank you. So have you decided? Where shall we go? / Hari : You choose, Mittu.
Mittu : Let’s try Asha Bhavan - that new place in Kanthi Nagar. I’ve heard they serve a
delicious spread there, especially salads.
Ravi : It would be very crowded! Today is Saturday.
Mittu : I’ll make a booking now. Then we could be sure of getting a place. Hari, please pass me
today’s newspaper.……..Thanks ……. (Turning the pages of the newspaper) Ammm …… aha
here it is! 24098765. (dialling) Hello, is that Asha Bhavan? I’d like to make a reservation for this
evening. In whose name? mm... mmm... Mr. Ravi Arunkumar, please ……that’s right …… a
table for three, please ……. at 7pm. Thank you. Bye!
Ravi : It’s only 5.30 now. Let’s play some Pictionary till it’s time to leave.
7.03 pm - At the restaurant ‘Asha Bhavan’
Hari : The place looks very festive. I wonder if there is anything special happening?
Ravi : Look there’s the maitre d’ hotel, I’ll ask him (going up to a gentleman smartly dressed in
a suit) Excuse me, but is there anything special today? Your restaurant is looking very festive.
D’hotel : Good evening, sir Yes, today is the first anniversary of our restaurant. We are
expecting a large crowd. Have you made a booking?
Mittu : Yes. In the name of Mr. Arunkumar …… a table for three.
Maitre : (signalling to a lady dressed in the restaurant colours of lavender and gold) Just a
moment, madam. The hostess will show you to your table.
Hostess : Good evening! Please come with me. (Seats them at a table in a corner) Is this alright?
Mittu : Yes, thank you. (A waiter arrives with a tray of drinks. The Hostess serves them.)
Hostess : Please enjoy your ‘welcome’ drink. / Mittu : What is it?
Hostess : It’s chilled tender coconut water with honey and mint.
Ravi : (sipping his drink) It’s delicious! Thank you!
Hostess : Excuse me. I have to see to other guests. Enjoy your meal!
(The three of them sip their drinks and look around the restaurant.)
Mittu : We’ll order the food a little later. Let’s enjoy the ambience of this place first.

Hari : I like the rich decor of the place and also the clever arrangement of green plants between
tables to ensure privacy.
Ravi : And the music is not too loud … we can carry on a conversation! (Catching the eye of a
waiter passing by and indicating to him that his service was required at their table by nodding his
head.) Let’s order food. (The Waiter dressed in a lavender and gold uniform appears at
their table.)
Waiter : Good evening! Would you like to go for the buffet, Sir? Madam? We serve a very good
buffet here. There is also a salad-bar.
Mittu : I think I’ll go for the salad-bar. I’ve heard they do scrumptious salads here. Is it all
freshly prepared?

Waiter : Yes, madam. All the food prepared here is fresh. Every night all left-over food is given
Hari : I’ll try the buffet. I can see quite a spread there. Can you please bring the soup to the
table, please?
Waiter : Certainly, sir. Which would you prefer? ….. the chicken –noodle soup or the baby
corn–mushroom soup? / Hari : The baby corn-mushroom, please.
Waiter : And, what about you, Sir? / Ravi : Do you have any à la carte service?
Waiter : Of course, Sir. I’ll get you the menu-card. (brings Ravi a menu-card)
Ravi : Give me a few minutes please.
Waiter : Would you care for some hors-d’oeuvres?
Ravi : No,thank you. We’ll start with the soup. (The waiter leaves while Ravi studies the menu
card) They serve quite a variety of food here. There’s Chinese, Italian, Mexican, as well as
Lebanese, in addition to Indian. Everything is also very reasonably priced! This dish of Tacos is
only Rs. 75, and it has prawn, cuttlefish, and lots of vegetables in it, from its description on the
menu …. But it would be too heavy for me ….Mmm…let me see ….. shall I have a plate of
vegetable spring rolls? … or, ….. maybe, I’ll go for soup and kebabs ….? …. Oh dear, this is so
difficult. (Mittu returns to the table with a plate full of salad.)
Mittu : Come on Ravi, the waiter is waiting. Have a dish of steamed vegetables and some pita
bread. Or, since you have been showing off your French, try a French dish!
Ravi : They don’t have any. I think I’ll have the soup and vegetable cutlets.
(The waiter returns with the soup and serves them.)
Ravi : I’ll have the same soup and a plate of vegetable cutlets.
Waiter : Very good, Sir. (Returns with the soup and cutlets and serves Ravi.) Enjoy your meal,
Sir, …. Madam. / Ravi : Bon appétit!
Mittu : What does that mean, now?
Ravi : It’s like saying ‘Enjoy your meal’ in English. (They eat in silence for a while, enjoying
the music and the aromatic food on their table.)
Hari : This buffet is superb. They have such a variety of vegetables and salads. This corn and
raw mango salad is out of this world! How’s your cutlet, Ravi?
Ravi : It’s good. I’m glad they haven’t added too many spices in it. It has a nutty flavour.
(Noticing some activity at the entrance of the restaurant.) Look, some celebrities have come in.
O, I recognise that young starlet Faguni. I wonder who the other two people are?
Hari : I recognise that gentleman ….. He does a cookery show on DD every Wednesday and
runs a restaurant in Mumbai, that serves only Parsi food.
Mittu : And I know who that elegant lady is …. She is Lajmi Uday Sing, the gourmet cook who
writes a weekly column on food in ‘The Bondhu’ every Saturday. Okay, people, are we done?
Or, does anyone want dessert?
Hari : Of course I want dessert! There is such a tempting spread on the counter.
(Hari leaves to fetch the dessert.)
Waiter : Would you like some dessert, sir? Here is the menu card.

Ravi : Yes, please. I’d like the date pancake.
Mittu : I don’t think I’ll have any, thank you. (They eat their dessert.)
Ravi : (To the waiter) Could I have the cheque, please?
Waiter : What about some coffee, Sir? Ravi, Hari, Mittu : No, thank you! (The waiter returns
with the bill. Ravi pays. Waiter takes it to the Cashier.)
(The Hostess comes to their table.)
Hostess: Did you enjoy your meal? Was everything alright?
Ravi : O, yes! Everything was perfect! We enjoyed the meal very much.
Hari : I was wondering if you did any outdoor catering?
Hostess: Yes sir, we do. In addition to the food we also arrange for the crockery, cutlery, as well
as serving.
Hari : Here is my card. Perhaps we could discuss this in detail when you are not so busy.
Hostess: Certainly, Sir. Here is our card. In case I am not available, my assistant Najab Hussain
will be able to help you.
Hari : Thank you so much. Goodnight! / Ravi : We had a very pleasant evening. Goodnight!
Mittu : Thank you, my friends. I had a lovely birthday dinner. Goodnight!

Task 3: Your teacher Ms. Nethra is getting married. The class wants to give her a gift for her
new home. Five of you have been selected as class representatives and have todecide what to
present her. Have a discussion about your choice of item/s and give reasons for your choice.
*Multi-purpose silver bowls / Some crystal glasses / Crockery - tea set/dinner set / Stainless steel

At the Restaurant / Ordering

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Lisa: Yes, we'll have the chicken with vegetables, and the vegetable pasta please.

Waiter: Anything to drink? / Lisa: Just some water please.

After the Meal

Waiter: Can I get you anything else? Coffee? Dessert? / Lisa: No, just the bill please.

Making a Reservation

Mike: I'd like to make a reservation for 2 people on Friday night.

Waiter: What time would you like? / Mike: 8:00.

Waiter: We don't have anything available at 8:00. Is 7:30 ok.

Dining at the Restaurant

David is finished with work at the conference and is taking Annie out to dinner. Pay attention to
how the waiter asks what they want to drink and eat. Listen to David and Annie’s responses in
English. Follow along through the whole dinner process to improve your English. From getting a
table, then ordering their food and finally asking for the check.

Dining at the Restaurant - Getting a table

Waiter: Good evening sir. Welcome to “the Outback” / David: Hi. Do you have a table for two?

Waiter: Yes sir. Right this way please. / David: Thank you.

Waiter: Here’s your menus. Can I get some drinks started for you?

David: I need a sec to look. / Waiter: What would you like ma’am?

Annie: I’ll have a water for now. Do you have mineral water?

Waiter: Yes ma’am we do. And you sir?

David: Okay. I think I’m gonna (going to) have a Budweiser.

Waiter: And would you like me to start some appetizers before your meal?

David: Yes. We’ll have the chicken wings.

Waiter: Okay great. And what kind of sauce would you like?

Annie: With ranch dressing please. Thank you. / Waiter: You’re welcome sir.

Ordering Food

Waiter: Are you ready to order now? / David: Have you figured out what you want Annie?

Annie: Yeah. I’ll have the “Alice Springs Chicken”. / Waiter: And for your side dishes?

Annie: Sauteed vegetables and a baked potato. / Waiter: And for you sir?

David: I want to have the sirloin steak. / Waiter: And how would you like that cooked this

David: Make it medium rare. / Waiter: Okay sir. I’ll put your order in right away.

Asking for the Check

David: Can we have our check please? / Waiter: Of course sir. Just a moment.

David: What’s this charge here? / Waiter: That is for your appetizer sir.

David: Oh I see. Does this total include tax?

Waiter: It does sir. Will you be paying with cash or credit card? / David: Credit.

Waiter: Okay, may I have your signature here on the bottom please. / David: Sure.

Waiter: Okay. Thank you very much for visiting us. Have a good evening.

David: You too. Thank you. / Waiter: Good bye. / David: Bye.

Ordering lunch and dinner

What else do you recommend?

Waiter: — Are you ready to order, sir?

Yes. I´ll have the beef stew for starters and my wife would like tomato
Mr Ryefield: —

One beef stew and one tomato soup. What would you like for the main
Waiter: —

I´ll have the Cayenne Pepper Steak and my wife would like the Fried
Mr Ryefield: —
Trout with mashed potatoes.

Waiter: — I´m afraid the trout is off.

Mrs Ryefield: — Oh dear. Err... What else do you recommend?

Waiter: — The sole is very good.

Mrs Ryefield: — OK. I´ll have that. Do you have any coleslaw?

Waiter: — No, I´m sorry, we don´t.

Mrs Ryefield: — Just give me a small mixed salad then.

Mr Ryefield: — Same for me.

Waiter: — Certainly. (...) Would you like something to drink?

Mr Ryefield: — Yes, please. May I see the wine list?

Waiter: — Certainly. Here you are.

Mr Ryefield: — A bottle of Chablis ‘99, please.

Waiter: — Excellent choice!

This english conversation teaches you how to order food on the phone. You will learn normal
questions that they will ask so you can response to them and get your desire food.

Example 1

Waitress : Good morning. This is ABC pizza. How may I help you?
You : Hi. I'd like to order a pizza. / Waitress : What size
You : Large please. / Waitress : What flavour would you like?

You : I want Hawaiian. / Waitress : Anything else? / You: No.

Waitress : Can I have your address please?

Example 2

Waitress : Good morning. This is ABC pizza. How may I help you?
You : I want to order a pizza.
Waitress : What topping would you like to order today?
You : Can you give me some advice?
Waitress : Sure. We have Super Supreme, Hawaiian and Seafood.
You : Good. I want to try Large size Seafood one please. / Waitress : Anything else?
You : One garlic bread and beef spaghetti
Waitress : Ok. Can I have your phone number and address please?


Waiter : Yes Sir, I am at your service. / Rahul : What is available to eat?

Waiter : All types of food are available like South Indian, Chinese etc.
Rahul : Well. I take Mughalai. Please make it punner, aloo masala, tandoori roti and butter nan.
Waiter : Don't you want hot soup? / Rahul : Yes I need French onion soup.
Surya : I want South Indian special masala dosa, rava kichadi and vada.
Waiter : How about some soup sir?

Surya : No. Not for me. / Waiter : How about the dessert sir? / Rahul : I don't have any idea.
Waiter : You can also order later.
Surya : That'll do for now. Let's order for dessert after we eat all this. Tell me how long will you

Waiter : In a few minutes sir, we won't keep you long. / Surya : Very good.
Rahul : Give me butter scotch ice cream. / Surya : I want mango milk shake.
Rahul : Give me the bill. / Surya : I shall pay for it. / Rahul : No. No I will pay

WAITER: Good Evening sir, welcome to our restaurant. / GUEST: Good Evening!WAITER:
Please be seated, I’m just bringing a glass of water for you. / GUEST: Thanks!

WAITER: What would you like to have sir ? / GUEST: What’s your specialty ?

WAITER: We are known for a delicious Chinese food.

GUEST: Please bring one plate Manchurian with Fried Rice.

WAITER: Kindly wait, your order will be delivered within 5-10 minutes. / GUEST: OK.

WAITER: (After Five Minutes) Here is your order sir. / GUEST: Please bring one Coke also.

WAITER: Yes sir.

GUEST: (After having the meal) The food was quite good and your service also.

WAITER: Thanks a lot! / GUEST: Please bring the bill. / WAITER: Here is the bill sir.

GUEST: This is your bill and tip also.

WAITER: Thank you, please do visit next time and have very wonderful night. / GUEST: I

In this text I'm going to write about the hospitality industry.

The hotel “vent de mar” is situated in puerto de Sagunto, this level is three stars but is more
comfotable. The hotel jobs are: 1) hotel manager, this person is responsible for all staff.

2) Marketing Manager, this person finds business for the hotel and organizes advertising the

3) Accountant, this person does the hotel's finances and does the acounts for the hotel.

4) Concierge, responsible for greets guest at the dor and collects guests and luggage from the

5) Bartender/Barman, serves guests at the bar

6) Head Waiter, serves food and drinks to guests and trains new staff.

7) Waiter serves in the restaurant

8) The Recepcionist, this person works behind the front desk, welcomes guests when they arrive
and gives them their keys, checks in new guests, sends e-mails and comfiming booking, takes the
reservations, prepares bills when guests check out, answer the phone, and checks records.

In a Restaurant


 sea food coctail

 grilled prawns

 Goat's cheese

 Garlic Bread

 Grilled king prawns

 Mediterranean Salad

 Mushrooms with Tomatoe sauce

Main Course

 Duck stuffed served with orange sauce

 Turkey roast served with potatatoes and mushrooms

 Salmon bake served with mint sauce

 Tuna grill ot bake served with béchamel sauce


 Banana split

 Lemmon Cake

 Strawberry with whipped cream

 Strawberry Cake

 Cheese Cake

A range of wines, minerals and spirits are available from the restaurant.

One conversation in a Restaurant

Waiter- Good morning, do you have a reservation madam?

Customer- yes, a table for two. My name is Alice Gray.

Waiter- Would you like smoking or non smoking? / Customer- Non-smoking, please

Waiter- Fine Madam. Would you follow me please? / Waiter- Would you like to see the menu?

Customer- yes, I'd like to see the menu / Waiter- Are you ready to order?

Customer- yes, I'd like to appetiser an Mediterranean salad and then Duck stuffed seved with
orange sauce. / Waiter- Would you like anything to drink?

Customer- A bottle of a red wine / Waiter- And Would you like any dessert ?

Customer- yes, I'd like to dessert a Strawberry with whipped cream / Waiter- And… Would
you like something else? / Customer- yes, A capuccino, please

Waiter- Ok Madam, I'll be with you in a minute


I think is wonderfull to travel in a cruise ship, the cruise ships are floatings resorts, when in a
hotel, the cruise ship, have a differts works in here. The captain is the most senior person on
board the ship, the name of the people to work in a cruise is a crew. The principal Medical
officer, the staff captain, the chief Engineer and the hotel Manager all report to the captain.

The hotel Manager has overall responsibility for the gallery staff, food and beverage, the purser
and the purser's staff as well as general entertaiment on board.

Giving advice and recommendations

When a person travel to a Tropical for exaple Indian, South Africa's the travel agent recommend
to the customer diferents recommendations.

- You should have a vacinattion against Malaria;

- You shouldn't carry large sums of money;
- You Avoid wearing expensive jewellery in the street;
- You Avoid drinking tap water;
- You musn't leave any bags unattended;
- You should wear sunglases and a hat;
- You should't wear casual clothes at the meeting.

How to Be a Waiter

Working in a restaurant environment can be tough work, especially when you have a nagging
boss, complaining customers, limited time, and interesting co-workers. Yet, so many people are
applying for this job, whether they know how to do it or not. The restaurant business is stressful
and competitive. Even if you have worked in it for a very long time, there is still more you can
learn. When starting out, you're lucky to be training with someone who takes the time to show
you the ropes. Perhaps you may be training with someone who doesn't want to teach you, or just
doesn't know anything about the job. Alternatively, you might work in a good environment - but
that doesn't mean we can't improve!

Edit Steps

1. Always arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled shift.

2. Make sure you are presentable before you leave for work. Always be well-
groomed and keep your clothes clean. Wear clean shoes and socks. Your hair
should be neat and washed, your nails clean, your uniform/clothes clean and
modest. Apply limited quantities of makeup and hold off on the perfume/cologne.
(NOTE: Scents on servers can interfere with the smells of food and wine and
upset the customers.)
3. Approach your table with a smile and a greeting. Introduce yourself and say
your name clearly. " Hello, nice to see you. My name's ___ Can I show you the
menus and perhaps take a drink order?" Ask if they've been to the restaurant
before, except watch out - if the answer is "yes , you served us last week" - the
gambit fails!! Greet customers with a smile as they enter. Maintain balanced eye-
contact, but avoid staring too much. As you seat them at their table, perhaps stir
up small conversation as you proceed to take their drink orders.
4. Take drink orders clockwise starting at your left. If children are present ask for
their beverages first, followed by ladies and then gentleman all following the left
to right order.

This is now the time to discuss the specials.

5. When you have served their drinks, ask if they have any questions about the
menu. Don't rush them unless they are late and even then do it gently. If they are
ready to order, take their order clockwise starting at the left and closest to you...if
not, proceed to your next table.
6. Bring out orders in their entirety. Never bring one guest's food without the
other's, unless specially instructed otherwise (this may happen if one or more in
the party plans to leave early). Normally, there shouldn't be any circumstance
causing one part of an order be ready much later than another. If on occasion you
foresee this happening and causing a problem, briefly explain the situation and
ask how the customer would prefer handling this.
7. Don't overly badger the customers. Avoid going into eagle-hawk mode.
Customers hate to be ogled at or constantly interrupted. How would you feel if
someone was glaring at you as you ate your meal? If a table wants something they
will glance around to look for you. If you stay alert and watch (not stare) your
tables as you walk the floor most customers will make eye contact as a signal that
they need you. This can give them the feeling like you're paying attention without
hovering or badgering them. When their good food and conversation is over, they
will start looking around at other diners or the walls. This can tell you when to
clear plates, offer desserts or drop the check.
8. Clear any of the plates from the current course as soon as it is obvious the
customer wants them to be removed. #Always clear plates from the previous
course completely, before bringing plates from the next course to a table.

*Before clearing plates, be sure to ask politely. Use a manner and tone consistent
with both the atmosphere and the customer. Generally, "May I clear?" is good.
In most establishments, make no reference if they are still eating or more likely,
the one who is doing the talking is still eating.

9. If you were outside of America, you clear the plates after everybody
finished their course, as they would start eating only when all the food is
served, and they will (hopefully) indicate that everybody is finished their
meal by having the fork and knife at the center of the plate. It varies a bit in
Asia, but observe, personalize and adjust.

10. When the main course is served, always ask "May I get you anything
else?" and give them a second to think about it. Check back again within five
minutes, with "Are you enjoying everything?" with specific references about the
hosts dish,..." How is your Steak?" at the very least. Listen to their response and
more importantly read their body language: Many people are shy to speak up
about problems, and they may blame that on you come time to leave a tip.

11. When the main course is cleared ask.." Would you like to see the dessert
menu?", but clear the breads and/or soup that they were having before ordering,
even if they are not finished.

12. When they are finished with their meal, ask them "Is there anything else
I can bring you?" If they say no, promptly give them their bill and wish them a
good day. Don't assume the man will pay. If it becomes directly known to you
during their visit which guest will be paying, you may leave the check at the end
of the table by him or her. Otherwise, leave the check in the middle of the table.
Check is always face down. If it is inside a check envelope, lay it flat on the
table, don't stand it up.

13. Take their payment. Inform your guest that you will prepare the payment for
them, i.e. change if cash or you will process their credit card for them. Never ask
if they want change: Just break the bills and return quickly with the

14. When you return, thank them and say something like, " It's been nice to
see you" , "hope to see you again soon", OR if they seem to be lingering after
their meal, just say "thank you", as they may need refills and such.

Edit Tips

*After taking an order, repeat it back to the customers. This gives them confidence in you,
and studies show can result in bigger tips.

