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Name: Character:

4 3 2 1
Comprehension Thorough Solid understanding of Some understanding Comprehension needs
understanding of text of the work.
the text. Brings text to and what it means. text and what it means. Little understanding of
life. the text
and what it means.
Memorization Fully memorized. Text Memorized with few Somewhat memorized, Memorization needs
is delivered with ease. errors. several errors. work. Not memorized,
many errors.
Focus Actor is fully focused Actor is focused on Actor is somewhat Focus needs work.
on performance, not performance, not focused on Actor is very distracted
distracted by outside distracted by outside performance, by outside influences.
influences. influences. sometimes distracted
by outside influences.
Characterization Fully developed and Characterization is Characterization is Characterization needs
believable character. solid. Believable and satisfactory. Somewhat work. Not believable,
Used Character many character details. believable, some no character details.
Analysis Sheet well. character details.
Vocal Delivery Excellent vocal Solid vocal expression. Satisfactory vocal Vocal delivery needs
expression. Speaks Speaks clearly with expression. Some work. Lacks articulation
quite clearly with projection. projection issues and and projection.
excellent projection. some articulation
Physical Delivery Excellent use of the Solid use of the stage Satisfactory use of Physical delivery needs
stage with well-defined with some defined stage, little use of work. No blocking, no
character-driven character-driven character-defined use of character-driven
gestures. gestures. gestures. gesture.
Energy Excellent energy Solid energy and Satisfactory energy Energy needs work.
and connection with connection with and connection with Flat performance and
audience. Great eye audience. Solid eye audience. Some eye does not connect to
contact. contact. contact. audience. No eye
Overall Excellent performance. Solid performance. Satisfactory Performance needs
performance. work. Copyright © 2017 by Lindsay Price, All Rights Reserved

The Fine Print 1
You may freely copy and share this document, as long as the document is distributed in its entirety,
including this notice. Please forward corrections and/or comments to the author.
Performances for an audience (whether paying or not) are subject to a royalty. Contact us for
details. The text may be performed without royalty for auditions, in-class work, and Thespian IEs.
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