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Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

If you suffer from Sciatica, or you’re close to someone who does, you already
know that it is one of those conditions that can be quite overwhelming and
incapacitating while causing a lot of discomfort even when attempting simple
daily chores. You must also know that the pain caused by sciatica can be
excruciating around the hips and the legs. What many people do not know is,
that when the right treatment is applied early enough, this condition can heal

Sciatica is caused by irritation of the

sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in
the body and controls the muscles that
are in the lower back of the knee and leg.
When a disorder in the lower back
(lumbar spine) exists, it is likely to cause
sciatica. This is because the sciatic nerve
is a combination of five sets of paired
nerve roots in the lumbar spine and when
any of these nerves is compressed or
pinched, it causes pressure on the nerve
route that leads to the irritating pain,
weakness and numbness.

Apart from the compression of one of the nerves, there are other known
causes of sciatica which include:

A herniated disc: This refers to as a slipped disc and occurs when the inner
soft tissues of the disc leak out to the outer core and affects the nerve root

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

that results into a herniated disc. The leaked disc tissues contain an acidic
chemical that is irritating and results into nerve inflammation and pain.

Lumbar spinal stenosis: This is a nerve compression disorder that’s mostly

common with older people and results into the narrowing of the spinal canal.
The condition may be caused by the overgrowth of soft tissue or a bulging
disc that exerts pressure on the nerve roots resulting into sciatica.

Piriformis syndrome: This condition occurs when the piriformis muscle, a

small muscle that’s found deep in the buttocks tightens. It can exert pressure
and irritate the sciatic nerve resulting into pain.

Isthmic spondylolisthesis: This condition is caused by a slip of one vertebra

resulting in misalignment. When there’s fracture or disc space collapse,
where one vertebral body slips over the one below due to fracture on the bone
connecting the two joints, the root nerve can easily get triggered and cause
sciatica. The fracture can be caused by stress on the bone.

Trauma: External
pressure on the
spinal nerve roots
resulting from
accidents, falling,
or any other
external force to
the lumber has the
potential of
compression to
the nerves that
can also lead to

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

Understanding what sciatica is all about and the various causes leading to it
provides you with the right information and enables you to take the necessary
action for total healing and freedom from this condition.

It is important to understand that sciatica caused by different factors needs to

be treated differently; the one size fits all approach does NOT work for
sciatica and can indeed worsen your condition - New England Journal of
Medicine (2015).

Why Conventional Sciatica Treatments Often Fail

If you visit a doctor about your sciatica, he or she is likely to prescribe pain-
killing medication. This can be useful as a short-term fix and may also reduce

The problem is that medication doesn’t address the underlying cause of

sciatica. If you have a compressed or irritated nerve, drugs often just hide the
problem without resolving what’s really causing your pain.

The most commonly prescribed

treatment for sciatica pains are
the non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
such as ibuprofen, aspirin and

However, the NSAIDS have

significant adverse effects if
used for a longer period and
can result into conditions like a
heart attack for those having
heart conditions. Using NSAIDS
for long-term has been found to

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

be the second most common cause of gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers, as

reported in the Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine Journal (2015).

Precaution should, therefore, be taken when dealing with NSAIDS for a

prolonged period to avoid any further risk. NSAIDS also have various side
effects like drowsiness, high blood pressure, headaches, and reduced kidney
function. It has also been reported that ulcers caused by NSAIDS are more
likely to bleed than those caused by bacteria.

The worst part about relying on such medications to deal with sciatica pain? If
something you are doing is causing sciatica…such as putting excessive load
on the spine during certain movements…then masking the pain with drugs
could cause you to keep repeating the action and make your pain worse.

This is a big problem with the modern approach of pain management. It’s also
why many people suffer for years with sciatic pain even though they are
receiving traditional medical treatments.

Can Chiropractors Eliminate Sciatic Pain?

Another common treatment for sciatica is chiropractic manipulation. There is

some low-quality evidence that this can provide relief for short-term
sciatica…but there is little or no evidence that it can work for chronic
sciatic pain - The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2012).

There have also been reports that sciatic manipulation can cause a condition
called cauda equina syndrome – a serious problem that can lead to loss of
function in regions of the lower back. It can even result in sexual dysfunction
or loss of bladder control.

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

Considering there isn’t much evidence

to suggest that chiropractic
manipulations can reduce sciatic pain,
it’s hard to recommend it as a
treatment when it’s potentially linked to
more serious problems such as cauda

Sciatica Exercises – Why You MUST Perform the

Right Exercises According to the Cause of Your

If you’re suffering from sciatica, you may feel like you don’t want to do any
exercise or physical activity. This is understandable – especially if pain is
severe. Even so, it’s vital to stay active to prevent your muscles from
becoming weak and stiff.

The best way to do this is through a guided sciatica exercise program. By

using a combination of strengthening and mobility exercises, you can maintain
strength and reduce compression of the sciatic nerve. This can lead to a
relatively quick improvement in pain levels.

You shouldn’t just Google a random set of exercises for sciatica though. This
is a common mistake – but can lead to increased pain and recovery times.
It’s also one of the main reasons why people who use sciatica exercise
programs don’t successfully reduce their pain - The Spine Journal (2015).

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

Why Sciatica Exercise Programs Are Often Ineffective

Sciatica can be caused by a range of different problems, including a herniated

disc in the spine, spinal infections, repetitive injuries, enlarged ligaments…and
many more. Performing the wrong exercise for the underlying cause of your
sciatica could actually make your pain worse – and may increase the time
taken for a full recovery.

If, for example, your sciatica is caused by excessive bending of the spine,
then exercises to increase lumbar range of motion could make the condition
worse. In contrast, these same exercises can be very effective at treating
sciatica caused by excessive muscle tightness around the sciatic nerve.

This is why you should be extremely careful when finding a sciatic exercise
routine online. In fact, unless the program recommends different exercises for
each cause of sciatica, you SHOULD avoid it - The Medical Clinics of North
America Journal (2014).

What is An Effective Strategy To Treating Sciatica?

If conventional treatments are ineffective for sciatica healing – or can even

make the problem worse - what can you use instead?

There are a number of effective treatments available. These include certain

home remedies that combat the inflammation, specific movements that re-
align the body and eliminate stresses on the nerve, therapy while you sleep
and others. These treatments have helped thousands of people overcome
their sciatic pain without expensive or dangerous therapies.

If you’ve spent time researching sciatica cures, you’ve probably already heard
about Sciatica SOS™ – a treatment program that guarantees to eliminate
pain in just 7 days.

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

But what exactly is the program? And can it really resolve your pain that

Overview of Sciatica SOS™

Sciatica SOS™ is a program created by Glen Johnson – a former sciatica

sufferer whose pain became so bad he couldn’t even do the grocery
shopping…he had to rely on his wife to do all the work.

After years of struggling with pain that was becoming increasingly worse – and
trying every conventional treatment, such as pain medication and regular visits
to a chiropractor – Glen realized it was time to try something new.

That’s when he was introduced to a different way of treating sciatica by a

family friend. The treatment, originally developed in Ancient Nepal, gave Glen
almost instant pain relief. And within five days, his sciatica pain had
disappeared completely.

In Sciatica SOS™, Glen reveals the exact treatment program that you need
to follow to achieve the same results…

What’s Included in Sciatica SOS™?

The program starts with a useful section explaining the most common causes
of sciatica. It also helps you identify the underlying reason for YOUR pain.

This is essential because there are many potential causes of sciatica, and
they need to be treated differently (this is also a big reason why Googling
generic treatments doesn’t work and will likely make your sciatica worse).

Once you’ve completed this section, the real meat of the program begins.
Glen guides you through the different types of treatment, and tells you exactly
which to use depending on the underlying cause you discovered earlier.

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

The process is laid out step-by-step, and is very easy to follow, requiring just a
few minutes each day. You should notice dramatic improvement in your pain
in the very first day, and your sciatica should be gone completely in 7 days
or less.

Does it Really Work That Fast?

At this stage, you’re probably thinking that the program sounds powerful – but
can it really work that fast?

I don’t blame you for being skeptical. Most people are. But have a look at the
experiences of some of the people who tried the program:

Here’s an example from Jane Eddington, Minnesota:

“Thank you so much for this Glen! After 3 months struggling to get a good
night’s sleep due to the pain, I was searching online to see if there was
something out there that could help as pain killers and NSAIDs just weren’t
cutting it.

When I ran across your site my first thought was it sounded too good to be
true, but gave it a try anyway seeing that you had a money back guarantee in

I could hardly believe it; literally the next day the pain was gone and I was able
to get a proper night’s sleep. You’re a life saver.”

And another, from Michael Pierce, Ireland:

“I can’t thank you enough Glenn!

I was a sciatica sufferer for years and had wasted thousands of dollars on all
kinds of therapies and medications, from epidural injections to chiropractic

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

treatments. I’d get temporary relief but after a few days the pain would be

It had gotten to the point where tying my own shoe laces had become a pain-
staking 10 minute task.

A friend of mine sent me a link to Sciatica SOS on Facebook and barely 5

days later the pain was gone completely and I have my mobility back. One
month later I am still completely pain-free. This should be a must to anyone
with sciatica.”

These are just a few of the success stories – there are many at the Sciatica
SOS™ website. Click here to check them out.

How Does Sciatica SOS™ Work So Well?

Sciatica can make even basic tasks such as sleeping or unloading groceries
painful. It’s also a condition that the medical profession often doesn’t take
seriously – which can be incredibly frustrating for those affected by it.

Glen understands these frustrations, and has designed Sciatica SOS™ to

provide rapid pain relief without dangerous medicine, expensive treatments or
hours of therapy.

The program also doesn’t rely on covering up pain or temporarily reducing it.
Instead, it is designed to eliminate sciatica PERMANENTLY.

Best thing about it? It is 100% risk-free for you: If it works– great! And if it
doesn’t, Glen offers a full no-questions-asked money-back
guarantee…basically if for any reason (or no reason at all) you are not blown
away by the results, you get all your money back – no questions asked. You’ll
also get to keep the entire system for free!

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©

You really have nothing to lose, except your sciatica pain – fast. So what are
you waiting for?

Take advantage of this incredible offer right now -100% risk-free.

Watch the FREE Sciatica SOS™ VIDEO

and get started immediately!

