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The Bhagavad-gita study guide

B.V. Madhava Swami

Being A Devotee 1
Growing in Conviction and Dedication 1
Introduction 1
How to use this study guide 1
Conditions for Being a Devotee 4
The Spiritual Master 6
The Devotee's Identity and Resource 8
The Devotee's Motivation and Message 10
The Devotee's Values and Goals 12
The Devotee's Internal Struggle 15
The Devotee's External Struggle 17
The Devotee's Responsibilities 20

Knowing God 22
Seeing Him as He is 22
Introduction 22
Brahman, the Impersonal Absolute 22
Paramatma, the All-pervading Supersoul 24
Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 27
Krsna's Claims About Himself 29
What Others Say About Krsna 32
Krsna's Relation to the World 34
Difference Between Us and Krsna 36
Relation of Demigods to Krsna 38
Nature of His Incarnations 40
Who Knows God 42
Krsna's Transcendental Opulences 44
Krsna's Universal Form 46
Importance of Krsna's Original Form 48
Seeing Krsna as He is 50
Krsna Absolves Our Sins 52

Being A Devotee

Growing in Conviction and Dedication


Krsna is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead. Those who worship Him as such are called
devotees. This study guide is not for making people into devotees. It is for groups of individuals who
want to understand the implications of being devotees of Krsna. For this purpose I have tried to select
verses with purports that would best reveal the nature of being a devotee. Of course there are so many
nice verses and purports, but necessity forced me to limit myself to certain ones. If this guide encourages
you to delve more deeply into Srila Prabhupada's books, I will consider my effort worthwhile.

How to use this study guide

People best remember what they discover themselves or express in their own words. The purpose of this
study guide is to give questions that will enable each person to discover what the Bhagavad-gita says
and how it relates to your life. There are three basic kinds of questions:

1/ What does it say? Get the facts. 2/ What does it mean? Discuss the meaning. 3/ How does it relate to
my life? Make personal applications.

You group may find the sections too long for one session. In such a case, break it in half or more
according to the time you have available for session. It would be best to spend at least one hour in group
discussion. If you want to include other activities, then include additional time for them. Try to keep
distractions to a minimum. Always stick to your agreed time limits or participants will become
discourage and reluctant to attend.

The group leader is the one who asks questions, not the one who gives answers. There is no reason to
fear being a leader. Therefore, let everyone take turns in leading. Leadership is the duty of all the

The more people participate, the more they learn. In larger groups the quiet types tend to participate
less. Therefore, if the group exceeds ten people, it is time to divide into smaller groups.

Advice for groups members

1/ Each person should have their own copy of the study guide.

2/ Prepare by reading the appropriate verses and purports. Then answer the questions in the guide. You
can do this in a simple note book. Everyone should use the same edition of the Bhagavad-gita to avoid
confusion on page numbering and editing.

3/ Come to study group to learn from what the others have to say, not to give your set answers to them.

4/ Stick to the passage under discussion. As the study progresses, you may want to refer back to a
previous passage, but only of it is relevant. It is good idea to review what you have studied to reinforce

5/ Avoid tangents; don't hesitate to ask, "Are we on the subject?" Or, "Could we finish this discussion

6/ Let everyone speak: if you are eager to speak, also be eager to hear what others have to say; if you
are shy to speak, remember that the others need to hear your personal insights; you may see something
they do not.

7/ Don't be afraid to make personal, honest applications. In a group of sincere, Krsna conscious persons
you can be honest and vulnerable without getting hurt.
Advice for the leader

1/ Prepare in advance. Read and answer all the questions. Plan how much time everything will take and
where the group should be after the first half hour.

2/ Begin on time.

3/ Ask for a volunteer to read the passage to be discussed.

4/ Read the first question and wait for someone to answer. Don't you give the answer or they will think
don't have to participate. Rephrase the question if necessary.

5/ If a question to be asked has already been answered in this session, don't bother asking it.

6/ Don't try to dominate the group or present yourself as the supreme authority. Let the verses and
purports stand as their own authority. If someone raises a question, engage the group to answer it.

7/ Encourage participation by asking, "Are there any other ideas? Does anyone else think differently?"

8/ If the group gets sidetracked, bring it back by restating the question. Remember, tangents are not the
same as applications. When you are discussing an application you are not on a tangent.

9/ Accept everyone's answers warmly. If necessary, ask, "Where is that stated?" Or, "What does
someone else think?"

10/ Encourage the quieter members to speak. Watch for hints in facial expressions. Keep eye contact
with them.

11/ If someone is dominating the discussion, ask everyone to thinking quietly about the next question.
Then ask, "Will someone who hasn't spoke yet give us their understanding?"

Conditions for Being a Devotee

All kinds of people are attracted to Krsna. Although He certainly welcomes everyone to test their
sincerity Krsna makes certain prerequisites for being His devotee. In this section you will learn who can
be a devotee of Krsna and what the qualifications are.

Read Bg. 9.32-33

1/ Who does Lord Krsna say is eligible for salvation? How does the average person fit into this
description? In which category do you see yourself?

2/ In the purport to Bg. 9.33, what does Srila Prabhupada give as the reason why people should attach
themselves to the bosom of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
3/ When you read 9.33, do you detect any bias of Krsna toward the upper classes? Give your reasons.
Compare this verse with 9.29 and then express what you think about what the Lord says in 9.33.

Read Bg. 7.15-16

4/ Bg. 7/16: What are the four kinds of people who become devotees? What do you think about their
motives? According to the purport, what will happen to them eventually?

5/ According to Bg. 7.15, what are the kinds of people who are not likely to become devotees? How can
you recognize them? According to the purport, should a devotee try to deliver any of these?

Read Bg. 2.39-51

6/ Bg. 2.40: How does Krsna try to dispel Arjuna's uncertainty about doing devotional service? Do you
think Krsna's words are convincing or believable? Explain yourself?

7/ According to the verse 41, what is the sign of one who has strong faith (resolution)? What is the sign
of those who are without faith? How does Prabhupada explain faith? What is the basis of faith in Krsna
consciousness? What arguments does Prabhupada give for having faith in Krsna?

8/ According to verse 44, what is the reason why some people are unable to develop the necessary faith
for engaging in devotional service? In verse 45, why does Krsna minimize the value of the Vedas? Does
this mean the Vedas are useless? What relation does this verse have with verse 46? In the purport to
verse 46, what does Prabhupada say is the purpose of the Vedas?

9/ In verse 47, why do you think Krsna says we are not entitled to the fruits of our actions? How would
you try to apply this in your own life? If we do as Krsna says in verse 48, how can we accomplish
anything? According to the purport, how should one perform one's duties? How does the purport define
yoga? What do verses 50-51 describe as the result of such yoga?

Read Bg. 12.6-7

10/ What does Krsna's statement mean to you? What do these verses reveal about Krsna's attitude
toward us? In the purport, where Prabhupada explains devotional service, do you find anything which
you could not do or which is unappealing to you? Do you find anything there which could encourage
you in devotional service?

Read Bg. 18.65-66

11/ (Bg. 18.65) Why do you think Krsna promises to deliver Arjuna? How does Krsna define the
lifestyle of a devotee? How can we practically achieve this according to Prabhupada's purport?

12/ (Bg. 18.66) What does Krsna mean by asking us to give up all varieties of religion? What does
Krsna promise to do if we surrender to Him? How would you go about surrendering yourself
completely to Him? What does Krsna's promise to remove sins tell us about Krsna's position? Can you
think of an equal or better alternative for becoming freed from sin?

Read Bg. 12.13-20

13/ Of the different qualities Krsna mentions as dear to Him, which do you consider the hardest for you
to personally develop?

14/ How would you advise a prospective devotee who says, "It's too hard. Krsna is asking too much. It
isn't worth that much trouble to me."

The Spiritual Master

After Arjuna surrendered to Krsna as His disciple, Krsna began instructing him. In this section you will
learn about surrender to a spiritual master as the via media to Krsna.

Read Bg. 1.1-46, 2.1-8

1/ After reading what Arjuna says, describe his personality and feelings in your own words.

2/ Although you may not be in the same physical position as Arjuna, make a frank list of the anxieties
and difficult decisions that have troubled you in your life.

3/ In verse 2.7, what are the two negative conditions of Arjuna and what are his two positive qualities as
a devotee? According to the purport, why would anyone need a spiritual master? How does Prabhupada
describe the person in material perplexities (krpana)?

4/ Although Arjuna spoke with great insight into the principles of religion and morality in earlier verses,
what does verse 2.8 show us about his realization of these subjects? Why do you think that his great
knowledge did not help him in this time of stress? Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation?

5/ According to the purport to verse 2.8, who is qualified to be a spiritual master? In order to be a guru,
would it be better to be born in a high brahmana family or in a family of untouchables?

Read Bg. 2.10-11

6/ Do you detect any change in the relationship between Krsna and Arjuna by the way Krsna is
speaking? How does Prabhupada describe the way in which Krsna spoke to Arjuna in the purport to
verse 2.10? Why do you think Krsna wanted to instruct Arjuna in the battlefield?

Read Bg. 4.34-35

7/ According to Krsna, for what reason and how should one approach a spiritual master? What is the
spiritual master's qualification for giving knowledge? In the purport, what are the specific points
Prabhupada mentions as qualifications for being a spiritual master? How does Prabhupada describe
surrender to the spiritual master? Could you do this?

