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The party is over but the battle continues. View this email in your browser

The party is over, but the mission remains!

It is just over a week since, more than 800 women and supportive men joined together for the
27th annual "I Believe Anita Hill" remembrance celebration. With the help of our able emcee,
Alicia Barnes John, our generous hosts, and everyone who joined us, we shared the spirit that
Professor Anita Hill showed more than 27 years earlier. The assault on Dr. Christine Blasey
Ford's integrity reminds us that our battle is far from won.

If you want to keep the momentum of this election going, say "yes!"
by filling out this form.

New Party pictures

The second round of pictures from the event have been posted to our website and Facebook.
Please consider sharing any very special pictures you took on Facebook and tell your friends. We
will be adding more later this week.

Keeping the memory alive

We have 48 sterling silver "I STILL BELIEVE ANITA HILL" bracelets available for purchase.
Great gifts to remember our celebration and as we move toward the holidays. We can ship them
next week.
You got a Vote!
Oprah Winfrey took part in a town hall meeting in support of Stacey Abrams, the Democratic
candidate in Georgia's race for governor. If elected (the election remains contested), she will hold
a position as the first African-American governor in America's history. Check out her speech

In the news
We are archiving news related to Anita Hill and women's quest for equality on our website.
Please check it regularly for current news.

Special thanks
Special thanks to our non-profit organizations which participated in Connecting Communities
and the much-needed valet parking courtesy of Choose Well.
About Professor Anita Hill
Anita Hill is a Professor of Social Policy, Law, and Women’s,
Gender and Sexuality Studies at Brandeis University. In 1991,
Professor Hill testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary
Committee during the confirmation hearings for then-U.S.
Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. Professor Hill has
written several books regarding her experiences and has
received numerous awards, grants, and honorary degrees. In
April 2016, the HBO movie “Confirmation” was released, which
told the story of the famous hearings and their aftermath. Read more about Professor Hill.

2018 Hosts

Karen Alexander Candy Fletcher Katherine Wyly Mille

Jennet Robinson Alterman Pat Forbis Christina Moore
Drucilla Barker Anita Garrett Anne Wolfe Postic
Mary Baskin-Waters Barbara Gelberd Barbara Rackes
Will Bigger (memory) Maggie Gibson-Bostic Marie-Louise Ramsdale
Leigh Bolick Christina Goodwin Beth Richardson
Elizabeth (Beth) Bowen Kalena Hammock Vicki Ringer
Sally Boyd Marjorie Hammock Lydia Royals
Ann Braithwaite Tena Hardee Linda Salane
Heather Brandt Meghan Hazelwood Carol Sanders
Connie Breeden Frannie Heizer Lila Anna Sauls
Claudia Brinson Kitty Hepfer Nekki Shutt
Tamara Burk Amy Hill Anne Sinclair
Malissa Burnette Rachel Hodges Susan Smith
Lenora Bush Reese Christie James Deb Snow
Carole Cato Ashley Johnson Eve Moredock Stacey
Kathryn Cathcart Lindsay Joyner Donna Tate
Teowonna Clifton Brittany Kilpatrick Mullen Taylor
Natalie Cobb Tootsie Kline Allison Terracio
Lee Coggiola Sarah Leverette (memory) Carmen Thomas
Jan Collins Val Littlefield Nancy Tuten
Rosie Craig Debora Lloyd Pat Votava
Eme Crawford Delores Logan Candy Waites
Liz Crum Julie Lumpkin Breon Walker
JoAnne Day Isa Mandell Ann Warner
Tameika Isaac Devine Kathleen McDaniel Melissa N. Watson
Crissandra Elliott Sandy McGuckin Lois Duke Whitaker
Brandi Ellison Elizabeth McLendon Elizabeth Wolfe
Victoria Eslinger Thiele McVey Molly Wolfe
Julia Ferillo Courtney Young

Known as South Carolina's largest networking opportunity for women, it is also the longest-running event
honoring Anita Hill for her courage in testifying against then U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas
before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991. The party is free thanks to the support of our hosts and your
contributions at the door.

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The longest-running remembrance of the 1991 Anita Hill Hearings

Copyright 2018 ©I Believe Anita Hill, All rights reserved.

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PO Box 11974 | Columbia, SC 29211

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