Scientific References

 Ropper, AH et al. 2015, ‘Sciatica’, New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 13, pp. 1240-8
 Anwar, A et al. 2015, ‘Elevation of cardiovascular risk by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs.’ Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, vol. 14, pp. 1050-1738
 Rubinstein, SM et al. 2012,’ Spinal manipulative therapy for acute low-back pain.’, The
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, vol 12
 Lewis, RA et al., 2015, ‘Comparative clinical effectiveness of management strategies for
sciatica: systematic review and network meta-analyses., The Spine Journal, vol 15, pp. 1461-
 Gobal, AL et al., 2014,’Low back pain’, The Medical Clinics of North America, vol. 98

Sciatica – Why You Have Been Treating It Wrong ©



Stand up! Too much sitting
We highly recommend printing this and placing it causes the hip flexors to
become tight. Set a timer
somewhere you will see it frequently. on your computer or
phone to remind you
Piriformis Super Stretch Begin in the hand and knees position, every 30-60 minutes.
if you have sciatica on the right, ro-
tate both legs to the left and extend

your left leg straight back, if you have
sciatica on your left, rotate both to
the right and extend your right leg Have you had enough
straight back. Slowly lower your trunk
water today? Your body
Hold 3-5 sec; repeat 5-8 times; Perform at down as far as you comfortably can.
least once per day.
needs to be hydrated at all
Lying Glute Stretch
Begin lying on your back, cross one
leg over the opposite knee and
slowly bring the foot that is still on Sciatic nerve pain is simply
the floor up and towards your chest. caused by pressure being
When it is close enough, grab your placed on the sciatic nerve
knee from under the leg that is and is usually a result of
crossed on both sides with both
one or more of the
following four things;
Slowly come out of the stretch and Hold for 3-5 sec, repeat 5-8 times;
Piriformis Syndrome,
repeat. both sides; perform at least once per
Herniated Discs, Spinal
Stenosis and Spondylolis-
Hip Flexor Exercise Begin standing, placing one foot thesis.
comfortably in front of you, shoulder
width apart, holding on to a chair or
rail for support. Slowly bend both legs
lowering the back knee to the ground.
All the work will be done on the front
leg so be sure to perform this exercise
on both sides. Slowly come out of the
stance and repeat. Hold for just a We do not give specific
moment in the up and down posi- medical advice and you should
Repeat 10-15 times on both sides; tions. always consult your physician
Perform at least once per day… before beginning any
stretching regimen.
Begin on your back knees bent. Take Lying Outer Hip Stretch SCIATICA 101:
the affected leg and bring it over the
non affected leg, keeping shoulders
on the ground, applying gentle Sciatica is pain,
downward pressure to the knee, tingling, or numbness
allowing the hip to stretch as much produced by an
as you comfortably can. irritation of the nerve
roots that lead to the
Hold 3-5 sec; repeat 5-8 times; sciatic nerve.
perform at least once per day.
The sciatic nerve is
formed by the nerve
Seated Figure Four Stretch roots coming out of the
spinal cord into the
Begin sitting. Bring the affected leg up and lower back. It goes
over the opposite knee. Once in that down through the
position, stabilize the bent leg with both buttock, then its
hands one hand on the foot keeping the branches extend down
leg in position then push down on the the back of the leg to
knee of the bent legs with the other hand the ankle and foot.
while at the same time leaning your trunk
forward. Only go as far as you comforta-
bly can, come out of the stretch and re-
peat, only on the affected side.

Hold for 3-5 sec, repeat 5-8 times; per-

form at least once per day.

Begin in a kneeling position.

Drop your butt toward your heels Child’s Pose
as you stretch the rest of your
body down and forward.

In the fully stretched position,

rest your arms in a relaxed posi-
tion along the floor, rest your
stomach comfortably on top of
your thighs. You should feel a
mild stretch in your shoulders and
buttocks and down the length of
your spine and arms.
Hold for 3-5 sec, repeat 5-8 times; perform at
Don’t force your derriere to move least once per day.
any close to your heels than is

We hope you have found this guide valuable.

visit us for more information at:
The 24-Hour Reboot!

• Muscle & Fitness


• Muscle &

Performance Magazine

• Ironman Magazine

• ICON Magazine


Thomas DeLauer is a well-known health and fitness coach that is

most noted for his personal transformation and knowledge in the
area of inflammation/nutrition. He has been featured on TV as well
as some of the largest Health and Wellness magazines.

Please Read This Before Starting
This is not a series of random foods, there is a valid
reason behind why these specific foods at a given time
How many times have you wanted to take control of your diet, but
the daunting thoughts of how much you have to erase before you
ever have a desire outcome seem to take over? You’re not alone.
That’s how I felt…

You are going to see some food combinations that may seem a bit
unconventional, but I want you to find the motivation to stick
through this for one day. The purpose of this reboot isn’t to
necessarily help you lose a lot of weight in 1-day, but rather to help
your body be in a prime position to transition into the right eating

It is difficult to start eating well and have it make a difference when

your body still has a negative balance of the unhealthy foods in your
body. The first step is always to give yourself a clean slate to work

Although you will likely see and feel some tremendous results with
this 24 hour cleanse, just note that the magic takes place when you
continue to eat an anti-inflammatory diet that allows you to get the
most out of your nutrients.

This program is a KICKSTART to the way you feel when you give
yourself a clean slate to work with.

Purpose of the 1-Day Reboot

When you have excess inflammation in your body, it can cause intestinal
inflammation. This, in turn makes it difficult to absorb nutrients and therefore
spikes cortisol levels, when this happens, your metabolism can slow down
causing a whole world of problems!

I’m not a huge believer in taking a bunch of supplements or drugs to fix a

problem. The thing is, the science is there to prove that just by eating the
right foods at the right time during the day can really turn things around.

Look, this is a free program that I put out there to help as many people as
possible. It’s effective, but it’s not going to turn around your health for you…
you need to take that into your own hands.

What this cleanse protocol CAN do for you is this:

Give you the clean slate and lowered levels of inflammation that are required
to get the most out of your diet! After this reboot you will likely be absorbing
more nutrients, which means your metabolism will rage faster and if you
choose the right steps at the end of the program, you can make leaps and
bounds above what you would otherwise.
Rules That are VERY Important
• Review the Entire Program before Starting so that You know what to get
from the Store

• Try to do about 15 Minutes of Easy Cardio on an empty stomach the day

that you do your reboot (this mobilizes free fatty acids and helps your
body burn a bit more fat)

• The foods really should be all organic. I know they cost a bit more, but it
is worth it, especially for one day! The thing is, organic foods don’t cause
the inflammatory reaction within our bodies.

• You’re going to have to STAY AWAY FROM GLUTEN, GRAINS and DAIRY
for at least this one day!

• There is a good chance you’ll feel typical detox symptoms during the
reboot, but that’s okay. You might get a slight headache, you might even
get a bit of an upset stomach, but that’s your body working overtime to
fight inflammatory responses!

• If you feel dizzy, or weak, give yourself a bit of honey or blueberries as a

first measure of action.

• Make Sure You Drink at least 0.75oz of Water per Lb of

As with any program, if you feel exceptionally dizzy or weak, contact a health professional.
How You Transition Out of The
Reboot is Critical – PLEASE READ
How many times have you done a cleanse and rebounded worse
after the cleanse?? Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen!

Look, as much as I would love to ask you to support what I do and try my full
7-day reboot, I really just want to make sure you have success with this
program. Honestly, it pays dividends to see people have success with this
program and get motivated to start making the right changes.

Here’s a few tips on how to transition out of the Reboot:

1) Continue to Drink 0.75oz per Lb of Body Weight for 5 Days

2) Do Not consume more than 2500mg Sodium for 5 days (unless

required for a condition)

3) SLOWLY increase the amount of food that you consume after

coming off the reboot. DO NOT BOUNCE right back to old
habits, that is a recipe for weight and bloat rebound

4) Phase out the high amounts of fruit, and begin to introduce

more in the way of fats like coconut oil, almond butter, olive
oil and even nuts like brazil nuts and walnuts.

If You are interested in transitioning into the Full 7-Day Cleanse

that helps you transition a bit more, I do recommend you give it a
try. If it doesn’t work, I have a 100% quality assurance refund

Take Advantage of the 7-Day Organic Total Body Reboot by

Quick Shopping List For You

* Organic Blueberries

* Organic Honeydew Melon or Cantaloupe

* Asparagus

* Swiss Chard

* Cucumber

* Celery

* 1 Organic Lemon

* Protein of Choice (preferred Organic Cage Free Eggs

* (For Vegetarians) Red Split Lentils

* Coconut Oil

* Agave Syrup or Honey

* Cayenne Pepper

* Cinnamon

* Himalayan Pink Salt

* Apple Cider Vinegar


Breakfast: Start with 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar and Juice
of 1 Lemon with 8oz Water

• Organic Blueberries OR Organic Honeydew Melon

2oz TOTAL Fruit for every 50lbs of bodyweight! I know it sounds like a
lot, but this is for GOOD REASON! You can blend these too!

• 2 Stalks of Asparagus for Every 50lbs of Bodyweight

This is to ensure that your kidneys get flushed of excess calcium so that
magnesium stores in the body can do their magic.

• 1 Tbsp of Organic Agave Nectar

• SMALL Serving of Protein (Organic Eggs Preferred) Good Rule of Thumb

is about 5g of Protein for every 50lbs of bodyweight. Protein is very
important in this case. This is where lots of detox programs go wrong.
You need protein to keep the metabolism functioning properly on a

o Alternative for Vegetarians or Vegans – ½ Cup Red Split Lentils

• 1 Tsp of Cinnamon
On the Berries or in Smoothie to help carbohydrate metabolism

• 1/2 Tsp Himalayan Pink Salt – This is to help keep your minerals
balanced throughout the day and to help with adrenal function.
• ½ Tsp of Cayenne
Stimulates the metabolism to process the impurities and reduce
1 Day Reboot Lunch
Eaten about 4-5 Hours Later:

• Organic Swiss Chard

Roughly about 1 cup, but can go as high as 2.5 cups)

• PROTEIN, about HALF the size of your fist this meal

• We don’t need much here, all we are trying to do is keep amino acid
levels higher

• 1oz of Berries or Melon for Every 50

of Bodyweight
• 1 Tbsp Organic Coconut Oil
The purpose here is to give your body medium chain triglycerides that it
needs to mobilize free fatty acids (helps you burn fat)

• ½ tsp of Cayenne Pepper

Sprinkled on protein OR Swiss Chard

Alternative Lunch (Juice)

If you’d feel better juicing your lunch, try this one out!

If you don’t have a juicer, you’re better off opting for the whole-food meal above.

• Juice of 2x Cucumbers (organic), 1x Small Knuckle of Ginger Root, Juice of 1

Beet(Organic), 1/2 Cup blueberries, 1 tsp Turmeric root, ½ Tsp Cayenne Pepper, 1x
stalk of celery

• Still consume the HALF of a FIST sized portion of protein (organic) or use organic PEA
PROTEIN powder.

1 Day Reboot Dinner
• No Protein with this Meal

• Organic Blueberries or Honeydew/Cantaloupe Melon

2oz per 50lbs of bodyweight. If you opt for cantaloupe, eat the seeds as
they are exceptionally high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

• 1 tsp Cinnamon

I recommend putting this on the berries or melon, it is to help with

carbohydrate absorption and blood sugar.

• 1 Tbsp Organic Coconut Oil

Melted or as a plain spoonful.

• Juice of 1x Cucumber plus 2x Stalks of Celery

This can be eaten straight if you do not have a blender

• 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar Before BEDTIME!

Once you’ve completed the last meal of the day, be sure to drink a fair bit of
water before going to bed. It is also a recommendation that you have a bit of
magnesium (by way of capsule) to help your body balance out in the way of
minerals and electrolytes.

If you want to transition out of the Reboot with the right vitamins to refuel
your body, you can get a special discount on my Vitamin and Supplement
Bundle by Clicking Below.

Get The Special Pricing on Vitamins for after the Reboot Here
Go to the Next Page to Look at the Next Steps!

You’re Feeling Good, What’s Next?

Now that you’ve helped reduce the inflammation within your body, you can go
right back to eating the way that you were… Or… You can take the opportunity
of having a clean system and a purified body and start making some easy

You see, now you’re experiencing some new-found energy, your body is
absorbing what it needs in the way of nutrients and your metabolism is firing
up. But you know the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day…” Well the same
goes for reducing inflammation and getting healthy.

I’ve created an expanded version of this program that walks you through Step-
by-Step what you can do for 7-days to dramatically feel better and REALLY
kick start your way to better health. It’s called my 7-Day Organic Total Body
Reboot and you can get it by clicking right here!
I designed this with a couple of ph.d friends of mine and it’s the same program
that helped me get on my weight loss journey, but also what helped my wife
beat her symptoms and get back to being the best version of herself in very
little time. You’ve taken the Steps to get healthier, why not take the next step
to really feel the way you should. Click Below and Get Started!

Hey There!

Alright, so the Organic Total Body Reboot has some weird foods in it, I’m not going to lie! But it’s the
sequence in which you eat these foods that makes all the difference and helps you to reduce inflammation

So hear me out on some of these foods that I’m having you order, and especially the quantities of those
berries… It sounds a bit crazy (and it kind of is), but the stellar results of over 40,000 awesome clients
speaks for itself!