8/ (Bg. 4.35) When you have received knowledge from a spiritual master, what will you understand? In
the purport, how does Prabhupada describe that knowledge? If there was a spiritual master who did not
give this knowledge, what would you think about him?
Read Bg. 4.42

9/ In the purport, why should one study Bhagavad-gita under a spiritual master? According to
Prabhupada, what are the disqualifications for being a spiritual master?

Read Bg. 5.16

10/ According to the purport, what is the benefit to be derived from a bona fide spiritual master? How
does one learn one's relationship with God from spiritual master? Why can't a spiritual master claim to
be God?

Read Bg. 4.10

11/ In the purport, what are the three things which Prabhupada recommends for freeing oneself from
attachment, fear and anger? Why do you think a neophyte devotee needs to be directed by a spiritual
master in the execution of devotional service? What is the result of performing devotional service under
the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master?

12/ Which do you think is more important, accepting a spiritual master for initiation, receiving teachings
or directions from him, or performing devotional service on his request.

13/ Can a spiritual master direct you to perform devotional service in a way that contradicts the great
sages and scriptures? Do you think you should do something immoral if the spiritual master requests
you? What do you think you should do if this happened to you?

14/ Do you feel a need for a spiritual master or are you afraid that such surrender will rob you of your
freedom? Do you think following a spiritual master would cause you to stop thinking or to think about
things more carefully?

15/ What are your greatest anxieties about not having or having a spiritual master? How would you go
about finding a spiritual master and how would you decide the criterion?

The Devotee's Identity and Resource

Because emotions and situations can distort his view, the devotee needs to be mindful of who he is in
relation to Krsna. He also needs to know what resource Krsna has provided for him to help him advance
in Krsna consciousness.

Read Bg. 9.29

1/ What kind of relationship exists between the devotees and Krsna? Do you think you could ever be
Krsna's friend and He, your friend? According to the purport, how can God who is impartial be a friend
of anyone?
2/ What does the analogy of a diamond ring tell us about the relationship of Krsna and the devotee?
How do you feel personally about the value given to the devotee? If you could personally approach
Krsna as a desire tree, what would you ask from Him?

Read Bg. 4.11

3/ Since God awards everyone according to how much they surrender to Him, in what sense is everyone
following His path? Does this mean that all paths are the same and that everyone achieves the same

4/ According to the purport, how does Krsna reciprocate with the devotee? What kinds of relationship
can a devotee have with Krsna? What kind of relationship would you like to have with Him, and why?
What fears or anxieties do you have about having a personal relationship with Krsna?

Read Bg. 8.14

5/ Although Krsna is Godhead Himself, why do you think He makes Himself easy to obtain? According
to the purport, what are the features of bhakti-yoga that makes it so easy? What are the five
relationships with the Lord? List the different qualities of a pure devotee as described throughout this

Read Bg. 12.8

6/ What difficulties do you find in trying to fix your mind on Krsna? How would you engage your
intelligence in Him? According to the purport, what is the position of a devotee from the very
beginning? Have you experienced this in any way?

7/ According to the purport, how can even a neophyte devotee come into direct contact with Krsna?
What effect does prasadam (food offered to Krsna) have on the eater? Why do you think those who
have not chanted the holy name or honored prasadam cannot understand the nature of these? What is
your own experience?

Read Bg. 7.17-18 8/ In verses 17 and 18, why do you think that those who approach the Lord, those in
knowledge of Him are considered most dear to Him? According to the purport to verse 17, what kind of
knowledge is this? According to verse 18, why does Krsna make a distinction among His different
devotees? How does that strike you? According to the purport, who is a mahatma? Why would some
people approach the Lord for material benefits and others only out of a sense of love?

9/ How does Krsna describe the intimate relationship between Him and His devotees? Do you feel you
should desire such a relationship, or would you prefer something offering more material security? If you
had such a relationship with God, how would you relate to others and the world in general?

Read Bg. 10.10-11

10/ What does verse 10.10 show us about Krsna's concern for our return? Have you ever received some
direction from God or not? How and why? According to the purport, what is buddhi-yoga? What is the
goal of life and how are you trying to attain it?
11/ What does Prabhupada say about the efficacy of belonging to a spiritual organization and having a
guru? In what instance could these be of little help for a new devotee? How does Krsna help the
neophyte devotee who is not very expert?

12/ In verse 10.11, what comparison is drawn between a heart full of ignorance and a heart full of
knowledge? Where does the knowledge come from? What reason does Krsna give for His bestowal of
knowledge? What chances do you think you have of receiving such knowledge? How would you know
if you received it?

13/ According to the purport to verse 10.11, who can attain knowledge of God more perfectly, one who
has sophisticated education or one who is very simple? Is it in advantage or disadvantage to be
educated? What activity by the devotee helps remove the dust from the heart?

14/ Why do you think intellectualizing and speculating are insufficient in themselves for realizing God?
Do you think these could be done in a way that would be helpful in devotional service? How would you
try to engage your own intellect in Krsna?

15/ How do you feel about your identity as a devotee? Would you feel embarrassed if people knew you
were a devotee? Why?

16/ What difficulties do you meet in trying to maintain your identity as a devotee during the ordinary
course of your life? What do you think you could do about it? Do you think Krsna has made any
arrangement that could help you in your struggle for identity? Explain.

The Devotee's Motivation and Message

Even though we are devotees engaged in devotional service, we are often so busy that we seldom have
time to think about what we are doing and why. In this section we will see what Krsna gives as the
motives of a devotee and what message such a devotee wishes to give by his life.

Read Bg. 6.31

1/ We often see others, especially foreigners, as "different". Make a list of all the things you could have
in common with someone else who seems at first glance quite different from you. In this verse Krsna
says that a perfect yogi sees the true equality of all beings. How could you see that practically?

2/ According to the purport, how is a devotee the sincerest friend of all living entities? What are the two
kinds of yogis described in this purport? If you had a choice of either going into seclusion to perfect
yourself spiritually or going into the world to help others take up the spiritual path, which would you
choose? Why? Which do you think would be more pleasing to Krsna?

Read Bg. 12.13-14

3/How would you define envy? How is a devotee to be free from envy? How would you recognize a
nonenvious person and how do you think others would react to him?
4/ What are your personal experiences in dealing with happiness and distress? What difficulties do you
see in trying to be equal in both? How do we get the notion of proprietorship and how could we
overcome it. In what way could the mind agreement with Krsna or not in agreement with Him?

5/ In the purport, the devotee is said to consider his misfortunes as the result of past misdeeds. Is this
being pessimistic or responsible? How could one cultivate this view without going to extremes? Why do
you think people are never satisfied with what they have?

6/ How should we determine what our actual needs are? Why should we care to limit our needs? After
reading this purport, how would you personally try to develop the qualities of a devotee?

Read Bg. 12.15

7/ How could you avoid ever putting anyone else into difficulty? What part do you think Krsna could
have in helping you achieve this? Do you ever find yourself slipping into the role of the materialist as
described in the purport? What do you think it is that immunizes a devotee from disturbances by others?

Read Bg. 12.16

8/ Ordinary people are very concerned about material profit and work very hard to attain it. What does
this verse say about the attitude of a devotee? If you say a devotee working very hard and becoming
materially successful, do you think he would be in conflict with this verse?

9/ Explain the difference between being without cares, carefree, careless and lackadaisical. What does it
mean when it says that a devotee should not strive for some result? Should we refrain from trying to
love Krsna or do anything at all?

10/ How does a devotee not desire? How would you try to reach such a position? Why would a godly
devotee reject auspicious things? Does this mean a devotee should oppose all forms of piety? At this
stage in your life, what kinds of risks are you willing to take for satisfying the Lord?

Read Bg. 12.18-19

11/ If someone began to oppose you as your enemy, how would you deal with him? What difficulty
would you have in being equal to friends and enemies? Should you try to be friend enemies or be aloof
from friends?

12/ Why should a devotee be detached from his residence? In what way do you think a residence can
affect you? How could one who wants to preach about devotional service also practice silence? How
would you try to "speak only of essentials." How would it alter your present lifestyle? A devotee is
supposed to be equal in honor and dishonor. Describe your own experiences in this regard.

13/ In the purport, Prabhupada says that a devotee has all good qualifications and that a nondevotee has
none. Describe how you would feel about this statement from the devotee' and nondevotee's position.
What purpose could there be in a devotee seeing nondevotees in such a way?

14/ How would you try to develop the motivation to serve Krsna. How would you restructure your
priorities? What is the present order of your priorities?
15/ What do you think of devotees who are of a lower motivation and how would you relate with them?
Do you feel you must accomplish something in this life for Krsna? In what way could you see yourself
helping others come to Krsna consciousness? Could you do more than you already are, or is there
something holding you back?

The Devotee's Values and Goals

Everyone has a particular set of values and goals. In this section we will see how devotional service
transforms the outlook of a devotee, causing him to develop new values and goals. How closely our
own values and goals coincide with these is the gauge for measuring our own fullness of spiritual

Read Bg. 2.47-49

1/ According to verse 47, with what sort of consciousness should a devotee perform his work? How
does this differ from ordinary people. In what ways do you find yourself being attached or averse to
your work? How would you propose to change yourself to be in line with this verse?

2/ According to the purport to verse 47, why is attachment to the result of work bad? Do you think it is
practically impossible to be 100% unattached to the result of work? If you were unattached to the
results of your work, how would this affect the quality of your work? Would you perform better or

3/ According to verse 48, what is yoga? What purpose could detachment from success or failure serve?
According to the purport, how can such detachment be achieved? In the last paragraph Prabhupada says
that the devotee tries to satisfy Krsna but the nondevotee wants to satisfy himself. What difficulties do
you see in trying to live up to this injunction?

