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About the Catholic histories

catholicconnectAn Italian General of the Army, called Cadorna, felt in such condition of
depression after the defeat of Caporetto, that he was contemplating suicide. One evening he
went to his room and he commanded his orderly not to allow anybody to come in. He took
his gun from a drawer and pointed the gun at his head, but suddenly he heard a voice: “Oh
General, why do you want to do such stupid thing?” The voice and the presence of the Friar
helped the general change his mind. He wondered how it was possible that a Friar had
entered his room. He asked for explanations from his orderly but he answered he had seen
nobody going into his room. Some years later, the General read in a newspaper of a Friar
that worked miracles in the Gargano area. He secretly went there but he was astonished
when father Pio said to him: “Hello General, you ran a great risk that evening, didn’t you?”

catholicconnectA lady told: “In 1953 I had a medical check and x-rays because of pains to
the abdomen. The situation was very serious: I needed an urgent operation. A friend of
mine, to whom I confided my problem, suggested to me: “write a letter to padre Pio in order
to ask for his prayers and help”. I had an answer in which padre Pio suggested me to go to
hospital: he would pray for me there. So I went to hospital and I had a medical check-up
and x-rays again prior to facing the operation. But the same doctors who told me I was
seriously sick were astonished and realized I did not have the serious illness anymore. After
forty years I am still thanking Padre Pio for his help. In fact he does not deny his powerful
help to whoever asks for help.
Another testimony “In 1954, my father, who was a railway-man, fell ill with a strange
disease which immobilized his legs. He was forty-seven years old at the time. He was
treated by a lot of doctors without any success and after approximately two years of
treatment my father was going to have to retire from his work. Since the situation got
worse, my uncle suggested my father to go to San Giovanni Rotondo where a friar had been
living to whom God had given a lot of gifts. So my father went to San Giovanni Rotondo
with my uncle’s help, facing a lot of problems. In the Church he met Padre Pio who said:
“Let that railway-man pass!” Yet, Padre Pio had never met my father before then so he
could not know my father was a railway-man. Anyway, Padre Pio and my father met and
spoke to each other for some minutes. Later, Padre Pio put his hand on my father’s
shoulder, he consoled my father and he encouraged him with a smile. As soon as my father
left Padre Pio, he realized he had been healed. While my father took in his hand the tools he
needed to walk he was not using them anymore, my uncle followed him astonished.

catholicconnectLuke 23: 29 “For behold, the days are coming when they will say, `Blessed
are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck!”
The bible says that "we are made in the image and likeness of God" (Genesis 1:27). The
devil knows he can't get God, so he goes after us, who, after all, look like God. And he goes
after us from the moment of conception, not even bothering to wait for us to be born. He so
hates the image and likeness of God, who he wanted to be and couldn't, that he destroys this
image, our children, in the womb.
#CatholicConnect #SaveTheBabies#Prolife
"Cuide pois a moça de escolher um homem que seja homem. Não apenas pelo metro e
oitenta, nem pela barba cerrada que podem perfeitamente ser adornos duma alma não
crescida. Trate de escolher um homem viril, um homem feito, e não um imaturo, um
hesitante que não sabe querer o que quer ou um fraco que procura instintivamente o
regaço materno. E o moço, se quer família estável, procure a mulher que ainda tenha as
fortes e obscuras virtudes de seu sexo." - Gustavo Corção - Claro escuro

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