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Your simple guide to

becoming a freelance
digital marketer in
All of the content covered in this manual is content I have spent countless
hours and several thousand dollars acquiring. Not only has a lot of blood,
sweat and tears went into learning the information you will be receiving here
for FREE but it has also been directly responsible for countless success stories
within the industry.
Becoming a Successful Digital
Marketer Is Now Easier
Than Ever Before
Now this may or may not be your first looking into affiliate marketing but I just
want to start off by mentioning, if you’ve attempted this before and failed... it’s
not your fault. There’s a ton of info and “opportunities” out there and usually it
can all just be really confusing and overwhelming without the proper guidance.
More often than not, it just causes people to feel like they’re in way over their
head which is more discouraging than anything.
If you’ve been concerned in the past that you just don’t have to skills to build
a successful business online, I’ll let you know right now that you can do this,
you just need to apply the tools and strategies outlined in this manual.
A lot of these other opportunities out there usually require you to have some
sort of tech background or online experience... these days, that’s no longer a

So that’s why I’ve created this handbook... if you’re reading this, its probably
because you’re looking for a change. You might be wanting to spend more time
with your family... travel the world... or maybe just earn some extra income on
the side and I want to show you how you can make that happen.

The “Affiliate Starter Guide” is going to give you a simplified approach to digital
marketing that elsewhere can be so grossly overcomplicated.
With this guide, you’ll learn how you can effectively build a life of financial
freedom without the scary learning curve. You’ll get the tools, support and
expertise you need in order to make a living as a freelance digital marketer.
Who Am I… And Why Should
You Care What I Have To Say?
My name is Garett Francis, and I was in your position not all that long ago. I had
no idea what affiliate marketing even was but I did know one thing for sure... I
had to make a change.
I grew up in a small town in Alberta, Canada and began working in the oilfield
almost straight out of high school… I then went to trade school to complete my
apprenticeship over the coarse of the next 5 years. Once I finished my
schooling, I was quickly earning an above average salary and I was doing what
most early 20 something year olds would do... I spent every dime I made.
With my new found disposable income, I soon gained a passion for travelling.
The only problem was that in order to continue earning the money necessary
to travel the world, I had to work sometimes weeks on end.
After about 4 years of spending over 50% of my life in a remote camp in
Northern Alberta, I started to realize that maybe this “great life” wasn’t so great
after all… and like a lot of people, I just really started to dislike going to work…
I had lost all passion and felt unfulfilled.
So I made a decision… a scary decision.
I decided I was going to dedicate myself to learning everything I needed to
know in order to become profitable online. Within 8 months I replaced my
income and officially left the oilfield back in December of 2016.
I’ve continued to consistently learn and surround myself with crucial mentors
every chance I get… I’ve helped countless people just like you learn real world
skills and principles to become successful digital marketers and improve their
Now listen, sharing this with you is
NOT meant to impress you…
But my hope is to actually show
you what is possible here.
I just want to remind you that this is all very achievable when you TAKE

Still with me!?

Awesome, let’s get to it then!

Consider this....

50% & 62%

Of Canadians Of Americans

Are living paycheck to paycheck...

...guys that means they are literally on the brink of running out of money at the
end of every month. Going to college and getting a job just isn’t always cutting
it anymore.
Hoping to
Retire One Day?

Born in 80’s

Needed to Retire

Born in 90’s

Needed to Retire

It is predicted that robotics will replace 6% of all U.S. jobs by the year 2021,
and by the year 2030 over 47% of jobs will be gone.
This is not to scare you guys. This is meant to be a wake up call!
So what are we going to do to make an income and to take care of our families
in the future and live a GREAT life?

The solution...We need to find a NEW way to earn an income.

Do You Know?
When you check out and purchase something online, 90% of the time an
“affiliate” is making a commission from your purchase...
The online shopping trend is suspected by the year 2020 to be a $500 billion
dollar industry.
Yes I said billion...with a “b”.
And the major industry that is making all this happen is affiliate marketing!