4/ In verse 49, how does devotional service rid one of fruitive activities? Why are those who want to
enjoy the fruits of their work called misers? Why are material activities abominable? How would you
determine how to utilize your assets for Krsna's pleasure?

Read Bg. 2.50-52

5/ Generally, religious people are interested in performing good works. In verse 50 it says the devotee
rids himself of both bad and good works. What does a devotee see as objectional about good works and
why are they not integral to devotional service?

6/ In verse 51, which do you think is the factor which liberates the devotee from the cycle of birth and
death, renouncing the fruits of action or taking refuge in the Lord? According to the purport, how does
a devotee see this world? Is the devotee's desire to leave this world and return to the spiritual world the
same as escapism and pessimism? Although the devotees and nondevotees are striving differently, what
similar goals they have? Which do you think is the best way to solve the problems of material miseries,
by material adjustment or spiritual emancipation?
7/ In verse 52, the devotee is said to become indifferent to all that has been heard and all that is to be
heard. What does this mean? If you were a student in school, how would this affect your attitude
towards what you were studying? How does this attitude differ from aloofness and snobbishness?

8/ In the purport to verse 52, what was the cause of Madhavendra Puri's indifference to social rituals? If
many people were disinterested in the rituals of society, do you think it could weaken or disrupt the
functional structure of society? After reading this purport, do you think penances, sacrifices and other
types of piety can have any place in the life of a devotee?

Read Bg. 2.58-59

9/ Explain what the analogy of a tortoise in verse 58 means to you. According to the purport, how can
we recognize who is a real yogi and who is a fake?

10/ According to verse 59, how is it that a devotee can give up sense gratification for devotional
service? What do you think the underlying urge is that compels everyone to seek some kind of
enjoyment? Although people on a spiritual path often restrict themselves from sense gratification,
according to this verse, why do they often fail in the long run? How does the purport appraise what the
devotee wishes to taste as compared to what the nondevotee tastes?

11/ Describe your understanding of the analogy of a lotus leaf in verse <10?>. By the influence of ego
the living entity has a sense of possessiveness. What happens to the devotee's sense of proprietorship?
According to the purport, how does a devotee see the world and his body?

12/ In verse <11?>, what purpose does the devotee have and how does he try to attain it? Rupa
Goswami defines the affect of devotional service. What are the main points he makes? Do you find any
that you would personally value and how would you try to incorporate them into your life?

13/ According to verse <12?>, what are the difference between the result achieved by the devotees and
nondevotees? According to the purport, what are the difference between devotees and nondevotees?
What is the cause of the anxiety arising from material activities? Describe the reason why activities in
Krsna consciousness fill one with peace. How would you define peace and fearlessness? How important
are these in your life and how far have you realized them?

Read Bg. 8.14-16

14/ According to verse 14, how has the Lord made Himself easy to obtain? What is the only thing a
devotee desires? Do you find any contradiction between desiring nothing but Krsna and desiring to
engage in different aspects of devotional service? Why is devotional service so easy and what does
Prabhupada describe as its very beginning? According to the purport, does Krsna consciousness depend
on a holy place or temple, or can it be anywhere? How could you maintain a steady awareness of Krsna
at all times and places?

15/ In verses 15 and 16, what is the final goal achieved by the devotee? Make an appraisal of the world
achieved by the devotees and of the world the materialists desire to remain in. Do you think the material
world is bad, or could Krsna consciousness change it?

16/ What are the kinds of sense gratification that still attract you as a devotee? What could you do in
devotional service to counterbalance this? Do you find any lack of sincerity in your attempts at being
Krsna conscious? How could you overcome this? Do you think Krsna could or has helped you do this in
any way?

The Devotee's Internal Struggle

Even a devotee who sincerely wants to attain full Krsna consciousness will find himself struggling with
the unruly mind and burgeoning desires in the heart. In this section we will learn about that internal
struggle and how the devotee can be victorious.

Read Bg. 4.39-40

1/ In verse 40, why is it that a doubting soul can have no happiness? What doubts do you or have you
had about Krsna consciousness? How have doubts in general affected your life? According to the
purport to verse 39, how can one develop faith and become free from doubt? When you make a choice,
how do you determine beyond all doubt that you are making the right decision?

Read Bg. 2.66

2/ Define your understanding of peace. Is an uninhabited forest more peaceful than a place full of people
working in harmony with the will of the Lord? Does a peaceful life exclude the possibility of excitement,
travel, changes, etc.? Why does happiness depend on peace? According to the purport, what is the cause
of mental distress and how can it be relieved?

Read Bg. 6.5-6

3/ What are the difficulties you have in elevating yourself by your mind? Why does the mind seem to
prefer material sense enjoyment to spiritual engagement? In what ways could your mind be your best
friend? What would you consider the sign of someone who had really gained control over his mind?

Read Bg. 6.34

4/ List the qualities of the mind as given in this verse and discuss them. Which aspect of the mind gives
you the most trouble? What positive and negative feelings do you have toward your mind?

5/ According to the purport, one cannot artificially control the mind. Why? Describe the analogy of a
chariot. What impression does this give you about your relationship with the mind, senses and body? Do
you feel skillful and confident enough to drive your chariot. What device has the Lord given us to help
us control the mind?

Read Bg. 2.67

6/ How have you felt your intelligence being swept away by the senses? Do you find this frustrating, or
have you found some way to cope with it? How can this diversion of the mind be avoided?

Read Bg. 2.60

7/ In what ways could even a person of discrimination be overcome by the urges of the senses? What is
the lesson to be learned from the falldown of Visvamitra? Does this story cause you any anxiety about
your own ability to attain spiritual perfection?

8/ What do you think about the attitude of Yamunacarya? Does this indicate that women, household life
and having children are an abomination and obstacle to spiritual life.

Read Bg. 2.70

9/ Describe what analogy of the ocean means to you. How could a person not be disturbed by desires?
Why is it that a person who tries to satisfy his desires cannot attain peace?

10/ Why isn't devotee disturbed by the flow of desires? What are your strongest or most recurrent
desires? According to the purport, do desires ever go away? Can one ever reach a state where he has no
more sex desire? What difference have you seen between your material and spiritual desires? How
successful have you been at fulfilling them?

11/ What do you find as the biggest difficulty in your internal struggle? Why do you think you have this
difficulty and how would you propose to overcome it?

12/ Do you think it is possible to help others with their internal struggle? How would you do so? Do
you see any advantage in association with devotees for your own internal struggle?

13/ Do you ever feel as if you can't continue any longer? What would you personally do to strengthen
your determination? How would you try to help someone who was sinking into defeat?

The Devotee's External Struggle

Besides the internal struggle, a devotee has to face an external struggle. Everywhere about us there is a
web of entanglement and enticement to lure us away from Krsna consciousness. This section discusses
the nature of the desire for sense gratification, how the senses become agitated, how one can resist their
attraction and how one can lift himself up if he falls down.

Read Bg. 3.34

1/ In what way does attraction and repulsion for sense object bring one under the control of the senses?
How does sense gratification constitute a stumbling block to self-realization?

2/ According to the purport, how should one deal with sex urge? Should a devotee be attached to
following the rules and regulations? If a rule cannot be applied under some circumstance, what should
one do? What are the dangers of regulated sense gratification? How can one become detached from
sense gratification?

Read Bg. 2.62-63

3/ Describe in your own words the process by which lust develops. Why are objects of the senses able to
attract us so strongly? What is it we hope to find in them? According to the purport to verse 2.62, why
would it be difficult to achieve spiritual perfection by meditating in a dark cave? Although Haridasa
Thakura was tempted by Maya for sex pleasure, he resisted. What was the source of his strength? In
what way could you apply this to situations in which you may find yourself ?

4/ According to verse 63, what is the result of engagement in sense gratification? Why would an artificial
attempt to avoid sense gratification fail? List some practical ways in which sense gratification can be
avoided by using something in the service of the Lord.

Read Bg. 3.36-43

5/ In verse 36, it says that sometimes we are impelled to sin even against our will. What does that tell
you about the basic nature of human beings? Do you think this gives us a license for sin? Why do you
think God made us prone to fall down?

6/ According to the purport to verse 37, what is lust? Why is giving into lust so bad for us? Why does
God give us a choice to love Him when if we choose not to we will suffer? How do you feel about your
use of the right to choose? Should one try to ignore lust or should one try to do something with it?

7/ In verse 38, what are the analogies given to show the different degrees to which the soul is covered
by lust? Explain the meaning of the three analogies. Why is human life so valuable?

8/ In verse 39, why can't lust ever be satisfied? How would you expect a person to feel who spent his
life trying to satisfy his lust? Why is sex considered the shackles of the living entities? How would you
differentiate between the happiness of sense gratification and the happiness of spiritual activities?

9/ In verse 40, what are the sitting places of lust? In what way does lust influence the mind, senses and
intelligence? In what ways do you identify with your body and mind? In what way do you perceive your
spiritual identity?

10/ In verse 41, how can one curb lust? What is the difference between the two types of knowledge,
jnana and vijnana? Who is best able to transform lust into love of God and why? What facility is there
for late comers?

11/ In verse 42, describe the progression from the senses to the soul. What is the function of the senses
in relation to lust and Krsna consciousness? What is the best means of restraining the senses, mind and
intelligence from material engagement? Why does the soul give up its control to the mind and senses?
What effect does engaging the mind in Krsna consciousness have on the senses?