 Learn proper table service manners: serve from the left, remove from the right;
beverages poured from the right as the cups and glasses are always on the right; glasses
never picked up when filling; bring fresh wine glasses with every new wine; and MANY
others... Books written on this subject include "The Main Course on Table Service". Get
one and read it. This knowledge is critical for employment in an upscale restaurant, and
"couldn't hoyt" in a diner.
 Learn the correct way to set a table: forks left, knives right, napkin left(usually).
coffee/teacup handles at 5o'clock with teaspoons parallel to the handle... etc.
 When clearing a table do it quietly as not to disturb the diners at other tables.
 If you have spare time: If two people are sitting at a table and one goes to the restroom
or excuses her- or himself for a moment, and if the other person looks even slightly
uncomfortable or awkward siting alone, go by and make small talk until the partner
comes back or as long as you can before another table needs attention. (Do not fail to
keep an eye on other tables while doing this.)
 Even if not required in training, memorize the menu cover to cover ASAP. Talk to the
kitchen to familiarize yourself with any specials. Taste sauces if possible.
 If you are not busy at the moment and notice a customer at another table is in need of
something, assist them. If you help out your fellow waiters, they will be more likely to
help you out as well. Good service (no matter who provides it) will ensure that customers
will come back - that's keeping your paychecks coming.
 Striking up friendly chat is usually recommended, but keep it short and bear in mind
that some customers desire privacy more than others and may become irritated by

 Customers can boil up and become upset over the most minuscule things, such as the
wrong drink order. When this happens, stay calm and correct the situation and apologize
to the customer. You may find the LEADS policy helpful:
 Listen to the customer's complaint.
 Empathize with the concern ("I know it can be frustrating when you get the wrong
 Apologize personally for the problem, even if it isn't your fault.
o Do what it takes to make it right with the customer, such as offering a free
appetizer or other cheap item, or reducing the bill (check with your manager).
o Stand by your promise.
 Never tell a customer you will do something or "be right back" and not do it. Do not
promise to do something, anything, and not do it.
 Interaction and cooperation among co-workers is crucial in the speed of the deliverance
of food. Be kind to others, though they may be sour.
 Answering the phone may be part of the waiter's job. Clearly speak into the receiver to
be understood, and make sure you understand what the customer wants. Always write
down the customer's phone number.
 Use caution when writing down orders.
 Remember good drinks and quick service = good mood = good tips. Try your hardest to
keep their water/tea glasses filled without being intrusive.
 Even when having pleasant conversation with co-workers, face your tables so you can
see if they motion or start looking for something. If customers see you with your back
turned, chit-chatting with a friend, they are more likely to be annoyed and feel they are
not receiving good service.
 Keep a spare shirt or tie at the restaurant. Accidents happen and a sloppy waiter is not
good for the appetite.
 If someone forgot to make tea and there is only enough for half a glass or a little more,
add more ice and fill the rest with water. Customers appreciate fast service more than
anything. Go back and start the tea. If they notice the tea is weak (most won't), tell them
you will start a fresh brew just for them.
 Don't give each table the same speech. It's much more personal that way.
 When serving couples, always take the woman's order first.
 Smile A LOT! Depending on the environment you work in, make jokes, small talk etc. to
keep the mood light and friendly.
 If a customer complains, don't try to blame it on the cooks, hostess, or anyone else.
Simply apologize and work to resolve the problem. Check with the manager before
offering discounts, comped meals, etc...If the customer is still not satisfied, ask if they
would like to speak to the manager.
 When you get busy, make sure to let new tables know you will be with them in just a
minute. Don't get frantic, trust me, you'll start forgetting things.
 Never talk about how long of a day you've had or complain to customers or coworkers.
No one wants to hear it. Leave your problems at the door and fake a smile if you have to.
 Be polite, call men Sir and women Ma'am or Miss.
 Interact with the kids. Parents love it. If children are becoming rowdy or irritable, offer
to bring them crayons, paper, crackers, something to keep them busy. The parents will
often be very grateful.

 Plates and silverware should always be brought before food arrives. You can to this
when you greet the table, or after you have brought the drinks.
 Once you get into a routine, stick with it. Analyze it frequently to see if there's anything
you can to more efficiently.
 Learn the menu, the ingredients and the cooking processes. Customers ask weird
questions sometimes and if you don't know the answer, be sure to ask someone who
does...most likely a manager.
 Be friendly with your co-workers, bartenders, cooks, busboys. If they like you, they'll
help you out more and make you job so much easier.
 Stay alert for refills, customers trying to get your attention, frowns from guests, dropped
silverware, spills, empty plates etc.
 If the restaurant you work at does not give free refills, but a customer asks for one, be
sure to inform them and ask if they would like another anyway.

Edit Warnings

 Working as a waiter, especially one in a very busy restaurant, can bring on a lot of stress.
 Don't let one mistake trip you up the whole night. If you let one bad thing get to you,
you'll slip up more and more. Just shake it off, take a breather, and move on. Talk to
someone you like or respect and get it off your chest - "I screwed up! I'm sorry" lightens
the burden as does the honest reply "...You should have been here when I was doing your
 Never try to hide a mistake from management: You'll only make the problem worse.
Acknowledge it promptly and let them help you resolve the situation.
 Keep it friendly...if people have a problem with you, or you with them, just keep some
space between the two of you.
 Don't date your co-workers. This may bring trouble to the job site, particularly if you
split up, as you still have to see them everyday.
 When customers get nasty or rude, stay calm, listen, and communicate. If that doesn't
work, grab the manager and let him/her deal with it.
 If your friends come to visit, keep conversations short and treat them as you would
other clients. If they are not eating or ordering anything it is not looked good upon if they
stay for more than just a couple minutes.
 Never go to a table smelling like smoke. If you are allowed a cigarette break, follow it by
washing your hands, rinsing your mouth, and when possible, decontaminating your
clothing by spritzing yourself with a twist of lemon.
 NEVER contaminate a customer's food or drink, no matter how rude and unreasonable
they have been. It's unprofessional and could have serious consequences for you if you
are caught.

Edit Things You'll Need

 Pens that work, scratch paper, a table crumber, a lighter (if smoking is allowed in the
restaurant), and a waiter's friend (bottle/wine opener).
 Comfortable, good quality shoes with a good grip (kitchens can be slippery).

 If you have long hair make sure to bring extra hair-ties just in case you or a co-worker
needs it.

How to Be a Competent Server

Did you enjoy your service today? Good afternoon, how are you doing today?

My name is John Q Waiter I will be the narrator for your journey today. May I start you out with
something to jog your brain?

Edit Steps

1. Understand what it takes to be a competent server. Ask yourself the question "what
do we need to feel fulfilled when being served?". In the service world, you either do your
job well or you make no money.
2. Consider the customer's side of the transaction. As a customer, we need to feel taken
care of, we are paying to be pampered. Of course, the extent of pampering is dependent
on the type of restaurant, as in McDonalds may not bring you a refill on a water, whereas
another style of restaurant would do this. Customers are demanding they are paying to be
served at the table. It is for this reason that the server needs to be able to adjust to all
situations on the go.
3. Learn the five rules for servers:
o Always have a smile, a genuine happy outlook shows through. What you do is
your livelihood. How you conduct yourself and convey it to others pays your bills
and keeps food on your table.
o Anticipate what people need before they have to think about it. This may seem
difficult but it is really common sense. If the glass is half full, fill it, if the plate is
empty, take it away and ask what else they need. Even if you know the answer,
this makes the customer feel relaxed.
o Be knowledgeable, understand the menu, and be able to show the customer
your expertise in your line of work. The service industry is much underrated, but
not everyone can do it.
o Know your customers and let situations dictate the kind of service that is
needed. Business professionals on lunch want to be left alone to conduct business.
They may not want to sit and chat. A birthday party may require a lot of
attentiveness. You could make a great or bad memory for the customer’s special
o Do not act over-eager. Show the customer that they matter. If they feel that, they
will reward you. When they think, you are just there to see what is left on the
table, you may not see much there. Always remember it is gratuity, the customers
have already paid for the food.

Edit Tips

 The service industry is age old, in one capacity or another. We all have times when we
need taken care of during small vacations of convenience; the server can make or break a

customer’s experience. Not only can it make or break it for the customer, also it can make
or break the restaurant as well. Word of mouth about a bad dining experience can go a
long towards a restaurant’s longevity. The server has a critical role in this aspect of the
restaurants ability to maintain and grow its customer base.
 As you are expanding the dining experience for the consumer, one has to keep in mind
that we live in a digital world. Anything and everything can be posted online in
numerous sites on the World Wide Web. One would hate to have their name or where
they work listed on one of these sites. So, don’t let it happen to you.
 In general many people may not consider the service industry as a profession, yet think
in your life day-to-day how often you are served, how often do you depend on that person
behind the counter or at the side of your table to fulfill or add to your daily needs?

Edit Related wikiHows


Note: Many English words and expressions about food come directly from French. This is why
some words about food are written with an accent (for example: à la carte). However, you may
also see such words written without accent.

part of speech Meaning Example sentence
à la carte Is it possible to get the steak à la
without a side dish
adjective carte? I don't eat potatoes.
à la mode Would you like your apple pie à la
with ice cream
adjective mode?
alcohol, liquor a distilled liquid such as rum or
This beer has 5% alcohol.
noun whiskey
all you can eat customers pay one fee and can eat as These are all you can eat fries, so
adjective much as they wish let me know if you want more.
appetizer Would you like some garlic bread
small snack before a meal
noun or another appetizer to start?
appetizing I'm afraid these pancakes don't
looks pleasing to eat
adjective look very appetizing.
apron a cloth covering worn over the clothes Remove your apron before you
noun while cooking come out to the dining room.
awful (taste) The customer said that her pasta
very bad taste
adjective was awful.
place in an establishment where
bar If you sit up at the bar you don't
people go to get a drink (especially
noun have to order any food.
alcoholic drinks)

barbeque The barbeque wings are our
southern style of cooking over a grill
noun/verb specialty.
barstool The guest fell off his barstool
tall seats that customers use at the bar
noun before he even ordered a drink.
bartender staff member that mixes, pours, and I do part-time work as a bartender
noun serves alcoholic beverages in a local pub.
beverage Can I bring you some beverages
noun while you look at the menus?
bill, cheque, check the slip of paper that tells the Table 3 would like you to bring
noun customer how much to pay them their cheque.
black coffee Should I bring some cream, or do
coffee without any milk
adjective + noun you take your coffee black?
style of cooking that involves placing
boil We usually boil the potatoes first
food in a deep pot of extremely hot
verb so that they will cook faster.
book off I need to book off the first week of
mark a day that you cannot work
verb May.
booster seat a plastic unit that fits on top of a chair Will your child be needing a
noun to help small children reach the table booster seat today?
booth/bench type of seating in which people sit We'd prefer a booth if you have
noun side by side on a cushioned area one available.
booze You've been into the booze
noun(idiom) already, haven't you?
bottle opener a device used for opening beer bottles All of the servers keep bottle
noun that don't twist off openers on their keychains.
bread basket slices of bread and butter served I'll bring you a bread basket to
noun before and with a meal hold the kids down until dinner.
breaded The shrimp is breaded in our
rolled and cooked in bread crumbs
adjective homemade batter.
self-serve tables of food that are set
buffet The plates and everything you need
out for the customer to pick and
noun are up at the buffet.
choose from
burnt overcooked to the point of turning The toast is burnt around the
adjective black edges.
buspan rubber tub used for collecting dirty The buspan is stacked so high it's
noun dishes too heavy for me to carry.
busboy, busser a person who helps out in a restaurant Ask the busboy to help you bring

noun (especially clearing and setting tables) out all of the food.
cash I don't have any cash. Do you
paper money payment
noun accept Visa?
counting and submitting the payment Don't forget to include any
cash out
of all of the customers bills at the end coupons from tonight when you
of one's shift cash out later.
staff member responsible for
cashier We don't have a cashier; you have
collecting customer's money at the
noun to pay your server.
front of an establishment
charge I will have to charge you an extra
to add a fee
verb dollar to add ice cream.
You should always check on your
check on
make sure the guests are satisfied guests about two minutes after you
serve the meal.
chef staff member who is professionally Our head chef is one of the best
noun trained to prepare food cooks in town.
clear remove finished or unused items from You need to clear this table and set
verb a table it for four.
cocktail Would anyone care for a cocktail
an alcoholic drink with juice
noun on this warm sunny day?
coffee maker machine that dispenses coffee into a You need to teach the new waitress
noun glass container for pouring how to operate the coffee maker.
Let's ask the busboy to do a coffee
coffee round an offering of coffee and refills
round while we take a smoke
noun around a section of a restaurant
The combo platter has veggies,
combination mixture
ribs, and chicken fingers.
a piece of paper that customers are When she asked for a comment
comment card
given to record their dining card I knew she was going to
experience complain about the food.
complaint The guest brought his complaint to
a problem with service or food
noun the manager.
condiments types of sauces that are added for All of the condiments you should
noun flavouring (i.e. mustard) need are on the table.
cook prepare and heat food until it is ready The guest says that this chicken
verb/noun to serve isn't cooked enough.

You will need to learn how to work
corkscrew tool for removing the cork from the
a corkscrew before you start
noun top of a wine bottle.
counter flat area often used for placing dishes I left one of the salads on the
noun on or preparing food kitchen counter by mistake.
coupon a slip of paper that offers the Your coupon is only valid for
noun customers a discounted rate food, not for alcoholic drinks.
complimentary The desserts are complimentary
free of charge
adjective because the dinner took so long.
creamer small plastic container of cream for Will you need more than two
noun coffee creamers for your coffee?
credit card a plastic card that allows people to You forgot to sign your credit
noun pay for something later card slip.
customer, guest person who goes to an establishment It is our policy that the customer is
noun to be served always right.
Our restaurant got the award for
customer service
treatment of guests having the best customer service
this year.
silverware, tools for eating with (fork, knife, In a fine dining restaurant the staff
utensils spoon) has to polish the silverware.
I cut off the man with the beard
cut off stop serving a customer any more
because he'd had too much to
verb alcohol
debit use bank card to pay directly from Can we pay by debit here, or do
noun bank account you only take credit cards?
deep fried Most of the appetizers on our menu
cooked in a large pot of oil
adjective are deep fried.
defrost, thaw remove frozen food from the freezer Don't forget to defrost some pies
verb to prepare for tomorrow.
delicious The cookies were so delicious they
very good taste
adjective were gone in half an hour.
delivery Do you have delivery or do we
food brought to the home
noun have to come in to eat?
person in a party who agrees not to
designated driver Is there a designated driver in
consume alcohol in order to drive
adjective + noun your party or are you taking a taxi?
everyone home safely

dessert I think we're too full to have
sweet treat after a meal
noun dessert tonight.
I'll bring the dessert tray around
dessert tray a plate of all of the desserts that
and see if I can tempt any of you
noun customers can view and order from
with a slice of cake or pie.
dirty dishes I'll just clear these dirty dishes and
plates that customers are finished with
adjective + noun make some room for you.
discount We got a discount because we are
at a cheaper cost
noun regular customers.
dishpit area in the restaurant where the dirty Jody is not going to want to go into
noun dishes are placed. the dishpit today.
dishwasher the staff member/machine that washes Can you bring the dishwasher
noun the dirty dishes these pans to clean?
doggie bag unfinished food that is packed up for I can't finish my steak, but I'll take
noun the customer to take home a doggie bag.
double Make that a double in a tall glass,
two shots of alchohol in one drink
noun please.
draft We have a selection of local beers
beer from a keg that pours out of a tap
noun on draft.
dressing Would you like Italian or French
liquid topping for salads
noun dressing?
no sauce I'll have dry toast with two eggs.
entrée, main
the largest part of a meal (after The entrées are after the lunch
appetizer, before dessert) specials on page 6 of the menu.
fast-food an eatery that offers quick inexpensive We don't provide table service.
noun food This is a fast-food restaurant.
fine dining The waiters wear bowties because
a very expensive eating establishment
noun it's a fine dining restaurant.
small amount of cash used to make
float I need a roll of quarters for my
change at the beginning of a server or
noun float.
bartender's shift
free refills beverages that can be filled again Have all of the soda you want; it's
adjective + noun without any cost free refills here.
fry Don't fry the vegetables too long
cook over an element in oil
verb or they will go soggy.

food that is added to a plate for
garnish Don't forget to garnish all of the
appearance or colour(i.e. parsley or
noun/verb entrees that go out.
Make sure the glassware doesn't
group of drinking glasses have any spots before you put it
gloves (plastic) covering for the hands to prevent the Whenever you are handling food
noun spread of germs make sure you are wearing gloves.
When we have a large party we're
gratuity/tip extra money given as a thank you for
allowed to add a 15% gratuity to
noun service
the bill.
Your priority as a hostess is to
greet say hello and welcome customers to
greet the guests at the door with a
verb the establishment
grill cooking over iron slats that allow for The healthiest way to prepare meat
noun/verb oil and fat to drop down is on a grill.
hairnet a covering worn on the head while If you don't want to wear a hat, you
noun preparing food can wear a hairnet.
happy hour short amount of time when alcoholic We're expecting a rush because it's
noun drinks are on sale almost happy hour.
highball Our highballs are on for half price
alcohol served with soda
noun today.
highchair a tall chair with a plastic tray designed The party is for ten plus a
noun for a baby highchair.
leave off/without I'll take a hamburger, hold the bun.
homemade We serve the best homemade soup
made from a recipe
adjective in town.
host, hostess staff member in charge of greeting Please wait and the hostess will
noun and seating customers in a restaurant seat you.
ingredients all of the different foods that are I'll check the ingredients to make
noun combined in a recipe sure there aren't any nuts.
kettle I'll put the kettle on and make
pot for boiling water for tea
noun some fresh tea.
the last chance for a person to get an
last call We'll have two more screwdrivers
alcoholic drink before the
noun for last call.
establishment closes

lemon, lime wedge a small segment of lemon or lime put I'd like a lemon wedge for my ice
noun on the rim of a glass water please.
lineup a number of people waiting for Is this the lineup to pay or get
noun/verb something seated?
liqueur Can I offer you a coffee liqueur to
alcohol that has a syrupy/sweet taste
noun go with your dessert?
make change give customers money back from a We can make change if all you
verb + noun payment have is large notes.
manager person in charge of a section of a I'd like to speak to the floor
noun/adjective restaurant manager about the service.
melt First, melt two tablespoons of
warm to soften (i.e. cheese/butter)
verb butter in the microwave.
menu a booklet of all of the food that can be Do you have a children's menu we
noun ordered could see?
microwave a small appliance that heats and cooks We can heat your dinner in the
noun food quickly microwave if you like.
mild I'd like a half dozen mild chicken
not spicy
adjective wings.
nightclub establishment where adults go to If you work at the nightclub you
noun dance and drink alcoholic beverages will have to stay until 2 AM.
non alcoholic
a drink that resembles a certain drink
beverage Can I order a non alcoholic beer?
without the alchohol
adjective + noun
notepad paper that a server uses to write down Just let me grab my notepad and
noun orders I'll take your order.
on the rocks
on ice I'll take a whiskey on the rocks.
preposition + noun
on the side request for a food item to NOT be put For the nachos, can we have the
preposition + noun on top of another food item sour cream on the side?
order Is everyone ready to order lunch
make a request to a server
verb/noun now?
over charge give a customer a bill that is too high I think you over charged us for
verb (by mistake) our drinks; we only had one each.
pack up put in a take-out container for the Would you like me to pack up the
verb customer to bring home rest of that pizza?
party group of people at or waiting for a A party of twelve just walked in
noun table without a reservation.

patio We closed the patio because it
outdoor seeating
noun looks like it's going to rain.
paycheque money given to the staff every week You'll get a paycheque every other
noun or two Monday.
pitcher, jug a container with a spout to pour water, We'll take a pitcher of beer with
noun beer, or other beverages out of four glasses.
portion The chicken fingers are already
a separate amount of food
noun/verb portioned in the freezer.
pour Can I pour you folks another glass
dispense liquid from a container
verb of water?
prepare The servers have to prepare the
get food ready
verb salads themselves.
pub establishment that specializes in I can wear whatever I want when I
noun casual food and alcoholic beverages work at the pub.
punch clock and a machine that staff members place a
I don't want staff members hanging
punch card card into when they begin and finish a
around the punch clock.
noun work shift
punch in, out put a card in the punch clock to mark You can punch out as soon as you
verb the time you start and end a shift finish sweeping the floors.
punch something
I'm going to punch in a large order
in enter an order into a computer system
now, so get ready.
cooked meat that is pink inside This steak is too rare for me to eat.
recipe list of ingredients and instructions for Our chef is so talented that he
noun preparing a certain type of food almost never bothers with a recipe.
You can give the regulars a
regulars people who come into an
complimentary drink from time to
noun establishment often
reservation a request to have a table saved for a We don't take any reservations;
noun certain amount of people it's first come first served here.
restrooms place for people to use a toilet and The restrooms are to your left and
noun wash hands down the stairs.
Before we punch out we have to
a set of cutlery wrapped in a napkin prepare enough roll-ups for the
night shift.
rush a large amount of customers arriving We always have a rush after

noun at the same time church on Sundays.
rush Can you put a rush on this
prepare quickly for a certain reason
noun/verb spaghetti; I forgot to punch it in.
What kind of sauce would you like
liquid flavouring added to food on your ice cream, butterscotch or
a notice of the time and date each staff If you want to book off a day, let
member has to work in a certain me know before I make the
period of time schedule.
seasoning He wants the chicken plain without
dry flavouring added to food
noun any seasoning.
the customers bring their own food
self-serve We have a buffet on, so it's self-
items to the table and do not pay for
adjective serve for lunch.
senior's discount a reduced price for people over a We have a senior's discount of
noun certain age (i.e. over 65) 25% off on Mondays.
separate cheques
a different bill for each member/group We asked for separate cheques
adjective +
sitting at a table but it all came on one bill.
noun/verb +noun
serve look after a customer, bring items to a Is there someone in charge of
verb customer serving out on the patio?
set get a table ready with items such as I need you to clear and set table
verb cutlery and glassware five for a party of eight.
shade We'd like to sit on the patio if there
place outside that is not in the sun
noun is any shade.
shot one ounce of alcohol served in a small Let's do a shot to get this party
noun glass (shot glass) started.
shooter an ounce of alcohol and juice Is there a shooter that has orange
noun combined juice in it?
side dish choice of food that goes with a main The two side dishes are mashed
noun meal potatoes or french fries.
I think the milk has gone sour
acid or fermented taste from sitting out of the fridge too
sous chef staff member who works under and Our sous chef is leaving to become
noun assists the main chef the head chef at another restaurant.
specials items that were prepared particularly Would you like to hear the specials

noun for a certain day and are usually at a before you decide on lunch.
reduced price
specialty food item that a restaurant is popular Homemade fish and chips is our
noun for specialty.
spicy Any item with three chilies beside
hot flavour
adjective it means that the dish is very spicy.
to eat in the restaurant Are these coffees to go or to stay.
stir, mix Stir the soup for a few minutes
spin round and round with a spoon
verb before you serve it.
straw long hollow plastic stick for drinking Can I please get a straw for my ice
noun out of tea?
straight up He always has a straight up glass
alcoholic drink without any mix or ice
adjective of rum after his meal.
substitute Can I substitute the carrots for
replace one item for another
verb corn?
supervisor staff member in charge of watching When I'm not here George will be
noun over things and dealing with problems your supervisor.
sweet If you like sweet things, you'll love
taste with a lot of sugar
adjective our chocolate cheesecake.
take-out food that is packed up and eaten at You can either eat in or order food
adjective/verb home to take-out.
a visit to a table approximately two Don't forget to do your two-
two-minute check
minutes after the food has been served minute check to make sure the
to check for satisfaction steak is cooked properly.
terminal computer system for punching in food There's one terminal in the kitchen
noun orders and one on the bar.
till drawer of a cash register that money is You need a key to open the till and
noun kept in make change.
to go We're just going to order a pizza to
to take out of the restaurant
verb go.
toppings food items that go on top of other food What type of toppings would you
noun items to add flavour like to have on your pizza?
uniform clothing that staff members have to The uniform here is black pants
noun wear and a white shirt.
waiter, waitress staff member in charge of taking When I got promoted from a
noun orders and serving food and beverages hostess to a waitress I started

making tips.
waiting list list of groups who want a table to eat We have a twenty minute waiting
noun at list tonight.
warm up heat food to an enjoyable temperature Would you mind warming up the
verb for eating baby's bottle for me?
well- done The meat was so well-done it had
cooked for longer than average
adjective no flavour.
wine list a menu of all of the wine you can You will notice that we have a lot
noun order from the glass, litre, or bottle of local wine on our wine list.
winery a place where wine is made, tasted, There is another winery up the hill
noun and sold that you might enjoy stopping at.
wine tasting

A sample conversation is given below.