What is an Affiliate?
affiliate | verb | af•fil•i•ate To officially join or become attached to an
Thousands and thousands of large companies like Target, Walmart, and
Amazon have affiliate marketing programs. Anyone can register for one of
these programs, even you!
As an affiliate with these companies you are given a website link that is unique
and coded to you, and only you. So, when a customer shops around online
using your link, and purchases a product...they send you a commission for
promoting their product.
To Put Things Into Perspective
In 2017, Amazon generated $178 billion in net sales.
40% of that was generated by affiliates - people just like you and me

For Example, if you wanted to become an affiliate with Amazon, you can go to or, scroll all the way down to the bottom
and click on “Amazon Associates” to start the process.
The Sales Process
Looks Like This…
Advertisement Capture Page Primary Offer Primary Offer

So Where Do We
Find the Potential Customers?
Where do we find all the people who want to buy our products?
The best way to find these people is by creating what’s called a high-converting sales
funnel. A sales funnel does the selling and telling about your product/service for you,
in an automated way.
But, the chances of someone finding their way into our funnel and choosing to hand
over their cash right there on the spot is not very likely, right?
I mean if it were you, how often do you come across an online offer and pull out your
credit card right away.
Not very often I’m assuming.
The same is true for everyone else.
So the best way to drive traffic to our funnel and keep it until someone is ready to
purchase, is by collecting the e-mail addresses from people who are requesting more
information so we can send them further details about our products or services.
There are multiple platforms out there to create your own sales funnels but I
personally like using a platform called Clickfunnels.
Here are just some of the tools you might need to get started...

AWeber AutoResponder
501 - 2,500 SUBSCRIBERS

AWeber AutoResponder
10,001 - 25,000 SUBSCRIBERS


Webinar Jam


But at the end of the day, we aren’t the only affiliate marketer out there, and
we might think we have a great product to sell...but how do we get people to
specifically use YOUR link to shop for their products so YOU can earn the
Right now the top leader online for getting your products seen is by using
Facebook Advertising. Like it or not, Facebook knows everything about
everyone, and we can utilize this fact to target our ads to qualified people who
are actually looking to buy our products.
Here is an example of the amount of targeted individuals you can potentially
reach with just one Facebook advertisement with a $5 per day ad budget.

Do you think you could generate a few sales if your advertisement is being
seen by over 100 million people?

Great! On to the next step...

A very long story short, once you put in all the hours, and tested and tweaked
so that all the features of your new sales funnel are working together...

You’re still spending over $3000/year just for

the four tools I listed previ-ously!
Guys, this has always been the norm for creating a sustainable marketing
business online.
Until Now…
We discovered that this standard way of creating a marketing business online
ate up both time and money, and was overall just not realistic and duplicable
for beginners and new members just entering into the world of internet
We found a way for brand new members to be able to plug into an already
existing sales funnel with proven results and has easy steps to follow.
Pretty awesome right? It’s just an overall simpler and easier solution. It took us
way too long to figure out all the tools I listed above, and now we’re having
new people come in a have way faster results than we ever did.
This is Where you
Really Need to Pay Attention...
This Part is Key!
We have been able to automate this process. Here’s the breakdown...
Now, if you don’t want to go out and find the best products and services
to sell, we’ve already found the best, highest earning commission products
for you.

We handle your sales presentations and webinars.

We provide step-by-step instructions and coaching on leveraging

Facebook ads.

We build your capture pages for you.

We build your auto-responder for you.
We email your leads on your behalf.
We’ll even close sales for you.

This isn’t rocket science!