Do you yourself a favor though, and look through the full program first. It’s good for you to get an idea of
what you’re going to be eating so that you can get a good sense of how much to buy, and what not (it varies
by how much you weigh and that is what makes this so effective (Because it’s a bit more personalized this

7-Day Organic Total Body Reboot Grocery Shopping List

• Organic Lemons (You’re going to Need at least 7-14 of These)

• Apple Cider Vinegar (One small bottle will suffice)

• Organic Protein of Your Choice (Preferred Fish or Cage Free Eggs – You will
consume about 0.25oz of Protein for Every Pound of Bodyweight each day)

• Organic Berries (Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries – You will

consume 4oz for every 50lbs of Bodyweight here, it’s A LOT of berries)

• Asparagus (No need to be Organic, Asparagus is safe as NON-ORGANIC – You will

need 2 stalks for every 50lbs of bodyweight
• Organic Coconut Oil

• Organic Local Honey

• Cayenne Pepper
• Organic Kale (or Baby Kale)
• Organic Carrots (You’ll use these for juicing, so about 2-3 per day)

• Ginger (About 1 Small Knuckle Per Day)

• Organic Cucumbers 1-2 per Day
• Turmeric Root
• Raw Shredded Cabbage (Or Head of Cabbage you can cut up – ½ Cup per day)
• Organic Broccoli or Baby Broccoli

Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

Basic shopping list that you can follow for this first week:
Foods with an “**” Indicate a must have food type, others are optional for
Best Options Potential Substitutions
Carb Sources Carb Source Substitutes
**Puffed Rice Cereal or Organic Rice Crispies (type) Organic Rice Cakes (unsweetened)
**Organic White Rice Organic Brown Rice, Organic Quinoa
**Red Potatoes White Potatoes, Fingerling Potatoes
**Organic Black Beans Organic Pinto Beans, Organic Kidney Beans
**Honey Agave Syrup
**Sweet Potatoes Yams
Tapioca Flour Coconut Flour

Fat Sources Fat Source Substitutes

**Coconut Oil Avocado Oil, Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil
**Avocado There is no solid substitute for Avocado
**Almond Butter Cashew Butter, Sunflower Nut Butter
**Sprouted Almonds Sprouted Cashews
**Sprouted Walnuts No Solid Substitute for Sprouted Walnuts
** Unsweetened Baking Chocolate No Substitute
Coconut Cream (This is usually in a can)

Protein Sources Protein Alternatives

**Organic Chicken Breast Organic Turkey Breast
**93% or 99% Lean Ground Chicken/Turkey No Substitute
**93% Lean Organic or Grass Fed Ground Beef 93% Lean Ground Turkey
**Wild Caught Alaskan Cod Dover Sole, Responsibly Raised Tilapia, Other White
Fish (Wild Caught)
**Wild Caught Salmon Wild Caught Sea Bass
Higher Fat Cut of Steak (Ribeye, etc) Higher Fat Poultry (Chicken Thigh, Wing, etc)
ORGANIC Breakfast Sausage (Low Sodium) Sub for LOW SODIUM Bacon or Tukery Bacon
Pea Protein Powder Brown Rice Protein Powder NO WHEY PROTEIN

Vegetables and Fruits Vegetable and Fruit Alternatives

**Kale Spinach, Mixed Greens NO ICEBERG LETTUCE
**Snap Peas Green Beans
**Broccoli Sprouts Radish Sprouts, Other Sprouted Veggies
**Cabbage Kimchi, Sauerkraut (this is for a pro-biotic)
Zucchini Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Butternut Squash
**Blueberries Raspberries, Blackberries
**Strawberries Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines
Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

**Bananas Plantains
Watermelon Cantaloupe, HoneyDew
Others Others
**Stevia MonkFruit Extract
**Chile Powder Paprika, Bell Pepper
Apple Cider Vinegar


Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

Basic shopping list that you can follow for weeks 2-4
Foods with an “**” Indicate a must have food type, others are optional for
Best Options Potential Substitutions
Carb Sources Carb Source Substitutes
**Organic White Rice Organic Brown Rice, Organic Quinoa
**Red Potatoes White Potatoes, Fingerling Potatoes
**Honey Agave Syrup
**Sweet Potatoes Yams
Tapioca Flour Coconut Flour

Fat Sources Fat Source Substitutes

**Coconut Oil Avocado Oil, Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil
**Avocado There is no solid substitute for Avocado
**Almond Butter Cashew Butter, Sunflower Nut Butter
**Sprouted Almonds Sprouted Cashews
**Sprouted Walnuts No Solid Substitute for Sprouted Walnuts
** Unsweetened Baking Chocolate No Substitute
Coconut Cream (This is usually in a can)

Protein Sources Protein Alternatives

**Organic Chicken Breast Organic Turkey Breast
**93% or 99% Lean Ground Chicken/Turkey No Substitute
**93% Lean Organic or Grass Fed Ground Beef 93% Lean Ground Turkey
**Wild Caught Alaskan Cod Dover Sole, Responsibly Raised Tilapia, Other White
Fish (Wild Caught)
Wild Caught Salmon Wild Caught Sea Bass
**Lean Cut of Pork or Lean Ground Buffalo (Bison) This is to Venison or Elk (if available)
shock the body with a different source of protein.
Higher Fat Cut of Steak (Ribeye, etc) Higher Fat Poultry (Chicken Thigh, Wing, etc)

Vegetables and Fruits Vegetable and Fruit Alternatives

**Kale Spinach, Mixed Greens NO ICEBERG LETTUCE
**Snap Peas Green Beans
**Broccoli Sprouts Radish Sprouts, Other Sprouted Veggies
**Cabbage Kimchi, Sauerkraut (this is for a pro-biotic)
Zucchini Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Butternut Squash
**Blueberries Raspberries, Blackberries
**Strawberries Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines
Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

**Bananas Plantains
Watermelon Cantaloupe, HoneyDew
Others Others
**Stevia MonkFruit Extract
Kombucha For Additional Pro-biotic Effect Kimchi, Sauerkraut
Apple Cider Vinegar
Maca Root Powder


Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

Supplement/Vitamin Dose and Times per Day Purpose

Krill Oil 1,250 mg 1 Capsule 3x Daily w/ Meals Omega 3 Fatty Acids without the
Mercury Content
Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg 1 Capsule 3x Daily w/ Meals Powerful Antioxidant and Carbohydrate
Chromium Picolinate 200mcg 1x 200mcg tab with each Aids in carbohydrate and fat metabolism
Maca Root Powder 1 Tsp – ½ Tbsp 1x per day Aids in healthy hormone function and
from week 2 + metabolism
Digestive Enzymes (Generic) 1 Digestive Enzyme with Helps break down the food that you are
Each Meal consuming to further aid in nutrient
Probiotic Supplement or Acidophilus 2 capsules at end of the day Helps restore healthy gut bacteria to aid
in digestion
Vitamin B-12 Sublingual 1,000mcg 1x per day Helps nerve function and helps with
energy while dieting
Spirulina Greens 2 Tbsp at least once per day For an extra phytonutrient boost
Vitamin C 500mg 2x Capsules 2x per day Helps lower cortisol levels so that you
can preserve lean muscle
Multivitamin 1x Capusle 1x per Day To ensure a healthy balance of minerals
Potassium 200mg 1x Capsule 2x per Day To help with mineral and electrolyte
Magnesium 500mg 1x Capsule 1x per Day Also helps electrolyte balance as nerve
and bone function


Sugar Detox Diet by Diane Sanfilippo

Chronic disease affects half of all Americans and accounts for 84 percent of our
$3.8 trillion health care bill. This would be depressing except for one simple
fact: Most of these chronic illnesses are lifestyle-related diseases. That means
they’re preventable, treatable and often even reversible through changes in
lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and stress.
More specifically, the food we eat (or don’t eat) is the single biggest driver of
chronic illness – everything from heart disease to diabetes, cancer to
dementia, arthritis to autoimmunity, and more.

Simply put, food can cause disease, but it also can cure disease.

That’s what the Padillas learned when they did The 10-Day Detox Diet (which
they continued for 40 days) and moved on to The Blood Sugar Solution. After
seven days Daniel Padilla was out of pain after suffering for 15 years on 15
different medications. After 40 days he was off his meds and felt amazing. And
after one year he and his wife, Rebecca, had lost over 160 pounds.
Daniel didn’t need one diet for his rheumatoid arthritis, another for his high
blood pressure, and yet another for his migraines. He simply needed real food
– anti-inflammatory food, detoxifying food, blood-sugar-balancing food, in
other words, The 10-Day Detox Diet.

Detox Shake
Make a clean shake using unsweetened almond, rice or coconut milk. Tip: Add
in a healthy serving of avocado or almond butter. For extra flavor add in fresh
or frozen organic berries or a dash of stevia.

The Detox Diet
Prepare a hearty solid meal from the Detox Diet. Get the most out of it by
including dark greens, healthy fats, and quality protein.

The Detox Diet
Prepare a hearty solid meal from the Detox Diet. Focus on a slightly lighter
meal for dinner. Entree-sized salads are great. See our meal plan for
Foods to include and exclude during
your Clean Detox

The Detox Diet is the foundation of the entire Clean Detox. It’s a set dietary list
designed to avoid the major foods that cause allergies, sensitivities, and
digestive problems.
Here is a quick snapshot of the major foods you’ll eat and not eat on the Clean
How The 10-Day Detox Diet Can Help
How do you reduce inflammation? Start with the food you eat. A major source
of inflammation is processed food, including sugar, flour and low-quality
vegetable oils. Gluten, dairy, grains, and beans are often a trigger for
autoimmunity. Clearing out all these foods for 10 days (and longer if it is
helping) can help reset your system.
The 10-Day Detox Diet is naturally anti-inflammatory because it removes these
foods and increases all of the wonderful anti-inflammatory nutrients found in
so many whole foods.
The 10-Day Detox Diet will help you dial down inflammation and provide a
solid foundation for healing from autoimmunity. Simply by cooking from the
recipes in my cookbook and following The 10-Day Detox Diet program, you will
address most of the below 15 Steps to Reverse Autoimmune Disease. Here are
the principles I use to get to the root of autoimmunity:

15 Steps to Reverse Autoimmune Disease

1. Cut out the flour and sugar because these are inflammatory foods.
2. Get rid of the gluten. We know gluten can be a trigger for autoimmune
disease and can contribute to a leaky gut.
3. Eat the right fats. Increase your intake of anti-inflammatory foods rich in
omega-3 fats, including cold water fish, grass-fed beef, walnuts, chia seeds, flax
seeds and hemp seeds.
4. Eat the rainbow. Choose a variety of colorful non-starchy vegetables and
berries every day. These foods are packed with phytonutrients.
5. Check for hidden food allergens with food sensitivity testing. The 10-Day
Detox Diet is designed to eliminate most food allergens.
6. Steer clear of non-organic soy. Some people with autoimmune conditions
feel better removing soy. Others can moderately tolerate whole forms of soy
like tempeh or tofu. You may want to experiment with soy to see how it affects
you. Always opt for non-GMO soy.
7. Keep your intake of nightshades (tomato, eggplant, peppers, etc.) low to
moderate in order to lessen the potential for an autoimmune reaction.
8. Take supplements (see “WHAT TO TAKE: Supplements” below for exactly
which products to take) to help boost levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D,
vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, probiotics, curcumin, and antioxidants – all of
which are instrumental in calming down an overactive immune system.
9. Exercise is a natural anti-inflammatory. Move your body regularly and
appropriately for your physiology.
10. Manage your stress. Practice deep relaxation through yoga, breathwork,
biofeedback, or massage because stress worsens the immune response.
11. Check for hidden infections like yeast, viruses, bacteria, and Lyme with the
help of a doctor and treat them.
12. Get checked for heavy metal toxicity. Mercury and other metals can trigger
13. Fix your gut by working with a Functional Medicine practitioner.
14. Tell your doctor about Functional Medicine, encourage him or her to get
trained, or buy them a Textbook of Functional Medicine as a holiday present.
Go to for more information.
15. See my guide on How to Work With Your Doctor To Get What You Need to
learn what tests you need and how to get them.