Waiter: Hello, can I help you. OR Are you ready to order, sir?
Peter: Yes, I would like to have the mutton stew for starters. My wife would like a bowl of
chicken soup.
Waiter: One mutton stew and one chicken soup. What would you like for the main course?
Peter: We both would like the Fried Trout with mashed potatoes.
Waiter: Certainly…Would you like anything to drink?
Peter: Yes, I’d like a glass of Coke. My wife would like a cup of coffee.

After Peter and his wife have their lunch

Waiter: Would you like to order anything else? OR Can I bring you anything else?
Peter: No thank you. Please bring the bill. / Waiter: Certainly.
Peter: I can’t read without glasses. How much is the lunch? / Waiter: That’s $5.45 altogether.
Peter: Here you are. Thank you / Waiter: You are most welcome, sir. Have a nice day.
Peter: Thank you, the same to you.

Food vocabulary

Here is a list of some common food items. Note that this is not an exhaustive list.

For starters, people usually have chicken soup, salad etc. For the main course they may have
any of the following: ,Ham and cheese, Grilled cheese, Cheeseburger, Spaghetti, Pizza.

Sample Dialogue

Dave and Sarah decide to visit an American restaurant.

Waiter: Good afternoon. Table for two? / Dave: Yes, please.

Waiter: Smoking or non-smoking? / Sarah: Non-smoking. / Waiter: Right this way.

They walk to a table. Dave and Sarah sit down and the waiter gives them menus.

Waiter: I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your order. After 7 minutes, the waiter returns.

Waiter: Are you ready to order? / Dave: I think so, but can I ask? What is Beef Stroganoff?
Waiter: It’s beef cut into small pieces and served in a sour cream and white wine sauce.
Dave: Ok, that sounds good. I’ll have that.
Waiter: Excellent. And that comes with your choice of French fries, fried mushrooms, or rice.
Dave: I’ll have rice. / Waiter: Anything to start?

Dave: I’ll have the French Onion soup. / Waiter. OK. And what can I get you?
Sarah: Is the Spaghetti and Meatballs very large? / Waiter: Yes, it’s a big portion.
Sarah: Oh, I’m not very hungry.

Waiter: Then can I recommend the Chicken with Mushrooms? That comes with noodles, but it’s
not too big.
Sarah: Ok. I’ll take Chicken and Mushrooms. And a salad to start.
Waiter: Very good. And what can I get you to drink? /Dave: A Coke, please.
Sarah: I’ll have orange juice.
Waiter: Oh, I’m afraid we’re out of orange juice. But we have pear, apple, grape, and kiwi-
Sarah: Kiwi-Banana? That sounds interesting. I’ll try that.
Waiter: Excellent. I’ll be back with your drinks in a minute.

At the Restaurant

Ordering Food:

When dining anywhere, it’s helpful to have the basic skills and language needed to order the
food that you want. Here are some phrases to keep in mind.

Follow me. / This way please. Could you tell me Today’s Special?
Your waiter/waitress will be right with
Someone will be right with you.
I’d like a ________________, please.
I’ll be right back to take your order.
May I take your order? I’ll have the ______________, please.

Are you ready to order?

Would you like anything to drink?

Could we get the bill, please?
Would you like anything for dessert?

Your order will be right out. Could I have the check, please?
Your food will be here shortly.
Possible answers:
How’s everything? Great, thank you. Delicious, thanks. Good,
How’s the food? thanks.
How are you doing here?
Possible complaints:
The food is too cold, salty, burnt, not cooked,
Enjoy your meal. This isn’t what I ordered.
The restaurant is too hot, cold, noisy, smoky,
The lighting is too low.

Useful Words:
a fancy restaurant soup
a fast-food restaurant salad
a buffet dessert
the bar breakfast
a chef brunch
the cook lunch
waiter / waitress dinner
daily special smoking / non-smoking
the menu dishwasher
appetizers the check / bill & tip

Remember, just barking out orders can be perceived as being rude and may have real
consequences to your food. Keep in mind the polite ways to order food: I'll have a hamburger,

Other Situations:

Depending on what you are buying, when heading for checkout or in the process of ordering, you
might find yourself hearing the following questions being asked.

*(Pay by) Cash or Check?

*(bags) Plastic or Paper?

*For Here or To Go?

*Cup or Cone?

(At Baskin Robins 31 Ice Cream)

Cashier: Hello! Can I help you?
Customer: Uh…I’d like a double scoop of chocolate mint and rocky road.
Cashier: Ok, would that be cup or cone? / Customer: Cup, please.
Cashier: What kind of toppings do you want?

Customer: I'll have some chocolate sprinkles.


Two of the guest enter the building. The waiter comes to greet them.

Waiter: Good evening, can I help you.

Guest 1: Yes, table for three please. Our friend will arrive shortly.

Waiter: All right, follow me please. The waiter walks the two guests to their table.

Waiter: Does this table suit you? /Guest 2: Of course!

Waiter: Now, would you like something to drink while you’re waiting?

Guest 1: Ehm… I’ll take a coke please. / Guest 2: A half pint of lager for me please.

While the waiter gets the drinks, guest 3 arrives.

Guest 2: Ah, I see you’ve arrived just fine.

Guest 3: Luckily there was no traffic. How are you doing? Guest 3 looks at guest 1.

Guest 1: I’m fine thanks. We’ve just ordered our drinks.

Guest 3: You did? Well, I’ll ask the waiter next time he comes by. The waiter arrives at the

Waiter: Ah, I see your friend here has arrived. Now, what would you like for starters?

Guest 3: Oops! Guest 3 looks through menu hastily.

Guest 1: Are the scampi’s also available without garlic?

Waiter: Certainly, sir. / Guest 1: Then I’ll have the scampi’s, without garlic please.

Guest 2: I’ll have the broccoli soup, please.

Guest 3: Yes, ehm… The cheese croquettes please. And could I have a glass of water?

Waiter: Of course, sir. I’ll be back in about ten minutes. Waiter leaves.

Ten minutes later. The waiter arrives at the table with the starters.

Waiter: One broccoli soup… Here you go, sir. And who ordered the croquettes?

Guest 2: I did. / Waiter: There you are. And so the scampi’s must be for you.

Guest 1: They certainly are.

Waiter: Enjoy. I’ll be back shortly to take your order for the main course.

Waiter leaves the table. Fifteen minutes later. Waiter arrives at the table.

Waiter: Have you decided on your main courses yet? / Guest 3: Yes, I’ll have the paella dish.

Guest 1: And I think I’ll have the steak with sauce béarnaise.

Waiter: I’m sorry we’re fresh out of béarnaise. / Guest 1: Then I’ll have the chicken sauté.
Waiter: We’re out of chicken too, I’m afraid. / Guest 1: Is there anything that you’re not out of?
Waiter: Yes, there is the vegetarian salad with goat cheese. / Guest 1: I’ll have that then.

Guest 2: And for me, I’ll have a burger.

Waiter: What would you like as a side? Chips or baked potatoes?

Guest 2: Ehm…, the chips please.
Waiter: I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes with your main courses. The waiter leaves.

Guest 2: The service here is very nice. / Guest 1: Are you serious?

Guest 2: I mean, the waiter’s pretty friendly.

Guest 1: True, but they really should stick to their menu.

Ten minutes later. Waiter arrives at the table.

Waiter: And here is your vegetarian salad. / Guest 1: Thank you.

Waiter: The paella dish, here you go. / Guest 3: I’m starving.
Waiter: And here is your burger. Now, I’ll be back shortly to check if you’re all right.

Waiter leaves. Guests start eating.

Guest 3: This paella is really good! / Guest 1: The salad is all right.
Guest 2: Gross! This burger is raw! / Guest 3: It’s just done rare.
Guest 2: No, seriously, it’s raw! It’s so cold I don’t think it ever even touched the pan!

Waiter arrives at table.

Waiter: Is everything to your liking? / Guest 2: No it’s not. My burger is raw!

Waiter: I’ll go see the chef about that. I’ll be right back. Waiter checks the kitchen.

Waiter: The chef says it’s done rare. / Guest 2: I never even ordered rare! You didn’t even ask!
Waiter: But here it’s standard that… / Guest 2: I want to see the manager!

Waiter: Of course, naturally. I’ll get him right away. Waiter leaves.

Waiter comes back with the manager.

Manager: What might be the problem here?

Guest 2: I ordered a burger and I got this raw piece of cow instead.
Manager: Did you say that you wanted it well done?

Guest 2: No, actually I didn’t say anything about that.

Manager: It’s standard here that if you order a meat dish without saying how you like it, it’s
done rare.
Guest 2: But I didn’t know! I want my money back! / Manager: Now, how about an agreement?

Guest 2: And that may be… ?

Manager: We’ll let you choose another dish, and you can have a free dessert and a bottle of
wine. / Guest 2: Well… / Guest 3: Just do it. / Guest 2: All right.
Manager: Well you can choose another dish now, or we will give you another burger. This time,
we’ll make it how you like it.
Guest 2: Another burger, well done this time please. / Waiter: All right. Waiter leaves.

Manager: If there are any more problems, don’t wait just ask for me. I’ll get you your bottle of
wine now. / Guest 2: Thank you. Manager leaves. Manager comes back with a bottle.

Manager: Here this is one of our best wines. A 2004 Bordeaux. Waiter arrives with burger.

Waiter: Here, a well done burger.

Manager: I’ll just go then. Like I said, if there are any more problems, come see me.

Manager leaves.

Waiter: I’ll be back in a short while to take your plates and to let you order dessert. Yours is free
of course. Waiter points at guest 2. Waiter leaves.

Guest 3: At least the manager is reasonable. / Guest 2: That’s true.
Ten minutes later. Waiter arrives at table.

Waiter: I’ll first take your dessert orders and then take your plates.
Guest 2: I’ll have a chocolate sundae. / Guest 1: A chocolate mousse.

Waiter: The Belgian variant? / Guest 1: Of course. / Guest 3: A banana split for me please.

Waiter: All right. And can I offer you a coffee with that?
Guest 3: I’ll have a cappuccino. / Guest 2: A normal black coffee for me please.

Guest 1: I’ll pass. / Waiter: I’ll be right back. Waiter leaves. Waiter arrives with dessert.

Waiter: Here are your desserts. And you had the black coffee? / Guest 2: Yes.
Waiter: And the cappuccino for you. / Guest 3: Right.

Waiter: I’ll leave you three. Waiter leaves.

Ten minutes later.

Guest 3: Waiter? / Waiter: Yes? / Guest 3: Can we have the bill? / Waiter: Certainly.

Waiter arrives with bill.

Waiter: We would like to thank you for eating at Denny’s. Guest 3 faints after seeing the bill.

Guest 1 takes the bill from the fainted guest 3.

Guest 1: I think we’re going to have to wash a lot of dishes guys…

Restaurant English

Here's how to ask about the menu and more.

Describing the menu

"The dish of the day" / "daily special" = what the restaurant is featuring.

"What's the dish of the day?" / "It's the chef's omelette."

"set menu" = a menu where the starter, main course and dessert are chosen by the restaurant.

"a la carte" = where you choose what you want to eat from the menu.

Asking for a description of the food

"What is 'fisherman's pie' exactly?" / "Is this dish vegetarian?"

"What's in spaghetti vongole?" / "Does this dish come with any vegetables?"
"Can you tell me how this dish is prepared?"

Describing food

"It's a meat dish, garnished with parsley." - A garnish is something that is served with the food,
not mixed in.

"It's topped with cheese." Topped is something that goes on top of the food.

"It's served with a side salad." - Side salad is salad served in a bowl or separate plate.

Sauces can be cheesy (made with cheese), savoury (not sweet), creamy (smooth), spicy (made
with chilli peppers) or delicate (a subtle, rather than strong taste).

Desserts can be rich (very filling with a strong taste, like chocolate gateau), light (not heavy in
taste or texture, like a sorbet), tangy (with a sharp taste of lemon or orange, like a lemon pie), or
fruity (made with fruit, like trifle).

Ordering in a restaurant – things waiters say

"Are you ready to order yet?" / "Have you decided what you are having?"
"Would you like anything to drink with your meal?" / "Can I recommend the chef's special?"

Ordering in a restaurant – things customers say

"We'd like a little longer, please." / "Could you give us a couple more minutes?"
"We really can't decide. Can you advise us?"

The menu - Vocabulary

1) Categories on menus

Appetizers (cold/hot)
Bottled water and sodas (AE)
Brunch (Breakfast & Lunch)
Coffee and Tea
Hors d'oeuvres

Hot drinks
Liqueurs (AE)
Main course
Omelets (Omelettes)
Sides (Side orders)
Sparkling wine
Wines by the glass (white, blush, red)

2) Special dishes/beverages

chips (BE), French Fries (AE)
Fish and chips
Irish Whiskey
jacket/baked potato
mashed potatoes

shell fish
Single Malt Scotch (Whisky)

3) Useful phrases

bill (BE) check (AE)

service included
small/large plate
today's special
VAT /value-added tax)

Understanding the Menu

If you are going to be working in a restaurant, it is important that you

understand the menu. Different menus use different words to mean the same
thing. They also use certain words to make food sound more delicious. It isn't
just the server who should know the menu. Hosts, bartenders, and bussers may
also get asked questions about the menu from the guests. Cooks have to know
the menu inside-out as well. After all, if an item says it is smothered in
mozzerella cheese it can't just have a sprinkling of cheddar.

Most menus are divided into sections. You may need to help a guest find the entrees, or desserts.
A guest might call a drink a beverage or a refreshment. Learn the different terms that are used
so that you can understand and serve your guests promptly and accurately.

Menu Section
Also Known As Example Items

Appies, Finger Food, Combo Platters, Garlic Bread, Cheese Plate,

Snacks, Starters Nachos

Garden Fresh, Greens, Light Fare, Lighter

Salads (and Tossed Salad, Caesar Salad,
Favourites, Low Calorie Choices, Low-fat
Soups) Soup of the Day

Grilled Chicken Sandwich,

Burgers, From the Deli, From the Grill,
Sandwiches Veggie (Garden) Burger, Steak
Lunch Menu, Wraps

Spaghetti, Pepperoni Pizza,

Italian Noodles, Pasta, Pizza

New York Steak, Chicken

Main Course Entrée, Dinners, Main Dish, Main Event
Stirfry, Hearty Stew

French Fries, Rice, Grilled

Sides Accompaniments, On the Side, Side Dishes

Fish and Chips, Battered Shrimp,

Seafood Catch of the day, Fish, Fresh from the Sea
Smoked Salmon

Mexican South of the Border, Tex-Mex Fajitas, Nachos, Enchilladas

BBQ Ribs, Hot Wings, Chicken

Specialties Signature items, Favorites, Pleasers, 5 Stars
Cordon Bleu

Apple Pie, Mocha Cheesecake,

Desserts Sweets, Treats, For the Sweet Tooth
Banana Split

Drinks, Non-alcoholic beverages,

Beverages Soda Pop, Juice, Milk

Wine and Coolers, Draft, Liquor, Specialty Drinks, House Wine, Jug of Beer, Peach

Beer Spirits, From the Bar Cider

Juniors, Kids Stuff, Little Tikes, For the Spaghetti and Meatballs,
Kids Menu
Munchkins Cheeseburger, Chicken Fingers

Descriptive Words and Expressions on a Menu

Menus often contain special language to make items sound delicious. These words and
expressions can also convince the guests to order more food, such as appetizers or dessert. It is
useful for servers to learn these expressions in order to sound more knowledgable and achieve
better sales. In many English speaking countries, especially North America, having higher sales
means earning better tips.

Description Meaning Example item

Guests can have this food served All burger selections are available
available with
a different way. with whole wheat buns.

bottomless (free Guests can have more without

Coffee and tea is bottomless.
refills) paying.

many large pieces of meat or A steaming bowl of chunky

vegetables vegetable soup

covered in a sauce (often before Breast of chicken coated in teriyaki

coated in, glazed
cooking) sauce

makes a crunchy sound when Caesar salad with fresh lettuce and
you chew crispy croutons

a small amount of liquid poured Apple pie and vanilla ice cream
drizzled with
over top drizzled with butterscotch

A generous portion of spaghetti and

finished with final step of the food preparation garlic tomato sauce, finished with
homemade meatballs

fresh just off the farm/ out of the All omelettes are made with three

garden/ fresh egg whites.

Our dinners are garnished with fresh

garnished with decorated with
parsley and seasonal fruit.

generous portion, All sandwiches are served with a

a large amount of
heaping, loaded with generous portion of fresh cut fries.

home style,
Try our chef's homemade chili with
homemade, made from a recipe (not a package)
fresh baked bread.
from scratch

Garden salad with juicy tomatoes,

juicy with liquid remaining for taste
cucumbers, and onions

lightly breaded, rolled in bread crumbs, eggs, or

Our fish is lightly battered in beer.
battered other mixture and cooked

left in fridge to soak up Our steaks are marinated in a rich

marinated in
sauce/juice/flavoring peppercorn sauce.

A vegetable medley tossed in olive

medley variety, mixture
oil and served over rice

appearance causes mouth to Finish your meal off with one of our
mouth watering
salivate mouth watering desserts.

A ginger chicken stir fry served on a

on a bed of on top of a layer of
bed of rice

produce varies at different times Ask your server about our seasonal
during the year fruit pies.

Roasted chicken seasoned with fresh

seasoned with herbs and spices added
basil and oregano

Questions/Requests/Enquiries Possible answers/queries/information

▪ Could I / we have a table please?

▪ I'd like to book a table please./ ▪ Would you have a table for 2 please?
▪ How long will we have to wait? / ▪ Can I have the menu please?
▪ Do you have a menu for children/portions for children?
▪ Do you have any vegetarian/vegan dishes? / ▪ What soft drinks do you have?
▪ We'd like to order now./ Could you take our order please.
▪ Do you have a wine list? / Could you bring me the wine list please.
▪ Could I have some water please? / ▪ Could I have some more bread/butter/water please
▪ Could I have the bill please. / ▪ Do you take credit cards? Can I pay by credit card/cheque?
▪ For how many people? / ▪ How many of you are there? / ▪ Smoking or non-smoking?
▪ Inside or outside (in the garden/on the terrace/upstairs)?
▪ Have you booked? / ▪ Your name please?
▪ I'm afraid you'll have to wait ... a little while ... for half an hour / 30 minute
▪ How would you like your steak?... rare? medium rare? well done?
▪ What would you like to drink? / ▪ Still or sparkling water?
▪ Do you need anything else? / Is everything OK? / ▪ Here you are.
▪ I'm afraid we don't take credit cards/cheques. / ▪ Yes, of course.


“Dobrou Chuť“ is what Czechs say to each other before they begin a meal. It means “Bon apetit“

The main course usually consists of meat and a side dish .The most popular meat in Czech republic is
pork and chicken followed by beef and dug. The fish is not so common, because there isn´t any sea
access. But there is one typical fish,which is served on Christmas Eve together with potato salad. This fish
is called carp. The important part of the dish is a soup. Typical Czech soups are listed below.

