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GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915

GIIRJ, Vol.1 (2), DECEMBER (2013)






Online shopping has become increasingly popular, due to convenience (and often
lower prices). Especially in the holiday season, online shopping saves an individual the hassle
of searching several stores and then waiting in long queues to buy a particular item.
Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buy goods and services, and has
rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have started using the Internet
with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their products and
services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets. Without doubt the Internet has
influenced our lives deeply in which it plays an indispensable and irreplaceable role. Many
experts are optimistic about the prospect of online business. In addition to the tremendous
potential of the E-commerce market, the Internet provides a unique opportunity for
companies to more efficiently reach existing and potential customers.
Online shopping has its drawbacks too, we cannot touch and feel the item, delay in
shipping, shipping charges make product expensive specially in low cost items, risk of losing
your money, Stolen your card details etc.Flipkart-4.94, eBay- 4.88, 5.32, 5.39, Infibeam-5.69, Homeshop18- 5.82, Yebhi-5.88 , Snapdeal-5.93,
Pepperfry-5.99 , 6.06

Consumer perception applies the concept of sensory perception to marketing and
advertising. Just as sensory perception relates to how humans perceive and process sensory
stimuli through their five senses, consumer perception pertains to how individuals form
opinions about companies and the merchandise they offer through the purchases they make.
Merchants apply consumer perception theory to determine how their customers perceive
them. They also use consumer perception theory to develop marketing and advertising
strategies intended to retain current customers -- and attract new ones.

GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915
GIIRJ, Vol.1 (2), DECEMBER (2013)

This chapter will mainly discuss on the study that are done by previous research of
other authors in the similar area of the present study. Throughout this chapter, there will be
comprehensive discussion on theoretical and practical views of previous studies done in
online shopping and offline shopping for apparels.
This study combines factors that other studies have done that will influence the
consumer's purchasing decision in online and offline stores for apparels. It includes the price
attractiveness, time saving, perceived risk, enjoyment and excitement, tangibility and high
According to Kotler (1974); Bitner (1992); Solomon, Suprenent, Czepiel and Gutman
(1985), assurance is important to capture confidentiality, shopping security, complaint
resolution, problem solving and warranties. In an online shopping environment, consumers
are not associated with a physical location while they are only communicating with a
machine and not human being (Ekeldo and Sivakumar, 2004). With the inability of
consumers to feel and touch the product in an online context because online retailing lacks
the tangible features, it makes it difficult to market those products on the internet.
(Lindstrom, 2001).
According to Lindstrom, (2001) which was cited by Rajamma, Paswan and Ganesh
(2007), it is easier to market the product on traditional stores than the internet because
consumers can feel and touch the product, and they can even wear it on the spot. Bricks and
mortar is also known as shopping malls because it has a physical location where consumers
can visit. Consumer's lifestyle is affected by the role of shopping malls (Terblanche, 1999)
because it can act as a community Centre for public and other recreational activities (Ng,
2003). Shopping mall also offers entertainment and provides other utilitarian needs to
consumers such as stores, food courts and restaurant, children's amusement Centre, cinemas
and relaxation spaces (Terblanche, 1999).
Parasuraman (2002) Stated that the motivations for this special issue and propose a
conceptual framework pertaining to the issue‟s theme. Using this frameworks a backdrop,
they then offer an overview of the remaining articles by segmenting them into categories and
discussing their relationship to the framework. They conclude by highlighting research
avenues for augmenting our understanding of marketing to and serving customers through the
According to Magee (2003), the growth in the number of online shoppers is greater than
the growth in Internet users, indicating that more Internet users are becoming comfortable to
shop online.
Ryan (2004) conducted a research on the mosaic of institutional issues associated with
gaining credibility for internet marketing standards. Strong claims for a predominantly self-
regulatory approach are reviewed in conjunction with other factors that inhibit credibility,
namely: competing internet worldviews, weak moral coherency and offline ambiguity about
respective institutional roles, especially as regards moral dimensions of notions of regulation
and self-regulation.
Wong and Sculli (2005) resulted that when there is the presence of promotional offers,
consumers will have higher intention to purchase in web-shopping; purchasing decisions and

GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915
GIIRJ, Vol.1 (2), DECEMBER (2013)

choice making from alternative evaluations can be made easily when there is the presence of
promotional offers.
Wang (2006) conducted a research to examine the current use and predict future Web-
based marketing activities of U.S. convention and visitor bureaus. A survey was sent to 600
randomly selected American convention and visitor bureaus with a focus on assessing the
applications included in the bureaus „Web sites, their Web site promotion techniques, and
customer relationship management programs in relation to these Web sites. The results
indicate that most bureaus‟ Internet marketing activities are relatively limited, focusing on
providing travel information to prospective visitors.
Bengtsson (2007) stated that adopting the Internet for advanced marketing operations
opens up challenging opportunities for firms of all sizes. However, such adoption might
destroy investments in present market channels and thus has the characteristics of radical
innovation. The results of analysis show that composition of factors on which firms base their
decision to adopt advanced Internet-based marketing operations varies significantly with firm
According to Xia and Monroe (2009), consumers will save in monetary when there are
price promotions on specific products. In an online context, consumers are more likely to
depend on the price cues to determine the quality of a product which are presented in the web
site because they cannot see or touch the actual product (Jiang and Rosenbloom, 2005).
Chin ting (2010) stated that few school or educational studies have simultaneously
explored both internet marketing and organizational commitment, and of those that have,
only direct effects were examined. This study clarifies the relationship between school
organization‟s internet marketing and teachers‟ organizational commitment by examining the
mediating role of teachers‟ job involvement and job satisfaction.


 To study perception of consumers towards online shopping.
 To examine the customer service, satisfaction and relationship aspects of online durable
goods shopping.
 To find out the preferences of the consumer regarding the attributes of online shopping
 To study the marketing strategies of online shopping.
 To know the demographic profile of the customers and its impact if any on the online


Online shopping saves the people the drudgery of hopping from one shop to another to
buy the items they require. However, with so many online retailers selling a large variety of
products, it becomes impossible for even online shoppers to decide what to buy, and from
where. There is an urgent need of one-stop shopping information centers from where you can
receive all relevant information on the products and services available. There are some sites

GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915
GIIRJ, Vol.1 (2), DECEMBER (2013)

online that offer reports on various products and services. These reports are based on
information received from online purchasers.


 The present study covers only select online durable goods shopping in
 To determine which factor influences the consumer to go for online shopping.
 To find out which feature of the website attracts the user to purchase the
product from the online shopping website.
 To find out the weather durable goods online shopping is beneficial for the
 To analyze which factors influence the user to buy online durable goods.


Primary data was collected using the Questionnaire. A survey was by the researcher
by meeting the respondents in their respective places. The respondent‟s response to each
question was carefully noted in the Questionnaire.

This research study after collecting data is the sampling process. When a decision is
made to use the sample, a number of factors must be taken into consideration. The size of
sample selected for the research is 160 in the area of Kanchipuram.

Table 1
Influence of consumers’ demographics on perception towards purchase decision of
goods from internet

N Mean SD t/ F values
Male 95 2.18 .224 t=1.642
Female 64 2.43 .303 (p=.103)
18-24 years 54 22.14 2.652
Age 25-30 years 68 23.21 1.741
Above 30 years 37 22.27 2.479
School level 28 21.00 2.036
Educational Graduation 61 22.52 2.579 F=8.295**
Qualification Post graduation 47 23.44 1.851 (p<.001)
Others 23 23.26 1.543
Student 40 22.12 2.775
Employee 70 22.45 2.301 F=2.157
House wife 16 23.37 1.454 (p=.095)
Business 33 23.24 1.825
Married 60 22.75 1.927 t =.515
Marital Status
Single 99 22.55 2.508 (p=.607)
**significant at 1% level *significant at 5% level

GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915
GIIRJ, Vol.1 (2), DECEMBER (2013)

The obtained‟t‟ value is 1.642 and it is not significant at 5% level. The value
indicates that there is no significant influence of consumer‟s gender on Perception towards
purchase decision of goods from internet.

