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Implementation of Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in India

-Requirements, challenges & opportunities.

Somes Bandyopadhyay, AGM (OS-SIIS), NTPC Ltd.

Email id:

1. Introduction:

Importance of Automatic Generation Control (AGC) utilising the spinning reserves in the Power system operation
was reiterated in different fora and finally accepted by the Commission. Its essentiality has been deliberated in
several documents and orders of the CERC, including the last order dated 13 th October 2015 on Roadmap to
Operationalise Spinning Reserves and the Report of the Committee on Spinning Reserves. However, the latest
order on Automatic Generation Control (AGC) dated 7th Dec 2017, Commission kept the most difficult point of
the petition unaddressed for the obvious reason of fixed cost liability issue (i.e allocation of 100 MW spinning
reserve from Dadri-II for AGC) and directed NLDC to utilize Un-Requisitioned Surplus (URS) for the AGC.

Secondary control is the control area wise automatic control which delivers reserve power in order to bring back
the frequency and the area interchange programs to their target values. In doing so, the delivered primary
control reserves are restored on those machines which have contributed to primary response.

In this paper, the future requirements and challenges for the Generators for providing effective AGC services for
the stability and reliability of grid operation and opportunities likely to evolve in this markets have been

2. Power System Reliability Requirements:

The function of Electric Power System is to convert energy from one naturally available form to the electrical
form and to transport it to the consumers. The electric power system has two unique fundamental requirements
which must be continuously and exactly satisfied in order to maintain overall system stability and reliability.
They are (i) the need to maintain a constant balance between generation and load (there is no storage), thereby
minimum variation in speed of the interconnected machines and constancy of frequency and (ii) the need to
adjust generation (or load) to manage power flows within the constraints of individual transmission facilities
(there is no flow control).

2.1. Inertial Response and Kinetic Energy Exchange:

Following the trip of a generator, the kinetic energy extracted from the rotating mass provides the required
power (through rate of change of kinetic energy) to arrest the rate of change of frequency in the system. This is
due to the action of Newton’s first law of motion and is termed as Inertial response. Inertial response describes
the power supplied from the kinetic energy stored in the rotating mass of both generators and motors
synchronized to the grid. This consumption of kinetic energy causes the speed of the rotating equipment to
decline thereby further reducing the grid frequency. During the initial seconds of the disturbance, the governors
do not respond until the frequency decline is detected (both due to measurement delay and due to set dead
bands in the governor control loop) and processed in various elements in the governor and prime mover. As the
frequency decreases, induction motors slow down and provide some amount of load damping. Similarly, on
addition of a load in the system, frequency of the system dips, releasing the Kinetic Energy of the rotating system,
to serve the additional energy demand imposed. Exactly the reverse happens when generation is added (or load
is lost).
With higher renewable energy integration in the future, natural directly connected rotating inertia (primarily
coal fired thermal generators) will decrease. There is an existing technology to provide synthetic inertia or fast
frequency response. The expectation from synthetic inertial response is mainly to minimize the frequency nadir
following a disturbance and decrease the rate of change of frequency decline.

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2.2. Dependence of Load Power on Frequency:

Power consumption in every load device has a definite relationship to the supply frequency. Some types of load
are immune to frequency (e.g. incandescent lamps, resistance heaters) and their power consumption remains
constant at any frequency. On the other hand, all motive loads driven by electric motors have their power
consumption varying directly with speed/frequency.

Output Power ‘P’ ∝ f 3

Thus, the pump power output varies as the cubic power of speed/frequency.

2.3 Natural Load / Frequency Dynamics in a Power System:

The combined effect of the two phenomena, in steady state, reduces to the frequency dependence of load
power alone, as the Kinetic Energy exchange is limited to the transient period. This effect is denoted as a
parameter of the system, termed “Load Damping” or “Load Governing” usually represented in literature as “D”
(for damping) having units of MW/Hz. The change in load power ∆PL, with change in frequency is expressed
mathematically as,

∆ PL = Dx∆f

By this empirical relationship, 1.0Hz (2%) frequency change will result in 2 – 4% load power change.