Remember, our bodies are not defective. You can thrive and be healthy by
paying attention to a few natural laws of biology. You don’t need drugs to
Below is your step-by-step meal plan. All recipes can be found in The 10-Day
Detox Diet Cookbook.

BREAKFAST: Strawberry-Almond-Coconut Smoothie (pg. 64)
LUNCH: Dr. Hyman’s Super Salad Bar (pg. 85)
SNACKS: ¼ cup almonds, Cucumber–Kale Smoothie (pg. 272)
DINNER: Roasted Salmon and Asparagus with Herb–Avocado Mash (pg.
156) and Wild Mushroom Sauté (pg. 258)

BREAKFAST: Açaí Smoothie (pg. 66)
LUNCH: Shrimp and Snow Pea Salad (pg. 98)
SNACKS: ¼ cup walnuts, Roasted Vegetables with Artichoke Hummus
(pg. 278)
DINNER: Yellow Curry with Chicken Meatballs (pg. 198) and Cauliflower
“Rice” (pg. 264)

BREAKFAST: Turkey Sausage Patties (pg. 79) with a side of scrambled or
poached eggs
LUNCH: Brussels Sprouts and Broccoli Slaw with Seared Scallops (pg. 91)
SNACKS: ¼ cup cashews, Roasted Vegetables with Artichoke Hummus
(pg. 278)
DINNER: Slow-Cooked Brisket with Fennel and Onions (pg. 219) and
Wilted Mizuna with Walnuts (pg. 257)
BREAKFAST: Leftover Sausage patties with a side of scrambled or
poached eggs
LUNCH: Mustard Greens with Grilled Salmon (pg. 96)
SNACKS: ¼ cup pecans, Creamy Herbed Tahini Dip (pg. 281) with
DINNER: Pacific Coast Bouillabaisse (pg. 137) with Green Beans and
Almonds (pg. 254)

BREAKFAST: Cocoa–Almond Smoothie (pg. 69)
LUNCH: Chicken Salad in Endive Cups (pg. 108) with Arugula and Fennel
Salad (pg. 252)
SNACKS: ¼ cup almonds, Creamy Herbed Tahini Dip (pg. 281) with
DINNER: Thai Green Curry with Soft-Shell Crabs (pg. 143) and Wilted
Mizuna with Walnuts (pg. 257)

BREAKFAST: Spinach–Mushroom–Asparagus Strata (pg. 82)
LUNCH: Thai Chicken Noodle Soup (pg. 130) with Arugula and Fennel
Salad (pg. 252)
SNACKS: ¼ cup hazelnuts, Warm Herbed Olives (pg. 284) with fresh
DINNER: Lamb and Mustard Green Stir-Fry (pg. 243) and Swiss Chard
with Pine Nuts and Scallions (pg. 256)
BREAKFAST: Wild Mushroom and Leek Frittata (pg. 77)
LUNCH: Seaweed Salad with Poached Shrimp (pg. 104)
SNACKS: ¼ cup pumpkin seeds, Warm Herbed Olives (pg. 284) with fresh
DINNER: Whole Snapper Stuffed with Scallion and Ginger (pg. 165) and
Mashed Cauliflower with Horseradish (pg. 265)
BREAKFAST: Açaí Smoothie (pg. 66)
LUNCH: Dr. Hyman’s Super Salad Bar (pg. 85)
SNACKS: ¼ cup walnuts, Gua–Kale-Mole (pg. 285) with fresh vegetables
DINNER: Chili-Spiced Turkey Meatloaf with Roasted Carrot Salad (pg.
210) and Zucchini Ribbons with Pearl Onions and Cardamom (pg. 268)
BREAKFAST: Strawberry-Almond-Coconut Smoothie (pg. 64)
LUNCH: Leftover Meatloaf and side salad
SNACKS: ¼ cup sunflower seeds, Gua-Kale-Mole (pg. 285) with fresh
DINNER: Tandoori Shrimp with Indian–Spiced Cabbage (pg. 145) and
Jicama Fries (pg. 271)
DAY 10
BREAKFAST: Açaí Smoothie (pg. 66)
LUNCH: Dr. Hyman’s Super Salad Bar (pg. 85)
SNACKS: ¼ cup pine nuts, Lemony Cashew-Tahini Dip (pg. 288) with
fresh vegetables
DINNER: Forty-Clove Baked Chicken with Swiss Chard (pg. 179) and
Shredded Brussels Sprouts with Warm Walnut Dressing (pg. 255)
Welcome to The 10-Day Detox Diet! I’m so glad you are ready to take back your
health and applaud you for jumping on board. If you are curious about the role
your food choices play in your health, then you are on the right track. I have
spent my career researching the effect of food on health, and the evidence is
clear that food is medicine and what you put on your fork has everything to do
with how you look and feel! The 10-Day Detox Diet is about rethinking your
approach to food, and helping you understand that food is way more than just
calories, it is information. In fact it is the most powerful medicine to heal and
achieve an ideal weight. That is if you choose the right information. And that is
what The 10-Day Diet Diet is all about. It promotes healthy, sustainable weight
loss and lifelong health and wellness. I created this Roadmap as a companion to
The 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook. It is meant to be a quick reference sheet to
help you become comfortable with the healthy, wholesome and delicious
ingredients you will be using for the next 10 days. It provides a clear guide to
portion size and to the frequency of your meals and snacks. I hope this Roadmap
helps you get started on your journey and that it comes in handy when you need
a quick reminder that you can do this! Enjoy the ride!


The 10-Day Detox Diet was created so I could teach you how easy, fast and
delicious it can be to lose weight and create health. Just follow this scientifically
proven program, and in 10 days not only can you lose up to 10 pounds, but you
can also put an end to chronic health problems including type 2 diabetes,
asthma, joint pain, digestive problems, autoimmune disease, headaches, brain
fog, allergies, acne, eczema and even sexual dysfunction. How is that possible?
Because what makes you sick makes you fat, and what makes you fat makes you
sick. It’s all connected. You know when your computer freezes up? What do you
do? You reboot. Well, the 10-Day Detox Diet does the same thing for your
metabolism—by following my scientifically proven diet and lifestyle practices,
we can reset your metabolism to function as it was designed to. You’ll lose
weight without going hungry, and clear up a whole list of health symptoms
without fad diets or dangerous pills. And all it takes is 10 days.
What if everything you ever learned about weight loss was wrong? What if losing
weight has nothing to do with calories— counting them or cutting them out by
sheer willpower? What if, in fact, most health professionals have been giving
you the wrong advice—advice that has been making you fat and sick?
Could it be we have had it all wrong? Yes! There has been one fatal flaw in our
thinking that the amount of calories we eat is more significant to weight
management than the quality of those calories. It’s true that, in a vacuum, all
calories are the same. A thousand calories of soda and a thousand calories of
broccoli burned in a laboratory will release the same amount of energy. But all
bets are off when you actually consume the soda or the broccoli. These foods
trigger very different biochemical responses in the body—different hormones,
neurotransmitters and immune messengers. The same amount of calories has a
profoundly different effect on the body. Eating a high-carb, low-fat diet slows
down your metabolism. If you restrict your calories, you will end up triggering
very ancient biological adaptions that protect us from starvation. You will slow
your metabolism and get a lot hungrier. Don’t worry about how much you eat,
because you will never be able to control that. Rather, focus on what you eat—
the quality of the food and the composition (high in fiber, good quality protein
and fat, low in starch and sugar). When you do, you won’t be hungry and your
body will shift from fat storage mode to fat burning mode. And, you will prevent
most chronic disease—including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and

My 10–Day Detox Diet program and companion cookbook will show you what
food to eat, the proper portion sizes to enjoy and the important lifestyle
practices to incorporate into your daily routine so you melt away the fat and
restore health to your whole body, mind and spirit. I use the science and
principles of Functional Medicine, which is the future of medicine–available
now. It seeks to identify and address the root causes of disease, and views the
body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs divided
up by medical specialties. It treats the whole system, not just the symptoms.
Through my Functional Medicine training, I was taught to treat the patient, not
the disease. By shifting the traditional disease-centered practice of medicine to
a patient-centered approach, Functional Medicine practitioners address the
whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. We look at the interactions
among genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term
health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, Functional Medicine supports
the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual. While each of
you is biologically unique, all of us share common foundations comprising an
optimal functioning system. I’ve based this program off of specific
commonalities I’ve observed from years of clinical practice and research and
made them available to you in my systematic, easy-to-follow 10–Day Detox Diet.


Low-toxicity animal- or plant-based protein such as: halibut, mussels, wild
salmon (canned or fresh), sardines, sable, shrimp, scallops, grass-fed beef,
lamb and organic chicken, and nuts and seeds if you want to focus on plant-
based proteins
High-quality fats and oils such as: Avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil, expeller
pressed sesame oil
Low-toxicity vegetables, including sweet potatoes and winter squash
FRUIT Low-toxicity fruits. See Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen from
SWEETENERS None. Not even artificial sweeteners like aspartame, Splenda or stevia
High-quality, full-fat organic dairy (this is eliminated in the 10-Day Detox
Whole–kernel grains such as: black rice, brown rice, qinoa, buckwheat
Avoid pasta and other flour-based products Beans are ok, if you tolerate
them, however not sweetened baked beans
Purified water, unsweetened herbal tea, seltzer, or mineral water (in
moderation) Taper off caffeinated beverages, by cutting intake of
BEVERAGES coffee/tea in half on Day One of prep; on Day Two, cut Day One’s intake in
half again. This will help reduce withdrawal symptoms No soda, diet soda,
sports drinks, fruit juice or alcohol
Poultry: chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, Cornish game hen, look for
hormone and antibiotic free
Seafood: anchovies, clams, cod, crab, flounder/sole, herring, small halibut,
mussels, wild salmon (canned or fresh), sardines, sable, shrimp, scallops,
Eggs: Up to 8 per week, organic or omega 3 eggs only
Red or Wild Meat: lamb, beef, bison, venison, ostrich, deer, elk
Soy: tofu or tempeh, organic non-GMO only
Nuts & Seeds:
Nuts: almonds, Brazil, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pine,
pistachios, walnuts, raw cacao
Seeds: chia, flax, hemp, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower
Nut/Seed Butters: Almond, cashew, pecan, macadamia, walnut
Nut Flours: almond meal, coconut flour
For cooking with high heat: coconut, grapeseed, avocado
For cooking with moderate heat: olive, grapeseed, unrefined sesame
FAT For cooking without heat: flaxseed, extra virgin olive
Nuts & Seeds: (See above)
Fish: salmon (canned or fresh), sardines, trout, herring, anchovies
Produce: avocado, olives, raw cacao, coconut
Artichokes, arugula, asparagus, avocado, bean sprouts, beet greens, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chives, collard greens, cucumber,
dandelion greens, eggplant, endive, garlic, ginger root, green beans, hearts of
palm, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, onions, parsley,
VEGETABLES peppers (bell, chili, etc.), radicchio, radish, rutabaga, seaweed, shallots, snap
beans, snow peas, spinach, summer squash, Swiss chard, tomatillos, tomatoes,
turnips, turnip greens, watercress, zucchini
FRUIT Blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, kiwi, lemons, limes, raspberries
SWEETENERS None. Not even artificial sweeteners like aspartame, Splenda or stevia
No grains or beans of any kind for 10 days
BEVERAGES Purified water, herbal tea, seltzer, mineral water (in moderation)
Types of Food for The
10–Day Detox Diet
3 daily, plus 2, 1-ounce protein-based
PROTEIN 4-6 ounces
limit to 4 to 6 ounces, once or
RED OR WILD MEAT 1-2 per week
twice a week
FRUIT ½ cup berries 1 daily
NUTS OR SEEDS ¼ cup or small handful 1 daily
½ cup cooked or 2 cups raw At least 5-7 daily
HEALTHY FATS AND 1 tablespoon oil, ¼ cup avocado,
3-8 daily
OILS olives
Half your body weight in ounces, plus
WATER 8 ounces more for supplements, and increased
needs re: detoxing.