The Main Course
Potato soup
Garlic soup
Chicken soup
Tribe soup
beef soup with liver
sauerkraut soup

Side Dishes

boiled potatoes
roasted potatoes
mashed potatoes
french fries
potato salad

Desserts come in many varieties and tend to be heavy and fatty because butter and whipped cream are
often used. Some popular desserts are listed below:

honey cake
blueberry dumplings
apple strudel


As far as drinks go, a Czech meal is often accompanied by the national beverage, which is beer. If you are
not in the mood for beer, you can have

mineral water
orange juice
apple juice
whipped cream

Useful phrases used in restaurants:

Can I have the menu please?

What is the soup of the day?
What are today's specials?
Are you ready to order?
What will you have?

Do you have any vegetarian?
I'll have ….
Enjoy your meal!
Check please!
Do you take credit cards?
Is service included?
I have an allergy to…
I have an allergy to...
gluten/ nuts / tomatoes.
I cannot eat (any) nuts.
I cannot eat (any) spicy foods.
Thank you

Beef goulash with dumplings
Beef sirloin with dumplingsand
vegetable cream sauce
Chicken breasts with peachslices
Pork cutlet/chop
Fried cheese
(thick slice ofcheese breaded and fried)
Fried mushrooms (breaded)
Fruit-filled dumplings:
plum, apricot, strawberry, blueberry
(fruit wrapped in dough andserved
with sugar, groundpoppy seeds,
cottage cheese and melted butter)
Pork schnitzel(slice of pork breaded
Roast pork, dumplings andsauerkraut
Roasted chicken withpotatoes
Roasted duck / goose with sauerkraut and
Stuffed bell peppers with tomato sauce

Practical advices in the restaurant

The bill
In cheaper restaurants, the waiter will leave a little slip on your table to keep a running tab.
When ready to pay, just try to catch up the eye of a person with the big black wallet. Always check over
your bill.
Tourists sometimes get ripped off only because they don't look at the bill. Normal charges also include a
few crowns for each slice of bread, butter, ketchup or milk.

Tipping is not mandatory, but it is general practice to round up the bill to a reasonable amount or tip 10%
(unless the service was awful).

The prices don't necessarily relate to atmosphere or the quality of the food. It is possible to have an
excellent dinner in a mid-range restaurant, on the other hand it is easy to pay a relatively high price for an
average meal close to a tourist site.
If you have ordered from a menu without prices, ask beforehand how much the dishes will cost.

Sharing tables with strangers is normal - in less expensive restaurants it is not considered rude for another
party to join you at your table if seats are free. People wish to each other “dobrou chuť “.

How to Be a Great Waitress

Whether you are just getting started in the waiting industry or you need to brush up on your waiting skills
for a return to the industry, these tips are aimed at helping you reach your goals!

Edit Steps

1. Learn everything you can. The point of doing this is to become indispensable. Once your
manager realizes that you can do the other things that are not normally considered a part of your
regular job (for example, busing, peeling garlic, pouring drinks, making desserts, etc.), you will be
able to get as many shifts as you want.

2. Never fight over tables with other waiting staff. Be gracious. Focus on delivering the best
possible service to the tables you do get. Set the example to the remaining waiting staff by
creating a sharing and supportive environment.

3. Learn the menu as soon as possible. This way, when people ask questions, you'll have a quick
answer. Nothing makes a customer happier faster!

4. Learn your regular customers' names as soon as you can. People love having a regular place to
go to, where you know what they like to eat and you call them by name.

5. Develop a file system for your regular customers. Keep track of their favourite foods, their

allergies and any special requests (for example, "Sue likes her water with no ice", "Alex always
orders coffee and he takes cream"). This file system is best kept in your head, as it could be
construed as "stalkerish" unless you can keep it very discreetly.

6. Ask your customer if they would like to start off with an appetizer and mention one or two.
Always ask your customer if they would like to have dessert towards the end of their meal and
mention one or two.

7. Do one thing at a time. Don't count on finishing writing the order down as you walk to the order
counter. Do it now! Chances are, someone will stop you on your way over and ask for more
coffee, and you'll forget the first order. Then you'll be faced with the embarrassment of having to
return to the table to retake the order! It takes lots of practice to do several orders.

8. Respect the customer's personal space. Never sit down at the table to take an order, don't shake
hands (unless you have to), and don't give hugs. The extent of your friendliness will be dependent
on the type of place where you work - some things that might not be appropriate in a diner or a
restaurant might be fine in a theme bar or pub.

9. Always be clear about your order. When taking the order, take time to clarify that you've
written it down or heard the request correctly. If there is a choice of selection, ask. Don't simply
present the diner with white toast because the customer didn't ask for rye, unless the menu states
that a certain item will be given unless otherwise requested. Also, be aware that taking down
orders by memory often worries customers because they think you will forget something. Unless
you have a brilliant memory, don't do this and even then, reassure them that you have an excellent
memory track record!

10. Be tactful about questioning customers. If you feel you must question why a customer is
making a special request, be tactful. Keep in mind there are many reasons for menu change
requests, such as religious, vegetarian/vegan and cultural dietary restrictions. If it is not an
unreasonable request which can be simply accommodated, don't ask why!

11. Remove the plates, glasses, and other used items from the table as they are finished. Having to
manoeuvre around used dishes doesn't contribute to a nice dining experience. Be careful not to
swipe plates while customers are still eating though - always ask if they have finished if any food
remains on the plate.

12. In fine dining, you should not remove the plates until everyone at the table is finished eating as
it causes the unfinished customers to feel rushed. Sometimes a customer will shove the plate to the
end of the table or hand it to you when you check back and in this case it would be OK to remove!

13. Don't just assume when the diner is finished and wants the check. Ask if there is anything
more you can get for them, and that will open the opportunity for them to ask for dessert, a take-
out item/bag, or the check. If they state they need nothing else, then ask if they are ready for the
check. Never wait for the diner to ask for the check; if they have to ask you, it generally means
they are in a hurry, or you have waited an excessive amount of time since you last checked on the

14. Be polite in the face of irritable, difficult and unfriendly customers. When you have difficult,
high maintenance, cranky, or downright mean customers, (and you will get them), let the old
saying be your motto "Kill 'em with kindness". Always keep your cool and never argue with a
customer. If a customer starts to get worked up into a tizzy for whatever reason, send a manager to
the table because that's their job and what they're there for.

15. Don't let a bad tip ruin your shift. There are people out there who either don't know or refuse
to accept that a standard tip for good service is 15% and 20% and above for great to exceptional
service. And sometimes, there are people who really cannot afford much more than the meal.
Never complain to a table about a bad tip when you've given great service. Not only could you get
yourself fired but it sets you up as the complaining type and creates bad relations with the other
waiting staff. Just let it go and be content in the knowledge that a really good tip can balance out
the bad.

16. Check back often with your tables. It's a good idea to ensure that they don't sit around needing
anything, such as more ketchup or napkins, or another fork because a fork has fallen on the floor,
or a refill on their drinks etc. Be alert to these little things and make the dining experience more
pleasant by supplying the extras promptly. It keeps customers happy and prevents them from
asking you for too many additional trips.

Edit Tips

 Leave drama, bad moods and personal issues at the door.

 Never sit around. If you have nothing to do, clean!
 If you wear a uniform, keep it in excellent condition - ironed, stain-free and neat.
 Dress just slightly "better" (more formally) than the other waiting staff, no matter what the
"minimal dress code" is. It sets you apart and sets the standard for others to strive for.
 Always carry extra cutlery with you in your apron.
 If you really want to go the extra mile, notice if anyone is struggling to read their menu. Offer to
lend them your own reading glasses! (Note, only lend them cheap generic reading glasses, but say
they're yours for a higher chance of getting them back.)
 Be honest about the food/kitchen practices when asked by the customer. Serious consequences can
result from misinformation. Allergies and intolerance to food products or practices could result in
death. A diabetic given an item containing sugar, a person with peanut or shellfish allergies, or
someone with heart disease being told the baked potato is coated with vegetable oil when lard is
actually used etc. - all these slip-ups can result in wide-ranging negative results.
 Ask the customer if they have dined at your restaurant before, that way if they are new first-time
customers you can welcome them and offer your help with the menu.
 Never ask the customer if they need change. Always get the change and leave it on the table. If
they want to leave you a tip they will leave it on the table.
 Don't put the spoon into the coffee before taking it to the customer -it lowers the temperature of
the coffee and some customers prefer the coffee very hot.

Edit Warnings

 Following this guide may result in you making more tips than you know what to do with. Never

brag or discuss your tips with other waiting staff.
 Never count your tips in front of the customers!

How to Become a Good Waiter

Waiting tables can be a great job. Check out these potential benefits:

* You can make tons of money on tips.

* Your schedules can be flexible, allowing you to attack other projects.

* You get the chance to talk to people all day.

But landing all of these benefits is not easy. To get the job, the flexible schedules and the high tips, you
need to be good at it, and being a good waiter can be incredibly tough. So before you tie those apron
strings, let us serve you up some helpful "tips" for your journey into the hospitality industry.

By the way, while the word "waiter" usually refers to men, but we're treating it as a gender-neutral term-
much like the words "actor" and "author."

Know What to Expect

o The best way to begin your life as a waiter is to listen to some of the advice of
current/former waiters. Here's how to do it:

1. Talk to a few of your friends who have worked or are still working as a waiter. (We
promise, you have many.) Invite them over for dinner and ask them to tell you their most
hideous, toe-curling waiter stories. (We promise, they'll have many). As they tell you their
sob stories, picture yourself in that situation and how you would've handled it. Also ask
them to give you an idea about some of their chores. They'll tell you about filling up
ketchup bottles and salt-and-pepper shakers, lugging ice up from the basement, sweeping,
mopping, polishing and scrubbing. And that's only the beginning of the fun ...

2. The next time you go to a diner, tell the waiter who's serving you that you're thinking
about joining the waiter work force, and ask what advice he has for you. We're sure the
waiter will have many hideous, toe-curling stories of his own.

Notice the common element? Hideous, toe-curling stories. Being a waiter can be incredibly
annoying because many people are jerks and like to boss other people around. Customers
change their minds, lie, don't pay their bills, yell, get drunk, spill things, harass people and
generally act like animals. Most customers will never think that your service is fast enough
or that their food is hot or tasty enough. That's just how things work. And much of the
time, it won't be your fault. You can't help it if the cook didn't read your order correctly, or
if the food tastes bad, or if you have to handle 20 tables because the rest of the staff quit.

And the worst part is that with the exception of outright harassment, the customer is
always right. "But I'm right!" you shout. "She DIDN'T ask for anchovies!" To which your
boss will reply, "Would you rather be right or would you rather NOT get fired?"

We don't mean to scare you away. As we mentioned before, being a waiter also has tons of
perks: You get major tips if you do a good job, you get the chance to talk to people and--if
the restaurant isn't packed--it can be rather laid back. You might also get some free food
and have the chance to meet new people. But don't be fooled: It IS work. You'll be on your
feet for hours, carrying heavy items and managing many requests at once. And you'll have
to look happy while doing it. This is not a good job for people with high-strung

Something else to consider: You have to be able to multitask. As you walk down an aisle
of tables, people will be calling out for more coffee, a clean spoon, pepper, ketchup, a
toothpick and the tail feather of a Brazilian Mooneybird. You have to be able to remember
and accomplish these tiny things without getting panicked or stressed out. You'll may have
to memorize the menu and prices, too, as well as daily specials.

Bottom line: Think it through. Save yourself the hassle if you know upfront that you don't
have the patience, endurance or ability to flash a fake smile.

How to Rate Good Food Service

Good service should be effortless and smooth. The waiter should not try too hard.

Things You'll Need

 Restaurant Gift Certificates

 Restaurant Dining Guides

1. Understand the difference between good service and hospitality; ideally, you want to feel
like the restaurant wants you there.

2 . Expect to be greeted by a maître d' or host who is efficient and friendly.

3. Know that getting good service does not mean having a waiter with no personality. Some
dining experiences ' for instance, at traditional steak houses or old-fashioned diners ' almost require gruff
or humorous service.

4. Note the time between ordering your meal and when it arrives hot on your table.

5 . Pay attention to the alertness of the wait staff. You don't want to be forced to wave them over for
water, but you also don't want them obsequiously offering to be your best friend.

6 . Note how friendly and hospitable the maître d' and wait staff are.

7 . Determine how informed the waiter is about the specials; your server shouldn't recite
ingredients written on a notepad.

8 . Keep in mind that the busboy or waiter should clear the table from the right of the diner
and serve from the left.

Tips & Warnings

 There is nothing worse than a restaurant where the wait staff is falsely friendly, or introduces itself
to you with first names.

How to Open a Wine Bottle as a Waiter

Learning how to open a wine bottle as a waiter is part of the job. Just as with most anything else, the more
you do it, the more comfortable you become with it. Keep the following tips in mind when opening a
wine bottle for a table.


Things You'll Need

 Waiter's corkscrew
 Wine chiller (if serving white wine)
 Napkin

1. Have the proper tools. You will need a wine key or a waiter's corkscrew, a napkin to wipe
the bottle after pouring and a table wine cooler when serving white wine to keep the wine

2 . Set the bottle of wine on the table. Once you have presented the wine to your guests, set
it on the table in order to retrieve your wine key and open the knife.

3 . Hold the wine bottle by the neck and cut the foil. Cut the foil by pressing the knife
against the top lip while turning the wine bottle. If you don't have much practice opening
wine bottles, keep the bottle on the table while cutting the foil. Lift the foil off once you
cut it all the way around and close your knife.

4 . Insert the corkscrew into the cork. After you close the knife, open the corkscrew
portion and insert the pointed end into the cork as close to center as possible. Turn the
wine key until the spirals (called the "worm") of the corkscrew are no longer visible.

5. Place the lever on the lip of the bottle. This will cause the opposite end of the wine key
to angle downward.

6 . Lift up on the opposite end of the wine key. Grasping the neck of the wine bottle with
one hand, place your other hand around the wine key, lift straight up toward the ceiling and
slowly pull the cork out.

Tips & Warnings

 Pull the cork out slowly. This will avoid any wine from spilling out onto the table or splashing
onto your guests.
 Always stop pulling when the corkscrew begins to bend. If you keep pulling the corkscrew straight
out when it begins to bend, you risk breaking the cork. Instead, straighten out your wine key, grab
the cork with your hand and wiggle it out.

How to Handle Spills as a Waiter

Dealing with minor emergencies such as spills is one of the many jobs you need to do as a waiter or
waitress. There is a way to take care of this problem smoothly without upsetting your patrons. The
following will show you how a good waiter should take care of and clean up a spill.

1. Remain calm.

2 . Help those at the table back up in their seats if the spill happens to occur as you are
standing nearby and the spill threatens to land on those at the table.

3 . Pick up the glass and set it upright.

4 . Take a towel and calmly wipe up the spill as best you can. Make sure that you are
handling this problem and that your customers are not.

5 . Start from the end of the table and work your way toward the middle to ensure that the
liquid does not spill off onto anyone at the table.

6 . Scoop any ice off the table by neatly wiping it off the edge and into the drinking glass
with your towel. Make sure there is no remaining liquid or ice when you are finished.

7. Tell your customers that it is no big deal as you take care of the spill. Give other
reaffirming words to your customers if they seem upset.

8. Assure your customer that you will get them a fresh drink right away.

Tips & Warnings

 Tell your customers that it is your job as the waiter to clean the spill if they try to help. It is your
job to handle spills and their job to enjoy themselves. If they wanted to clean, they would have
eaten at home.
 Do not get upset or panic. Your overexcited mood will quickly spread to those at the table and
change the mood to an undesirable one.

How to Upsell as a Waiter

When you work as a waiter the restaurant might expect you to try to upsell your customers. Effectively
upselling is also good for your tips because many customers tip a percentage of the total bill. To upsell as
a waiter, you sell something to your customer that he didn't know he wanted.


1 . Establish good rapport with your customers. Greet them with a smile, introduce
yourself, and give them their menus. Take advantage of the first opportunity to upsell by
offering to get them an appetizer while they think about what they want for dinner. Suggest
a coupleof appetizers that seem like they would be appropriate for the table.

2 . Suggest a more pricey entrée off the menu if your customer asks what is good or what
you recommend. Be careful not to go too high in the price of your recommendation or the
customer is less likely to follow it.

3 . Ask the table if you can bring them a bottle of wine after you take their dinner orders.
Based on the types and prices of the dinners that they ordered, suggest a bottle of wine that
you think goes well with their meals at a price they can afford.

4 . Offer dessert when all of the dinner dishes are empty. Suggest they have coffee or tea
with their dessert.

Tips & Warnings

 There is a difference between upselling and over selling as a waiter. You should not do all of
these techniques with every table. Take advantage of an opportunity to upsell a customer when it
naturally presents itself, by always being on the lookout for your opening. Do not continually
interrupt your customers dining experience by trying to sell him something else.

How to Handle a Rude Waiter

A meal at even the nicest restaurant can quickly be ruined by a rude waiter. Whether they never refill your
drink or write down the wrong order, the outcome is the same: Your night out on the town has left you in
a bad mood. There is a way to avoid this situation and handle a rude waiter. With just a few simple steps,

you’ll be able to enjoy your night on the town and leave the restaurant in a good mood.


1. Ignore their rudeness. When the waiter first comes to your table, try to overlook their
attitude. They might not mean to be rude. They may just be rushing to handle the packed
restaurant. They may even be covering more than their share of tables. This isn’t an excuse
for their rudeness, but the rudeness may be unintentional.

2 . Try being nice. Waiters deal with hateful customers all day long. This can cause them to
build up a wall and react in a negative way. Instead of snapping back, try asking them how
their day has been. Sometimes, this is enough to cause the waiter to calm down. In fact,
they may even give you exceptional service just for being nice to them.

3 . Request to be waited on by someone else. If nothing seems to be working, request to be

waited on by another member of the wait staff. If your waiter refuses to get someone else, get
up and move to another section. When the new waiter comes to your table, explain to them
why you moved to their section.

4 . Ask to speak with a manager. If the entire wait staff seems to have an attitude problem,
ask to speak with a member of management. Explain to the manager that the wait staff has
been rude and any other issues you have experienced. Management that hopes to keep
customers coming back will often offer to reimburse you for your meal or give you a free
drink or dessert.

5 . Contact the owner. There will be times when nothing seems to work. The entire
restaurant seems to be filled with rude wait staff and management. The only things you can
do in this situation are leave and contact the owner. If the restaurant is part of a chain, you
can also contact the district manager.

Tips & Warnings

 If management fails to do anything, boycott the restaurant for the next few months. The wait staff
will eventually be replaced as more people complain.

The Importance of Tips for a Waiter

For servers, tipping is their livelihood, not just a bonus.

The act of tipping your waiter at the end of the meal is sometimes viewed as something nice to do as
opposed as an obligation. The amount is essentially up to your perception of how good or bad the service
has been. Granted, 15 percent is the norm, but as any waiter who's been in the restaurant business will tell
you, that's not always what's given and received.


o Tips are the bulk of a waiter's livelihood. According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, or
FLSA, employers cannot pay tipped employees less than $2.13 per hour as part of direct
wages to ensure that their tips add up to the federal minimum wage of $7.25, at the time of
publication. If the tips do not add up to the federal minimum, the employer is required to
pay the difference. Even in states with generous minimum wage laws, or more than the
federal standard, tips make up the majority of income, since even small paychecks can be
exhaustively taxed.

Tip Sharing

o Many restaurants have tip-sharing policies in place to ensure that those who aren't waiters,
such as busboys, cooks and hostesses, get a portion of the tips. The employer does this to
keep his labor costs down. If the line cooks average about $10 per shift in tips, then the
employer is able to account for that in the form of a smaller hourly wage. At any rate, the
tip that you give your server is often not 100 percent theirs.

Future Service

o It may not be morally or professionally proper behavior, but if you are a regular at a
restaurant and make a habit out of not tipping fairly, you could get sub-par service on
future visits. This may seem unthinkable and is something you could go to the manager to
complain about. If the waiter is devious, he can do just enough to dampen your experience
without getting in trouble. It's passive-aggressive behavior and wrong, but it does happen.


o All waiters have to report their tips to the Internal Revenue Service. Most point-of-sale
computers at restaurants ask employees to enter in their tip amounts when they clock out.
True, not everyone does it, but the fact remains that taxes are owed when it comes time to
file. Just like with tip sharing, this is another reason that the $7 you gave the waiter on a
$35 check is not all his. If you don't tip at all, your dining experience actually costs him
money in the long run.

Importance of Tips for Waiters on How to Treat Customers

Get a better tip by becoming a better waiter.

A day in the life of a waiter is a grueling one. Waiters are constantly trying to remember orders, keep
from spilling drinks and get their customers' meals to them in a timely manner. In most states, waiters
depend mostly on tips for their income. Waiters can please their customers in some tried-and-true ways,
resulting in better tips.

1. Be Courteous
o Always be courteous when meeting the needs of your customers.

Always pair politeness with friendliness when you are waiting tables. Always greet the
customer in a friendly, cheerful manner, making sure to make eye contact and smile. Meet
the needs of your customers readily without complaining. No matter what they request --
or how many requests they have -- always be courteous to customers, going out of your
way to meet their needs.

2. Know the Menu

o Know your restaurant's menu.

Memorize your restaurant's menu. Taste various items on the menu so that you know how
to answer customers when they ask you about different dishes. Being familiar with the
drinks, specials, meals and appetizers will help customers decide what to order. They will
also see this as helpfulness -- the mark of a good waiter -- thus providing you with a
generous tip.