Requirement of Constant Frequency:

It is shown in the paper by Sh. P P Francis1, why it is absolutely essential for any multi utility power system to
define a fixed operating frequency (this need not necessarily have to be the nominal frequency) as the target
frequency for the power pool. Below this datum frequency, a positive deviation from drawal schedule is “over
drawal”. Above this datum, it becomes a case of “dumped energy”, sort of a forced energy drawal, payment for
which becomes irrational. Evidently, over drawal and under drawal can only be defined if a datum frequency is
chosen and maintained.

2.4 Frequency Control (Load / Generation Balance) in Real Time:

Loads in any power system are essentially random in nature and are uncontrollable due to the random behavior
of consumers, some events of generation deviating from schedules, natural events etc. which results in
load/generation balance occurring at all frequency different from the target. The only option available is, to
match the generation to the load, in real time, and that can be done through AGC which is also called regulation

There are two distinct types of load / generation mismatch events which occur in any Power System. The slow
changes in frequency are best addressed by modulating a few generating units (for obvious reasons, these will
have to be the high marginal cost ones) carrying the reserve capacity (Spinning Reserve) for this purpose. Few
Generators can be assigned this load following duty and can be controlled by the LDC tele-command 2 issued by
the LDC ‘frequency control desk’ operator or automated as “Automatic Generation Control (AGC)”. Every
Generating Unit has the provision for accepting “raise”/“lower” remote commands for this purpose.

The constant frequency control band (corresponding to the Governor Dead band), acceptable quasi steady state
frequency band (to limit frequency deviation in steady state) and the maximum permissible instantaneous

“Frequency & Inter-area Exchange Control in Multi-Utility Power Systems”—ES 2015.
This control cannot be directly applied on more than one machine in a synchronous system. With present day
size of the systems, many machines would be required to perform this function and the state of the art is control
from the LDC, on multiple machines.

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deviation (nadir) frequency deviation (to prevent under frequency load disconnection) as defined in UCTE, are
depicted in the diagram above.

Permissible Frequency Deviation Limits*

Maximum “Δ f“ deviation limit, under disturbed condition

+0.2Hz Quasi steady state “Δ f“ deviation limit

fN=50Hz +0.020Hz Constant frequency “Δ f“ band, normal conditions
-0.020Hz Time
Quasi steady state “Δ f“ deviation limit


- 0.8Hz
Maximum “Δ f“ deviation limit, under disturbed condition

* Values indicated are as applicable in UCTE

2.5 AGC – an automated form of Secondary Control:

The perpetual small changes in the frequency of the power system can be conveniently corrected, by delivering
(or withdrawing) generation from a few machines designated to carry this control reserve (Secondary Control
Reserve). This control can be exercised manually by the Frequency Control Desk Operator at the LDC or can be
automated by a control system variously referred to as Automatic Generation Control (AGC) or Automatic Load
Frequency Control (ALFC). While single Control Area systems can be easily controlled by the former method, this
method becomes complex and difficult in multi area power pools, due to the additional control need of “net
exchange”. Thus, multi utility power pool necessarily use AGC. Secondary Control is essentially an integral
control which continues to act, till the frequency error becomes zero.

In addition to the perpetual control action described above, the Secondary Control also acts after each event of
Primary Control delivery, to return the frequency to the target value, thereby returning all the machines which
had delivered Primary Control reserve to their original load point at the target frequency, to be ready for the
next “call up”.

The Secondary Control margins cannot be everlasting and can be exhausted. When the margins are about to be
exhausted the same need be replenished by committing quick start generators (some literature refers to such
reserve as Tertiary Control Reserve) into service. Alternatively one can disconnect some load (done with
appropriate compensation for this service, in developed countries) and withdraw an equal amount of Secondary
Control margin, as the frequency increases. This latter option is termed as Demand Side Management (DSM)
and offers an attractive short term solution to the utilities, against capacity shortages.