TIPS FOR THE 10–DAY DETOX DIET (as best as your budget affords)
• Look for organic, grass- or range-fed, antibiotic- and hormone-free poultry,
eggs and meat
• Look for small, wild or sustainably-raised, low-mercury, cold-water fish
• Choose organic omega-3 eggs from pasture-raised chickens
• Choose non-GMO, organic whole food based soy like tofu or tempeh
• Look for raw nuts and seeds; avoid those which are cooked in oil or fried
• Choose expeller or cold-pressed and unrefined oils
Did you know that belly fat is not just annoying but also potentially
very hazardous to your health? It not only causes belly bulge, love
handles, and bloat – it also can lead to serious diseases including heart
disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and strokes. Belly fat is
not just there holding up your pants. It is an active organ, filled with
cells called adipocytes that release unwanted hormones, brain
chemicals and inflammatory signals. These chemical messengers
make you hungry, slow your metabolism and promote fat storage,
especially more belly fat. It sabotages any effort to lose weight or get
healthy. The good news is that I am about to share 5 fast fixes to
quickly reduce your belly fat and possibly save your life. My book, The
Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet and the 150 recipes in The 10
Day Detox Diet Cookbook are designed to be a foolproof, step-by-step
plan to help you achieve this goal. Here’s a quick start guide to getting
to the root of your weight and health problems.


1. Go cold turkey and eliminate all sugars from your diet for 10 days.
Scan ingredient labels for hidden names of sugar so you can be sure to avoid it
at all costs. Look for these sugars in disguise and “just say no” for 10 days (if you
find yourself saying “but what about” or “can I just have” then you are likely
addicted to sugar and carbs and it is even more reason to go cold turkey and
reclaim your hormones, brain chemistry and metabolism. Stop sugar or sugar
substitutes by ANY name including agave nectar, high fructose corn syrup, cane
syrup, dextrose, fructose, honey, invert sugar (a mixture of glucose and
fructose), maltodextrin, malt syrup, maple syrup, raw sugar, sucrose, turbinado
sugar, rice syrup, sorbitol, mannitol, aspartame and yes, even stevia. There are
more…but these are the main ones to watch for and avoid for at least 10 days.
2. Switch your metabolism into fat-fighting mode.
Engage your parasympathetic nervous system to burn fat. Stress makes you fat
and relaxing makes you thin. When you deeply relax, your body switches to fat
burning and away from fat storage. And it’s easy to do. As easy as breathing. Try
practicing deep relaxation for 20 minutes daily or simply focus on deep
breathing by doing my Take 5 Deep Breathing activity 3 to 5 times daily. It’s
simple. Take five slow deep breaths in to the count of five and out to the count
of five, and repeat it five times. And then try it when you wake up, before every
meal, and at bedtime.

3. Trick your body.

Mix up your routines to keep your body guessing! When you fall into a rut, your
body gets used to it and your metabolism starts to slow. To keep your
metabolism running smoothly, switch up your daily exercise routine. Keep it new
and exciting – one day do interval bike riding, the next day, take a yoga class.
And incorporate a variety of whole, fresh foods into your diet. Eating the same
thing every day not only bores your taste buds but also contributes to a slow
4. Make healthy fat your friend, not your foe.
Eat a serving or two of healthy fats (avocado, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds,
almonds, sardines, salmon, trout, grass-fed meat, omega 3 eggs, olives, coconut
oil, tahini, etc.) with every meal to fuel your body. These are antiinflammatory
fats, which mean they put out the smoldering fires in your system preventing
you from burning fat. They also keep you from being hungry, speed up your
metabolism and increase fat burning. Yes, it’s true. Fat is not a four letter word.
In fact, fat is key to helping your body lose belly fat and lose weight.
5. Restore nutrient deficiencies.
Our society is overfed and undernourished. Being deficient in key minerals (such
as magnesium, selenium, zinc, calcium, and potassium), vitamins (like D3, B6,
B12 and folate) and essential fatty acids can slow down your metabolic function
and roadblock your weight loss. You need nutrients to run your metabolism, so
make sure you eat a whole foods diet and supplement with high-quality
nutritional supplements, as needed.
Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 12 minutes | Serves: 4

Ingredients: Instructions:
4 omega-3 eggs, whisked 1 1. Keep whisked eggs in a bowl at room temperature.
tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 2. Heat oil over medium-high heat and sauté onion for 2 minutes,
½ cup onion, diced or until softened. Reduce heat to medium-low.
2 cloves garlic, minced 3. Add garlic and stir to combine. Add greens, tomatoes, olives
and seasonings. Cook for another 2 minutes, stirring frequently.
1 cup greens of choice (spinach,
4. Add eggs to mixture and scramble.
kale, watercress, chard, etc.),
5. Turn heat off.
chopped 6. Layer 2 slices of turkey together. Spread a layer of hummus on
¼ cup sun-dried tomatoes, diced top. Place a little egg mixture on one-half of the turkey breast
¼ cup kalamata olives, diced and then roll the rest of the turkey around the egg mixture.
½ teaspoon dried basil 7. If desired, place back into skillet and cook the wrap until the
Dash cayenne pepper turkey is warmed through, or eat as-is. Spread any leftover egg
Sea salt and black pepper to taste mixture over the top.
8 slices roast turkey breast, organic 8. Top with avocado and serve with a side of berries.
if possible
¼ cup hummus Nutritional analysis per serving (1 wrap): calories 324, fat 24 g,
1 avocado, sliced into 8 segments saturated fat 5 g, cholesterol 343 mg, fiber 5 g, protein 20 g,
carbohydrate 7 g, sodium 493 mg
Nutritional analysis per serving (1 wrap with ½ cup berries):
calories 365, fat 24 g, saturated fat 5 g, cholesterol 343 mg, fiber
7 g, protein 21 g, carbohydrate 17 g, sodium 499 mg

What to Do: Other lifestyle factors

I encourage 30 to 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise at least six times a
You may try interval training (a good example is “wind sprints,” which are
described in The Blood Sugar Solution) if you are feeling stronger. I also
encourage strength training to build muscle and reduce body fat composition.
Exercise is not a luxury. It’s a necessity when it comes to preventing almost all
chronic disease, from heart disease to cancer, from dementia to diabetes, from
osteoporosis to osteoarthritis. You cannot age successfully without it. It is
simply how we are designed.
Reduce Stress
Stress alone can cause many chronic diseases. Take a heart attack. Stress often
triggers a cascade of events that cause a heart attack by creating inflammation,
causing high blood pressure, and even making your blood more likely to clot.
Finding ways to manage stress and to relax is essential for dealing with nearly
all chronic health conditions.
Learn to reduce stress by doing regular relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai
chi, meditation, breathing, guided imagery, or whatever it takes to engage the
relaxation nervous system, which can lower your inflammation and blood
sugar levels as well as increase metabolism and help with your overall health.
Try classes, buy CDs (you can try my Ultra Calm audio program), try therapy, or
just go out and have fun. Do whatever it takes to hit the pause button on a
daily basis and maintain your health.

I used to think that “MD” stood for “medical deity” and meant I didn’t have to
follow the same sleep rules as every other human being. I stayed up late
working long shifts in the emergency room, ignoring the demands of my body.
It wasn’t until I learned that shift work leads to a shortened life expectancy
that I quit.
Unfortunately, our lives are infiltrated with constant stimuli that keep us
revved up until the moment we go to bed. It’s no wonder so many of us have
trouble getting restful sleep.
Instead of pushing through until your head hits the pillow, try to take a little
“holiday” in the two hours before bed. Create a sleep ritual – a special set of
little things you do before bed – in order to guide your body into a deep,
healing sleep.
Here are some tips on how to restore your natural sleep rhythm. It may take
weeks or months, but using these tools in a coordinated way will eventually
reset your biological rhythms:
• Practice the regular rhythms of sleep. Go to bed and wake up at the same
time each day.
• Use your bed for sleep and romance only, not for television or even reading.
• Create an aesthetic environment that encourages sleep. Use serene and
restful colors and eliminate clutter and distraction.
• Create total darkness and quiet. Consider using eyeshades and earplugs.
• Avoid caffeine.
• Avoid alcohol. It may help you get to sleep initially, but it causes
interruptions throughout the night, resulting in poor-quality sleep.
• Get at least 20 minutes exposure to daylight daily. The light from the sun
enters your eyes and triggers your brain to release specific chemicals and
hormones like melatonin that are vital to healthy sleep, mood, and aging.
• Eat no later than three hours before bed. Eating a heavy meal prior to bed
will lead to a bad night’s sleep.
• Don’t exercise vigorously after dinner. It excites the body and makes it more
difficult to get to sleep.
• Write your worries down. One hour before bed, write down the things that
are causing you anxiety and make your to-do list for the next day to reduce
your worry. It will free up your mind and energy to move into deep and restful
• Take a hot salt/soda aromatherapy bath. Raising your body temperature
before bed helps to induce sleep. A hot bath also relaxes your muscles and
reduces tension physically and psychically. By adding 1 to 1 ½ cups Epsom salt
(magnesium sulfate) and 1 to 1 ½ cups baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to
your bath, you will gain the benefits of magnesium absorbed through your skin
and the alkaline-balancing effects of the baking soda, both of which help with
• Get a massage or stretch before bed. This helps relax the body, making it
easier to fall asleep.
• Warm your middle. This raises your core temperature and helps trigger the
proper chemistry for sleep. A hot-water bottle, heating pad – or a warm body –
can do the trick.
• Avoid medications that interfere with sleep. These include sedatives (which
are used to treat insomnia, but ultimately lead to dependence and disruption
of normal sleep rhythms), antihistamines, stimulants, cold medication,
steroids, and headache medication that contains caffeine.
• Use herbal therapies. Try 200 mg of passionflower, or 320 mg to 480 mg of
valerian root extract standardized to 0.2 percent valerenic acid one hour
before bed.
• Take 200 mg to 400 mg of magnesium citrate or glycinate before bed. This
relaxes the nervous system and muscles.
• Other supplements and herbs can be helpful in getting some shuteye. Try
calcium, theanine (an amino acid from green tea), GABA, 5-HTP, melatonin,
and magnolia. (I like a product called Kavinace UltraPM that has a form of
GABA, melatonin, and 5-HTP all in one. It works well for many of my patients.)
• Try 1 mg to 3 mg of melatonin at night, which can help stabilize your sleep
• Get a relaxation, meditation or guided imagery CD. Any of these may help
you get to sleep.

Access the Complete Program

Diane Sanfilippo
Alkaline Gourmet Package Cookbooks™ by Emma DeAngela

Acid Alkaline Food Chart

& Alkalizing Recipes
45 delicious recipes
Including Salads, Soups & Entrees
FOREWORD..............................................................Page 1
ACID ALKALINE FOODS LIST....................................Page 3
SALADS......................................................................Page 9
DRESSINGS................................................................Page 14
SOUPS........................................................................Page 15
ENTREES.....................................................................Page 17
Acidification in the body comes as a result of THREE primary things:

1. Eating too many acidifying foods which create an acid ash in your body.
This is where proper diet comes in. By eating a diet of 80% alkalizing foods,
you’ll eliminate the production of excess acid in your body.

2. Microforms like bacteria, yeasts and fungi create acidic toxins in your
body. Not only that, but they proliferate in an acidic body. So, not only
do they “show-up” in an acidic body, they also pollute and further acidify
your body. For this reason, it is important to cleanse & detoxify your body
in order to jumpstart the process of balancing your pH.