12/ In verse 43, how does knowledge of ourselves as a soul which is transcendental to the sense, mind
and intelligence help us to control these? How does Krsna consciousness help one to overcome the
influence of the senses and mind?

Read Bg. 9.30-31

13/ In what way could a sincere devotee commit abominable actions? Explain the two kinds of activities
for a devotee. Although they often parallel, when they clash, what effect can this have on a devotee?
How does the Lord help a devotee who accidentally falls down? How would you distinguish between a
devotee who has an accidental fall down and one who habitually does so?
14/ Should fallen devotees be encouraged to engage in Krsna consciousness or should they be
discouraged so that they don't commit offense and bad P.R.? How many chances do you think a person
having difficulties should be given? What should be the criterion for determining whether a devotee has
rectified himself or not?

15/ According to verse 31, why should one refrain from condemning a devotee who falls down? What
does this statement by the Lord mean to you personally? If a devotee does not quickly become rectified,
what are we to think and how should we deal with him? What value can chanting Hare Krsna have for a
fallen devotee or a devotee having difficulties?

16/ What difficulties do you have in your daily life in being a devotee? How could you strengthen your
identity as a devotee and continue with your present work?

17/ Do you feel discouraged or enthusiastic in devotional service? Why? In what ways have ever
compromised your spiritual life for material aspirations? Do you see a way in which to spiritualize your
material aspirations? How could you increase your enthusiasm in devotional service?

The Devotee's Responsibilities

When we hear the phrase "devotee's responsibilities" we usually think of the many things we are
supposed to do each day: chanting 16 rounds, rising early and attending mangala-arati, etc. In this
section we will learn about what Krsna considers the chief responsibilities of a devotee so that we can
adjust our lives accordingly.

Read Bg. 9.27

1/ Describe in one short sentence the basic command of this verse. How would you convey the
application of this verse to a new person? Is this a universal religious principle or does it clash with some
religious views? Are there some things which cannot be done for Krsna?

Read Bg. 9.34

2/ How does this verse compare to verse 9.27? How and why do unscrupulous persons try to twist the
meaning of this verse? Is it possible to think of Krsna in any way we like, or is there a recommended
way? Why do we have to continually cultivate awareness of Krsna? Why isn't thinking of Him once
enough? Have you ever felt that Krsna helped you to advance in devotional service?

Read Bg. 18.57-60

3/ In verse 57, does depending on the Lord mean that we should sit back and let Him do everything? In
your own activities, how much do you actually depend on the Lord and how much do you try to
accomplish things by your own strength? Can we do whimsical things for Krsna?

4/ In verse 58, by what power is a devotee able to pass over the obstacles of conditional life? What
happens to those who act in defiance to Krsna? Do you see Krsna as vengeful or hard-hearted against
those who reject him, or do you see Him as concerned and purposeful in His treatment of them? What
reasons would you give someone for engaging in devotional service?

5/ In verse 59 to 60, what reason does Krsna give for engaging in devotional service? How would you
relate this to your own life? Do you think it is selfish and egotistical of God to demand that we work
according to His direction? Why doesn't He give us complete freedom to do as we please?

Read Bg. 18.62-63

6/ According to verse 62, how could you surrender to Krsna utterly? If you are unable to do so, what do
you think is holding you back?

7/ In verse 63, Krsna asks us to deliberate on His instructions and then to do as we wish. What
impression does this give you of His relationship with us? Make a list of the things you stand to gain by
acting independently of Krsna and of the things you stand to gain by surrendering to Him.

Read Bg. 18.68-69

8/ According to these verses, what does the Lord want us to do? Krsna has given a general instruction
to teach Krsna consciousness, how do the devotees try to expand on this? Why do you think preaching
Krsna consciousness can help one advance better in devotional life?

9/ Do you feel like you want to fully accept the responsibilities of devotee, or do you feel you could not
fulfill them?

10/ Make a list of all the ways in which you could be a more responsible devotee, then mark all the ones
you could actually do in your present circumstances.

Knowing God

Seeing Him as He is


Suppose you heard that God had personally appeared in your town to establish righteousness, eliminate
irreligion and make Himself available for those who would accept Him. That is exactly what the
Bhagavad-gita tells us about. Could you believe it? Wouldn't you want to know whether it was true or
not? In this study guide we will examine the evidence given in the Bhagavad-gita regarding Krsna's
position as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. After all, if Krsna really is God and has entered this
world and left us instructions, shouldn't that be of great concern to us?

Brahman, the Impersonal Absolute

Often people are frustrated with the imperfections of material existence. They therefore assume that the
perfect situation must be devoid of all variety and individuality, and that this must be only pure being. In
this section we will investigate whether such an impersonal condition is the ultimate, or if there is
possibly something beyond it.

Read Bg. 8.1

1/ Arjuna asks Krsna what Brahman is. According to the purport, what are some of the meanings of the
word Brahman?

Read Bg. 13.13

2/ Describe Brahman in your own words based on the information given in this verse. What are some of
the ways in which Brahman is contrasted with material existence?

Read Bg. 13.31

3/ According to the verse, Brahman realization means ceasing to see the spirit souls as separated by
different bodies. If you could see souls in such a state of nonseparation, what would it appear like? How
would you relate to yourself or your friends and loved ones in such a condition?

4/ What do you see as possible advantages and disadvantages in impersonal Brahman realization and in
individual existence in the material world?

Read Bg. 8.11

5/ According to the verse, what are the requisites for entering the impersonal Brahman? Does this path
attract you and do you think you could traverse it successfully?

Read Bg. 6.27

6/ What are the effects of realizing the impersonal Brahman mentioned in this verse? What do you
understand by "identity with Brahman?"

Read Purport to 6.10

7/ According to this purport, what is the impersonal Brahman? If the impersonal Brahman is but a partial
manifestation of God, how would you rate the importance of realizing it.

Read Bg. 14.27

8/ In this verse, what relation does Krsna say the impersonal Brahman has to Him. What words does He
use to describe the impersonal Brahman?

9/ According to the purport, what is the position of the impersonal Brahman in regards to the gradual
elevation of the fallen conditioned souls? Can one stay permanently merged in the impersonal Brahman?
How does this purport describe the difference between what and impersonally merged soul experiences
and what a soul who has attained Krsna experiences? According to the last paragraph, summarize the
means by which a conditioned soul can get out of material entanglement and become situated in the
brahmajyoti, in quality one with the Lord.

Read Bg. 12.3-5

10/ According to verses 12.3-4, how would you describe the impersonal Brahman? Summarize the
method for realizing the impersonal as described in verses 3-4 and their purport. Why does Krsna say
that after a great deal of effort in realizing the impersonal one at least achieves Him (Krsna)?

11/ According to verse 5, what is Krsna's opinion about the path of impersonal realization? According to
the purport, what are the two classes of yogis and what is the difference between their two paths? Why
is bhakti-yoga easier than the impersonal path?

12/ According to the last paragraph of the purport to verse 5, what does a soul accomplish by
impersonal merging and what does he lack? Do you think some people are unsuited for devotional
service and should therefore follow the impersonal path? What danger does one risk when one ignores
devotional service and follows the impersonal path, and why?

Paramatma, the All-pervading Supersoul

Realization of the impersonal is not enough for some people. They desire something more tangible,
something they can perceive close at hand. Or they may desire the development of mystic powers. Both
these groups take to the path of mystic yoga in which one tries to realize the Paramatma or Supersoul
present in all things. In this section we will study the nature of such a realization.

Read Bg. 13.14

1/ What does the description of the Supersoul in this verse tell you about His nature? How does this
description strike you? What single word best summarizes this description?

2/ What example does the purport use to explain the Supersoul? What are the differences between the
Supersoul as described here and the individual soul? In the light of this verse and purport, how would
you react to someone who was arguing that the individual soul is God?

Read Bg. 8.9

3/ How is it that the Supersoul could know everything? According to the verse and purport, why is the
Supersoul considered the smallest of the small? What does the Supersoul's ability to enter into the atom
enable Him to do? What relationship and difference is there between the Supersoul and the universe?
What word best describes the Supersoul's abilities? According to this purport, what is the best way to
understand the Supersoul?

Read Bg. 13.16

4/ What is the main point to be understood about the Supersoul in this verse and purport? What roles do
mental ability and devotional love play in understanding the Supersoul?
Read Bg. 13.17

5/ Because the Supersoul is present in everything, one might think that He has divided Himself up into
innumerable parts. What does this verse say about that? Describe the example give in the purport to
explain this point?

6/ Why do you think it stated that the Supersoul devours and develops all? Why is this a feature
attributed to the Supersoul?

Read Bg. 13.15

7/ Sum up in your own words the message of this verse. Although the Supersoul is devoid of senses, He
is said to be the source of all senses. According to the purport, how is this possible?

Read Bg. 13.3

8/ What quality of the Supersoul enables Him to be the knower in all bodies? According to the purport,
what are the three facts to be understood as knowledge? Why is the body referred to as a field? The
Supersoul is said to be the knower of the field, whereas the soul is called the owner. Can the soul also be
a knower of the field, and if so, what would be the difference between his knowing and that of the

Read Bg. 13.23

9/ In this verse the Supersoul is called the overseer and permitter. Does this mean that He allows us to
do good or bad as we choose? Although God wishes that we only do good, when we desire to do bad,
He allows it. Does this mean our desire is stronger than God's will? Why does the Supersoul accompany

Read Bg. 5.15

10/ According to the purport, why doesn't the Supersoul assume responsibility for the sinful and pious
acts of the individual souls? What two terms are used to distinguish the Supersoul's and the individual's
will? How is it that the Supersoul understands the desires of the living entity? What example is given to
illustrate this?