2.6 Frequency Control Action:

Thus, under normal conditions were load / generation is continuously changing slowly, which will be the case
for near 100% time, only secondary control will be acting, to keep frequency within the narrow band of 0.030Hz
(0.06%). Primary Control remains active but is not called upon to act. In the rare disturbance events of fast and
large frequency change events (caused by events like a large generating unit tripping or a load bus being
switched out), Primary Control acts quickly to restrict the frequency change to within the maximum permissible
deviation and to restore frequency quickly to within the quasi steady state limit. Following this, Secondary
Control takes over to restore frequency to the normal operating band and the Primary Control reserves, which

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were delivered during the event, gets restored, returning the system to the readiness for the next event. The
typical frequency plot for such a disturbance event is shown in the diagram below:

Frequency Restoration
Following a Disturbance: Typical*


* Reproduced from ENTSOE sources

12/19/2014 NTPC Limited 38

In the said diagram, “A” represents Primary Control action and “B” represents Secondary Control action. While
“A” represents about a minute, “B” represents anything up to 30 minutes. Prior to the event and after the event
it will be noted that frequency is held within the constancy band and Secondary Control alone is acting.

2.7 Frequency Response Characteristic of a Power System:

Frequency Response Characteristic (FRC) of any synchronous system, expressed as β (having unit MW/Hz), will
be the combined effect of Load Governing and Governor Control and can be expressed as,

β = D + 1/R,
β x Δf = ΔP

3. Ancillary Services Under Normal Conditions:

Regulation and load following or fast energy markets are the two services
required to continuously balance generation and load under normal conditions.

Frequency control is accomplished centrally under normal conditions.

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4. Implementation of “Regulation” Ancillary Service in India through Automatic Generation Control (AGC):

In order to achieve constant frequency in Indian Grid and for large scale RE integration, operationalization of
spinning reserves is essential and to be implemented at the earliest. As off now, there is no control system which
can regulate the power generation to match minute to minutes balancing of Net Load. Manual Tertiary control
through scheduling, forecasting and recently introduced Reserve Regulation Ancillary Services (RRAS) can reduce
the band of frequency fluctuation but cannot achieve Target frequency of 50 Hz. Moreover, break even
frequencies of different plants as per frequency linked Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) will always try
to deviate from the ultimate target frequency of 50 Hz.

Pilot Project Taken up at Dadri Stage-II:

Reason for Pilot at NTPC Dadri Stg-II
–Dadri Stage II power plant is located near Delhi.
–It is easy to visit and monitor the field level implementation process.
–The variable cost of the power plant is fairly high (of the order of 300-350 paise/kWh) than
other thermal plants in Northern Region
–Load center plant
–Easy and economical to keep Spinning Reserves

Implementation Philosophy for AGC Pilot

The AGC system has been installed at NLDC control center. The purpose of this AGC system is to communicate
the setpoints calculated for the Generating Units those are modeled in the mentioned AGC system. The
Generating Units which are considered for the pilot implementation are from Dadri Power Plant Stage-2 Unit 5
& 6. The main purpose of the supplied AGC system is to calculate the Area Control Error for the considered
control area of Northern Region and to distribute this ACE ( based on pre-decided methodology ) to the
respective generating units i.e. Unit 5 & 6. The AGC system will use its Load Frequency Control (LFC) module to
calculate the ACE and to distribute its unit specific control error to respective unit. The ACE calculated by LFC is
on the basis of Area Interchange and Frequency signal received from NLDC SCADA system.

The calculated setpoints at the NLDC AGC system is transferred to Control Logic Unit at the Dadri Generation
Plant over IEC104 protocol and further it is transferred to Unit DCS systems.

The scope of the work included communicating the setpoints to Dadri Generation Plant. In order to enable LFC
to calculate ACE following real-time data are required:

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From the SCADA/EMS system at NLDC Control Center:

 Real-time Analog Data for the Tie-Lines which are modeled in AGC
 Real-Time CB status for the Tie-Lines which are modeled in AGC
 Total Area Generation in considered Control Area
 Total Load Calculated for considered Control Area

How do data flow from NLDC to Dadri-II?