The obtained 'F' value is 3.902 and it is significant at 5% level. The value indicates
that there is significant influence of consumer‟s age on Perception towards purchase
decision of goods from internet.

Educational qualification
The obtained 'F' value is 8.295 and it is significant at 1% level. The value indicates
that there is significant influence of consumer‟s educational qualifications on Perception
towards purchase decision of goods from internet.

The obtained 'F' value is 2.157 and it is not significant at 5% level. The value
indicates that there is no significant influence of consumer‟s occupation on Perception
towards purchase decision of goods from internet.

Marital status
The obtained „t‟ value is 0.515 and it is not significant at 5% level. The value
indicates that there is no significant influence of consumer‟s marital status on Perception
towards purchase decision of goods from internet.

Table 2
Friedman test for purchase decision

Chi square
Mean Rank
Delivery time 3.44
Reputation of the company 2.49
Guarantees and warrantee 2.86
Good description of goods 2.83
Prices 3.38
** significant at 1% level
The result in the table 2 shows that all the factors of purchase decision have not made
same influence in opting online shopping. Further the mean ranks in the table 2 shows clearly
that “Delivery time” and “Prices” are the main factors that influenced online shopping and
“Reputation of the company” and “Good description of goods” are the least factors that
influenced online shopping.

GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915
GIIRJ, Vol.1 (2), DECEMBER (2013)

Table 3
Perception level of customers using online shopping
Statements Mean SD t-value p-value
I think shopping on the internet saves time 4.50 .626 30.125 <.001
It is a great advantage to be able to shop at any
4.43 .650 27.839 <.001
time of the day on the internet
It is more difficult to shop on the internet 3.96 1.181 10.309 <.001
I prefer traditional/conventional shopping to
4.09 1.018 13.366 <.001
online shopping
Shopping online is risky 3.61 1.290 5.980 <.001
I believe online shopping will eventually
4.08 1.110 12.152 <.001
supersede traditional shopping.
I will prefer online shopping only if online prices
4.26 .948 16.841 <.001
are lower than Actual price.
A long time is required for the delivery of
4.16 1.037 14.155 <.001
products and services on the internet.
Selection of goods available on the internet is
4.32 .853 19.404 <.001
very broad.
The description of products shown on the web
3.92 1.108 10.563 <.001
sites is very accurate.
The information given about the products and
4.13 1.260 11.361 <.001
services on the internet is sufficient
Online shopping is as secure as traditional
3.58 1.394 5.216 <.001
** significant at 1% level
Since all the p values are lesser than .001, the null hypothesis “The perception level
of customers using online shopping does not differ with the average response” is rejected at
1% level. The mean responses given by the customers for their perceptions are all above the
test average response (mean=3). Hence it is observed that the customers are feeling better
with the online shopping for purchasing the goods.

Table 4
Association between gender and purchase of Cosmetic / Jewelry through online

Cosmetic / Jewelry Chi-square

Yes No
N 51 40 91
Gender % 33.1% 26.0% 59.1%
N 40 23 63 0.854
% 26.0% 14.9% 40.9% (p = .335)
N 91 63 154
% 59.1% 40.9% 100.0%

GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915
GIIRJ, Vol.1 (2), DECEMBER (2013)

From the table 4 it is observed that there is no significant association between gender and
purchase of Cosmetic / Jewelry through online shopping. Chi- square value (0.854) shows
that the null hypothesis is accepted at 5% level.

