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Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is an inflammation of the heart that is triggered

by an autoimmune reaction toinfection streptococcus beta hemolytic group A

which then becomes scarring. Heart valve damage is a common presentation of

RHD often in the form of stenosis or regurgitation. The rheumatic fever and RHD

are the acquired heart disease most commonly concerning people in developing

regions such as Indonesia and are the leading cause of death for under age 45

years old. The predisposing factor of RHD depends on individual and the

environment factors. In the anamnesis obtained inflammation of the pharynx is

present with symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, especially during

activity, dyspnoea nocturnal, swelling of the feet, syncope, and orthopnoea, can so

asymptomatic. On a typical physical examination that is found the murmur/ heart

noisy during auscultation. Rheumatic heart disease can cause stroke, pancarditis,

thromboembolism, heart failure and death. Current pharmacotherapy RHD is

nothing specific. For nonpharmacotheraphy, is a valve repairment or heart valve

replacement with mechanical or bioprosthetic (from pericardium of cow or pigs)

with at risk should be disciplined to consume anticoagulants. In symptomatic with

ventricular dysfunction or severe valvular interference, are requires interventions

action with Ballon Mitral Valvuloplasty or Ballon Aortic Valvuloplasty.

Keywords: rheumatic heart disease, symptoms, therapy

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