Data Flow in AGC Project

AGC console at


via HVDC Dadri

Back-up AGC
NLDC ICCP System at IEC 104 Protocol AGC RTU
NR-IR Schedule
NR-IR Actual

U-5 & 6

Signals interfaced per unit Output limit checks

Sr.NO Type Service • 50 MW utilization of Spinning Reserve
. • Plant Ramp rate (~ 10 MW/min) honoured while giving DeltaP
1 Digital output GCB OFF signals
• Difference between two successive values of Delta P
2 Digital output GCB ON
– Max(Delta (Delta P)) = 1MW
3 Digital output AGC OFF – After tuning of controllers
4 Digital output AGC ON – Taken care of by the Ramp application at NLDC
5 Analog output ACTUAL LOAD • Unit Capabilities checked at Plant end
– Maximum MW limit
6 Analog output UNIT LOAD SETPOINT
– Mill availability and Spinning Reserve in real time as declared on
7 Analog output UNIT CAPABILITY paper
8 Analog input SETPOINT FROM RTU • If (Unit Capability – 50 – ULSP) < 0, then start an extra mill,
indication at NTPC.

Scaling the ACE value:

 NTPC Dadri stg-II alone cannot compensate the whole Northern Region ACE
 Interchange scaled using a factor of 30, changeable
 Nearly 15 stations available for AGC in NR
 50 MW will be the maximum Spinning Reserve utilization
 Beyond 50 MW NR Scaled ACE
 Entire (restricted to) 50 MW spinning Reserve will be utilized from NTPC Dadri stg-II

Implementation of Pilot Project at Dadri-II

29th day of June 2017 ushered in a new era by the introduction of Secondary control in the history of Indian
Power System when both 500MW units of Dadri were operating under AGC.
Commercial operation under AGC regime started from 4th January 2018 following CERC order and establishment
of commercial mechanism.

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NR considered as an Area for secondary control

Area Control Error : ACE = (Ia - Is) + 10 * Bf * (Fa - 50)

Ia = Actual net interchange, negative for NR meaning
import by NR
REGION NORTH- Is= Scheduled net interchange, negative for NR
REGION meaning import by NR

Bf = Frequency Bias Coefficient in MW/0.1 Hz, positive


Fa = Actual System Frequency

ACE positive means NR is surplus and NR internal

generation has to back down

ACE negative means NR is deficit and NR internal

generation has to increase

Monitoring of Area Control Error (ACE)

It is expected that with all the above steps in place, frequency is expected to be within the IEGC mandated band
for nearly 100% of the time. Nevertheless, as stated earlier, for a time horizon beyond one hour, forecasting and
scheduling becomes important and any large scale errors here can impact frequency control. Hence monitoring
each state control area performance is also important. Each state control area, region and the neighbouring
countries would work out the Area Control Error (ACE), display, monitor and archive the same. For the purpose
of ACE calculation, the bias could be set as 4% of Area load per Hz which can be refined over time. The inter-
state and inter-regional tie line values as well as frequency measurements should be treated as Class A telemetry
values and updated at a faster rate than ten (10) seconds at SLDCs/RLDCs/NLDC. The ACE, worked out as above,
should cross zero value and change sign at least once every hour to start with which would be narrowed down
to half an hour. Persistent violation of this condition would render the utility liable for penalties.

Simple Illustration: System balance at 50Hz. ACE=0 AGC correction-nil Outage of 1000 MW in “North”. How will AGC in “North” respond?
Assuming no change in Generation of running units –no primary Governor response.