11/ When it is said that God fulfills all our desires, does this include whims of the moment? How do you
see God helping you fulfill your own desires, whether good or bad? What does it mean when it says that
God helps some people to elevate themselves and others to descend to hell. Does this mean god is
biased or that He has already decided who can be delivered and who sent to hell?

Read Bg. 2.22

12/ What roles does the Supersoul play in the transmigration of the soul from one body to another?
What example do the Upanisads give to explain the relation between the soul and the Supersoul?
Describe the friendship between the soul and the Supersoul. What is the difference between seeking the
enjoyment of the fruits of the tree (body) or seeking the friendship of the companion bird (Supersoul)?
What do you see yourself doing?
Read Bg. 13.25

13/ What are the various ways of seeing the Supersoul? According to the purport, what is the difference
between those who try to perceive the Supersoul by analytical knowledge and those who are
impersonalistic speculators? What understanding guides the devotees in their attempts to see the
Supersoul within themselves?

Read Bg. 6.4-23

14/ Describe in your own words the method of meditating on the Supersoul as described in verses 4-19.
Why do the impersonalist reject the bliss of seeing the Supersoul in samadhi? According to the purport
to verses 20-23, what does nirvana mean? What follows nirvana? What is the difference between the two
types of samadhi?

Read Bg. 13.24

15/ What is the result of understanding the Supersoul and His relation to the soul and body? Review the
method of realizing the Supersoul as discussed previously. Do you think you could be successful on this
path? If not, why?

Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead

Beyond the negating experiences of realizing the impersonal Brahman and the vague mystical
experiences of realizing the Supersoul there is something higher and more profound. Bhagavan means
the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the ultimate and fullest aspect of the Absolute. In this
chapter we will learn something about the nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Read purport to Bg. 2.2

1/ What are the three phases of the Absolute Truth? Explain the example that is used to illustrate them.
Why is Lord Krsna identical with the Supreme Personality of Godhead?

2/ What are the three kinds of transcendentalists? If they all are engaged in the same subject matter, how
is it that the devotees are more elevated?

3/ What is the definition of Bhagavan? Why does Brahma conclude that Krsna is the Supreme
Personality of Godhead? According to the Srimad-Bhagavatam, what is the difference between Krsna
and the different incarnations?

Read Introduction to Bg. (page 12 in old edition, page 14 in new edition), two paragraphs beginning
with "It is also explained in the Gita..." "People who are less intelligent consider..."

4/ According to the first paragraph, why is Bhagavan superior to Brahman and Paramatma? Explain the
term sac-cid-ananda in relation to three phases of the Absolute.

5/ According to the second paragraph, why must the Absolute be personal? Do you think this is logical?
Read Bg. 5.17 and purport

6/ In this verse it says that one should fix his intelligence, mind, faith and refuge in the Supreme. Could
the Supreme in which these are fixed be impersonal? Why does the Bhagavad-gita continually refer to
Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead? What benefit could there be in realizing Krsna as the
Supreme Personality of Godhead?

Read Bg. 14.27 and purport

7/ According to the verse, what is Krsna's relation to the impersonal Brahman? According to the
purport, what is the nature of Brahman and how do you relate it to your own existence?

8/ When the conditioned living entities first take up the spiritual path, what do they realize? Why can't
they go immediately to Bhagavan? Why do people fall from the impersonal Brahman if they cannot
advance further? What are the differences between what a transcendentalist experiences in the
impersonal Brahman and what a devotee experiences on realizing the Supreme Personality of Godhead?

9/ What is the process for realizing the Supreme Personality of Godhead? If you believe devotional
service can help one realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead, explain why. Evaluate the difference
between impersonal realization and realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Why do you
think some people choose the impersonal, others the personal?

Krsna's Claims About Himself

If we really want to get to know someone, the best way is to hear from him what he has to say about
himself. That is exactly what we are going to do in this chapter - examine what Krsna says about

Read Bg. 7.7 and purport

1. In this verse Krsna explains His supreme position to His disciple Arjuna. How does Krsna's statement
strike you and what proof would you expect to substantiate such a claim? What does this verse tell us
about Krsna's position in relation to other aspects of the Supreme as discussed in previous chapters of
this study guide?

2. Not everyone accepts Krsna as the highest truth. What are the alternatives to Krsna and how do they

Read Bg. 10.2

3/ What does Krsna want us to understand about Him in this verse? Why can't the demigods and sages
know Krsna's origin? What kind of origin does Krsna have? If even the demigods and sages can't know
Krsna, is it hopeless for us to try?

Read Bg. 5.29

4/ In this verse, some sages do know Krsna. What do they know about Him and what is the result of
their knowledge? Krsna says that He is the benefactor and well-wisher of all beings. Does this mean
anything to you personally? Does it have any relevance to the world around you?

5/ Srila Prabhupada uses the term "formula for peace". What is its significance and application?
According to the last paragraph of this purport, having accepted Krsna's statements about His position,
how should we proceed to act?

Read Bg. 7.6

6/ Here Krsna says He is the source of everything, both material and spiritual. Does that mean He was
originally in a vacuum? How does Prabhupada explain Krsna's statement? What does this verse tell us
about Krsna's power of action and intelligence?

Read Bg. 4.7-8

7/ According to these two verses, what are the reasons for Krsna's descent into this world? Do you think
there is any need for His appearance at the present time? According to the purport to verse 7, what are
religious principles? How does religious practice deteriorate? Where does the Lord appear and what
does he say? Is there any difference in what the different incarnations preach?

8/ In verse 8 Krsna says He comes to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants. According to the
purport who are the pious (sadhus) and who are the miscreants (duskrtas)? Why does God personally
kill the demons? Couldn't He do it some other way?

9/ Where do the incarnations come from? What is Krsna's relation to them? How often does Krsna
incarnate? When was the last incarnation and why?

Read Bg. 4.14

10/ Although earlier we saw how Krsna is the source of creation and enters the world to protect the
devotees and destroy the demons, what does Krsna say in this verse about His activities? What does
Krsna mean when He says He doesn't aspire for the fruit of action?

11/ What analogy does Prabhupada give to illustrate Krsna's independence? What example is given to
illustrate why God is not responsible for our sins? Why does one who doesn't understand this truth
about Krsna's activities become entangled in fruitive activities?

Read Bg. 4.11

12/ What does Krsna mean by saying everyone is following His path? Does He reward everyone
equally? How does Krsna reciprocate with His devotees? How would you like Him to reciprocate with
you and why?

Read Bg. 15.15

13/ Since Krsna was standing right in front of Arjuna when He spoke this verse, how are we to
understand His presence in the hearts of everyone? Why should God be the source of knowledge and
forgetfulness? In what way do the Vedic literatures aim at presenting Krsna? Generally religious
scriptures are written by people describing God. Since Krsna says He authored the Vedic literatures,
how might they differ or compare with other scriptures?

Read Bg. 11.32

14/ Read the verse. If God were to appear before you and make a similar statement, would you feel awe,
fear, repentance, protection, or what? In what ways do you perceive God as time affecting your life? In
what ways can the influence of time be negative or positive? Is there any way to counteract the influence
of time?

Read Bg. 9.13

15. How does Krsna describe a mahatma (great soul)? Why do they recognize Krsna as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead? How does this compare with your own religious convictions? Why do you
think most people who claim to believe in God don't engage in His service?

What Others Say About Krsna

When we are getting to know someone, we also want to know what people who know him well have to
say. In this chapter we will see what Arjuna, the intimate friend of Krsna, has to say.

Read Bg. 10.12-13

1/ What significance, if any, do you see in Arjuna's use of the term "Supreme Brahman" as compared to
simply calling Krsna "Brahman"? In what stance is God the supreme abode? If God is a purifier, how
does He do so? What does Arjuna's declaration that Krsna is the Absolute Truth show about his view of
Krsna? Why do you think Arjuna wishes to stress such a point and what importance would such a fact
have for us?

2/ What significance is there in Krsna's identity as the eternal divine person who is the Absolute Truth?
What does this tell us about Arjuna's conception of God? What does Arjuna wish us to understand about
Krsna when He describes Him as the primal God, transcendental and original? After hearing this, could
we consider Krsna as a temporary or lover manifestation of God as the impersonalists think? How does
the fact that Krsna is unborn affect our understanding of His personal form?

3/ Why does Arjuna mention the opinions of other sages, such as Narada, Asita, Devala and Vyasa?
Does it look like Arjuna is trying to flatter Krsna? What does the purport say? Summarize some of the
statements from Vedic literatures that confirm what Arjuna has said.

Read Bg. 10.14

4/ On what basis is Arjuna's acceptance of Krsna? How is it that Arjuna knows Krsna but the gods and
demons do not? Does this indicate some vanity on Arjuna's part? How could we try to emulate Arjuna's
acceptance of Krsna?

Read Bg. 10.15

5/ According to this verse, is it possible to fully know God? According to the purport, what are the three
stages in which one can realize God? Explain in your own words why Arjuna addresses Krsna as origin
of all, Lord of all beings, God of gods, Supreme Person, and Lord of the Universe.

Read Bg. 11.36

6/ Why does the whole world become joyful on hearing Krsna's name? How does hearing Krsna's name
bring about attachment for Him? If we wish to increase our attachment for Krsna, should we hear and
chant a little or a lot? Isn't it sufficient to chant His name one time? What is the difference between how
the sages react to Krsna and how the demons do? In what sense is Krsna's treatment of devotees and
demons praiseworthy? How is it that whatever Krsna does is for the good of all?