3. You lack proper alkaline buffers such as certain minerals that neutralize
acids. By increasing your intake of alkaline-mineral rich water and alkaline
supplements, you will replenish your body’s capacity to neutralize excess

For the purposes of identifying the acid or alkaline potential of foods, we have divided the following
list into three basic categories - alkalizing, slightly acidifying, and very acidifying. Even within a single
category, however, not all foods are uniformly alkalizing, acidifying, or acid.

The classification used here presents foods in a three-column chart. Alkaline foods (vegetables) are
divided into very alkalizing, acid but alkalizing, and slightly alkalizing. “Acid but alkalizing” foods are
those which are acid by nature because they contain weak acids such as citric acid. However, these
acids are easily exhausted in your body, converting to carbon dioxide and water during digestion.
They are rich in alkaline minerals, and thus have an alkalizing effect on the body.

Fruits are classified as alkalizing, acid but alkalizing, and slightly acidifying. Since most fruits are
high in sugar, they fit into the slightly acidifying category. If you are very acidic, it is best to avoid
high sugar fruit altogether, or limit your intake to a serving per day. Once your pH becomes
balanced, you can eat them in moderation.

Dairy products are classified as alkalizing, slightly alkalizing or acidifying. Some refute the fact
that dairy products can be alkalizing. This is because they contain lactic acid, which is a weak acid.

While it is considered weak, it does contribute to a low oxygen environment and fatigue. The lactic
acid in dairy products is produced by bacteria that feed on the sugar (lactose) in it. However, milk
contains large amounts of alkaline minerals including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also
contains phosphorous, which is necessary for calcium utilization. When one of these alkaline miner-
als, like calcium for example, binds with lactic acid, a neutral salt called calcium lactate is produced.
Thus, while milk contains lactic acid, it also contains the minerals required to buffer it… and then
some. The fresher the product is, the less amount of lactic acid it will contain, and the more alkalizing
it will be.

Grains and breads are classified as alkalizing, slightly acidifying and acidifying. Most grains are
slightly acidifying. When mixed with vegetables, however, they make for a great alkalizing meal.
Meats and fish are classified as slightly acidifying, acidifying, and very acidifying. Some meats, of
course are more acid producing than others. As a rule, these foods should be avoided until your
body gets back into balance.

In order to maintain proper pH, you should eat them in moderation. The classification on these charts
can serve as a useful guide for taking the first steps towards developing a healthier pH balanced diet
and lifestyle..
Tip! While eating a healthy diet plays a fundamental role in the process of
pH balancing, there are a few things you can do to get a jumpstart:
1. Cleanse your body (colon, lymph, liver, kidneys).
2. Hydrate! Drink PLENTY of water... Especially alkaline water.
3. Supplement your diet with alkalizing nutritional supplements.

Try to eat 80% (or more) alkalizing foods and 20% (or less) acidifying foods

Note: * "Acid but Alkalizing" foods are weak acid foods that contain weak acids. While their pH is
acidic, these foods have an alkalizing effect in your body. This is because the weak acids (ie. citric
acid) convert to water and carbon dioxide in your body. The carbon dioxide is expelled through your


avocado cucumber leeks

beet greens edible gourds peas salad greens
broccoli fennel peppers spinach
Brussels sprouts garlic potato squash
carrots grasses (ie wheatgrass) radish sweet potatoes
celery stalks green beans red beets turnips
chives green cabbage red cabbage watercress
corn leeks rhubarb yellow beans


Sour Pickles Tomato


artichokes cauliflower onion

brussels sprouts lettuce peas


apricots dates
bananas raisins


apples mangos pears prunes raisins

figs peaches pineapple dates


navy beans soy nuts white beans

soy beans soy sprouts


tofu lentils mung beans

dried peas kidney beans


chickpeas (garbanzo beans)

red beans


coconut * bananas - the riper they get, the more acidifying they become
sour cherries




apples dates mangos oranges plums tangerines

apricots figs melons papayas raspberries
blueberries gooseberries mulberries peaches red currant
cantaloupe grapes nectarines pears strawberries
cranberries kiwis oranges pineapples sweet cherries




barley millet rye whole-grain bread

brown rice oatmeal spelt (without yeast)
dark bread oats whole grain crackers whole-grain cereals
granola quinoa whole grain pasta


cakes cookies pies white rice

cookies couscous semolina yeast bread
couscous crackers - white flour sweetened granola
dark bread millet wheat
commercial cereals pasta - white flour white bread

Continued on next page.


acidophilus milk fresh butter fresh cheese raw whole milk

banana smoothie fresh buttermilk fresh whey


brie slightly aged whey oatmeal whole grain pasta

drained cheese swiss oats whole-grain bread
fresh yogurt yogurt drinks quinoa (without yeast)
fruit smoothie dark bread rye whole-grain cereals
pasteurized milk granola spelt
provolone millet whole grain crackers


aged brie aged whey cooked butter ultra pasteurized milk

aged buttermilk aged yogurt cream kefir
aged cheeses chocolate milk dextrogyre yogurt parmesan cheese
sweetened yogurt w/ fruit

Note: Some refute the fact that dairy products can be alkalizing. This is because they contain lactic

acid, which is a weak acid. While it is considered weak, it does contribute to a low oxygen environment

and fatigue. The lactic acid in dairy products is produced by bacteria that feed on the sugar (lactose)

in it. However, milk contains large amounts of alkaline minerals including calcium, magnesium, and

potassium. It also contains phosphorous, which is necessary for calcium utilization. When one of these

alkaline minerals, like calcium for example, binds with lactic acid, a neutral salt called calcium lactate

is produced. Thus, while milk contains lactic acid, it also contains the minerals required to buffer it…

and then some.The fresher the product is, the less amount of lactic acid it will contain, and the more

alkalizing it will be.


bass oysters sole

flounder pike trout
liver salmon walleye


chicken halibut organ meats

catfish mahi mahi tuna
egg yolk mussels turkey


beef crab lobster shrimp

carp herring mackerel veal
cold cuts lamb pork whole eggs


apple cider vinegar * sea salt * apple cider vinegar is alkalizing because the acetic
cold pressed vegetable oils stevia acid in it is a weak acid, and easily exhausted. The
green herbs table salt remaining components are alkalizing.


brown rice syrup vegetable oils pickles

fructose honey raw cane sugar
heat pressed maple syrup vinegar


artificial sweeteners capers lard mushrooms white sugar

brown sugar heated oils margarine mustard
processed foods hydrogenated oils mayonnaise pickles
canned foods ketchup molasses pimentos


almond milk mint tea water with a pH of 7+

fresh lemonade green tea soy milk
fresh vegetable juice tomato juice *(from grasses)


filtered water green tea tap water - depending on how treated


beer cocoa commercial lemonade liquor

black tea coffee hot chocolate sodas
carbonated water commercial juices liquor wine

Now for the delicious recipies!

1 med. Red-Leaf Lettuce
1 med. Romaine Lettuce
2 med. Zucchini, thinly sliced
¾ cup Radishes, sliced
2-3 Green Onions, sliced

¼ cup Flax Seed Oil
2 tbs. Sea Salt
Crushed Garlic clove (to taste)
Pinch of dried Tarragon Leaves


½ package thin Buckwheat Soba Noodles
½ cup green onion
10 pieces tofu (optional)
1 stalk celery, chopped
½ cup Mung bean sprouts
½ cup red pepper, chopped
½ cup raw almonds, chopped

4 tablespoons sesame oil
2 tablespoons Bragg® Aminos
¼ tablespoon hot chili oil

Cook the noodles, drain, and rinse in cold water. Mix the Sesame oil, Bragg® Aminos, and hot chili oil.
Add the dressing to the noodles and toss well. Cover and chill for several hours or overnight. Just prior
to serving, stir in the vegetables, and top off with the almonds.

2 cups Red Cabbage, thinly sliced
2 cups Green Cabbage, thinly sliced
1 Carrot, grated
1 Red Pepper, slivered
1 Yellow Pepper, slivered
1 Green Pepper, slivered
1 Orange Pepper, slivered
4 Tbs. Scallions, chopped
4 Tbs. Parsley, minced
¼ cup Lemon Juice
3 Tbs. Water
1 Tbs. Oil (Extra Virgin Olive, Flax Seed, or Udo's Choice)
1-2 tsp. dried Red Chili Pepper
Dash of Bragg® Liquid Aminos

Combine all ingredients, toss thoroughly, cover & refrigerate at least a half-hour before serving.


½ head romaine lettuce
1 cucumber, diced
2 tomatoes, diced
5 scallions, diced
½ green pepper, diced
1 cup soy feta cheese

2 tablespoons lime or lemon juice
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1/8 teaspoon pepper
¼ Teaspoon Sea salt
½ teaspoon oregano
1/3 cup olive oil

Wash and cut vegetables. Tear lettuce and place in a large salad bowl. Add cucumbers, tomatoes,
scallions, green peppers, and feta cheese. Mix dressing ingredients together and slowly add olive oil.
Sprinkle dressing on top of salad.

1 head Spinach
2 stalks Celery, chopped
½ cup Cauliflower cut in small pieces
6 Radishes, chopped
2 Shallots, chopped (or 1 small Red Onion)
2 Red Peppers, chopped
½ cup chopped Basil
4 Tbs. Pine Nuts

Combine the spinach, celery, cauliflower, radishes, shallots, red peppers, basil, and pine nuts in a large
bowl. Toss thoroughly. Top with Essential Dressing.

1 head Broccoli
1 large Red Onion, chopped
1 cup diced Celery
4 chopped Scallions
1/3 cup Flax Oil Dressing or Parsley Dressing

Cut broccoli into small pieces. Mix ingredients and chill for one hour.


2 tomatoes, sliced 3 Tbs. salsa
1 cucumber, sliced and peeled 2 Tbs. lemon juice
1 each red, green & yellow bell pepper, chopped ½ Tbs. garlic, minced
1 small red onion, coarsely chopped ¼ tsp. pepper
1 can diced green chilies ¼ tsp. sea salt
¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped ¼ tsp. ground cumin

Combine ingredients and chill for one hour. Serve on a bed of lettuce or with tortilla chips.
Serves: 6, preparation time: 15 min, cook time: 0 min

4 sprouted whole wheat tortillas
1/2 package tofu
1 1/2 Tbs. Chile sauce
1 avocado seeded and diced
1 pink grapefruit, sectioned and peeled
1/8 cup toasted almonds, chopped
1 Packaged Organic Salad Mix

Place tortillas over the top of a medium size bowl and bake in the oven at 350 degrees F for 10 minutes.
Remove the tortillas and cool. Combine tofu and Chile sauce in a medium bowl. Cover and chill for 20
minutes. Stir in avocado, grapefruit, and almonds. Arrange greens in tortilla cups and spoon salad on
top and serve.

2 cups Cucumbers, chopped
2 Tbs. Parsley, chopped
1/3 cup finely chopped Peppermint
1 Tbs. Lemon Juice
1 Tbs. Olive Oil or Flax Seed Oil

Combine the cucumbers, parsley, mint, lemon juice, oil in small bowl. Toss together.
Chill for several hours or overnight. Toss before serving.

Grated Beets Red, Yellow, and Orange Bell
Grated Jicama Peppers
Grated Carrots Sprouts
Grated Squash (e.g. Butternut, Yellow Zucchini) Fresh Green Peas from the pod
Grated Red Cabbage Cucumbers

In a large salad bowl, add fresh, clean, dry greens (baby greens, spinach, lettuce, etc.). Arrange the
ingredients from the deepest dark colors to the lightest. Top with a dressing of lemon juice and desired
oil and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

2 Avocados
1 small Eggplant, diced
2 Green Chili Peppers, seeded
¾ Tbs. Curry Powder
2 Tbs. Lemon Juice
Salt and seasoning to taste
2 or 3 Tomatoes, thickly sliced
Sprout Salad with Avocado Dressing
8-10 leaves of organic leaf or romaine lettuce, washed and torn
2-3 cups mung bean sprouts
1-2 cups of your favorite sprouts (broccoli, buckwheat, clover, and lentil)
1 cucumber, peeled and sliced
1 tomato, cut into small wedge
1 carrot, peeled and grated
1 cup garbanzos, sprouted or canned

Arrange ingredients in a bowl and chill until ready to serve. Serve with avocado dressing.