50Hz 49.69Hz Δf= - 0.31 Hz

Is=- 1,000MW
Is= -1,000MW AGC
Ia= -1,000MW Ia= -1375MW

“North” “REST” “North” “REST”

PL = 50,000 MW PL = 30,000 MW PL = 49,375 MW PL = 29,625 MW

PG = 49,000 MW PG = 31,000 MW PG = 48,000 MW PG = 31,000 MW

ACE = (Ia - Is) + 10 * Bf * (Fa - 50) ACE = (Ia - Is) + 10 * Bf * (Fa - 50)
= (-1000-(-1000)) + 10 * Bf * (50 - 50) = (-1375-(-1000)) + 10 * 200 * (49.69 - 50)
=0 = -375 - 625
= -1000
Ia = Actual net interchange, negative for North.
Is= Scheduled net interchange, negative for North meaning import by North

Mock Test at Dadri-II:

The AGC software was integrated with the existing SCADA system at NLDC and data exchange is taking place
accordingly. The modelling of generating station/units with the static and dynamic data was configured along
with the desired real-time data in the proposed AGC software. A mock test was successfully conducted on 29th
June 2017 and it yielded desired results.

Results of the mock test and implemented philosophy of the pilot project at NTPC Dadri Stg-II are given in the
Figure below. The actual generation follows closely the Unit Load Set Point (ULSP) before the mock test. The
actual generation follows the AGC set point during the mock test.

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5. CERC order dt 6th Dec-17 on AGC Petition No 79/RC/2017 for implementation of AGC--gist:

The Commission acknowledged and appreciated the efforts undertaken by NLDC and NTPC for implementation
of this AGC pilot project. The Commission approved the Commissioning of the AGC Pilot Project between NLDC
and NTPC Dadri Stage-II.

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a: The Commission accepts our plea that 5-minute accounting is possible for AGC, and directs that the same
should be implemented for improved record of AGC signal and the up/down response of the plant. This data will
also be utilized for payment purposes for the mark-up. Settlement of energy charges and deviation charges shall
continue to be on the basis of 15-minute time block.

b: The Commission accepts the proposal that 50p/kWh shall be the mark-up for both positive AGC generation
and negative AGC reduction.

c: Quantum (MWh) provided under AGC shall be deducted to arrive at the net deviation as follows: Net MWh
deviation = (Actual MWh)-(Scheduled MWh)-(AGC Schedule MWh). The generator shall pay deviation charges
as per the DSM Regulations according to this computation.

d: The Commission accepts the proposal of the Petitioner that the fixed cost shall continue to be paid by the
beneficiaries while the generator shall be paid a mark-up at 50p/kWh for both positive AGC MWh generation
and negative AGC MWh reduction. Generator shall be paid variable charges (as submitted under RRAS) from the
DSM Pool for quantum of energy generated (positive AGC) and the same shall be paid by the generator to the
DSM Pool for energy reduced (negative AGC).

e: *The Commission is of the view that on days when full capacity is requisitioned, ear-marking a quantum of
reserves might not be feasible at this juncture and needs to be further deliberated with stakeholders. Similarly,
the proposal of allowing regulation down when the schedule is at technical minimum is not agreed at this stage
as it needs further examination in terms of technical feasibility and impact of going below technical minimum.

f. The Commission directs that similar pilot projects may be replicated by NLDC, in at least one other regional
grid of the country.

g. The Commission would also advise the stakeholders to endeavour to extend optical fibre connectivity to
maximum number of power plants under the control area jurisdiction of RLDCs so that technical feasibility for
participation of more generating stations under AGC is created.

*Commission kept the most difficult point of the petition unaddressed for the obvious reason of fixed cost
liability issue ( i.e allocation of 100 MW spinning reserve from Dadri-II for AGC) and directed to utilize URS for
AGC. Unfortunately, Commission mixed up the nature of two different Ancillary services, RRAS & AGC,
together. It is required to be understood that AGC is to be kept in service continuously and such Ancillary
services are not always possible from URS. Earmarking spinning reserve for AGC is a must.