3. Serve Food Promptly

o Always be prompt when serving your tables. As soon as your customers are seated,
introduce yourself and get their drink orders. Observe when your tables are ready to order.
Watch for clues that they have made their decisions such as looking to see if they have put
their menus down. Don't linger at tables. This can become annoying to customers.
4. Check the Food
o Always look over your customers' meals before you serve them. Assess if the food is cold
by asking the cook how long the food has been sitting. Make sure that all of the sauces and
sides are included on your serving tray and that the proper serving utensils are provided
such as steak knives. If a steak appears to be burnt to a crisp and your customer ordered it
well-done, then hand the steak back to the cook and apologize profusely to your customer,
thus showing you value the customer's patronage.

Tax Tips for Waiters

1. Waiters must account for all of their tips, including cash tips.

Waiters are responsible for accurately reporting the amount of money that they earn in tips.
So, keeping accurate records is important, especially since the IRS has been known to
scrutinize tipped employees. According to the IRS, a tip is any amount of money that a
customer gives to the waiter beyond the cost of the meal. All tips are subject to tax
withholding except when the total tips for any one month from any single job are less than
$20. Waiters must claim the entire amount of tips received, including cash tips, but only
the part of the tips the waiter individually retains when in a tip-splitting or tip-pooling
environment. A waiter's taxes are based on his hourly wage plus tips.

2. Record-keeping

o Keep track of how much money you earn in tips. Ask your employer for IRS publication
1244 which provides a year's supply of Form 4070, Employee's Report of Tips to
Employer. Fill out one Form 4070 each day you earn tips and submit the forms to your
employer by the 10th of each month. Keep copies of these records or input the information
daily into a spreadsheet. The employer should use this information to provide you an
accurate tip-out report showing your tax withholding for that pay period. If your records
indicate that you may owe taxes to the government, set money aside or have additional
taxes taken out each pay period to compensate for tips.
3. Deductions
o Deductions for waiters can include anything from dry-cleaning service for uniforms,
shoes, aprons, ties (if required), pens and pencils, for example, if the employer does not
provide them. Keep your receipts for these items together in a safe place. You must retain
all receipts for deductions in case you are ever audited.
4. Allocated Tips
o Allocated tips are tips added to your income by your employer over the tips that you
reported. These tips are reported in Box 8 of your W-2 Form. Taxes are not withheld on
allocated tips. If your employer indicates that your allocated tips are more than your
reported tips, use your daily log to report tips. For additional unreported tips, fill out Form
4137. Your tips will probably be audited by the IRS. Keep all your tip logs along with your
tax return to prove your income. If your allocated tips are lower than the total from your
logs, then you need to speak to your employer. His records may be incorrect, and you need
to obtain a new W-2. If your reported tips match your allocated tips, then your employer
probably reported your tips in the incorrect location. Speak with your employer and figure
out if this was put in Box 8 as opposed to Box 7. Ask for a corrected W-2.

How to Refill Customer Drinks as a Waiter

Being a waiter is a tough job. Not only do you have to correctly remember your customers' orders, but
you have to serve them to their satisfaction. And one of the most important pieces of that is the customers'
drinks. If they are drinking alcoholic beverages, it can really bolster the bill, which in turn will bolster
your tip. Here's how to refill customer drinks as a waiter.


1. Ask if people are all set with drinks several times throughout the service. This is a general
rule of thumb from when people sit down to when they leave. Because many people wait
for a table in the bar, they may already have a drink or need a second drink; it never hurts
to inquire as you are leaving the table.

2 . Keep an eye on their glasses. Even if you are slammed with multiple tables, it is
imperative you keep one eye on your customers' drinks. Keeping their drinks filled to the
top tends to mitigate a slow kitchen or so-so food. If you see that they're nearing their last

sip, then it is time to approach the table.

3. Refill the water glasses without asking the table. As a general rule of thumb, good
service requires that a customer's water glass is always full. Bring your pitcher over and
refill their glasses. As you are doing so, inquire if they need any other sodas or beverages
and if they need additional ordering or food with their meal.

4 . Be polite, courteous and always offer a smile. You never know who is going to be the
big tipper of the night. The most vocal customer might be the cheapest and the guy who
seems to be frowning may just toss you $100 on a $50 tab. You just never know. Approach
each table as if they are your own family.

5. Inform the customer if there are not free refills on soda. Many restaurants make a lot of money on
soda. They sell their food for cheap and then bank on the customer spending money on 4 or 5
sodas just by having them refilled. If this is your restaurant's policy, then it is your duty to inform
them as a waiter. It'll save you from an unpleasant conversation when they receive their bill.

How to Say Goodbye as a Waiter

One of the most important parts about being a waiter or waitress is having a great personality and
showing that you are personable with the customers. Your job is important--as is getting great tips. When
you say goodbye to your customers, it is crucial to leave a lasting positive impression.


1. Make small talk during your time waiting on your customers. This will leave you with a
good way to say goodbye when it is time for them to leave. Without being nosy, ask during
the meal what kinds of plans they have for the week or where they are traveling.

2 . Show off your smile. When you arrive at the customers' table, during service, and when
you say goodbye to them. Your smile should be genuine and contagious. If your customers
see that you are happy with them, they will be happy with you and leave a good tip.

3.Ask the customers if they expect to return to your restaurant in the near future. If the customers
say that they do, insist that they ask for you to be their waiter so that you can enjoy their company

4. Compliment the customers on their table manners, especially if they have children.
When you say goodbye, make sure that you also tell them that their children were very
well behaved. Parents like to hear this.

5. Say goodbye in a cheerful manner and tell the customers to have a special day together.

How to Pour Wine at the Table as a Waiter

Pouring wine as a waiter isn't as simple as pouring any other drink. It requires some pomp and
circumstance. There is an entire routine that you and the customer go through. Follow these steps to pour
wine at the table as a waiter.


Things You'll Need

 Wine bottle
 Corkscrew
 Cloth napkin
 Ice bucket and stand

1. Fill an ice bucket with ice if the customer ordered a white or blush wine that needs to be
kept cold. Carry the bucket and stand to the side of the table and place them there.

2 . Drape a cloth napkin on your arm. Grab the bottle of wine from storage or from the
bar. Make sure you have your corkscrew in your pocket.

3 . Bring the wine bottle to the table. Stand next to the person who ordered it. Present the
label to them so they can approve it.

4.Use your corkscrew to open the bottle while standing at the table. Act with care and open it

5 . Cut around the foil protection. Put the foil in your pocket. Screw into the cork and
slowly remove the cork. Place it on the table so the person who ordered it can smell it.

6 . Pour a small amount of wine in the glass of the person who ordered it. They will swirl
it around in the glass and taste it. Wait for their approval.

7. Give wine to everyone at the table who wants it. End with the person who ordered it.
Wrap the napkin around the wine bottle and either place it in the wine bucket or on the
table to breathe.

Tips & Warnings

 Pay attention to the person ordering the wine bottle from the wine list. Make sure you get it
exactly right because you'll be opening it before it gets to the table.

How to Pour Wine Properly

Most people don't know the proper way to pour wine. If you are considering a job as a waiter or
sommelier (wine steward), you must learn to serve wine in a precise manner. Those throwing a dinner
party in their home can add a touch of elegance to the event by pouring wine properly. Use a variation of
these waiters' guidelines for serving wine at home, substituting the "host" with your guest of honor.

Things You'll Need

 Corkscrew with attached knife

 Pocket knife (optional)
 Clean napkin
 Small silver plate (optional)
 Wine glasses
 Ice bucket (if serving white or sparkling wine)

1. Select the proper glasses for the wine.

Set the table with the appropriate glasses, whether serving a single wine or several. Use
tulip glasses (tall, tapered, narrow-brimmed) for white wines; rounded or Rhine glasses for
red wines (bulbous, short; for the fanatic, varieties for specific red wines exist), and fluted
glasses (tall, very narrow-brimmed) for sparkling wines such as champagne.

2. Present the wine to the table, label first, for the host's approval.
3. Use the knife on the corkscrew (if it does not have one, use a pocket knife) to cut the foil wrapper
below the lip on the spout of the bottle. Remove the foil and place it in your pocket. Wipe the
bottle's top with a clean napkin.
4. A quality corkscrew can prevent cork bits from dropping into the wine.

Remove the cork with the corkscrew. Twist the corkscrew into the cork only deep enough
that the final twist remains visible; this way it won't penetrate into the bottle and deposit
bits of cork into the wine.

5. Leave the cork by the host's right hand for inspection for damage or mold, preferably resting it on
a small silver plate. The host may sniff the cork for the scent of vinegar, though you can't judge
the quality of a wine by sniffing a cork.
6. Pour approximately one ounce of wine into the host's glass for him to sample and approve.
7. Serve wine in the proper order.

Pour for the women first, starting with the eldest, going around the table in a clockwise
manner, then the men in the same fashion, serving the host last. Fill the glass about
halfway and twist the bottle when done pouring to prevent dripping.

8. Keep leftover white or sparkling wine properly chilled.

Have an ice bucket on the table if serving white or sparkling wines, to keep remaining
wine chilled. If any red wine remains in the bottle following pouring, leave the bottle on
the table.

Tips & Warnings

 Pour red and white wines into the center of the glass for the best presentation (it will initially
splash about the glass attractively), but pour champagne and other sparkling wines into a tilted
glass and against the side to preserve the bubbles.

How to Pour Wine for a Table

Use proper etiquette to pour wine at a table.

Etiquette dictates how to pour wine for a table. The bottle is to be opened at the table. The wine host, who
ordered the wine, is to be poured a small amount to sample the wine. The host's approval triggers the
pouring of the wine for the rest of the guests. Serve an acknowledged guest of honor first. Follow by
serving the ladies next, clockwise around the table. Finish with the gentleman, also clockwise around the
table. Should the table include more than eight guests, the waiter may serve clockwise around the table,
regardless of gender.

Things You'll Need

 Army knife corkscrew

 Wine glasses

1. Insert the knife from the corkscrew into the foil at the middle of the wine bottle's drip ring.
Slice around the circumference of the bottle neck. Remove the foil.
2. Insert the tip of the corkscrew into the center of the cork. Turn the corkscrew five times. Do not
break through the bottom of the cork.
3. Hold the bottle in one hand. Pull the corkscrew's lever with the free hand. Ease the cork out.
4. Stand over the right shoulder of the wine host. Turn the bottle so the label faces the host. Bring the
bottle to the glass and pour a small sample. Twist the bottle over the glass to avoid drips. Allow
for the host to approve the bottle or send it back.
5. Move to an acknowledged guest of honor. Stand over the person's right shoulder. Turn the bottle
so the label faces the guest. Bring the bottle to the glass. Fill the glass between halfway and two
fingers' width before the rim. Twist the bottle over the glass to avoid drips.

6 . Move clockwise to the first female guest. Stand over her right shoulder. Turn the bottle
so the label faces the guest. Bring the bottle to the glass. Fill the glass between halfway
and two fingers' width before the rim. Twist the bottle over the glass to avoid drips. Move
clockwise around the table, filling each female guest's glass in this fashion.

6. Move clockwise to the first male guest. Stand over his right shoulder. Turn the bottle so the label
faces the guest. Bring the bottle to the glass. Fill the glass between halfway and two fingers' width
before the rim. Twist the bottle over the glass to avoid drips. Move clockwise around the table
filling the glass of each remaining guest in this fashion.

Tips & Warnings

 If there are more than five or six guests, says you may suggest to the host that
another bottle is in order. Whatever the decision, you should ensure that all guests receive a nearly
equal amount--even if doing so means that guests receive less than a normal pour.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Waiter

A good waiter can earn a 20 percent tip.

Food-service workers perform an important job that is always in demand. Waiters at restaurants have a
responsibility to serve the customers' needs during the time they are in the restaurant. A waiter's salary is
typically made up of a small hourly rate of pay and customer gratuity, so it is financially advantageous for
a waiter to know how to properly serve customers.

1. Greeting Customers
o In some restaurants, a host or hostess greets customers and takes them to their tables. Other
restaurants, however, require the waiter to greet and seat guests before serving them.
2. Offering and Serving Beverages and Appetizers
o Upon the arrival of a group of customers, the waiter should offer beverages and appetizers.
The waiter should be knowledgeable about the various soft drinks, wines and spirits the
establishment offers, as well as the appetizers on the menu. The waiter places the orders
and delivers the drinks and appetizers to the customers.
3. Taking and Serving Meal Orders
o One of the waiter's main duties is taking and delivering food orders. The waiter must be
able to discuss the daily specials as well as the restaurant's regular menu items. A waiter
should be extremely familiar with the entire menu, including which entrees come with side
4. Continued Service
o After the meal has been delivered, the waiter pays attention to the needs of the table, re-
filling drinks, taking away soiled dishes and offering napkins or other amenities the
establishment offers.
5. Delivering the Check and Accepting Payment
o The waiter totals the guest check and takes it to the customer. He also accepts payment
when it is not done by a cashier and must be aware of the accepted forms of payment.
Waiters usually receive a tip of 18 percent to 20 percent of the total check. Whatever the
tip may be, the waiter should accept it graciously.

Duties & Responsibilities of a Captain Waiter

1. A captain waiter is the head server in a restaurant.

The 2008 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that nearly 2.3 million waiters and
waitresses were employed in restaurants, casinos, banquet halls and hospitality facilities.
The person who oversees these servers is the captain waiter, or head waiter. In addition to
serving duties, this individual performs a myriad of other tasks to ensure those patronizing
the establishment receive flawless and expedient customer service.

2. Serving
o Foremost, a captain waiter is a food and beverage server. As such, he or she must be
familiar with the menu, wine list and, if applicable, entertainment offerings presented by
the establishment. Depending on the size of the restaurant, captain waiters may not be
required to serve customers on a daily basis, although they must be ready to do so at a
moment's notice in emergency situations. In this capacity, the captain waiter greets
customers sitting in his station, serves beverages and informs customers of the specialties
of the day. After taking their order to the kitchen, he brings the customers' food to the
table. Throughout the meal, the captain waiter checks in on the diners, answering and
resolving any issues that have arisen.
3. Staff Management
o A captain waiter oversees the team of waiters and waitresses who are assigned to her shift.
When new servers are hired, she trains them on a variety of subjects such as facility
policies, processes for serving customers and any other corporate initiatives. As supervisor,
she enforces those policies, identifying those staffers who are negligent, providing
warnings, re-training and recommending termination to the general manager as needed.
Additionally, she ensures that all time schedules are adhered to, monitoring the attendance
of the wait staff.
4. Liaison
o Throughout the course of a shift, a captain waiter acts as liaison between the kitchen staff
and servers. When the kitchen runs out of ingredients or dishes that are listed on the menu,
the captain communicates that information to staff members so they may offer alternatives
to customers. Additionally, he communicates any customer concerns to the chef and
kitchen staff.

The Job Duties of a Waiter

1. The waiter does more than just take your order and bring out the food.

Waiting tables in a restaurant may not sound like a job that involves a lot of responsibility;
however, anyone who has worked in the restaurant business can tell you that the waiter
does a lot more than just write down the order and bring out the food. The waiter is busy

before the guests walk in until long after they leave. There is always something to do for
the wait staff, and management will hold them to it. The next time you dine out, take a
moment to appreciate all that your server does for your enjoyment.

2. Customer Service
o Customer service is job one for the waiter. The waiter is the face of the restaurant as far as
the guests are concerned. He greets the guests and escorts them to the table in some
restaurants and is generally responsible for getting them anything they need during the
meal and keeping them happy with friendly conversation and good humor.
3. Recommendations
o Before the guests order their meals, the waiter is often required to describe the specials of
the day or make recommendations from the menu based on the information he can gather
from the party. These recommendations may be predetermined by management. The chef
or manager may need to move an overstock of fish to avoid waste and instruct the waiters
to recommend the fish with enthusiasm to every table. In other instances, the waiter may
use his own judgment to recommend what he truly believes the guests will enjoy the most.
4. Order Taking
o Waiters are responsible for taking down orders and getting them right. With an increasing
number of diners who choose to avoid certain foods, more awareness about allergies and
the general pickiness of the dining public, the orders are often going to require
modification from the specific menu preparations. Listening to the orders, writing them
down, repeating them to the customers to verify the accuracy and then relaying that
message to the kitchen is a process that, if not done correctly, can seriously damage the
impression left on the guests and could cost the waiter in gratuity. In addition to taking the
order, entering it into a computer system or hand writing a ticket in a way that properly
communicates the order to the kitchen can be tricky.
5. Food Delivery
o The waiter is the last person to see the entrees before they reach the table. This is the last
opportunity to make sure the food looks right and is presented well before delivery. The
waiter then picks up the order and walks it to the correct table carefully and tries to place
the correct dishes in front of the right guests by memory. If he cannot do this, he will have
to ask who had what.
6. Collecting Payment
o At the conclusion of the meal the waiter in a typical restaurant drops off a ticket and comes
back to collect payment. The waiter must be able to make change from his personal bank if
the payment is in cash and should have the knowledge of how to run credit cards if
7. Cleaning
o Any time the waiter is not busy with a guest, there is always cleaning to do. It is very
important that a restaurant remains as clean as possible for health reasons and for
reputation purposes. Restaurants without bus people require the waiter to clean his own
tables and take the dishes to the dishwashing area. The waiter then resets the table and

keeps the immediate area clean.

How to Be a Head Waiter

You can get a job as a head waiter with the right serving experience and leadership qualities.

Restaurants, from all sorts of establishments in various locations around the world, often seek out
prospective head waiters to fill necessary positions. Head waiters lead customers to their tables and serve
them, but unlike regular waiters they also oversee the work and performance of other serving staff.
Additionally, head waiters usually have the authority to delegate tasks to other waiters. Some head
waiters even help create menus and plan banquet events as well. Since the food and restaurant industry is
constantly buzzing with growth, there may be room for you to get hired as a head waiter. A head waiter's
salary can vary, but the average annual salary sits around $29,000 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor


1. Obtain working experience as a waiter. Head waiters almost always have prior work
experience as a junior waiter, busboy or serving staff member before being promoted or
hired as a head waiter. You may be required to work in a lower-end serving staff position
for a number of months up to a few years before gaining sufficient experience to be
considered for hire as a head waiter.

2 . Obtain a high school level education at the very least. No formal education is required
for becoming a head waiter, but managers and restaurant owners do look at your level of
education as part of the hiring process just like any other job. Most head waiters have a
high school diploma at the very least, and it helps to have a college or university as well,
especially if you can specialize in culinary arts or restaurant management.

3.Obtain customer service experience. You can get experience in customer service through any
other customer-related job, through an existing serving job or through participating in non-profit
groups and clubs. Head waiters are required to be customer-oriented, friendly and helpful to all
customers while on the job.

4. Practice refining your leadership skills. You can do this by taking up the responsibility
to plan and oversee a local club gathering, group event or meeting in your local area. Head
waiters need to know how to multitask, make quick decisions and operate under stressful
and fast-paced conditions.

5. Develop good communication skills and memorization skills. You can do this through
team building exercises, working in groups and participating in memorization skill games.
Head waiters are required to actively communicate with both customers and junior waiters
as well as memorize menus and customer orders as part of the job.

6. Ensure that you are ready to undertake the physical demands of being a head waiter.
Head waiters spend much of their time working on their feet and balancing trays. Consider
getting more active physically and practice balancing trays at home so you can keep up
with the demanding conditions.

7. Apply to restaurants as a head waiter. Highlight your experience, education and best
skills in terms of serving and leadership.

How to Use a Waiter's Corkscrew

Corkscrews come in various forms: winged, air pump, two-pronged, lever, twisting and waiter's. The
easiest to use is the waiter's corkscrew. It is one thin piece about four inches long and has a worm, a lever
and a foil cutter. Opening a bottle of wine using a waiter's corkscrew takes a little practice. Once you
master it, every wine bottle you open will be done with grace and ease.


1. Position the bottle properly on a smooth, non-slip surface.

2. Cut the foil. Waiter's corkscrews have two types of foil cutters. One type has two small metal
wheels and the other has a small knife, either serrated or not, that is run along the top lip of the
wine bottle to cut the foil.

3 . Insert the worm (the metal spiral) into the cork in the center or slightly off center. Keep
twisting the corkscrew until the worm is completely inserted into the cork.

4.Place the lever on the lip of the wine bottle.

5. Pull the corkscrew straight up. The body of the corkscrew will be at an angle once the
worm is inserted into the cork. Using the palm of your hand pull the corkscrew straight up
toward the ceiling.

6. Stop pulling. Once you notice the corkscrew beginning to bend stop lifting. Some of the
cork will still be in the bottle.

7. Remove the remaining cork manually. Wrap your hand around the cork and wiggle it

Tips & Warnings

 Don't worry about synthetic corks. These types of corks rarely break, so you can pull them out
completely with a waiter's corkscrew even if they begin to bend.
 If the cork breaks, remove the broken cork from the worm and gently insert it back into the broken
 Be careful not to push down on a broken cork. This will result in the cork falling into the wine

 Make sure the worm is inserted properly. If it is too far to either side the cork will more than
likely break.
 If you do not cut the foil completely, remove the remaining foil by hand carefully. The foil will cut
your fingers if you are careless.

Welcome to,or the "Lost Art of Waitering" website. It is ground zero for all things
culinary from a service standpoint.

As any seasoned fine dining professional will attest, communication is the key,followed closely by
product knowledge. Whether describing food, wine, or spirits...or performing tableside food service tasks,
facility with language will come into play. Speaking well is so elemental, it is often taken for granted.
Don't. Cultivation of this ability can easily help you earn upwards of $40,000 or more.

The concept, though not simple is basic. All one needs to ask is: How would I treat a guest in my home or
how would I like to be treated as a guest? Everything else is polish.