One small avocado
1 Tbs. olive oil
2 Tbs. tofu
In a blender, blend all ingredients.

2 medium tomatoes
¼ tsp. fresh ground pepper
2 Tbs. dressing (see below)

Cut tomatoes into bite size pieces. Arrange them in a bowl. Pour the dressing over the tomatoes.

1 tsp. lemon juice 1 tsp. garlic powder Pepper to taste
1 tsp. olive oil Sea salt to taste Italian herbs to taste

½ cup Olive Oil
5 Tbs. Carrot Juice
1/3 cup Lemon Juice
½ tsp. Cinnamon
½ tsp. Lemon Pepper
1 tsp. Orange Ginger Pepper blend (Spice Hunter)
1/8 tsp. Paprika
1 Tbs. fresh Mint, finely chopped

Blend all ingredients except mint in a food processor or blender. Blend until smooth. Stir in Mint.


2-3 tsp. Carrot Juice
½ small Onion
½ Red Bell Pepper
1 lg. Cucumber
1 cup Soy Milk
1 tsp. dried Basil (or 2 tsp. fresh)
1 Tbs. Bragg Liquid Aminos or Salt to taste

Blend ingredients in food processor or blender until smooth.


30% Flax Seed Oil
30% Bragg Liquid Aminos
40% Water
Liquid Lecithin to thicken and emulsify
Season as desired
Shake and pour. Can be used as dressing for salad or steamed veggies.

2 cups Vegetable Stock or Water
3-4 cups Broccoli, chopped
2 Red or Yellow Onions, chopped
1 Red Bell Pepper, chopped
1-2 stalks of Celery, cut in large pieces
1 Avocado
Bragg Liquid Aminos or Salt to taste
Cumin and Ginger to taste

Warm 2 cups of water or stock in an electric skillet. Keep the temperature at or below 118 degrees
(finger test). Add the chopped broccoli and warm for 5 minutes. Puree the warmed broccoli, onion, bell
pepper, celery, and avocado. Thin with additional water if necessary
achieve the desired consistency. To add a crunch, save the broccoli stalks and peel off the tough outer
skin; them in a food processor until they are small chunks. Add to the soup just before serving. Serve
warm. Add Bragg's, cumin, and ginger and any other spices you like.

4 cups fresh Tomato Juice 1 Tbs. Olive Oil
½ cup Cucumber, chopped 1 tsp. Basil
¼ cup celery, finely chopped ½ tsp. Garlic, minced
¼ cup Green Bell Pepper, chopped ½ tsp. Pepper

Combine ingredients. Cover and chill overnight.


1-2 Avocados 1 Tbs. fresh Cilantro
1-2 Cucumbers, peeled and seeded 1 Tbs. fresh Parsley
1 Jalapeno Pepper, seeded Juice of ½ Lemon
1 Carrot, finely diced 1-2 cups light Vegetable Stock or Water
½ Yellow Onion, diced 3 cloves roasted Garlic

Puree all ingredients, except onions and carrots, in a food processor. Add more or less water to desired
consistency. To garnish add onions and raw carrot bits.

12 stalks medium Asparagus (or 17 thin stalks)
5-6 large Tomatoes
1 cup fresh Parsley
3-5 Sun-dried Tomatoes (bottled in olive oil)
1 Red Bell Pepper
1 Avocado
¼ cup dried Onion
4 cloves fresh Garlic
Bragg Liquid Aminos to taste
1-2 tsp. Spice Hunter's Herbes de Provence
2 tsp. Spice Hunter's Deliciously Dill
2 Lemons or Limes, cut in thin slices

Blend the asparagus and red tomatoes, parsley, dried tomatoes, red bell pepper, onion, garlic, and
spices in a food processor. Blend in the avocado until soup is smooth and creamy. Warm in an electric
skillet and garnish with lemon or lime slices. Season with Bragg's to taste.

4-5 stalks Celery
3 cups pure Water
2 Tbs. yeast-free instant Vegetable Broth

Cook celery until tender. Add water and broth mix and pour into blender. Blend 15-20 seconds. Reheat
and serve. Use Bragg Liquid Aminos, flax seed oil, and cayenne pepper, to taste.

1-2 cups Sprouted Wheat Tortilla crumbs
1 cup cooked Brown and Wild Rice, 50/50
1 med. Red Onion, finely chopped
2 cloves Garlic, minced
2 stalks Celery with leaves, finely chopped
2 lbs. FIRM Tofu (Nigari), crumbled
1 cup Vegetable Stock (Pacific Foods of Oregon brand)
¼ cup whole Rolled Oats
2 cups fresh Basil, finely chopped
2 cups Parsley
¼ tsp. Black Pepper, Freshly ground
2 tsp. “Zip” or pinch of Cayenne Pepper
1 Tbs. Olive Oil
3 Tbs. Bragg Liquid Aminos
Spice Hunter's Herbes de Provence to taste (about 1 tsp.)

Take 8-10 sprouted wheat tortillas and leave them out to dry on a counter or quick-dry them in a low-
heat oven. Break into small pieces and blend in a food processor until they are finely ground into
crumbs. Set aside in a bowl. Steam-fry the celery, onion, and garlic in an electric skillet. Cook until
softened, about 6 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl. Blend tofu, vegetable stock, oats, and Liquid
Aminos until smooth. Add the basil, parsley, black pepper, and “Zip,” and pulse until well blended. Add
to the onion mixture. Add the cooked wild rice and the tortilla crumbs to the onion mixture. Mix well.
Mixture should be slightly sticky but form into balls easily. If mixture is too wet, you may need to add
more tortilla crumbs. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lightly oil a cookie sheet or baking dish. Shape
mixture into balls. Roll each ball into the remaining tortilla crumbs to coat. Bake 20-30 minutes or until
lightly browned. Serve with Roasted Pepper Macadamia sauce to dip the balls in.


4-5 big pieces of roasted Red Peppers Process all ingredients, except olive oil, in a food
1 lb. Macadamia Nuts (raw) processor until creamy. Slowly add olive oil until well
6 cloves roasted Garlic emulsified. This sauce that can be made thick for
3 large fresh Basil Leaves dipping grilled Tofu slices or the Tuscany Tofu
Salt and Pepper to taste Meatballs, or it can be thinned for use as a salad
½ to 1 cup Olive Oil dressing.

8 Cabbage Leaves
2 stalks Celery
1 cup French-Style Green Beans
½ cup Bean Sprouts
½ Green Bell Pepper
1 tsp. Parsley (chopped)
3 tsp. dehydrated Onion Flakes moistened with Tomato Juice or Veggie Broth
2 cups Vegetable Broth

Scald cabbage leaves with boiling water & leave covered in pot for one-half hour. Finely chop
vegetables & add parsley. Mix. Spoon vegetable mixture onto each cabbage leaf. Roll tight & tuck in
ends. Use toothpicks to fasten. Simmer in vegetable broth for 1 hour. Season with flax seed oil, Braggs
Liquid Aminos, & cayenne pepper.


1 lb. Kale
4 med. Garlic cloves, minced
2 tsp. ground Coriander
Salt and Cayenne Pepper

Rinse Kale and remove stems, including the tough part of stem in the leaf. Cut leaves into a manageable
size. Steam kale until tender-crisp and then transfer to a bowl. Steam-fry garlic for 1 minute. Add
coriander, salt, & cayenne and stir over low heat for 15 seconds to blend. In a pan or bowl, toss mixture
with kale. Adjust seasoning to taste. Serve hot.


1 lb. dried Pinto Beans ½ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
1 cup Green Onions (chopped) ¼ tsp. Red Cayenne Pepper
2 cups Yellow Onion (chopped) 1 oz. Braggs Liquid Aminos
½ tsp. Garlic (minced) 6 cups cooked Brown Rice
¼ tsp. Oregano 6 oz. Tomato Paste
¼ tsp. Garlic Powder ¼ tsp. Thyme
¾ tsp. Black Pepper 1 tsp. Celery Flakes

Wash beans. Soak 12 hours, Drain water. Fill large pot with beans, add water about ½” above beans.
Add remaining ingredients. Cover. Cook over low heat for 2 ½ hours. Serve over cooked brown rice.

2 small Acorn Squash, halved and seeded
½ cup Carrot, diced
½ cup Red Bell Pepper, diced
½ cup Zucchini, thickly sliced
½ cup Onion, diced
½ tsp. minced Garlic
Non-Stick Vegetable Spray

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Use cooking spray to coat large baking dish. Place acorn squash
halves in pan with ¼ cup of water and steam for 10 to 15 minutes. Lightly steam-fry remaining ingredi-
ents for a few minutes. Stir frequently. Spoon vegetables into squash halves and bake until squash is
tender or for 20-25 minutes.


1 pkg. Tortillas or Pita Bread
1 small can Green Chilies (chopped)
3 cloves Garlic, minced
1 pkg. extra firm Tofu (Nigari)
1 tsp. Mexican Seasoning (Spice Hunter)
2 tsp. dried Onion, OR ¼ cup minced fresh Onion
¼ cup Soy Parmesan Cheese substitute
1 Tbs. fresh Cilantro
½ tsp. Salt
1 jar or can Enchilada Sauce
3-4 Sun-dried Tomatoes for garnish
Avocado slices for garnish

Cut the pita bread into eight triangular pieces, like a pie. Mince the garlic in a food processor. Add the
other ingredients, except the tofu, and process until finely chopped. Grate the tofu into the mix by first
placing the grater attachment on the processor. Process until mixed (a few seconds). Open each pita
triangle up so you can put the filling in. Spoon the filling into the pita triangles and place into a pie pan.
Add enchilada sauce inside over the filling mixture and over each pita on the outside as well. Bake at
350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Cut the avocado slices and sun-dried tomatoes to put on top for a
garnish just before serving warm.

1 cup Almond Milk
3 Tbs. unsweetened Coconut Milk
1 ½ tsp. Egg Substitute OR 1 ½ Tbs. Agar Agar flakes
(seaweed gel, found in your health food store)
1/3 cup Water
1 Tbs. Olive Oil
½ tsp. Turmeric
¼ tsp. Curry Powder
Dash of Cinnamon
1 cup all-purpose Flour (or spelt, millet, or whole wheat flour)
½ tsp. Salt (optional)

In a bowl, whisk together the almond milk, coconut milk, egg substitute or agar flakes, water, oil,
turmeric, curry, and cinnamon. Whisk in the flour and salt until there are no lumps left in the batter. If
using agar, you must use a food processor and process until smooth.

Use saran wrap to wrap over the bowl and refrigerate for at least a half an hour or up to one day. Heat a
small nonstick crepe pan or skillet over medium-low heat. Gently stir batter to blend again. Once the
pan is hot, drop 2 Tbs. of crepe batter into the skillet. Swirl the pan to coat the bottom evenly with the
batter. If the batter does not swirl easily you must add a little water to thin it down a bit. Cook for about
a minute or two or until the top appears dry. Use a spatula to gently flip the crepe. Cook for about a
minute or two longer or until the bottom appears lightly browned and the crepe slides easily in the pan.

Move the crepe onto a plate or paper towel. Once made, these crepes may be refrigerated or frozen for
later use.

Curried Veggie Crepes Veggie Filling on next page...