Again though, if we show you EXACTLY step-by- step how to do all of this, the
results are completely up to you. Your time, effort, and motivation all come
into play here. But yes! The results are 100% achievable. You are the only
The Affiliate Starter
I wish this guide had everything you need to succeed, but we need to go
deeper if you’re really going to make significant change.That’s why you’re
invited to join me for my exclusive online webinar known as “The Affiliate
Starter Webclass.”During this completely free experience, we dive into some
of the comprehensive curriculum from the The Affiliate Institute, and I reveal
even more secret strategies to get you up and running making sales to enable
you to generate passive sales online. Let’s be real: You’ve got nothing to lose
and everything to gain. However, this exclusive offer is available for a
limited-time only. If you’re serious about changing your life, click here now to
learn more about “The Affiliate Starter Webclass”......if not, I’ll pass your invite
off to someone who’s ready for real change.
As I mentioned above, there is obviously a lot more to this than can possibly be
covered in one simple handbook like this one...
Which is why I stressed at the very beginning, to give yourself the biggest
chance of success I highly recommend you our training workshop where I can
better teach you how to get the most out of all of this information.
Start Your New Career As a
Freelance Digital Marketer Now
You are now in possession of an exclusive formula guaranteed to help you earn
money online. But, unless you have a deep understanding of how to apply
everything I’ve shared, it’ll just be another file on your computer that never
equates to income and if we’re being honest, you’ll just continue to go through
the motions of the 9-5 grind, al-ways wondering what could have been. If
you’re truly committed to earning your first dollar online and actually changing
your life for the better, I invite you to join me for my exclusive “The Affiliate
Starter Webclass.” During this free online training, we’ll dive deeper on the
teachings of “The Affiliate Starter Guide.” In fact, I’ll reveal how thousands of
successful online entrepreneurs in the Affiliate Institute community apply “The
Affiliate Starter Guide”, step-by-step, so you can generate passive sales.

Here’s what you’ll learn during the Free “The Affiliate Starter Webclass”:

How to set up fully functioning ad campaigns in 24 hours or less without

any prior knowledge or technical experience so that you can earn your first
dollar online

A simple process anyone can follow to be able to generate passive sales


What few “secret” components are required to earn your first dollar online

I know what you’re thinking:This is too good to be true. If that’s your attitude,
fine. Move along. Keep doing what you’re doing and accept that your reality
now could be your reality forever. But if you’re serious about changing your
life, starting a new career, and living the freedom lifestyle you see so many
others enjoying, this is your single opportunity to get FREE coaching from the
experts who have made it happen. It’s time to break free of the 9-5, take back
your time, and earn what you deserve online. Click here now to claim your seat
in the FREE Affiliate Starter Webclass.

5 Pillars Daily

Advertise Daily

Follow Up Daily

Read Daily

Listen To Audio Daily

Mastermind Daily

Further Instructions:
1. Get eyeballs on your offer.

2. Ensure your previous leads have the information they need to move forward.

3. Ideally try and read something that is going to increase your marketing
knowledge or improve your mindset There are many great personal
development/marketing books out there.

4. If you're not a big reader, audiobooks are a great option. However, reading as well
as listening to an audio book or podcast will help you progress the fastest.

5. Find someone or a group of like minded individuals that you can speak with daily.
These small mastermind groups are great to stay motivated, hold each other
accountable and bounce ideas off of one another.
The Affiliate Starter Webclass
* Print this sheet out and follow along during the webclass.

1. Two of the most important traits you can have in order to become
successful are: You must be _____________ and _______________.

2. The only way for you to become successful as an online entrepreneur

is with high quality, easy to use tools and coaching from real people
who already have the ________________________.

3. In 1996 Microsoft created an affiliate marketing

business called ____________.

4. In 2017 Amazon generated ________________ in net sales.

5. What is an example of a good website/service to find

multiple affiliate offers?

6. What are the 3 “Secret” components required to generate your first

dollar online as a digital marketer?

7. Which social media service still has the most powerful

advertising platform?

8. A Sales Funnel is nothing more than guiding your ___________________

through a series of _________ that do all of the explaining and
selling for you.

9. An ________ autoresponder is a great tool to leverage when you want

to communicate with mass amounts of individuals all at the same time.
Your simple guide to becoming a
freelance digital marketer in 2019

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