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TAG QUESTIONS: Complete the following with tag questions.

1. You study English, ________?

2. They were busy, ________?
3. It’s two o’clock, ________?
4. You don’t drive, ________?
5. She is a teacher, ________?
6. We aren’t late, ________?
7. Mr. Smith has a car, ________?
8. They weren’t late, ________?
9. I was right, ________?
10. Today is Monday, ________?

ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE:For each sentence below, write A on the blank line if it is
ACTIVE, or P if it is PASSIVE.
1. _________ The pilot flew the plane.
2. _________ A huge pot of spaghetti was cooked by the chef.
3. _________ The chef cooked a huge pot of spaghetti.
4. _________ The poodle chased the squirrel.
5. _________ The squirrel was chased by the poodle.

Change each active voice sentence into passive voice sentence.

1. Oliver grew giant carrots in his garden.
2. The neighborhood bunnies devoured THE carrots.
3. Oliver posted a sign that said Don’t Eat The Carrots!

Write the correct verb to match the tense in the parentheses.

yell 1. Marion ________ at Jacob to stop running. (past tense)
bake 2. Cathy ________ cookies every week. (present tense)
throw 3. Charles _______ the ball to Claudia. (future tense)
paint 4. Glenn ________ a picture of a dog (past tense)
carry 5. Mark ________ the baby to the car. (future tense)

Fill in the blanks with the past tense or past participle form of the verbs given in the
1. He has _______________ his own companion for the journey. (select)
2. He would have _______________ his speech after the break but the mayor
didn’tpermit him. (resume)
3. Has the problem _______________ solved? (be)
4. The accused _______________ the jury’s verdict with anxiety. (await)
5. My watch was _______________ by a boy. (steal)

Choose the modal verb which best fits each sentence.

1. I think you (must, ought) to have the car washed. It’s so dirty!
2. Her bedroom light is still on. Dorothy (should, must be) studying for the English test.
3. It’s not surprising that we (couldn’t, might) not find the house. You gave the wrong
4. Excuse me. (Could, Might) you lend me your pen?
5. I thought I saw Mae in town, but I (could, ought) have been wrong.

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