As a waiter you are in the hospitality business and will be providing service for which you receive 15-
20% gratuities or "tips"(acronym: to insure prompt/proper service) based on the total of bill. Similarly
you are a guest of my website and will decide what this information is worth to you after completion.
Since there is no bill, let's assume it at $100.00 (dinner for two), and since you will receive exemplary
service(in my humble opinion) 20% would be $20.00. However as in the marketplace that's at your
discretion and I thank you in advance for whatever is sent; be it more or less. However, don't let the
prospect of payment hamper your journey. Unlike other commercial sites, I will share all needed
information with you BEFORE any remittance, and you determine the value. Feel free to browse through
all the links and pages at your leisure.

We will approach this endeavour as if you are a novice and have just been hired. You have two
weeks(don't burn bridges with your previous employer, you may not like this place!) before you start.
Obtain a copy of the menu and winelist. If the establishment doesn't serve wine,you might want to rethink
this choice to a more upscale venue. While reviewing the menu, keep aware of things like what the check
average might be. In other words, how much does the average guest spend here. Ideally, an average of at
least $40.00 per person is desirable, focus on quality not quantity! Notice how the menu is laid out, in
terms of creativity and/or simplicity. This is a direct reflection of the chef and his culinary vision.
Speaking of the chef; who is he/she?,what credentials, experience,schooling etc. does the chef possess.
This can be an invaluable guide in determing which venue to choose.

You will need to compile a reference "library" of sorts for personal use. In general I recommend:

- Mr Boston: Official Bartender's and Party Guide;

- The Professional Chef/Larousse Gastronomique;
- The New Southeby's Wine Encyclopedia;
- Food in History.

A word of caution; the culinary world is vast and many faceted and there's no way you'll be able to digest
everything in 2 weeks, so don't get intimidated. I've been a waiter(and still am) over 25 years and I'm still

However,you will need to learn your menu! Product knowledge is key, from "soup to nuts" as one saying
goes. Omit nothing. If it's not on the menu, get it from the chef. Write down any unanswered questions
you may have.


If any of these items are unfamiliar, look them up! Once you finally get to see them presented it will all
fall in place, so relax and enjoy the process.


In general these are examples of some of the essential behind the scenes tasks performed before
opening,and after closing which vary from venue to venue.

Back of the House:

assorted underliner plates
bread and butter prep
flatware and stemware
service trays and trayjacks, service carts
carryout containers etc.

Front of the House:

table setting and polishing

salt and peppers
floor/seat/chair inspection
general dusting
side station set-up


One of the last things done before opening is when the chef will describe any specialty items, soup of the
day etc., being featured for the evening. Listen closely for any unfamiliar ingredients, processes,
preparations,etc, and get a clear understanding. With all that said, LET'S WAIT TABLES!

The Greeting/Introduction

This is the most crucial contact you will have is with the guest, for this is where the tone is set. You must
attend the table as quickly as possible, and here is where the opportunity to "read" the table is made
readily apparent.Introduce yourself along with a proper salutation, prior to taking the beverage order.
Learn to listen and observe. Are they discussing business, is this a celebration, are they unwinding after a
busy day, or do they just wish a pleasant dinner.Whatever the case you must glean the tenor of their
needs. Even when busy, you must at least find the time to acknowledge their presence, and let them know
you will be with them as soon as possible.

DINING EXPERIENCE. You are a non-entity, and they are GUESTS. They are ladies and gentlemen,
not" folks", "you guys", or "you all. Remain polite and cordial,but not overly familiar.

My rule of thumb is: If it's not a menu item, we shouldn't be discussing it. As time passes, you will have
repeat guests that become "regulars/requests" and the above parameters will ease a bit. During this first
contact with the guest, you will need to ascertain whether or not there are time constraints, if they want to
relax awhile with their beverages,or move right on to appetizers or dinner.

The specialties need to be described,recommendations made, if they wish, as well as a brief overview of
the menu in terms of what comes with the entrees,and any other available options i.e., a la
carte(unincluded) items like soups, sides etc. Mentally, you are a WAITER(you too ladies), a waiter
attends the guest,and sells via product knowledge. You are not a SERVER (although for ease of reference
you may be referred to as such), a server just takes orders!

When describing "specialties/features", I visualize an empty plate and work my way up, with respect to
its' contents. I include any preparation details given by the chef.

The Process

Cocktails/apperitifs/beverages are the first items served after greeting the guest. This can change if the
guest opts to peruse the menu,deciding on a complementary wine. Serving ladies first is preferred,
especially during a formal dinner.

In most cases, dinner is served in 5 courses, excluding cocktails, after dinner drinks and formal dinners
with more than one entree.
Appetizer, soup, salad, entree,and dessert. Guests having like courses should be served together.
The exception will be if a guest wants soup or salad or some variable thereof with which to start their

When serving food, it should be to the guests left with the left hand,and the plate rotated in a way the
protein(as opposed to the veggie or starch) is closest to the guest. Beverages are served from the right
with the right hand, the rule being, whichever hand is the least intrusive,and makes your body most open
to the guest is preferred, backhanded serving is hackish.

Soiled plates are cleared from the right. Whether handling stemware,flatware,china etc. one should only
touch the stems,handles or rims respectively. In the case of glassware with no handle, by the center of the
glass or lower.Coffee/tea/espresso/cappucino service, handle loop should be between 3:00-5:00 o'clock
with respect to the guest.

In most fine dining venues, there is,or should be a reference point from which a guests position number is
determined. It may be the seat closest to the kitchen, or when facing a specific direction in the dining
room. Where ever it is, the order proceeds clockwise from that point,or the first seat to the left. All items
consumed must be in the right seat number, thus, someone other than you may serve the table when the
need arises.

Floor Courtesy

Courtesy should be extended foremost to the guest, but also to co-workers as well.

When walking through the dining room, the guest always has the right of way. A simple "good evening"
or pleasant expression upon eye contact can go a long way in making a guest feel at ease. Look for
telltales signs of a patron looking around as if possibly in need of assisstance. FIND OUT WHAT IS
NEEDED,rather than just telling the waiter they're wanted.

In the instance of co-workers, and due to the inherent sense of urgency,courtesy must be maintained.

When walking through the aisleways, always stay to the right as if driving a car. Yield the right of way to
waiters carrying food. NEVER DUCK UNDER A FOOD TRAY. One should move with alacrity, but
never look hurried; this tends to make diners uneasy.

When passing a waiter whose back is toward you, the verbal caution of "behind you" should be spoken. A
similar caution should be used when turning blind corners i.e. "corner" or "coming around".

This completes my general synopsis, but is in no way exhaustive. There are still any number of subtle
nuances to be explored. This is where the "artistic" aspect of waiting comes into play. A lot of the process
is subjective, and depends on personal experience. Some approaches are regional, some may be
international. But the basics remain the same, and the beauty is: these skills can go with you anywhere.

Proven Tips, Tools and Tactics of Great Waiters for Novices. Pt.1.

Congratulations! You've been hired, As a novice you may be asking yourself "now what do you do?".
Well now is when you consciously decide to excel. You ask yourself: "how do I become a great waiter?"

Even more importantly, "what is great?". What skills should I possess?; here are some tips.
- Confidence;
- Good communication skills;
- Organized thinking;
- Mannerable;
- Affable, efficient;
- Enjoy working with the public;
- Thick skinned;
- Be a team player;
- Available for any shifts;
- Basic math skills;
- Stamina.

Here's a few more tips.

1. Keep your uniform in excellent condition - ironed, stain-free and neat,

creased pants,polished shoes.

2. Leave personal problems at home, or at least not at work.

3. Never sit around. If you have nothing to do, stand on your station, there's nothing worse
than a hostess or manager having to find you when you've been seated.

Tools of the trade:

- Pens and notepad;

- Wine key;
- Cigarette lighter;
- Crumber(if applicable).

So what else makes a waiter great. In my experience, that depends on who you ask. After
all is said and done, it boils down to two categories. Guests and co-workers. Although, in
the final analysis the guest is paramount, your first exposure will be to co-workers, so we'll
deal with them first.

On your first day, you'll probably be assigned to a "trainer" whom you will follow in
order to see how things are done. You should be given some kind of tour or overview of
the restaurant, with respect to info you need to be familiar with. This is your training
period, and varies from unit to unit depending on the service level to be performed.

You may be given materials comprised of menu items, wine list--by the glass and by the
bottle. There may also be a basic liquor and beer list, after dinner liqueurs, dessert etc.
Depending on your experience, you may be familiar with a lot of this, but if not don't
worry, ask questions, and the rest will come in time.

While training, be aware of details as you follow your trainer.Observe the food
presentation, and develop within yourself how you would best describe it. Listen for
exceptions, and write them down for follow up when time permits. A lot of
items/preparations may be available just not listed.

Try to anticipate what your trainer may need without being intrusive. Display an eagerness
to learn and be helpful. You may even want to use the tactic of asking if he/she minds if
you perform certain tasks when the need arises,i.e. greeting a new table, taking a drink
order, delivering food and so forth.

Table maintenance is another often overlooked aspect of a great waiter that is crucial.
Empty glasses,soiled plates and flatware should be cleared per course, and replaced with
mis-en-place(settings) for the next course. In upscale dining rooms, one should wait until
all diners are done, as opposed to clearing piecemeal, unless of course at the guest's

Be aware of mis-en-place, in this case tools for performing various aspects of service.
Examples would be wine carts, decanters, coasters etc. for wine service, or items needed
for french/tableside service.

From bosses to dishwashers, always be courteous. As the new kid on the block, keep your
opinions and non restaurant related conversations to a minimum. Let your trainer or
manager be your problem solver if the need arises. This is a prudent approach for your
own benefit, as it will help prevent the impression of you being a bad fit.

How to be a good waiter

1. The kitchen is your home base. Every sortie should encompass three things: (1) bring something
from the kitchen to a table, (2) collect information from a customer, and (3) return something from
a table back to the kitchen. Making each sortie a three-part trip effectively triples your efficiency,
and you will suddenly discover you can cover many more tables, with better service, and less
2. Your most important skill is your peripheral vision. Get in the habit of always looking around;
you never know who might be signaling you, and for what. Peripheral vision is especially
necessary when you are in a hurry, because there are few things more aggravating to the diner than
having his or her waiter zoom past obliviously on the way to some other assignment.

3. Periodically make a circuit of the room past each table. Don't stop and hover; just slow briefly
and glance at each table to give its diners a chance to catch your eye if they want something.
4. Be friendly but not intrusive. Let the customer define the relationship. Some customers want
speed; others want to slow down. Some are extroverts who want to talk with you; others are
animatedly absorbed in their own conversation and do not want to be distracted; still others are
contemplative and just want quiet. Adapt your style to theirs.
5. Be helpful. You are the expert who knows the menu; the customer is the neophyte. But in being
helpful, do not condescend; customers should be presumed to be ignorant but intelligent
(regardless of contrary evidence).
6. Convey a sense that you are having a good time. Customers' moods are influenced by their
waiter's moods.
7. If asked for advice about the menu, be accurate. Make recommendations as if you were advising
your best friend how to find the best value. Don't encourage a diner to have something you think
will disappoint him or her.
8. If you pass a table whose diners need something but you are too busy to stop, acknowledge them
and say you will be right back. People wait much more patiently when they have been

How to Be a Successful Waiter

The waiter (and waitress as well, but for convenience we are lumping everyone into one term) are the
face of any food and beverage establishment. These men and women are on the front line any restaurant
and the services they offer. One could argue that the services of a waiter are even more important (or at
least as important) as the food that is served. As such, it the success of any food and beverage
establishment is dependent on the quality services that its waiters provide.

Because waiters are an integral facet of the business operation of a food and beverage establishment, there
duties in regards to guest service should be thoroughly detailed in a restaurant SOP (service operating
policy). The restaurant SOP should cover the following points and much more.

A Successful Waiter Will...

 Be confident and friendly. Smile at guests and engage in useful conversation. Avoid personal
talk, as guests are there to enjoy themselves and not help you through personal problems.
 Be accurate. Make sure you repeat everyone's order back to them to ensure that you have it right.
Nothing frustrates a guest more than to have their order messed up and the delays that result.
 Ensure guest satisfaction. After you deliver food to guests, take a few moments before leaving to
make sure that everything is to the guest's satisfaction. If drinks need to be refilled this is a good
opportunity to do so. Also, check back in periodically to make sure that the guests have everything
that they need.
 Not hover. While you want to make yourself available if the guest requires your services, once
you have checked on them and they have everything they need, allow them to enjoy their meal.
 Keep an eye on guests. In connection with the last point, while you don't want to hover over
guests, you do want to be within eye contact so that if they signal you or otherwise want to get

your attention, you will be able to respond quickly.
 Rush guests. Do not give the impression that you are rushing guests by asking if they are ready of
their check or asking if they are finished eating. Instead, allow guests to signal when they are done
and ready to pay for their meal.

 In addition to following the above duties, waiters should have a few common characteristics
that allow for consistent success:

Attributes of a Good Waiter

 A good waiter is tactful.

 A good waiter is responsible.
 A good waiter possesses round knowledge of an establishment's services and products.
 A good waiter pays attention to details.
 A good waiter is well dressed.

This is only a small sample of what the attributes and traits that comprise a good waiter or waitress that
should be found in a restaurant SOP. For a restaurant manager, having personnel with these skills and
characteristics is paramount for success. Much of this can be instilled with proper training. In addition
to a restaurant SOP, every establishment should have a restaurant training guide that outlines procedures
that allows food and beverage management to impart needed skills to personnel. Our ebooks, are terrific
resources for establishing your own restaurant SOP and training procedures.

A major key for success in the food and beverage industry is knowledge. Don't find yourself behind the
eight ball! With our informative eBooks (most of which are free!), you will have all the informative
resources you need to not only manage your business, but enhance it. Visit to learn more about how to make your food and beverage operation a booming success.

Guide for Waiters and Waitresses to Maximize Tip Revenue


I have basically had to support myself since the age of 18. I had the opportunity to attend college with
financial support from my parents, but I did not apply myself and lost my financial support. I started
waiting tables to help make ends meet. My first few jobs waiting tables were unsatisfactory. I did not earn
enough money and I had to bust my butt to make it through the day.

I eventually got a job waiting tables at popular restaurant in my area called the Crazy Cajun. It was here
that I finally started figuring out how to be successful at waiting tables. I was regularly the pulling the
highest tips night after night. Regulars knew me by name and asked to be seated in my sections when I
was on shift. In all, I’ve probably spent just under 10 years in the food service industry (either waiting
tables or managing restaurants).

I eventually managed to apply myself in college and earn a degree in Industrial Hygiene. I promptly left
the food service industry for a Safety, Health, and Environmental Supervisor position in the chemical

However, 10 years of experience have left their mark on me and my husband suggested that I write this
book as a service to everyone just starting out waiting tables. He got tired of me critiquing our waitservers
every time we go out to eat. He says that instead of complaining about bad service, I should do something
constructive. So, now you get the benefit of my experience.


Waiting tables can be a tough and rewarding experience. Like most any endeavor in life, you get out of it
what you put into it. However, as with the 80/20 rule (80% of the rewards are realized with just 20% of
the effort), the attention to detail on the tips included in this book will maximize your tip income with
very little extra effort.

The tips included in this book will make stand out from ordinary waitstaff. You will become a wonderful
server in the eyes of your patrons.

When John and Martha consider going out for dinner, you want them to first consider you. “Let’s get that
girl, Stacy to wait on us”, Martha will say after they get going.

John replies, “Is she the girl that waited on us last time?” / “Yes.”

“Yeah, I think she did a good job last time too.”

“I think if we ask for her, they will seat us in her section.” Says, Martha.

Remember the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Think about how
you would like to be treated when you dine out and treat the people you are going to wait on that way too.

What follows are more specific tips of do’s and don’t’s that I have gleaned over the years.

Finding the Right Job

First of all, you need to consider the potential for any job that you are or will be working at. Restaurant
selection, available work shifts, and other factors can make a huge difference in your tips regardless of
your abilities. Here are some things to consider:

Restaurant Selection

In general, the more upscale the restaurant, the better your opportunites will be for earning large tips.
However, you can also make good tips working at more mainstream restaurants with high
volume/turnover. If you don’t already know where a restaurant stands in these terms, you can usually
figure it out by checking these criteria:


What is the average cost per person for a typical meal? This will have a direct bearing on your tip
potential as most patrons base tips on percentage of the total bill. While it is not unusual for wonderful
servers to receive tips far in excess of 20% of the total bill, patrons of upscale restaurants are generally
more inclined to reward good service. It is good to pick a restaurant where the menu prices are high.

Parking Lot

You do not want to see an empty parking lot with no cars in it. However, you also do not want to see
people fighting for parking spots so they can go into the mall and check out the nearest sale.

What you want to see, is people vying for parking spaces, so they can go in and eat (even waiting in a line
if they have to). There should be cars parked neatly, and the building should be easy to get to from any


When you get into the parking lot, be sure that it is clean too. By clean, I mean well kept. If it isn’t clean,
then you have a problem. Check for trash (you don’t want to see any).

Something I’ve found is that people give more money to waiters that work in nice places. Winding
sidewalks from the parking lot, nice landscaping, interior decorating, lighting and furniture can all
contribute to the ambiance for the dining experience.

Look for restaurants that pay attention to these details. If people don’t like the food or their experience
from beginning to end, they will not like giving you money either.

You should also talk to the current waitstaff at the restaurant and see how much money they make on an
average shift. Of course, this will not necessarily apply to you (you should make more than most of them
with the tips you learn in this book), but it should give you an idea of the general potential.

Try to avoid restaurants offering buffets. Customers do not tip well when they serve themselves.

Also try to avoid restaurants that have television sets in the dining areas. TVs distract diners and can
cause people to sit at tables too long. Slow turnover cuts into your profit potential.

Work Shifts

The day of the week can have a huge impact on your tip potential. Generally, new waitstaff are given the
worst work shifts and waitstaff with seniority are given the better work shifts, however, wonderful servers
can earn their way into the prime time work shifts faster. So which shifts are “prime time”?

Saturday night is the best shift to work if you get to pick your hours. This is when people feel the most
generous, and when most people can get off and go out to eat together. Friday night is also very good.

Comparatively speaking, Friday and Saturday nights are the two best work shifts of the week.

If you get your choice, the night shift will make more money for you for most restaurants. Dinner on most
menus, is more expensive than lunch. The night shift is usually from 5 PM (or sometimes 4 PM) until
whenever the place closes (typically 10 PM where I live). Monday night is the worst night shift, with
money (tips) getting better as the week progresses.

The same goes for lunch. Except, remember to expect less money to begin with, during the lunch shift.
Monday lunch shift really stinks, and Friday lunch shift is usually pretty good, comparatively speaking.
Most people get off work for lunch between 11 AM and 12 PM, during the week, so that’s when
restaurants expect customers. The lunch hour is usually from 11 AM to 2 PM - just three busy hours with
tip potential compared to 5-6 hours on a typical night shift.

Now… what does one do with that little space of time between 2 O’clock and 4 O’clock? Most places
save that time for catching up after the lunch shift. People find themselves rolling silverware, and doing
things that they didn’t have time to do before. This is because there are no customers (usually) to be
waited on and always other things to do.

Other Considerations


Weather conditions have much to do with how people eat (and where and when.) For example, most
people aren’t going to want hot soup in the middle of June. And there are people out there who will be
fighting for the same in January. Be sure that your menu offers attractive selection during all weather

Try to schedule sunny weather shifts when given the opportunity over rainy weather shifts. Keep up with
local weather forecasts prior to setting the shift schedule for the week. Restaurants are usually less busy
when its raining outside.

Monthly Cycle

January through February is the slowest time of all. This is the time when waiting tables is not nearly as
lucrative as it could be. People are usually broke from Christmas, so they don’t have as much money for

March, April and May are a little better. Spring is setting in and people are usually enjoying the season.

June, July and August is the best time to start waiting tables. This is the hottest time of year, as well as the
time when people love to dine out. Expect them to be freer with their wallets during the summer. Also,
notice that many people will be on vacation during this time of year, and will give bigger tips than people
who dine at the restaurant regularly.

Starting in September, tip potential starts declining as most people start their Christmas shopping. Not to
mention the fact that school starts and most families get into more of a routine eating at home.

Waiting Do’s

Tip #1 - Introduce Yourself the Right Way

Description: Always introduce yourself promptly when customers are seated in your section. When you
are introducing yourself, always look at the people that are sitting at the table, in the eyes.

If you hand the menus out, hand the child’s menu(s) out first. While you are handing out the menus, make
sure your customers have enough silverware, and that it is the appropriate kind they will be using. Also
make sure enough napkins are provided.

Reason: Always make the customer feel as if they are cared about. This way, they will come back and
ask for you. There is almost nothing worse than making a customer wait too long for anything. Prompt
service is always appreciated.

Maintaining eye contact with people when you are talking to them (or when they are talking to you)
shows them that they have your undivided attention. It also shows that you are confident in what you are
doing and this helps customers to view you in a favorable light.

Tip #2 - Know the Menu

Description: You should know the menu inside and out. Are substitutions allowed? Does this dish contain
any dairy ingredients? What’s fresh? What is your favorite? Memorize the menu items. Know their
ingredients and how they are prepared. Be clear on what you personally like and what is most popular
with customers.

Reason: Not every customer that sits at your table knows what they want or can eat anything on the
menu. When customers ask for suggestions, they will appreciate a confident and quick reply detailing
what you like and what is popular with customers. Customers who are allergic to certain foods will almost
always reward you if you help them avoid problem ingredients - especially if you can substitute an
ingredient on a desired dish instead of forcing them to choose something else.