Payment for Energy & Incentive DSM after AGC

• Payment for energy
• Deviation in MWh for every time block
– For AGC MWh (+ve) increased during a block
• Payment @ variable charges to Dadri from the NR DSM pool • MWh deviation = (Actual MWh) - (SGTotal MWh) - (SGAGC MWh)
• SGAGC MWh can be positive or negative or zero
– For AGC MWh (-ve) reduced during a time block – Block wise data available
• Dadri pays @ variable charges to the NR DSM pool • Actual MWh and SGTotal MWh will be always positive
• Would be settled as per the existing DSM Regulations.
• Incentive for participating in AGC
• AGCmarkup MWh to be computed over 5 min block
• Total Schedule:--- a) SG from Beneficiaries
• Payment @ 50p/kWh to Dadri from the NR DSM pool
account for each AGCmarkup MWh computed over 5 min b) SG from RRAS
block irrespective of its sign i.e for both +ve & -ve. c) SG from Power Exchange

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6. Key challenges to Providers of AGC:

DSM management: DSM in its present form will be very difficult to manage. RGMO response are leading to
high deviation from schedule. Changes in the prescription of both DSM & RGMO shall be in the offing.

Flexibility in Generation:
Essentially all generators can profit by selling ancillary services. Generators with greater flexibility can profit
more than less flexible units.
Flexibility of conventional generation: A plethora of challenges can be identified posing impediment to grid
frequency control and the same could be more challenging in future while integrating RE sources in larger scale
with penetration level more than 30-40%.
a) Technical: Cyclic operation / Load Ramping capabilities of machines of different age and technology
will pose difficulties in dealing with the impact of RE generation variation.
b) Commercial challenges of flexing conventional generation: It throws challenges on overall cycling cost
compared to commonly assumed costs. i) It increases maintenance and overall O&M expenses. ii)
Affects forced outage numbers and outage time. iii) Cost of increased Heat rates, long term efficiencies
and efficiencies at low / variable loads. iv) Cost of startup fuels, auxiliary power, and manpower cost
etc. all increases. Increased cost of generation will affect our merit order position in the highly
competitive power market.
c) Infrastructural challenges to participate in ancillary services like regulation and ‘Net Load following’
services through Automatic Generation Control (AGC).
d) Cheap Gas availability is a key issue in flexing gas plants generation.
e) Lack of Energy Storage capacities: NTPC do not have energy storage capacities in its portfolio. Non-
availability of storage capacity will put pressure on flexing of conventional generation.
 This “wear and tear” cost depends on plant design, operation, maintenance, and repair history.
Determining the wear and tear cost therefore requires significant investigation and analysis.
 Cycling and ramping of fossil-fueled generators also affect emissions and may result in higher emissions
rates than steady-state operation.
a) Heat rates typically degrade at partial load.
b) NOX and SOX rates are also affected by loading. Startup emissions of CO2, NOX, and SO2 may
be significantly higher than steady-state emissions rates.
c) Ramp ups in power output may also result in higher than steady-state emissions.

7. What need to be done to existing thermal plants?

The experience from the Europe & US demonstrates that coal plants can become flexible resources. This
flexibility—namely the ability to cycle on and off and run at lower output (below 40% of capacity)—requires
limited hardware modifications but extensive modifications to operational practice. While a unit’s reliability
during its early life has little indication of cycling damage and costs, long term costs and life consumption that
leads to failures reach a point of very rapid increases in failure rates due to cyclic operation.
Cycling does damage the plant and impact its life expectancy compared to base load operations. Nevertheless,
strategic modifications, proactive inspections and training programs, among other operational changes to
accommodate cycling, can minimize the extent of damage and optimize the cost of maintenance.

Study needs to be carried out with following objective:

 To assess the design and current condition of the plants through historical condition
 To identify critical components that could be affected by cycling and result in damage when
exposed to increased levels of cycling.
 To identify the areas that might be at risk of failure under cycling.

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 To determine the cost and reliability impact of increasing the number of load cycles / two shift
operations on plant critical components and general maintenance.

Flexibility / Ramp Up Rate enhancement:

 Automatic coordination of shutdown of HP feed water heaters and increase in firing rate
 Retrofit of HP turbine with HP stage bypass valve as per M/s Siemens suggestion.
 Condensate throttling as implemented at Dadri-II by NETRA in association with M/s Siemens.
 Partial deactivation of HP preheaters
 Optimization of subordinated controllers, e.g. feedwater, air, fuel.