Read Bg. 11.37

7/ Why does Arjuna say Krsna is above even Brahman? If Krsna has a specific size and shape, how does
He manifest His limitlessness? In what way is He the refuge of the universe? How would He be the
cause of all causes? According to the purport, why is Krsna above Brahma, Siva and all the other
demigods? Why is the word aksara (imperishable) significant as a designation of Krsna?

Read Bg. 11.43

8/ What significance is there to Krsna's designation as spiritual master? Why can't anyone be equal or
greater than Krsna? Why isn't Krsna different from His bodily form as we are?

Read Bg. 11.44

9/ Why does Arjuna ask for Krsna's mercy? How does he request Krsna to tolerate his offenses? What
do these analogies tell us about our possible relationship with God?

Read first two paragraphs of the purport to Bg. 7.15

10/ According to this purport, who are the really great people of the world? What common example
have the great sages and demigods set for us?

Krsna's Relation to the World

After one accepts the existence of God, the natural question that follows is what relation does He have
to this world? Does He create it and then leave it, like a watchmaker, or does He involve Himself with
it? In this chapter we will see what stand Krsna takes.

Read Bg. 7.4

1/ According to the verse, what are the eight material energies? Why does Krsna call them separated?
Describe in your own words the process of creation as presented in this purport. What is the object of
investigation for material science? Why is the modern study of mind imperfect?

Read Bg. 7.12

2/ What is Krsna's relation to the three modes? What analogy serves to illustrate Krsna's independence
from the laws of nature? Explain the meaning of the term nirguna.

Read Bg. 9.4

3/ What is Krsna's unmanifested form? How is it that all beings are in Krsna, but He is not in them? If
God is everywhere, why can't He be seen by the material senses? What analogy serves to illustrate how
Krsna does not lose His personal existence? According to the end of the purport, how does Krsna bring
about creation?

Read Bg. 9.5

4/ Why does Krsna say that everything does not rest in Him? What is His mystic opulence? What role
does Krsna's will play in His support of existence?

Read Bg. 9.6

5/ Explain this verse in your own words. Which part represents Krsna and which part represents the

Read Bg. 9.7

6/ In what way does the material manifestation enter into Krsna? What do you think Arjuna's reaction
was to this statement, taking into account that Krsna was standing before Him like an ordinary person?
What does this verse tell us about the permanence of this world?

Read Bg. 9.8-10

7/ According to verse 8 and its purport, are the living entities instrumental in the creation of this world?
According to verse 9 Krsna is seated as though neutral, then why does He bother creating? What
example is given in the purport to verse 9 to illustrate His neutral involvement in creation? According to
the beginning of the purport, why is Krsna detached from material activities?

8/ Verse 10 says this material nature works under Krsna's direction? Is there any indication of this? Is the
Lord's management of this world direct or indirect? Explain the significance of the Lord's glancing in
relation to His involvement in the creation and direction of this world. Explain the example of a flower
to illustrate the Lord's relation the world.

Read Bg. 15.13

9/ According to this verse, is Krsna's energy the same as what science calls gravity? How does Krsna
enter into each planet? How does Krsna maintain the planets in orbit? Explain the example of a floating
man. Explain the example of dust in the hand. Does Krsna literally become the moon? What importance
does the moon have?

Difference Between Us and Krsna

Often people think we are all God. Since, as we have learned in previous chapters, Krsna is a person,
one might conclude that either He is on our level or we are on His level. In this chapter we will see how
the Supreme Person Krsna differs from ordinary living entities.

Read Bg. 4.5

1/ What difference does Krsna point out between Himself and us? In the verse from Brahma-samhita
quoted in the purport, what further difference distinguishes Krsna from us? According to the purport,
why does Krsna call Arjuna mighty and point out his inability to remember? What is the significance of
the word acyuta? Why does the living entity forget his past births and why can Krsna remember?

Read Bg. 7.26

2/ What further differences does this verse point out between Krsna and ourselves? What significance
does this verse have as afar as establishing the transcendence of Krsna's personality? How is Krsna able
to know every living being? Explain in your own words the analogy of the sun and the cloud. How does
realization of Brahman and Paramatma compare to understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead

Read Bg. 10.42

3/ How does this verse differ Krsna from us? Can any of the ordinary finite souls make a similar claim?

Read Bg. 7.5

4/ According to this verse, how are the living entities related to Krsna? What activity do they do that
differs from Krsna? What do the living entities and matter have in common in their relationship to the
Lord? With what words does Krsna distinguish the living energy from the material energy? Why does He
give them these designations?

5/ What reason does the Bhagavatam verse quoted in this purport give for distinguishing the souls from
God? In what ways do you notice yourself trying to be a controller? In what way could you gain by
surrendering to Krsna's control? In what sense are living entities one with Krsna? What causes the living
entity to forget his real position?

Read Bg. 4.35

6/ What relation does Krsna say the living entities have with him? What is the meaning of maya? Are the
living entities identical with Krsna because they are expanded from Him, as are the different
incarnations? Explain what separated parts means? According to this verse and purport, what is perfect
knowledge? What is liberation?

Read Bg. 15.7

7/ What position does Krsna say the living entities have? What significance do you see in the use of the
world "fragmental" and "eternal"? If the living entities are eternally parts and parcel of Krsna, why are
they struggling very hard with the senses and mind? Is there any way to escape this? What is the nature
of the spiritual body? Does God become fragmented or broken into pieces which are the living entities?

Read Bg. 15.16-17

8/ According to verse 16, what are the two classes of living entities? What is the difference between
them? What kind of oneness do the infallible living entities have? Of what does the fallibility of the
embodied souls consist? What are the six changes that the living entity undergoes in this world? How do
these effect the souls in the material world?

9/ According to verse 17, who is the greatest living personality and what distinguishes Him from the
fallible and infallible? Explain the meaning of the verse nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam.

Read Bg. 15.18

10. What reason does Krsna give for His being the Supreme Person? What would you think of someone
who tried to juggle these words to lessen Krsna's position and make himself equal to Krsna?

Relation of Demigods to Krsna

In many parts of the world people believe that there are many gods and that none is supreme. They think
that because the demigods are in charge of the universal management, there is no need of only one
supreme God. In this chapter we will learn the difference between the Supreme Personality of Godhead
and the demigods.

Read Bg. 3.10

1/ In this verse, what two actions by the Lord distinguish Him from the demigods? Explain the verse
"sriyah patir," etc. quoted in this purport.

Read Bg. 10.6

2/ In this verse, what does Krsna say about the birth of the demigods in relation to Him? Describe in
your own words the genealogy of the demigods.

Read Bg. 7.20

3/ What does Krsna say about those who worship the demigods? What is the difference between those
who worship the Supreme Lord for material benefit? Why do the Vedic literatures recommend worship
of demigods for material benefits?

Read Bg. 7.21

4/ Why does Krsna help those who want to worship the demigods? Is the desire of a living entity to
worship a demigod independent of the will of the Lord? According to the end of the purport, how are
the demigods related to Krsna? What purpose do they serve in the scheme of the Supreme Lord?

Read Bg. 7.22

5/ What does Krsna say about the benefits bestowed by the demigods. What difference does this purport
mention between the living entities and the demigods? Make an evaluation of worship of the demigods
and worship of the Supreme Lord. Can a pure devotee who wishes to go back to Godhead have material
desires which he wishes the Lord to fulfill?

Read Bg. 7.23

6/ According to Krsna, what kind of people worship the demigods and how are the benefits they
receive? What is the difference between the destination of demigod worshipers and devotees? Do they
go to the same place? If, as we learned earlier, the demigods are parts of the limbs of the Lord's
universal form, by worshiping them, is it the same as worshiping the Lord directly? Summarize the
characteristics of the benefits which the Lord bestows as described at the end of the purport.

Read Bg. 9.23

7/ According to this verse, is demigod worship as good as worship of the Supreme Lord? Explain the
analogies of watering a tree, putting food in the stomach and obeying government laws and giving
bribes. What does the end of the purport compare demigod worship to?

Read Bg. 9.24

8/ What warning does Krsna give to persuade us to worship Him directly? Why is Krsna the enjoyer of
all sacrifice and worship?

Nature of His Incarnations

People often think that when God incarnates He takes a material body like us, and thus He suffers all the
shortcomings of having a material body. In this chapter we will investigate what is the actual nature of
His incarnation.

Read Bg. 4.6

1/ What four things does Krsna say about Himself in this verse? What is the significance of Krsna's use
of the word prakrti in respect to how He appears? Explain in your own words the birth and growth of
Krsna as described in this purport. Does His body become old and His intelligence senile?

2/ Although Krsna says His form is completely transcendental, why would some people propose that His
body is material? Explain the example of the sunrise and sunset in relation to Krsna's appearance and
disappearance. Why does the Lord appear in His original eternal form?
Read Bg. 4.9

3/ After reading this verse, can we assume Krsna's appearance and activities to be of the same nature as
ordinary embodied living entities? What is the effect of understanding the nature of Krsna's appearance
and activities in this world? Is Krsna one or is He many? What do the Upanisads say about the
singularity and multiplicity of God in relation to His devotees?

4/ Explain the meaning of the phrase "tat tvam asi." What does the Svetasvatara Upanisad reveal about
the nature of the Lord's form? According to the purport, in what does eligibility for liberation consist?