Customer: I’ll have the Penne Puttanesca and a house salad please. I’d like a Balsamic vinaigrette
dressing and no cheese on the salad.

Wonderful Server: OK. The chef usually puts Parmesan cheese on the Penne Puttanesca even though it is
not mentioned on the menu. Would you like for me to instruct him to hold the cheese on the pasta too?

Customer: Yes, please.

Wonderful Server: Our toasted garlic bread also has Parmesan cheese. I’ll get the chef to prepare some
fresh toasted garlic bread for you without Parmesan cheese.

Customer: Excellent. Thank you.

Tip #3 - Handling Drink Orders

Description: Take drink orders in any order. Pay attention to parents when kids are ordering.

If adults order alcoholic beverages, ask them if they would like some water as well. If your restaurant has
a bar with happy hours, be sure to inform your adult customers about happy hour specials.

Learn how to open a bottle of wine.

Reason: Sometimes kids will order drinks with milk, sugar or caffeine that their parents do not want them
to have. Wait for the parent to confirm (or at least afford them the opportunity to object/overrule) a
child’s drink order. The parents are paying the bill, so make sure they are happy!

Many adults who drink alcoholic beverages also like to have some water on hand to help balance the
effects of alcohol on their palate, hydration and/or sobriety. Asking if they would like some water in
addition to their drink order is a proactive step that shows you care about their dining experience.

Customers who order a bottle of wine appreciate it when you open the bottle in front of them at the table.
Practice this skill so that you can do it without dropping cork crumbs in the bottle, spilling wine or
looking like an amateur.

Wonderful Server: May I take your drink order?

Child: I want a Coke!

Mother: No way. No caffeine for you tonight.

Child: But Mom! …

Wonderful Server: We are out of Coke tonight, but we do have some really good strawberry lemonade if
you would rather have that.

Child: Awww.. OK. That would be fine.

Tip #4 - Understand the Tea Drinker

Description: Go the extra mile to accommodate the (iced) tea drinker. Ask if they want extra lemon
(bring them a small plate of lemon wedges if they do). Keep an eye on level in the glass and try to refill it
only when it is almost all gone (or bring them a new glass for every refill). Be sure to let them know you
will try to refill it only when it is almost empty.

If your restaurant offers different types of tea (iced, hot, herbal), be sure to ask the customer which type of
tea they want - don’t assume!

Reason: Tea drinkers can be very finicky about getting it to taste just right - with the correct level of
sweetener and lemon. If you refill a half-full glass, it dilutes their carefully prepared drink and can be hard
for them to correct.

Important: The finicky customer can be a PITA (pain in the ass), but s/he can also be a great opportunity
because the more finicky people are used to bad service and usually will recognize and reward good

Tip #5 - Remember Orders - Don’t Write Them Down

Description: Try to remember orders without having to write them down. Always repeat the complete
order when everyone at the table has finished.

Reason: It impresses the people at your table if you can remember every little detail of their order without
writing it down. It sends the message that you are paying attention to them and are focused on their needs.

Repeating the order after it has been decided serves two purposes - first is to assure the customers that
you understood the order and did not miss anything, second is to help you remember the order. Most
restaurants have computerized ordering systems these days and so it is important to “write in” the order in
the computer as soon as it’s been taken.

Customers with special orders (substitutions, etc.) are usually extra appreciative of wonderful servers who
get their orders right.

Tip #6 - Check the Food Before Bringing it to the Table

Description: Make sure that the food matches the order before you bring it to the table, especially if the
customer made a special order (substitutions, food allergies, etc.). If the order isn’t right, send it back and
tell the customer about the snafu.

Reason: When food arrives at the table, the customer expects to be able to eat. The disappointment in
seeing a wrong order is much worse than a little extra wait. Customers also appreciate that you are
looking out for them and attentive to their needs.

Wonderful Server: I’m sorry, the cooks forgot to leave the cheese off of your Penne Puttanesca so I sent it
back. They should have a fresh dish ready in just a few minutes.

Customer: OK. Thank you.

Tip #7 - Remember Your Customers

Description: Always remember the people that you wait on. One idea is to write down their names (if
they pay by credit card), what they look like, and what they had. This includes details like how they like
their dish prepared - like how they prefer their steak cooked.

Reason: It’s really great when you can remember a customer and their preferences and they take notice.
This is especially true when the customer happens to return with friends. The customers appreciate the
VIP treatment and it really makes them look good. This always means, a bigger tip for you.

Wonderful Server: Hi Mr. Smith, would you like your usual today - Penne Puttanesca with no cheese,
garlic bread with no cheese and a house salad with no cheese and Balsamic vinaigrette dressing?

Customer: Yes, thank you. That’s my favorite.

Wonderful Server: Would you care for a glass of wine to go with that this evening? We have a terrific
new Merlot in from Italy…

Tip #8 - Mind Your Appearance

Description: Many restaurants will request that their wait staff wear a uniform. Whether you wear a
uniform or not, make sure that your clothes are clean, ironed, neat and new looking. Also, make sure you
have shoes that tie (double knots are most helpful so you don’t have to keep tying them), and NOT tennis
shoes. Your socks should not be visible (unless one is wearing a skirt), and a tie is always helpful. In
some places, it is required that a person wear suspenders, or a hand cloth draping over their pants. Make
sure your clothes fit well. Note that open toed sandals are not good, as things may get dropped on your

Always have clean, dry hair, and make sure it is styled. Long hair should be tied back in a ponytail holder
or scarf. Girls should pay attention to their nails too. Other girls look at your nails and want to make sure
that your cuticles are shaped well, that your nails are painted, etc.

It is a great idea to wear something extra that makes you stand out in the restaurant and be remembered (a
pin or a patch or something).

Reason: At a minimum, you don’t want to offend customers with your appearance. At best, you want
diners to take notice of you and regard you in a positive light. When you pay attention to detail in your
appearance, it sends a message to people that you care about yourself and your job.

For example, I used to work with a lady that only wore “Betty Boop” ties. When people came in to eat,
they would ask for “Betty Boop”.

Tip #9 - Mind Your Manners

Description: Manners are very important to any wait staff. Just ask Miss Manners…or your grandmother.
Pay attention to your posture - stand up straight, shoulders back. Grammar and diction are also very
important in order to make a good impression.

Reason: A guest in a restaurant does NOT want to hear, “We ain’t got none.” The correct way to say it is,
“We do not have any of that.” The more a customer respects you, the easier it is for them to decide that
you are worthy of a good tip.

Tip #10 - Be Honest

Description: Always be honest with the customer. Especially when it comes to admitting any mistakes on

your part. Don’t try to blame others when you are at fault.

Reason: Don’t assume that customers are too stupid or ignorant to figure out the truth. Taking
responsibility for your mistakes breeds respect and even if the infraction is severe enough to ruin your tip
for that particular dining experience, at least the customer will be willing to give you another chance the
next time you wait on them. Customers will never tip you well if they perceive you as being a weasel.

Tip #11 - Anticipate Condiment Needs

Description: If you work at a restaurant that serves sandwiches, fried foods, etc. that are likely to be eaten
with condiments such as ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc., and those condiments are not already
provided on the table, do not wait until the food is served to ask if the customer would like the
condiments! Ask them when they place the order.

Reason: If you wait until the food is served, they will have to wait with their food sitting in front of them
while you retrieve the condiments. Even if you are quick, the wait can be agonizing torture for someone
who is hungry!

Tip #12 - Always Carry an Extra Pen and Paper

Description: Always have an extra pen or two and a pad of paper handy for customers to borrow.

Reason: It is not uncommon for customers to think of things they need to write down while dining out.
When inspiration hits them, you want to be the hero that enables them to record their thoughts before the
moment is lost.

Waiting Dont’s

Tip #1 - Don’t Stare

Description: Avoid staring at customer’s disabilities, cleavage or tattoos. Maintain eye contact when you
engage a customer.

Reason: Many people take offense when people stare at them for whatever reason. The last thing you
want to do is offend the customer.

Tip #2 - Don’t Refill Drinks Over the Table

Description: When you are going to refill a glass of water or tea, remove the customer’s glass from the
table and pour the drink while both the pitcher and glass are over the floor, away from the table.

Reason: You absolutely do not want to drip water or tea onto the table, or worse, into the customer’s
food. Customers also do not enjoy competing with your elbows for access to their food.

Tip #3 - Don’t Reach Across One Customer to Serve Another

Description: If you need to reach part of the table that is more than a foot away, move around the table
until you are in front of the desired location. Do not reach across (or over) a customer to get/set items on
the table.

Reason: It is rude to reach across the customers.

Tip #4 - Don’t Set Dangerous Objects Near Small Children

Description: When a parent and small child (with or without additional diners) is seated at a table, take
care not to set dangerous objects (metal knives, forks, glassware, hot plates, etc.) down within reach of the
small children.

Reason: Parents are especially sensitive to their children’s safety. You can score lots of brownie points by
being proactive in helping them keep baby safe.

Tip #5 - Don’t Neglect a Table

Description: Never neglect a table. Even if the kitchen is swamped and their order won’t be ready for a
while, always check in or be available in case the customers need more drinks or a status update.

Reason: Customers should never be ignored. It’s your job to serve them and if you are not available
(within reason), customers will get mad. This can ruin your tip faster than any other mistake.

Handling Special Circumstances

Tip #1 - Splitting a Bill / Customer Fights Over the Bill

Description: When two or more people at a table request the bill and cannot agree on who is going to pay,
try to set the bill in the middle of the table.

Reason: Try not to get involved in picking a winner in the tab paying lottery. You have more to lose
when guessing wrong than to gain by guessing right. Stay neutral.

Tip #2 - Vegetarians / Customers with Food Allergies

Description: Always be attentive to special food orders. If you know a little bit about vegetarianism or
food allergies, talk to the customers about the subject and chances are that they will feel a lot more
comfortable with you looking out for their order.

Reason: Vegetarians and people with food allergies are serious about their diets. They almost always
appreciate a server who is sympathetic or knowledgeable about their dietary needs/choices.

Tip #3 - Customers with Babies

Description: When you get a table that includes babies, you should try to expedite the dining experience
for that table (and always bring extra napkins). Ask if you can take the meal order with the drink order.
Bring the check when they are done eating (before all the plates are cleared).

Reason: In general, babies have short attention spans and can get fussy in a hurry. Parents are usually
very appreciative of prompt service that allows them to enjoy a meal without listening to their child
crying the whole time.

Tip #4 - Receiving Bad Tips

Description: Look at every bad tip as an opportunity to improve.

Reason: Most of the time, bad tips are given because people do not like the service they have received. If
you get a bad tip, you should ask yourself the following:

 Was the service slow?

 Did I say something to upset someone at the table?
 Did I ignore a request?
 Did I flash an excess body part?

There are other times when people really do not have the money to spend on dinner out, and leave very
small tips. If this is the case (and it’s hard to tell), then the best course of action would be to stick the
money in your pocket and wish the customers a good evening.

Being a Great Waiter and Up Selling

In food and beverage, being a great waiter means not only taking great care of your guests but it also
means perfecting the art of up selling.

What is up selling? It is bringing the customer up to a higher level, usually to a higher

price value but you can raise them to a better quality as well. For our practices here we will be discussing
the money, but you will certainly know how to use the quality aspect as well.

Know your products

To begin with you need to be very familiar with your products. Whether it is a menu item, liquor, or wine
selection product knowledge is essential. A sin that you are on your way to being a great waiter. Once you
have a firm grip on the products the rest is up to you! Part of being a great waiter is the ability to control
your guests experience and guide them through an outstanding guest experience.

Most diners want to be guided and helped and are usually more open to a, “great waiters” suggestions
than you may think. Once you are able to gain this trust and comfort level you are in the perfect position
to go for it!

You've Just Been Sat

A table of four just sat in your section and you, being a great waiter that you are, acknowledge them
immediately go and help get them situated. You introduce yourself and ask if anyone would care for a
cocktail. The guests order… two vodka and tonics and two glasses of merlot. You give a pleasant “thank
you,” then you’re off to get the drinks. You, being a great waiter, return quickly and properly serve their

Once the drinks are served you ask if they are ready to order, and they are, so you proceed around the
table writing down every item meticulously. Reviewing the order you had two strip steaks, a flounder,
and a chicken pasta.

Being a great waiter you are, you check the table to see if anything is needed then promptly go and put in
their order. The food is about to come out so you check back with the table to see if they need another
round of drinks, which they do, so you get the drinks and head for the food.

Once you serve the food you make sure everything is good before they begin and then you head off to
your other work. After a few minutes you conscientiously check back to make sure everything is to their
liking and after their acknowledgment you let them enjoy their meal for a little while longer before going
back and checking about another round. Indeed, the cocktail drinkers decide on two more vodka tonics.

After all of the guests are finished with their meals you clear the table and ask it anyone would care for
dessert. They respond no thank you so you quickly prepare their check and drop it for them. Being a great
waiter that you are you pick it up as soon as you notice the checkbook closed and run their card. Without
a second thought you read the name on the card and use it as you drop it back for them and politely thank
them all for dining with you. As they leave you pick up the book and of course open it right away to see
how they did you. Wow, $20 on $100, not too shabby.

Leaving Money On The Table

Well you did pretty well didn’t you? Well, yes and no. You did give the guests what they expected but
you didn’t really wow them, but more importantly you left around $1,800 on that table this year. If you
add up your 4 table section you left $7,200 sitting in your section unclaimed for a year. I see you checking

your pockets, I hear you saying, “What the hell are you talking about.” Well let me
tell you what I’m talking about.

First off when you first introduced yourself to the table and got everyone settled in you took the initial
drink order, without hesitation your first comment should have been “what kind of vodka would you
prefer? Grey Goose? Absolute? Stoli? Let the guest go and specify if they want the house brand (80% will
usually pick one of the premium selections).

Right off the bat and with no extra effort at all you just increased their check total by an average of some
$6.00 for the 6 drinks they had. With the wine drinkers it should at least cross your lips to try to move
them into a bottle to share which would have greater advantages in the check total as well, but with just

two drinking and the cost of wine by the glass prices today I’ll let that one slide.

When you returned with the drinks instead of asking if they were ready to order you should have said
something on the lines of “have you decided on a starter or appetizer I could get started for you while you
decide on your entrees.” Not only does this put your guests in a more relaxed setting it usually will add at
least a single appetizer order adding an additional $6.00 to the check total. Finally there is the opportunity
you passed up on dessert. Instead of just asking if anyone would care for dessert come to the table with
menus in hand, or even better a verbal presentation, and sell those desserts. Once the guests sees each
other contemplating the decision at least one will go for it adding another $6.00 to the tab.

Taking Home The Cash

Let’s see what we ended up with $6.00 for the drinks, $6.00 for the app, and another $6.00 for a dessert.
On the low side you have just added a whopping $18.00 to the check. What does that mean for you? That
20% tip you got on that $100 check would have put an extra $3.60 in your pocket. But that was just on
that table. Say that table turns just twice a night, following the same system you would have added $7.20
for the night. Working 5 nights a week would put an additional $36.00 a week into your pocket. And over
the course of the year, excluding the two weeks you’ll be taking off with the raise you just gave yourself
that’s $1,800. Guess what? That’s in a one-table section. Being a great waiter is assuring your guests are
taken care of, but being a great waiter also means bringing home the cash.

You need to realize how quickly these little tips will add up over the course of a year so start focusing on
the tips and techniques that you will learn here to add those little extras to your checks. Being a great
waiter doesn't happen over night but it will soon be second nature to you. It’s amazing to think how your
next vacation could be funded by a simple line like “what kind of vodka would you prefer.”

Waiter Training and the State of Service Today

Waiter training and service standards are on a decline. The trend in food and beverage in the United
States is toward more casual dining alternatives but does that mean we have to accept less waiter training
and a more casual food and beverage service standard as well? More and more dining out experiences
have been turning into just delivery systems where the service is now just considered getting the food and
beverages to the table on time. Is this video you?

While doing some research for this article I came across a multitude of sources verifying this exact fact,
but the picture below is a perfect example how our standards are declining.Granted this is an obviously
staged photo designed for a restaurants web site, but I just couldn’t get over why? Can you tell me why?

Training the Basics

Here we will start from waiter trainings basic service rules to make sure all of you have a base of
knowledge then will build on that base until proper service is second nature to you.

This picture will be the basis of our first and one of the most violated rules in all of proper service

etiquette; serving food from the left (with your left hand) and clearing from the right (with your right
hand), and serving and clearing beverages from the right (with your right hand).

Serving from the left came form the days of knights and kings, where showing the back of your hand to
someone was a threatening gesture so the king instructed the servers to always serve in a regulated manor.
True, it’s been a long time since a knight or king sat at one of my tables too, but the standard was set and
has been the gold bar for hundreds of years. Today proper service still includes serving from the left and
clearing from the right, whenever possible. But as I stated earlier there are some exceptions.

First off the one rule that trumps them all is the convenience and comfort of the guest. You have to use
your judgment here and carefully look at how placing the plate down in front of the guest would be the
easiest for your guest. If he or she in a booth or a position on the table that is hard to get to you may have
to change to the other side. Also if there is high stemware such as wine glasses in the way you can
redirect as well, but one thing should never change, and that is putting the plate down with your backhand
toward your guest. If you must switch sides you should also switch hands. Never backhand, and always
keep your guests comfort in mind!

It doesn’t matter if your working in a five star New York restaurant, or a strip mall chain restaurant you
should always keep these service standards in mind and adhere to them. Once it is a habit it will become
second nature to you. Your money will improve, your knowledge will grow, and your potential to grow
will expand.

How To Be A Waiter

In your quest to learn how to be a waiter it's important to be fully prepared for both the rewards and
challenges of this job. Many restaurants want people with experience and others just want someone who
looks good and gets along with people. To be a waiter, you need to follow a few important steps to get

1. Create a resume that highlights your past customer service experience to be a waiter. Since
you're trying to be a waiter with no past experience in a restaurant, the owner is going to want to
see that you at least have some experience helping and communicating with customers. List all
jobs that involved interacting directly with customers.
2. Discuss your love of food in the interview. To be a waiter, you're going to have to work closely
with food and chefs. It's helpful to know a little bit about the different types of food when you're
trying to get a job as a waiter.
3. Practice carrying several plates of food in your hands. When at home, take a few minutes out of
your day to practice serving several plates of hot food to your family or friends at a table. One of
the most important skills you need to be a waiter is balancing plates in your hands to serve hungry
customers, especially when you're working during the rush hour of a busy restaurant.
4. Practice taking short hand for orders to be a waiter. You cannot write out the entire menu entry
(unless you don't want to be a waiter for long). Memorize the menu at every job you work at so
that you can easily take note of orders.

100 Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do (Part 1)

Herewith is a modest list of dos and don’ts for servers at the seafood restaurant I am building. Veteran
waiters, moonlighting actresses, libertarians and baristas will no doubt protest some or most of what
follows. They will claim it homogenizes them or stifles their true nature. And yet, if 100 different actors
play Hamlet, hitting all the same marks, reciting all the same lines, cannot each one bring something
unique to that role?

1. Do not let anyone enter the restaurant without a warm greeting.

2. Do not make a singleton feel bad. Do not say, “Are you waiting for someone?” Ask for a reservation.
Ask if he or she would like to sit at the bar.

3. Never refuse to seat three guests because a fourth has not yet arrived.

4. If a table is not ready within a reasonable length of time, offer a free drink and/or amuse-bouche. The
guests may be tired and hungry and thirsty, and they did everything right.

5. Tables should be level without anyone asking. Fix it before guests are seated.

6. Do not lead the witness with, “Bottled water or just tap?” Both are fine. Remain neutral.

7. Do not announce your name. No jokes, no flirting, no cuteness.

8. Do not interrupt a conversation. For any reason. Especially not to recite specials. Wait for the right

9. Do not recite the specials too fast or robotically or dramatically. It is not a soliloquy. This is not an

10. Do not inject your personal favorites when explaining the specials.

11. Do not hustle the lobsters. That is, do not say, “We only have two lobsters left.” Even if there are only
two lobsters left.

12. Do not touch the rim of a water glass. Or any other glass.

13. Handle wine glasses by their stems and silverware by the handles.

14. When you ask, “How’s everything?” or “How was the meal?” listen to the answer and fix whatever is
not right.

15. Never say “I don’t know” to any question without following with, “I’ll find out.”

16. If someone requests more sauce or gravy or cheese, bring a side dish of same. No pouring. Let them
help themselves.

17. Do not take an empty plate from one guest while others are still eating the same course. Wait, wait,

18. Know before approaching a table who has ordered what. Do not ask, “Who’s having the shrimp?”

19. Offer guests butter and/or olive oil with their bread.

20. Never refuse to substitute one vegetable for another.

21. Never serve anything that looks creepy or runny or wrong.

22. If someone is unsure about a wine choice, help him. That might mean sending someone else to the
table or offering a taste or two.

23. If someone likes a wine, steam the label off the bottle and give it to the guest with the bill. It has the
year, the vintner, the importer, etc.

24. Never use the same glass for a second drink.

25. Make sure the glasses are clean. Inspect them before placing them on the table.

26. Never assume people want their white wine in an ice bucket. Inquire.

27. For red wine, ask if the guests want to pour their own or prefer the waiter to pour.

28. Do not put your hands all over the spout of a wine bottle while removing the cork.

29. Do not pop a champagne cork. Remove it quietly, gracefully. The less noise the better.

30. Never let the wine bottle touch the glass into which you are pouring. No one wants to drink the dust or
dirt from the bottle.