Table 5
Association between age and purchase of Cosmetic / Jewelry through online shopping

Cosmetic /
Jewelry Total
Yes No
N 26 28 54
18-24 years
% 16.9% 18.2% 35.1%
Age N 38 27 65
25-30 years
% 24.7% 17.5% 42.2% 7.404*
N 27 8 35 (p = .025)
Above 30 years
% 17.5% 5.2% 22.7%
N 91 63 154
% 59.1% 40.9% 100.0%
*significant at 5% level

From the table 5 it is observed that there is significant association between gender and
purchase of Cosmetic / Jewelry through online shopping. Chi- square value (7.404) shows
that the null hypothesis is rejected at 5% level. It is found from the analysis that there is a
close association between gender and purchase of Cosmetic / Jewelry through online
shopping. From the table 4.20 it is evident that most of the customers (24.7%) with age 25-
30 years are purchasing Cosmetic / Jewelry through online.

Table 6
Correlation analysis for purchase decision

Getting information from Usage of Internet Purchase

internet prior to a purchase for shopping decision
Getting information from 1
internet prior to a purchase
Usage of Internet for r =.463** 1
shopping p <.001
r =.569* r =.420** 1
Purchase decision
p =.033 p <.001
** Significant at 1% level
Positive significant correlation is observed between Purchase decision and getting
information from internet prior to a purchase (r =.569). Hence the null hypothesis “There is
no significant relationship between Purchase decision and getting information from internet
prior to a purchase” is rejected at 1% level. This shows that Purchase decision depends on
getting information from internet prior to a purchase.

GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915
GIIRJ, Vol.1 (2), DECEMBER (2013)

Positive significant correlation is observed between Purchase decision and usage of

Internet for shopping (r =.420). Hence the null hypothesis “There is no significant
relationship between Purchase decision and usage of Internet for shopping” is rejected at 1%
level. This shows that usage of Internet for shopping depends on Purchase decision.
Positive significant correlation is observed between getting information from internet
prior to a purchase and usage of Internet for shopping (r =.463). Hence the null hypothesis
“There is no significant relationship between getting information from internet prior to a
purchase and usage of Internet for shopping” is rejected at 1% level. This shows that usage
of Internet for shopping depends on getting information from internet prior to a purchase.

 Most of the customers (60%) access online shopping services are males.
 Most of the customers (42.50%) of online shopping are in the age group of 25-30years.
 Majority of the customers (38.10%) accessing online shopping are graduates.
 Majority of the customers (44.40%) accessing online shopping services are employees.
 Most of the customers (61.90%) access online shopping services are single.

Online shopping is becoming more popular day-by-day with then increase in the usage of
WORLD WIDE WEB known as www. understanding the consumer's attitudes towards
online shopping, making improvement in the factors that influence consumers to shop online
and working on factors that affect consumers to shop online will help marketers to gain the
competitive edge over others.
From the above data analysis it can be conclude that consumer buys goods from the online
shopping website on the basis of factors like offers and discounts, variety of product
available, free home delivery, website user friendliness and The hypothesis framed for the
project Consumer Perception towards Online Shopping was Online shopping is beneficial
for the consumer. From the above data analysis it can be determined that most of the
respondent would agree to buy durable goods online rather than shopping of durable goods
with the traditional method. Out of the agreed respondent to buy online durable goods, most
of the respondent would think that it would be beneficial to shop durable goods online on the
basis of factors like easy to order, variety, discounts/ offers, saves time and avoid long
queues. With above analysis we can thus prove the hypothesis to be positive.

GALAXY International Interdisciplinary Research Journal_______________________ ISSN 2347-6915
GIIRJ, Vol.1 (2), DECEMBER (2013)

• Kotler (1974); Bitner (1992); Solomon, Suprenent, Czepiel and Gutman (1985)
“Principles of marketing.”
• Lindstrom, (2001) “Marketing techniques.”
• Parasuraman (2002) “Marketing Research.”
• Sigala (2003) “Social Marketing Strategies and Distribution Channels.”
• Ryan (2004) “ Journal of marketing research, Vol.16, no.1 88-95”
• Wang (2006) “Sales and Marketing Management.”
• Bengtsson (2007) “Marketing initiative."
• Xia and Monroe (2009) “Marketing research vol-5 issue 2”
• Chin ting (2010)

Web links:
• www.Indian online


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