Read Bg. 9.11

5. Why do fools deride the Lord when He descends into this world? What is the significance of the term
"manusim tanum," or human-like form? Does Krsna have an aspect higher than His personal form?

6/ According to the first paragraph of the purport, why should we not consider Krsna to be a human
being? What does sac-cid-ananda mean? Why does Krsna act like an ordinary man when He incarnates?
What reasons does Prabhupada give for why Krsna does not have a material form?

7/ What does the Bhagavatam verse "krtavan kila karmani," etc. tell us about Krsna's appearance?
Explain in your own words the manner in which Krsna appeared before His parents and what relevancy
this has for understanding Krsna's true position. What is the difference between Krsna's personal body
and the form of the Deity that is worshiped in the temple or home? Can Krsna be present in a Deity or is
it idol worship? How could Krsna's omnipresence effect how we see and treat others?


Who Knows God

If God is transcendental, beyond the purview of the material senses and pervading all existence, is it
possible to know Him, or is He ultimately unknowable? In this chapter we will see who can know God.

Read Bg. 7.1

1/ How does Krsna say we can know God? Is this knowing partial or complete? According to the
purport, can the mind be useful in knowing the Absolute Truth? What position do the different kinds of
yoga have in relation to Krsna consciousness? How does one begin the yoga process of knowing God?
What happens after that?

Read Bg. 7.2

2/ How does this verse describe the twofold nature of knowledge? Which do you think is the best way
to get knowledge of God, to search for it yourself or to have it revealed to you? Does Krsna say He is
giving a lower or partial understanding of God to Arjuna?

Read Bg. 7.3

3/ Why do so few people know God in truth? Shouldn't He make Himself easily knowable for everyone?
What do we learn in this purport about Brahman and Paramatma realization? Why can't nondevotee
impersonalists practice bhakti-yoga if it is so easy?

Read Bg. 7.15

4/ Describe the four kinds of people who do not surrender to Krsna. Have you noticed such types in the
world around you? Is it possible to help such people spiritually?

Read Bg. 7.24

5/ What does Krsna say about the impersonalists who do not know Him perfectly? In the purport, what
does Yamunacarya say about who can know God and who can't? Is study of Vedanta necessary to
understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead? What does Sankara say about Krsna and how do His
followers differ? How can chanting Hare Krsna helps us know God? What do the mayavadis think about
Krsna's form? After studying so many Bhagavad-gita verses, what do you think is Krsna's actual

Read Bg. 7.25

6/ Why and how does Krsna hide Himself from the foolish? According to the purport, when God
appears, does everyone recognize and accept Him? How does the Isopanisad describe the yogamaya
covering over the Lord? How does the devotee react to this covering?

Read Bg. 7.16

5/ Describe the four kinds of people who render service to Krsna. How do these compare with the four
kinds of people who don't surrender to Krsna? What do you think of the motives of the four kinds of
people who approach God? Why does the Lord accept such people?

Read Bg. 7.18

Why does the Lord say that those worshipers who are situated in knowledge are more dear to Him?
How are these devotees in knowledge different from those interested in speculative knowledge about
God. Repeat in your own words the verse from the Bhagavatam quoted in the last paragraph of this
purport and tell what it means to you personally.

Read Bg. 7.19

9. Why does Krsna say that it may take many life times for a person in knowledge to surrender to
Krsna? Does this refer to devotees or impersonalists? According to the purport, what is it one
understands about Krsna that makes one want to surrender to Him?

Read Bg. 7.30

10. What do the devotees know about Krsna according to this verse? Why does Krsna mention the
ability to know Him at the time of death? Summarize the second paragraph of this purport.

Krsna's Transcendental Opulences

God is never devoid of opulence like an ordinary living entity. Therefore, if Krsna is God, what are His
opulences? In this chapter we will learn about those opulences and how they help us to be aware of God
in this world.

Read Bg. 10.16-17

1. Why does Arjuna ask Krsna to describe His opulences? What purpose does meditating on these
opulences serve?

Read Bg. 10.19

2/ How much opulence does God have and how does this differ from other beings? Can we know
everything about Krsna? What difficulty do the impersonalists have in understanding Krsna's divine
opulences? Is Krsna giving us imperfect knowledge by telling us only some of His opulences?

3/ Could these statements be helpful to you in remembering God during an ordinary day? Are these
statements allegorical, literal or what? Explain them according to your understanding.

Read Bg. 7.8-9

4/ Why do you think Krsna gives such common examples as ways to think of Him? Do these seem very
realistic to you? Could you incorporate this way of thinking into your life, or is there some obstacle?
Explain the significance of each analogy given by Krsna.

Read Bg. 7.10-11

5/ What is the significance of Krsna being the seed of all existence in relation to the opulences He is
describing? How do you experience Krsna's identity as intelligence in your everyday life? Can you see
your strength or ability to do things as a manifestation of Krsna's energy? How can God be sex? How
does this statement affect the way you see sex?

Read Bg. 9.17

6/ How is Krsna our father and mother? How does this affect your view of your father and mother?
How is Krsna the object of knowledge and the purifier?

Read Bg. 9.18

7/ How does Krsna's presentation of Himself, especially in the first sentence of this verse, strike you?

Read Bg. 9.19

8/ How does Krsna give heat? Do you see Krsna's control of rain as having any relevancy for you? Do
you see any contradiction in Krsna being immortality and death? Why does Krsna equate Himself with
death and how does this strike you? Explain how matter and spirit are in Krsna.
Read Bg. 15.14

9/ What does this verse tell us about Krsna's involvement with us? Would this understanding of Krsna as
the fire of digestion affect the way you eat or what you eat?

Read Bg. 10.20-39

10/ What is your general impression after reading these verses? How do you think Arjuna felt after
hearing all these things? Could you apply any of this knowledge in your everyday life?

Read Bg. 10.40-41

11/ Can we get a clear understanding of Krsna by knowing the opulences Krsna has enumerated in these
verses? According to these two verses, are Krsna's opulences as manifested in this world something vile,
inferior and illusory? How does Krsna's statement affect your view of the world? What does Krsna's
description of these opulences reveal about the beauty and opulence of His personal form?


Krsna's Universal Form

In past verses we learned that Krsna pervades and supports the universe, that everything in the universe
is an expansion of His energy and therefore constitute His different divine opulences. It is easy to claim
all this, but only God can prove it by exhibiting His universal form. In this chapter we will study how
Krsna proved His identity as the Supreme Personality of Godhead by exhibiting His universal form.

Read Bg. 11.3-4

1/ Why does Arjuna ask Krsna to reveal His universal form? From this verse, does it appear that Arjuna
really believes that Krsna is God or do you think he has some doubts? How would you apply this to
impersonalists who claim to be God? In verse 4, does Arjuna assume he has the ability to see the
universal form? What does his question reveal about Arjuna's realization of his own position and that of

Read Bg. 11.5-7

2/ According to verse 5 and its purport, how is one able to see the form of God? Were the things Arjuna
saw in the universal form within common experience? What were some of them? What is the extent to
which we can see things in this universal form?

Read Bg. 11.8

3/ What must one do to see the universal form? What are these devotees attracted to? Since the friends,
playmates and parents of Krsna are unaware of His Godhood, are they on the same level as ordinary
materialists who are unaware of Krsna's Godhood?

Read Bg. 11.10-11

4/ Describe the vision seen by Arjuna. What would your reaction be if you saw such a form? If the form
was universal, how was Arjuna able to see it?

Read Bg.11.12

5/ How bright was the universal form? What do you think was the cause of its brightness? What
significance is there in the brightness of the universal form?

Read Bg. 11.13

6/ What does Arjuna's vision of all universes situated in the universal form tell us about Krsna?

Read Bg. 11.15-22

7/ What significance is there that Arjuna saw all living entities in the body of the Lord? What relation do
Brahma and Siva have to the universal form? According to verses 16 and 17, what are some of the
differences between ordinary physical bodies and the body of the universal form?

8/ According to verses 18 to 19, what are some of the distinctive characteristics of the universal form.
Do these descriptions seem consistent and harmonious, or do you find some that seem contradictory?
How would you explain God's being a person and at the same time unlimited and all-pervading?

9/ According to verses 20 to 23, why were the planetary systems said to be perplexed? How did the
demigods react to the universal form?

Read Bg. 11.23-25

10/ What was Arjuna's reaction to the universal form? What was it about the universal form that
disturbed him so much? Do you think it would be good for ordinary people to have that experience?

Read Bg.11.26-30

11/ Why did Krsna let Arjuna see all people being devoured in the mouths of the universal form? How
do these descriptions make you feel about your own life and how you are living it?

Read Bg.11.45

12/ Although Arjuna said he was glad to see the universal form, why didn't he want to continue seeing
it? What importance is there in Arjuna's request that Krsna show His four-armed form?

Read Bg.11.48

13/ Why was it that only Arjuna saw the universal form? According to the purport, who can have divine
vision for seeing the universal form and who cannot? Should a devotee desire the ability to see the
universal form? Why can't pious activities help one get the divine vision?

14/ What is the difference between the devotee's perception of the universal form and the impersonalist's
claims to have seen it? How does this verse help disprove the false incarnations?

Importance of Krsna's Original Form

Why should so much importance be given to Krsna's original form if all the forms are equal? Can't one
worship any form of God and attain the same result. In this chapter we will investigate the significance
of Krsna's original form.

Read Bg. 10.7

1/ What does one who becomes convinced of Krsna's opulence and mystic power do? Why do we need
to know how God is great? Why is it important to fully understand Krsna's position in order to be fixed
in devotional service?