31. Never remove a plate full of food without asking what went wrong. Obviously, something went

32. Never touch a customer. No excuses. Do not do it. Do not brush them, move them, wipe them or dust

33. Do not bang into chairs or tables when passing by.

34. Do not have a personal conversation with another server within earshot of customers.

35. Do not eat or drink in plain view of guests.

36. Never reek from perfume or cigarettes. People want to smell the food and beverage.

37. Do not drink alcohol on the job, even if invited by the guests. “Not when I’m on duty” will suffice.

38.Do not call a guy a “dude.”

39. Do not call a woman “lady.”

40. Never say, “Good choice,” implying that other choices are bad.

41. Saying, “No problem” is a problem. It has a tone of insincerity or sarcasm. “My pleasure” or “You’re
welcome” will do.

42. Do not compliment a guest’s attire or hairdo or makeup. You are insulting someone else.

43. Never mention what your favorite dessert is. It’s irrelevant.

44. Do not discuss your own eating habits, be you vegan or lactose intolerant or diabetic.

45. Do not curse, no matter how young or hip the guests.

46. Never acknowledge any one guest over and above any other. All guests are equal.

47. Do not gossip about co-workers or guests within earshot of guests.

48. Do not ask what someone is eating or drinking when they ask for more; remember or consult the

49. Never mention the tip, unless asked.

50. Do not turn on the charm when it’s tip time. Be consistent throughout.

51. If there is a service charge, alert your guests when you present the bill. It’s not a secret or a trick.

52. Know your menu inside and out. If you serve Balsam Farm candy-striped beets, know something
about Balsam Farm and candy-striped beets.

53. Do not let guests double-order unintentionally; remind the guest who orders ratatouille that zucchini
comes with the entree.

54. If there is a prix fixe, let guests know about it. Do not force anyone to ask for the “special” menu.

55. Do not serve an amuse-bouche without detailing the ingredients. Allergies are a serious matter; peanut
oil can kill. (This would also be a good time to ask if anyone has any allergies.)

56. Do not ignore a table because it is not your table. Stop, look, listen, lend a hand. (Whether tips are
pooled or not.)

57. Bring the pepper mill with the appetizer. Do not make people wait or beg for a condiment.

58. Do not bring judgment with the ketchup. Or mustard. Or hot sauce. Or whatever condiment is

59. Do not leave place settings that are not being used.

60. Bring all the appetizers at the same time, or do not bring the appetizers. Same with entrees and

61. Do not stand behind someone who is ordering. Make eye contact. Thank him or her.

62. Do not fill the water glass every two minutes, or after each sip. You’ll make people nervous.

62(a). Do not let a glass sit empty for too long.

63. Never blame the chef or the busboy or the hostess or the weather for anything that goes wrong. Just
make it right.

64. Specials, spoken and printed, should always have prices.

65. Always remove used silverware and replace it with new.

66. Do not return to the guest anything that falls on the floor — be it napkin, spoon, menu or soy sauce.

67. Never stack the plates on the table. They make a racket. Shhhhhh.

68. Do not reach across one guest to serve another.

69. If a guest is having trouble making a decision, help out. If someone wants to know your life story,
keep it short. If someone wants to meet the chef, make an effort.

70. Never deliver a hot plate without warning the guest. And never ask a guest to pass along that hot

71. Do not race around the dining room as if there is a fire in the kitchen or a medical emergency. (Unless
there is a fire in the kitchen or a medical emergency.)

72. Do not serve salad on a freezing cold plate; it usually advertises the fact that it has not been freshly

73. Do not bring soup without a spoon. Few things are more frustrating than a bowl of hot soup with no

74. Let the guests know the restaurant is out of something before the guests read the menu and order the
missing dish.

75. Do not ask if someone is finished when others are still eating that course.

76. Do not ask if a guest is finished the very second the guest is finished. Let guests digest, savor, reflect.

77. Do not disappear.

78. Do not ask, “Are you still working on that?” Dining is not work — until questions like this are asked.

79. When someone orders a drink “straight up,” determine if he wants it “neat” — right out of the bottle
— or chilled. Up is up, but “straight up” is debatable.

80. Never insist that a guest settle up at the bar before sitting down; transfer the tab.

81. Know what the bar has in stock before each meal.

82. If you drip or spill something, clean it up, replace it, offer to pay for whatever damage you may have
caused. Refrain from touching the wet spots on the guest.

83. Ask if your guest wants his coffee with dessert or after. Same with an after-dinner drink.

84. Do not refill a coffee cup compulsively. Ask if the guest desires a refill.

84(a). Do not let an empty coffee cup sit too long before asking if a refill is desired.

85. Never bring a check until someone asks for it. Then give it to the person who asked for it.

86. If a few people signal for the check, find a neutral place on the table to leave it.

87. Do not stop your excellent service after the check is presented or paid.

88. Do not ask if a guest needs change. Just bring the change.

89. Never patronize a guest who has a complaint or suggestion; listen, take it seriously, address it.

90. If someone is getting agitated or effusive on a cellphone, politely suggest he keep it down or move
away from other guests.

91. If someone complains about the music, do something about it, without upsetting the ambiance. (The
music is not for the staff — it’s for the customers.)

92. Never play a radio station with commercials or news or talking of any kind.

93. Do not play brass — no brassy Broadway songs, brass bands, marching bands, or big bands that
feature brass, except a muted flugelhorn.

94. Do not play an entire CD of any artist. If someone doesn’t like Frightened Rabbit or Michael Bublé,

you have just ruined a meal.

95. Never hover long enough to make people feel they are being watched or hurried, especially when they
are figuring out the tip or signing for the check.

96. Do not say anything after a tip — be it good, bad, indifferent — except, “Thank you very much.”

97. If a guest goes gaga over a particular dish, get the recipe for him or her.

98. Do not wear too much makeup or jewelry. You know you have too much jewelry when it jingles
and/or draws comments.

99. Do not show frustration. Your only mission is to serve. Be patient. It is not easy.

100. Guests, like servers, come in all packages. Show a “good table” your appreciation with a free glass
of port, a plate of biscotti or something else management approves.

Waiter and Waitress Tips and Advice

A. New Server Advice

Ok. You're new at this! Great fun! I have been a waitress for like 2 and 1/2 years and I love being a
waitress because I know what to do. And can you believe I'm just 16?

1. Always smile with your heart even if a piano just fell over you. But don't be too cheesy.
2. Always be nice to the kids. Smile at them like they are the cutest creatures you've ever seen.
Parents like that. Especially the new parents.
3. Do it before they ask. Have the check before they ask.
4. Ask if they need a chair booster or a high chair.
5. Know the menu! You must know the menu.
6. Look the part. Make sure your clothes don't smell like smoke or something weird. I have seen this
all too many times, a fellow waiter will smell like something gross and the guest make a face
when the waiter is not looking.
7. Don't ever say "My, what weather we're having". No matter how nice or how terrible the weather
is simply say "I heard Friday is suppose to be nice and sunny." (with a smile, of course.)"
8. There is always that person that doesn't know what to order because it's their first time in the joint.
So advise the cooks specialty.
9. Take the unwanted dishes as soon as they are finished. Don't let them tell you when to take them.
10. If you have a big table of 8 or more. Do the "clock". Quickly stand in front of the table and mark
the across from you (mentally) as number 12, then the next one to number 12's left as number 1
and so on and so forth. So when you serve their drink you have them in the "clock" order. Same
goes for their food.

11. When the guest request something, give them the "anything is possible" look. They love that look.
12. Never count your tips in front of guest. It makes one look like they are greedy and we don't want

B. "Be On Stage" And Other Tips

After waiting tables, bartending and managing the "front of the house" for years, I echo all the great tips
offered here so far. I would add a few tips for anyone out there and they're the first ones I tell anyone I

The first is to always be "on stage", I know it's been mentioned in previous posts (and a cheesy way of
thinking of it), but when you're on the floor you have to portray the bubbly friendly server that everyone
would like to have serving them.

Next and most likely the most important in my book is to always treat your kitchen staff well and with
respect. They're working just as hard as you are and often in worse conditions. Plus they control your
food, it's not a great thought, but if you get on their bad side your orders could take longer and not be of
the best quality. I would always thank the guys and after a busy or hectic night I would buy a pitcher or
two for them (you'd tip out your busser or bartender, right?). It's so nice when they're totally willing to
help you out when you mess up an order or need help!

And lastly, never judge a book by it's cover. "Rich" looking people tend to be the worst tippers and the
most demanding customers while the couple in torn jeans and sweatshirts will leave a 30% tip!

Good luck to anyone out there and remember that you just as good as anyone else whether this is a part
time job during college or turns out to be a career!

C. 8 Tips To Successful Waitressing

1. Know your menu frontwards and backwards and drinks, salad dressings, # of wings in a lg order
vs. a small etc.
2. If the order is taking too long don't hide from your table. If your manager is OK with it I would
always offer my customer like a cup of soup on the house if things were taking too long. If they
know you are trying to keep them happy they will appreciate it even if they decline the soup. (Or
free dessert, or salad, or say I won't charge you for your Coke since it took so long, etc. Of course
make sure its OK with your boss.
3. Drink refills -keep up on them, bring it before they ask if you can.
4. You can ruin the whole experience by making them wait a million years for their check, but also
don't make them feel rushed and ask if they want dessert.
5. Upsell. The bigger the check the bigger the tip. Offer appetizers, salad, dessert etc. and be specific.
Say "Would you like to try our buffalo wings or an order of our famous onion rings to start off
with tonight?" not "Do you want an appetizer?" Asking if they want to try something sounds better
than buy.

6. Invite them to come back and remind them of your name. They may ask for you again.
7. Depending on the party you might save time and frustration later buy confirming at the beginning
if the bill will be all on one check or not.
8. Always smile and keep a sense of humor.

D. Tips For Happy Customers

Hang in there. Serving can be a stressful, difficult job, but once you've got your systems down, it can be a
lot of fun, and financially rewarding.

So, a list of tips and advice? Many servers have posted tips before me, but I'll give you the most complete
list that I can. (I've been serving and bartending for 8 years, and as of 6 months ago, I'm the proud owner
of a restaurant/bar - just so you know where I'm coming from.) These are not listed in order of importance
just as they come to me.

1. Keep a positive attitude. This means smiling and being upbeat and friendly.
2. Let no step be wasted and never go to or leave your section empty handed. Basically, be efficient.
Do not make a separate trip for each task you have to do. Consolidate. i.e., after you greet one
table and are on your way to ring in their drink orders, bus or pre-bus any tables along your way. It
will save you (and your customers) time, and most customers will appreciate your efficiency and
3. Work with the rest of the staff, not around them. This means, when you're refilling water/coffee
for your section, if you have a moment, take a walk through the rest of the dining room. This also
goes for pre-bussing. If you see an empty plate, regardless of who's table it is, you can pick it up.
Your coworkers will appreciate it and be more likely to help you out too.
4. Anticipate the guests needs before they have to ask you. If you think they may be done, have the
check on you (so you can offer it, or when they ask, it's already right there.) If they are almost
done with their drink (alcoholic or non), ask if they would like another. The less they have to ask
for, the better server you are in their eyes.
5. When serving a drink (martinis especially), if it's really full, avoid spilling by not looking at it
while you're walking. Whether it's on a tray or in your hand. I swear, this works.
6. Adhere to the timeline for steps of service as much as possible. For example, tables should be
greeted within 1 minute of sitting down. Tables should wait no more than 2 minutes for their
check once they've asked for it. Ask your manager if your particular restaurant has specific
guidelines about this. Often, they will just have the generic, industry-wide poster in the back
7. Never auction off food. Meaning, if you're the one that took the order, you ought to know who's
getting what dish. Don't walk up and say, "who had the halibut?" or whatever. If it helps you, use
a seat numbering system (starting from your left - seat 1 - and going clockwise). Write the order
down that way, and if you can, ring it in that way. It will help others if they are running your food
as well.
8. Know everything about the menu. And know the wine and beer lists and what's in the cocktails
etc. Be able to answer any questions the guest may have. A server being knowledgeable is at the
top of many people's lists of what they look for in a good server. If there is something that you

don't know, tell them that you're not sure, but would be happy to find out, or happy to get someone
that does know to talk to them.
9. Watch yourself when it's not that busy. That tends to be when even the best servers begin to forget
things. For me, give me 10 tables at once and 5 more waiting at the door, and I'm on my game. If I
only have 1 or 2 tables, I get distracted easily. It seems backwards, I know, but many servers will
tell you it's quite true.
10. Treat the back-of-house staff and support staff (bussers, hosts, etc.) with the utmost respect. Their
jobs are difficult too. If your places requires that you tip these positions out, do so generously. The
nicer you are to them, the nicer they'll be to you.
11. If something does go seriously wrong with a table, apologize, stay calm and never make light of
the situation. The guest may feel that you are making fun of them. Do your best to fix the problem,
and if you can't, explain the situation to your manager and have them fix it. If this means comping
someone's meal, so be it. Better to have the guest leave happy and come back than to make the
$20. Also, if they feel that you've righted a bad situation, they are much more likely to be
forgiving and still tip you.
12. Don't get too fired up if you have a couple tables that don't tip well. We all know those people are
out there. But there are many decent, nice, generous people out there as well that will make up for

E. Good Waitressing Advice

Here are some things I've learned:

 If you make a sale with a credit card, thank the guest by name when you bring it back to them.
It's a "Higher Touch".
 Circle your name at the top of the check if it prints this way, and write "Thank you!" Smiley
faces help, too.
 When talking to a guest, it's always helpful to squat near the table. This works for our taller
servers, but also helps the guest realize you're there to help them.
 Repeat the order back to them. Repeat the order back to them. Repeat the order back to them. I
cannot stress this enough. It will cut down on your errors in a major way, and helps in
environments when misrings are common because of loud music, etc.
 This is sad, but true, girls, if you wear makeup, it helps. Take care of your appearance; this is a
very shallow job where attractiveness is a big benefit.
 Make the guests laugh. This might be the most important thing.
 Stand up for yourself! If a guest treats you poorly, although, use discretion; you will be held
accountable for just being rude. Gently stand up for yourself, excuse yourself, or get a manager.
You are there to serve them, but it does not give anyone a right to treat you disrespectfully.
 When serving alcohol, remember that police do stings. Always ID anyone who looks under thirty,
or there is a slim chance you could actually go to jail.

F. Seventeen Years Of Experience

For those of you with weak wrists: first of all, practice carrying the plates with no food on them. It
sounds stupid, but there are all sorts of ways to balance them. I use the wrists, holding one plate in a pinch
between my left forefinger and thumb, another "pinched" underneath with my bottom 3 fingers and
another lying across the top of my wrist/forearm. Some waitresses carry one dish in their left hand,
another on their left forearm, braced against their body and a 3rd in their right hand.

If you are right handed, carry heavy plates in your left, and set down with your right. Set the edge of the
dish down first on the table so it doesn't clatter, set the rest of the dish down and slide it gently. Grab the
next dish from your left arm and do the same. If left handed, reverse it!

If you're new, tell the customers. They won't think you're stupid! and don't feel stupid and for Pete's sake
never cry at a table because something went wrong. people have much more tolerance when they know
they are dealing with a "rookie" and will remain calmer than they normally would if things go wrong.

Waitresses, know your menu. I cannot stress enough how important this is. Know your salad dressings.
Know if the hamburger comes with Cheddar or American cheese. Know how the halibut is cooked.
Someone will ask. If you don't know, say I don't know, but I will go find out and then do so.

This leads into know your drink menu. Someone order a martini? Vodka or gin? Up or on the rocks? Any
particular type of gin? Show your knowledge, if not ask the bartender for recommendations. Same with
the wine. Know it know it know it! And then upsell it.

Be prepared to make every order special. Thousands of people ask, "Can I have that with no onions?
extra black olives? more lettuce? find out from the cook/manager ahead of time what is allowed and what

Be personable "Smile, smile, smile". I can't emphasize it enough to let your personality shine through!

Dress appropriately. If the crowd is older, the older men may appreciate your short shorts and bra straps
hanging out, torn holes in your jeans, but their wives who hold the checkbook? Nope. Never wear flip
flops to work. Ever.

Do you have an older crowd? They might call you sweetie, honey, darling. Do not lay into them for it.
Do not take it the wrong way. They mean nothing bad by it, just the opposite. These are sweet people,
who yes, might not tip very well, but by golly they'll become your favorites if you just listen to them a bit.

Take time to listen to your customers. Sometimes they have stories/jokes they want to tell, listen, and
then laugh/commiserate and move along. Don't spend a long time chatting with one customer, they know
you have other tables to see, but they just want someone to listen a bit. Sometimes you just say, "Oops!
There goes the bell . I'll be back in a minute. Or oh dear! My drinks are up "I have to run" I'll be back
when I have time."

Never, ever blow off customers at the door waiting to be seated. I don't care that you're discussing the
latest hairstyles with waitress #2. I don't care that you're on the phone. These people have taken the time
to come into your restaurant, and they deserve to be noticed. Even if you're walking by with 3 margaritas

balanced on your head and steaming nachos in both your hands, you still say "Hello! I'll be right back!"

Got a bad customer? It happens. First try to fix the meal/drink, cook it more/cook it less, more alcohol,
less. The last scenario to fixing the problem is to offer a gift certificate. In this way, at least they'll come
back to your restaurant again. Do not lose patience, do not roll your eyes. Offer to fix it, then check back
and make sure it's right.

Drink refills, sorry, I wait until they are about 1" from the bottom of the glass if it's wine or alcohol. too
many problems with drunk drivers to force them to drink faster. If it's pop, ask about 1/3 of the way from
the bottom unless they are close to finishing their meal. It drives me insane when you are trying to get a
table to leave due to a waiting list at the door, and someone refills their coffee/tea cup all the way to the
top. If they've paid their bill and you need the table don't offer a refill. Sorry, sometimes life is harsh.

If refills are free, just ask if they want a refill. If not say "lemonade refills aren't free, would you like
another? Or a glass of water?" offer them a free alternative. But tell them it's not free!

I don't ask if a customer wants change, I phrase it thus "do you need change on this?" when they have
their money out. Sometimes people are confused as to who is their waitress, and will ask for their change
back, and leave it all on the table for 'their' waitress whomever she might be, even if its you. But ask.
Don't just take money and walk away thinking it's all yours.

Try to remember your regulars. Randy always has ice tea, no lemon. Al never wants garnish on his plate.
Ed hates salsa, always wants ranch dressing. The more you know it, the less trips to the kitchen/bar.

In regards to 91 chevy (in feedback) "No" we don't train people to ask in the middle of a conversation
"anything else?" Neither does the waitstaff have time to stand there while you're finishing a discussion on
world peace in Iraq before you'll acknowledge us. Most times if your customers are busy chatting you can
stop by the table, hold your arms out in a gesture of 'anything else?' and if they don't, they'll shake their
heads. If they do, they'll take a break for a moment and tell you. And sorry, it's not all the waitstaff's fault.
Please acknowledge that sometimes there are further problems with the bar or kitchen staff. Don't blame it
all on your waiter. And if you want a peaceful, quiet environment? By all means, dine at home. We do to-
go orders as well. Enjoy.

Organization is the key, how do you do it all? And do it all right now? Sometimes you just rely on your
back up people. "can you please take tea to A3 while I take A4's order?" and remember that at the end of
the evening when tip in time comes. Get drinks first. Most people are happy for a few minutes when they
have drinks and a menu. Try to take little orders before a big one. Tell them something like "no pressure,
but if we can get your order in before this group of 30". And most times they'll order quickly and thank
you for it. On your way to the back, ask tables how they are doing, and then on your way out front, take it
back with you, ketchup, Heinz 57, more napkins, tell the float A6 needs more tea, then go take your big
order. Warn the rest of the staff that you'll be busy for a bit, can they get drinks for you if anyone new sits
in your section? Think ahead.

Have fun. Show your personality. It will make all the difference in the world.

Sharing out the tips. People who help you share your tips. If the bartender hadn't made the best old

fashioned B4 has ever had, if the T-bone to C1 hadn't been cooked just perfect, or the kids meals to D1
came out quickly so the quit screaming. you wouldn't have gotten that tip. So share it out on those who
help. On the owner who is sitting at home watching TV? Nope.

Newbies, oh boy, do I have advice for you.

One - at the interview. First of all discover what type of restaurant it is. If it's a 5 star, and you show up
for your interview in the latest style of babydoll top with bra straps hanging out, 2 holes in your jeans and
flip flops, don't even bother. Even your personality and beautiful smile won't get you a 2nd interview.
Expect to have your references checked on, so make them good.

Two - if you are hired. For Pete's sake make sure you are available for at least the next 2 weeks no matter
what. Don't apply for a job, then tell them that oh, by the way, you can't start until 2 weeks later because
of dance camp. Restaurant business is tough and weekend oriented. Give up your weekends, give up your
nightlife for a few weeks before requesting time off.

Three - Know it! Know your menu, know the seating, know the drinks. take some time and learn it!
When you get the job, ask the boss for a copy of the menu.

Sorry, I'll disagree with the squatting next to a table. yes, it's more intimate, but in today's fashion
statement of low slung jeans, I've had to intervene and stand behind waitresses to cover their
underwear/crack hanging out in the middle of their order so the rest of the restaurant doesn't realize they
are wearing pink thongs with green flower.

Additional tips? Keep them. The customer means for you to have it, and you alone.

If you as a waiter are vegetarian? I don't eat seafood, but I make sure I tell my customers "*I* haven't
tried it, but I've sold 3 this evening and everyone said it was awesome", "I don't eat Reubens, but when
anyone asked how they were? I said best in the world" based on other peoples opinions of them.


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