Load following using sliding pressure operation

Use of sliding pressure boiler-turbine systems for better control of turbine temperatures and reduced

Control systems for improved flexibility

Plant control with self-learning predictive systems

Auxiliary plant: Using flexible VFD drives

Note- Large supercritical power plants are to be operated at base load and not to be cycled much.

8. Future opportunities

Business opportunity by providing “Regulation” & “Load Following” Ancillary Services: NTPC must determine
the business case for flexibility by identifying the value that additional flexibility can add to its plants. Flexibility
comes at a cost and benefits vary from plant to plant, so it is important to ensure that the benefits outweigh the
costs before focusing attention on possible technical and expensive upgrades. Inputs from European experience
(particularly Germany) through IGEF and International consultants are being sought for detailed analysis of
improvement of flexibility, life cycle reduction analysis and the costs associated with cyclic operations.
Moreover, inputs are required for regulatory framework, evolution of market mechanisms and incentivisation
for flexibilisation. Profit should be maximized.

Automatic Generation Control: Open up yet another opportunity to earn mark up for “Secondary Regulation”
services: AGC MW Command pulses will be integrated for a duration of every 5 minutes and logged for payment
(Up +ve/ down-ve) @ 50 paise/kWh to Dadri from NR DSM pool account.

9. In Conclusion:

Market demand and price for AGC Services will grow enormously in India with the proposed large scale
integration of Renewable Energy Sources. Intermittent and variable RE generation, unless managed properly by
invoking different Ancillary Services, will pose Grid stability and security risk. Operating reserve from Thermal
power plants will be an essential component of power systems. AGC Services from Thermal units will enable
system operators to keep system frequency within defined limits as part of normal operations, allowing
generation to be adjusted to match unexpected changes in load and variable RE generation. It will also continue
to support Grid in the event of a contingency to arrest sudden changes in frequency and to bring the frequency
back to acceptable level. There is no doubt that Fossil fuels being dirty & depletable needs substitute by cleaner
and renewable source of Fuels. However, the gloomy landscape drawn about the future of Fossil Fuel is
somewhat exaggerated. We have to live in a Fossil Fuel based energy economy for decades to come. Hence,
NTPC need to capitalize this opportunity and grab the new markets of AGC with the same efficiency and quality
as already demonstrated in Indian Electricity “Energy” market.


1. UCTE Operation Handbook, June 2004 available for free download at

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2. Brendan Kirby, Oak Ridge Laboratories, Tennessee, “Ancillary services: Technical and Commercial
3. Olle Ingemar Elgerd, “Electric Energy Systems Theory: An Introduction”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education,
4. Prabha Kundur, “Power System Stability and Control”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.
5. P P Francis, “Frequency & Inter-area Exchange Control in Multi-utility Power Systems”—ES 2015.
6. Allen J. Wood / Bruce F. Wollenberg, “Power Generation Operation and Control”, Wiley, 2006
7. Greening the Grid, Page on Ancillary Services at
8. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Ancillary Services Operations) Regulation-2015
9. Report on Reserve Regulation Ancillary Services (RRAS) Implementation in Indian Grid-Half Year
Analysis and Feedback.

10. Report of the Committee on Spinning Reserve-CERC, September 2015.

11. CERC (Indian Electricity Grid Code), Regulations, 2010 (IEGC)

12. NERC Operating Manual-August 2014

Author: Somes Bandyopadhyay, AGM (OS-SIIS), graduated with honours in Electrical Engineering
from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in the year 1990. He joined NTPC as 15 th Batch ET and
worked continuously in the field of Electrical protection, Excitation system, Generator,
Switchyard etc since joining at Farakka, then Talcher Kaniha and Corporate OS. Presently he
is at OS-SIIS responsible for co-ordination with Grid authorities, POSOCO, RPCs for Power
System, Protection related issues and CERC for regulatory affairs in association with CC
Commercial. MIS generation, 24x7 monitoring of running stations through OMC is also
included in his routine activity. He is a member of different sub-committees of RPCs related
to protection, PSS tuning etc.

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