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Keeping safe for Middle schoolers

Why is it important?
The obvious reason—avoid danger or unhappiness now.
Protect your future.
Ever want to get a job? Or go to college? Or apply for a scholarship?
Everyone will look at your digital footprint, that is, what you have done
online. If you leave a mess, it will be available to view from now on….
Don’t share your passwords with anyone
Make them secure:
Should have at least 8 characters
Should include capital and lower case letters
Should include at least one number and one
special character
DON’T use the same password for everything
Change your passwords from time to time
Social media
Websites like Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and My Space
Typing words and posting them to these kinds of sites is like “talking” in
Posting photographs on these sites is like appearing in public.
Make sure your personal settings on these sites are safe settings for
someone your age
Once something is “out there” you can’t get it back.
This is out there….FOREVER.
You can’t be sure of a person’s real
identity online.
That cool person you’re chatting with who says he or she is fifteen and hot
might actually look like this:

Never give out your address or agree to meet someone you don’t know in
real life. Do not tell someone your do not know where you go to school or
where you go after school. There are some creepy people out there—don’t
be tricked by them!
If someone is being rude or mean
block them.
If you encounter someone online who is cruel or insulting to you—
BLOCK that person
DO NOT chat or text with that person!!!
If you do get bullied…
Save the evidence.
The only good news about
digital bullying is that the
harassing messages can
usually be captured, saved,
and shown to someone who
can help. You need to do this
even if it’s minor stuff, in case
things escalate.
If things get really bad—talk to
Talk to an adult who cares:
Mom or Dad
Uncle or Aunt
Counselor or Principal
Minister or religious leader
Coach or mentor

OR ask your best friend

to recommend a trustworthy adult
Be careful about what you share
If you share a picture of yourself doing something stupid that picture could
be seen by your parents, teachers or others.
If you engage in name-calling or being mean to others, it can come back and
hurt you later.
If you share personal information or embarrassing stories, be aware that
those things will get around, eventually, to someone you wish did not know.
If you text, chat or post something, it can be shared with others that you did
not intend to share it with.
The person who posted this picture can
never get it off the internet.
Another thing to avoid (BIG TIME):
What is it? “Sexting” usually refers to teens sharing nude photos via
cellphone, but it’s happening on other devices and the Web too. The practice
can have serious legal and psychological consequences, so – teens and adults –
consider these tips!
It’s illegal: Don’t take or send nude or sexually suggestive photos of yourself
or anyone else. If you do, even if they’re of you or you pass along someone
else’s – you could be charged with producing or distributing child
pornography. If you keep them on your phone or computer you could be
charged with possession. If they go to someone in another state (and that
happens really easily), it’s a federal felony.
Other unhappy consequences:
Non-legal consequences: Then there’s the emotional (and reputation)
damage that can come from having intimate photos of yourself go to a
friend who can become an ex-friend and send it to everyone you know. Not
only can they be sent around; they can be distributed and archived online for
people to search for pretty much forever.
Not just on phones. Sexting can be done on any media-sharing device or
technology – including email and the Web. Teens have been convicted for
child porn distribution for emailing sexually explicit photos to each other.
If someone is doing something wrong
online, tell a trusted adult
If you know about a friend who is doing dangerous things on the internet, it’s
better to tell a trusted adult.
If someone on the internet seems like they are acting creepy or
inappropriate, tell a trusted adult.
Don’t endanger yourself by engaging in mean behavior online. If you do
mean things, you open yourself up to the same thing happening to you.
Don’t encourage others to be mean or do dangerous things online. Report it
if you witness someone being mistreated online. Bullying is never cool.
Fun website to explore for
more on this topic
NS Teens
Go to this website for videos and games
and more information on this subject.
Keep calm and keep safe online.

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