Read Bg. 10.8

2/ According to this verse, how do those who know Krsna perfectly relate to Him? According to the
purport, when one is firmly fixed in devotional service, what is he or she protected from? How does
such a person see the demigods, such as Brahma and Siva. Explain in your own words what the different
Vedic literatures quoted in this purport say about Krsna's position in relation to the various demigods.
Why would someone want to consider Krsna an ordinary man?

Read Bg. 15.19

3/ How can someone who knows Krsna be the knower of everything? Isn't only Krsna omniscient?
According to the purport, what is the difference between the activities of a person who knows Krsna
perfectly and one who does not? Is it all right to interpret the Bhagavad-gita any way we like? Explain
the significance of the word bhajati. In the last paragraph of this purport Prabhupada describes the
efforts of the devotee and the efforts of the impersonalist for realizing God. How does the success of a
devotee compare with the struggle of the impersonalists?

Read Bg. 11.50-51

4/ Why did Krsna first show His four-armed form and then His two-armed form to Arjuna? What was
the effect of Arjuna seeing Krsna's two-armed form? What is the meaning of saumya-vapuh in relation to
Krsna's two-armed form? According to the Brahma-samhita, who can see the beautiful form of Krsna?

5/ What do the words manusam rupam indicate about Krsna? Why does Arjuna say Krsna is human-like.
Does this mean Krsna is an ordinary human being? Is Krsna made in our image or are we made in His
image? What has Krsna done to enable us to recognize that He is not an ordinary human being? What
analogy does Prabhupada draw between the original verses of the Bhagavad-gita and the commentaries
of the impersonalists?

Read Bg. 11.52

6/ Since Krsna's form is so human-like, is it very easy to see? Which is more important, the universal
form or Krsna's two-handed form? Why are the demigods eager to see Krsna's personal form? What are
some of the opinions which mundaners have about Krsna? What do you think of these opinions? Do
such opinions agree with what the Bhagavad-gita says? Does Krsna ever reveal Himself to us?

Read Bg. 11.53

7/ If all the processes described in this verse are useless for seeing God, how can we see Him? Is there
any difference between the activities of devotional service and those described in this verse as incapable
of helping us see Krsna?


Seeing Krsna as He is

If Krsna is so important to us, if our happiness depends on realizing Him, then how can we achieve a
direct encounter with Him? Since His body is transcendental and our senses are material, how can we
see Him? In this chapter we will learn how Krsna can be see as He is.

Read Bg. 7.13

1/ In this verse Krsna says the whole world does not know Him. Why? How do the three modes prevent
us from seeing Krsna? Why can those who are in the modes of ignorance, passion and goodness only
realize the impersonal Brahman? What relation does Krsna consciousness have to these three modes?

Read Bg. 11.53

2/ In this verse Krsna mentions various things which cannot help one see Krsna as He is. Discuss why
each one is unable to help us do so. Do you understand the mystery of Krsna's two-armed appearance?
What is the difference between those who engage fully in devotional service and those who merely go to
temples to visit?

Read Bg. 11.54 3/ By what means can one see Krsna directly? What does entering into the mysteries of
Krsna 's understanding mean? According to the purport, the speculative process is a waste of time.
Why? Could it be possible to discover something factual about Krsna by speculating? What is the best
way to learn about Krsna? According to the purport, what is real charity? Explain the example of Lord
Caitanya's munificence. Can a spiritual master help one see Krsna?

4/ What is the difference between Krsna's personal form with two or four arms and His universal form?
Which is more important, Krsna's four-armed form or His two-armed form? According to the purport, is
Krsna an incarnation or temporary manifestation or is He the source of all incarnations? Is the universal
form the original form of God or is Krsna? After reading the last paragraph, which would you consider
more lovable, the universal form or Krsna's two-armed form?

Read Bg. 13.26

5/ Do you know anyone who fits the description of this verse? Does this verse support missionary
activity? In the purport Prabhupada says this verse is especially applicable to modern society. Why? Why
does Lord Caitanya stress hearing? Does Lord Caitanya recommend changing one's position? Who
should we hear from?
Read Bg. 18.54

6/ According to this verse, at what stage does one attain pure devotional service? What is the difference
between the brahma-bhuta stage of the devotees and impersonalists? Explain the example of a river
cleansed of dirty water. Why does the devotee have no desire for material enjoyment? For one who is at
the brahma-bhuta stage, is loss of identity desirable? Does he want to attain the heavenly planets of the
demigods? Explain the example of a serpent's teeth. According to the end of the purport, how does the
devotee see the world.

Read Bg. 18.55

7/ According to Krsna, how can one understand Him? What is the result of such understanding? In the
purport Prabhupada explains that Krsna can only be understood by doing devotional service under the
guidance of a pure devotee. Why is that so? According to the second paragraph, what happens when a
devotee attains liberation? What is the meaning of the word visate? Summarize the last paragraph in
your own words.

Read Bg. 18.56

8/ According to this verse, do the devotees become entangled by engaging in activities? Why? Does the
devotee reach the eternal and imperishable abode of the Lord by his own power? Is there any tangible
difference between the activities of the devotees and the activities of the materialists? How does the
Lord's abode, Krsnaloka, compare to this world?

Read Bg. 15.6

9/ According to this verse, is the spiritual world a dark place? Since those who reach Krsna's abode
never return, what happens to them? Do they vanish? After achieving liberation, can a soul fall again into
this world? Is it worth the trouble of transferring oneself to the spiritual world? How does one become
detached? Can dressing in saffron cloth help us become detached? Explain the significance of the phrase
paramam mama. If you actually had a chance to go to Krsna's abode and meet Him personally or of
staying here and enjoying life, which would you choose? Would you feel sorry to leave behind your
family and friends? Why?


Krsna Absolves Our Sins

Certainly Krsna is the most wonderful person, as we have seen through all these verses. We, on the other
hand, are quite despicable and shameless in our willful ignorance life after life. Yet Krsna is so merciful
that He overlooks our past waywardness as soon as we again turn to Him. In this chapter we will see
how Krsna extends His mercy to remove our sins and purify us.

Read Bg. 7.14

1/ According to this verse, is it possible for a soul to get free from the material entanglement by his own
efforts? Explain in your own words the meaning of nitya-baddha. When did the spirit souls become
bound by matter? Why does Krsna call the material nature divine? What is the meaning of guna? Is it
possible for one bound soul to help another bound soul? What can a bound soul do to get out of
material bondage? How does Krsna help release such a soul?

2/ What is the significance of the phrase mam eva? Who is the master of maya? According to the last
paragraph of this purport, can Brahma or Siva give liberation? Describe in your own words the Vedic
verses quoted in the last paragraph of this purport.

Read Bg. 4.15

3/ Should we follow in the footsteps of the ancient liberated souls, or would it be more honorable to
seek out our own path? According to the purport, what are the two classes of people who are benefited
by Krsna consciousness and how does it do so? Is it advisable to retire from material activities? What is
Krsna's instruction to Arjuna? Do you see this as in any way applicable to yourself? Can engagement in
activities free us from material bondage? Why does Krsna want us to engage in devotional service?

Read Bg. 10.3

4/ What happens to one who knows Krsna as described in this verse? According to the purport, who is
the most successful spiritually realized person. Why should Krsna be known as loka-mahesvara? If Krsna
is unborn, why is He said to be the son of Devaki? Explain auspiciousness and inauspiciousness as
described in this purport. How is it that by acting under the direction of Krsna or the spiritual master we
become free from sinful reaction? According to the last part of this purport, is sannyasa limited to those
who wear the dress of a yogi or can others also be renounced?

Read Bg. 8.5

5/ What happens to those who remember Krsna at the time of death? Does this seem a worthy goal to
you? Do you think you will be able to remember Krsna at the time of death? According to the purport,
one who is constantly Krsna conscious is the purist of the pure. How does that come about? Is it
possible to remember Krsna without practicing Krsna consciousness in devotional service? What is your
impression of the utility of the maha-mantra for remembering Krsna?

Read Bg. 8.15-16

6/ According to the information in this verse, why would someone not want to return to this material
world after reaching the spiritual world? What does the purport say about this? Give the definition of a
mahatma as described in this purport. What do this verse and purport claim to be the highest perfection?

7/ Is there any place in the material world, such as Indraloka or Brahmaloka, where people don't have to
die? What must all the different kinds of yogis do before they can attain Krsna's abode? Could it be
possible to enter the Lord's abode while still having a tinge of sinful reaction? In the purport,
Prabhupada explains that one class of people on Brahmaloka fall back down to this world while another
class continue rising up until they reach the spiritual world. What is the deciding factor?

Read Bg. 9.25

8/ Summarize the contents of this verse. What do you think of the different goals? Why do you think
some people want to practice the "black arts" in order to become Yaksa (elf), Raksa (devil) or Pisaca
(witch)? Why would people confuse this with spiritualism? Which of the various goals mentioned in this
verse would you prefer? According to the end of the purport, how is ISKCON helping people go back
to Godhead?

Read Bg. 18.66

9/ What do you think of Krsna's promise in this verse? What precondition does Krsna set for freeing one
from all sinful reaction? According to the second paragraph of this purport, how can one become
automatically free from sin? If a person fully surrenders to Krsna, does he also have to practice many
spiritual techniques or can he just execute his ordinary duties? What is the meaning of the name
"Krsna"? Who is the most perfect transcendentalists? Why does Krsna say, "Do not fear?" What is your
impression of Krsna after studying this booklet?

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