10-12 thin Asparagus Stalks, cut into 3-in. segments
½ cup Snow Peas
1 Yellow Onion, thinly sliced
4 cloves minced Garlic
2 med. Orange or Yellow Bell Peppers
2 med. Red Bell Peppers
¼ cup Olive Oil
1 Tbs. fresh grated Ginger
½ to 1 tsp. ground Mustard Seed
1 ½ tsp. ground Cumin
½ tsp. Cinnamon
1 Tbs. Curry Powder
½ cup Pine Nuts
1 tsp. Salt or Bragg Liquid Aminos to taste
1/3 cup Coconut Milk (unsweetened)

Remove the seeds and ribs from all the bell peppers. Cut into matchsticks. Heat the olive oil in a large
skillet or electric fry pan over medium high heat. Add the asparagus and snow peas. Cook. Stir
constantly, until they barely begin to brighten and soften. Reduce the heat to medium and add the
onions and garlic. Cook until onions soften. Add the bell peppers and steam-fry with a little water just
until peppers are begin to soften. Add the ginger, mustard seed, cumin, cinnamon, curry, and a little
more olive oil. Continue to stir and cook. Add the pine nuts, salt, and coconut milk, and cook until
desired softness. Serve warm with the Autumn Curry Crepes. Can also be served over rice or any other
cooked grain you prefer.


1 pkg. firm or extra firm FRESH Tofu ¼ cup chopped fresh Coriander
3 Scallions 1 tsp. Sesame Seeds
¼ Red Bell Pepper 1 cup Bragg Liquid Aminos

Soak sesame seeds overnight. Drain tofu. Cut in half on the diagonal to form two triangles. Cut a pocket
in each triangle. Finely chop the scallion, pepper, and coriander. Add sesame seeds. Stuff half the
mixture into each piece of tofu. Pour Liquid Aminos over tofu pockets and marinate in refrigerator for 10
minutes before serving.

3 Celery Stalks cut in big chunks
2 Butternut Squash
1 Onion, peeled and chopped in big chunks
1 Onion, peeled and sliced into thin rings for garnish
2 Tb Olive or UDO's Oil
3-4 cups Veggie Stock
Cinnamon and Nutmeg or Salt and Pepper to taste

Cut Squash in half & remove seeds. Lightly oil the cut side of the vegetables. On an oiled cookie sheet,
place squash cut side down and celery chunks and roast in a 400 degree oven until tender and lightly
browned or for about 45 minutes. Scoop out soft squash from the skins. Puree the roasted vegetables
in a food processor or blender with some of the stock. For a smoother texture, pass soup through a
strainer into a clean pan. Add the remaining stock & season to taste. Keep warm. For the onion ring
garnish, fry the onion in oil until brown and somewhat crisp or for about 10 minutes. Top soup & serve.

6 cups Veggie Broth 1 Red Pepper (shredded)
1 cup each Carrots (shredded) 1 ½ cups Cabbage, shredded
1 cup Beets (roughly chopped) Vegetable Salt to taste
1 cup Onions (thinly sliced) Pepper to taste

In a large saucepan combine broth, carrots, beets, and onion. Gently cook until tender. Add red pepper
and cabbage. Add salt and pepper to taste and cook for about 5 minutes more. For a richer flavor, cool
completely before serving time and reheat and serve.


1 carton FRESH Tofu, drained 1 cup Zucchini, grated
3 Tbs. Onion, chopped Egg Substitute equal to 2 eggs
½ Tbs. Vegetable Broth Mix 3/8 tsp. Salt

Slice and steam tofu for 5-10 minutes. Chop & drain well. Steam-fry onions. Add vegetable broth mix &
zucchini. Stir well. Add salt, tofu, & egg substitute and combine all ingredients. Make into patties. Place
on sprayed baking sheets & flatten slightly. Lightly bake at 350 degrees. When bottoms are barely
brown, flip patties. Finish baking, but make sure not to overbake.

1-2 tsp. fresh grated Ginger (hand grated) ½ cup Onion slices
2-3 cloves Garlic, crushed 1 cup Pea Pods
½ cup Yellow Squash (other veggies as desired, cut julienne)
½ cup Cauliflower, slices 1 cup fried Tofu (or use marinated tofu
½ cup Red Peppers, strips from the health food store)
½ cup Broccoli (cut small) ¼ tsp.Salt

Heat up electric fry pan. With a small amount of water, steam-fry the garlic and ginger for a couple of
minutes. Pour in vegetables and tofu. Steam-fry until vegetables turn very bright and begin to slightly
soften. Pour the steam-fry sauce mixture over the top and steam for a couple more minutes. Serve while

1/3 cup Water or Veggie Stock
1 tsp. Stir-Fry Ginger Spice (Spice Hunter)
Juice of half a Lemon or Lime
Bragg Liquid Aminos to taste


1 cup baby Lima Beans, sprouted
1 cup Mung Beans, sprouted
3 cups chopped Leeks
1 cup Pinto Beans, sprouted
1 large Red or Green Pepper, finely chopped
1 large Onion, chopped
1 clove Garlic, finely chopped
3 Tbs. Bragg Liquid Aminos
Freshly ground Pepper to taste

Steam-fry the garlic and onions. Add leeks, Bragg Aminos, and pepper. Simmer for 15 minutes. Add
chopped pepper and simmer for 5 more minutes. In casserole dish, pour over beans. Stir gently. Bake
at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

8-10 med. Zucchini
2/3 cup Onion, coarsely chopped
1 ½ cups Tomatoes
2 cloves Garlic, minced
1 tsp. Salt
1/8 tsp. Pepper
3 Tbs. Olive Oil

Wash, cut ends, and slice zucchini. Steam-fry sliced zucchini, onion, and garlic in a saucepan over low
heat for 10 minutes. Turn and move mixture occasionally. Remove vegetable mixture from heat and
sieve in tomatoes with pepper. Blend thoroughly but lightly. Place mixture into a casserole dish. Cover
and simmer 30 minutes. Add olive oil just before serving.

1 medium head of Cabbage 1/8 tsp. Black Pepper
1 clove Garlic 1 tsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos
1 Bay Leaf ½ tsp. Real Salt or Vegetized Salt
1 pkg. drained FRESH Tofu (break into fine pieces) 3 cups Vegetable Broth
1 cup Onion, finely chopped ½ cup Vegetable Broth Mix

Grease a shallow casserole dish with a tight-fitting lid. Remove wilted outer leaves from cab-
bage. Rinse and cut in half through core. Remove eight large leaves. Shred remaining cab-
bage, enough to yield 2 cups, and place in casserole dish.

Add garlic clove and bay leaf. Set casserole aside. In a large pan, pour boiling water to 1-inch
level. Add the eight leaves of cabbage and salt. Cover and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Steam-fry
chopped tofu, onion, pepper, and Liquid Aminos.

Place one-quarter cup of this mixture into the center of each of the eight cabbage leaves. Roll
each leaf, tucking ends in. Use wooden picks to secure and place on shredded cabbage in a
casserole dish. Stir vegetable broth mix into cold vegetable broth. Pour this mixture over
cabbage rolls along with a few grains of pepper. Cover and simmer on low heat for 30 min-
utes. Remove bay leaf and wooden picks and serve.

2 med. Onions, sliced 1 1/2 cups fresh Green Beans
3 cups Water 3 large Onions. Quartered
3 Kale leaves, torn to bite-size 1 pkg. FRESH Tofu, firmness of choice
1 Bay Leaf

Steam-fry the sliced onions in a 3-quart pan with a lid. Add water, kale, bay leaf. Cover and simmer until
kale begins to soften. Remove bay leaf. Add in quartered onions and green beans. Continue to simmer
until beans are tender. Drain and slice tofu and warm in pan or steam separately in steamer. Season if
desired. Place tofu on top of stew and serve.


4 cups sliced Okra ½ tsp. Salt
1/3 cup chopped Green Pepper 1/8 tsp. Black Pepper
1 cup chopped Onion 1 tsp. powdered Lecithin
2 cups chopped Tomatoes 1/8 tsp. Thyme
1/8 tsp. Curry Powder

Wash okra, cut off ends, and slice. Set aside. Chop green pepper and onion. In a large skillet,
steam-fry green pepper and onion to a transparent stage. Add okra and tomatoes. Stir in
mixture of curry powder, salt, pepper, lecithin, and thyme. Cover and simmer for 30-40 min-
utes or until okra becomes tender.

1-2 cans tomato sauce (6 oz.) 2 cups soy burgers (crumpled, precooked)
1 pkg. "no boil" spelt lasagna noodles 2 cups soy cheese (shredded)
1 package fresh spinach

Pour tomato sauce into a glass container. In a large skillet, sauté spinach for 5 minutes. Add spices for
flavoring. Remove spinach and set aside. Spread a layer of tomato sauce on the bottom of a baking
pan. Depending on the size of the dish, place 2 or 3 lasagna noodles on top of the tomato sauce.
Spread another layer of tomato sauce over the noodles. Place spinach, crumbled soy burgers, and soy
cheese on top of the layer of tomato sauce. Add more lasagna noodles on top of mixture. Repeat this
procedure until all of the ingredients have been used. Place the baking pan in the oven and bake for 30
minutes at 350-400 degrees.

3 cloves Garlic, sliced 1 tsp. Salt
2 Serrano or Thai Chili Peppers, seeded or diced ¼ tsp. Turmeric
½ can unsweetened Coconut or Almond Milk 2 cups Vegetable Stock or Water
1 med. Yellow Onion, quartered 1 Tbs. Udo Choice Oil or Olive Oil
2-4 Sun-dried Tomatoes, minced 4 cups Butternut Squash, peeled and diced
1 Tbs. fresh Ginger Root, minced 2 cups fresh Tomatoes, diced
2 tsp. Garam Masala 2 cups Black-eyed Beans or Lentils, cooked
1 tsp. ground Cumin 2 cups Spinach or Kale, chopped
½ tsp. Cinnamon 1 cup Green Peas
¼ tsp. ground Coriander 3 Tbs. Mint, minced

Combine first twelve ingredients and 3 Tbs. of stock or water in a blender. Puree mixture to a paste
while scraping down the sides of the blender a couple of times. In a large saucepan, heat oil. Add the
spice paste and cook. Stir often for 10 minutes. Add remaining stock, butternut squash, and tomatoes.
Cook over medium heat while stirring often. Cook until squash is just tender or about 20 minutes. Mix in
black-eyed beans, spinach, and green peas. Continue to cook while stirring often. Cook until spinach is
tender, about 10 more minutes. Remove from heat. Adjust seasonings to taste. Just before serving stir
in the mint.

1 each med Green and Red Pepper, cut into 1” strips 3 med. Carrots, cut into chunks
2 large Onions, cut and separated into rings ¾” thick ½ head Cauliflower florets
1 cup sprouted Barley, partially cooked (save 1 cup water) 1 lb. Green Beans, snapped in half
1 cup Barley Water (saved above) 2 cloves Garlic, crushed
4 Tbs. Vegetable Broth mix 1 tsp. Paprika
2 med. Zucchini cut into 1 1/2inch chunks ¼ cup Parsley, chopped
2 large Tomatoes, peeled and quartered 1 Tbs. Salt
3 med. Carrots, cut into chunks ¼ tsp. Black Pepper

Steam-fry green peppers and onion. In a casserole dish combine all ingredients and cover.

Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Barley should be tender.

1 package tofu 8 oz. rice noodles
3 Tbs. almond butter 2 cups bean sprouts
1/3 cup lime juice or lemon juice 3/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/3 cup Bragg's Liquid Aminos 1" piece of ginger (minced or powdered ginger)
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes 2 Tbs. sesame oil
1 small onion (chopped) Sliced lemons
1 small bunch green onions (chopped) Water as needed
2 cups of mixed vegetables (steamed, stir-fried, or microwave)

Prepare rice noodles. Drain and set aside. Squeeze tofu until completely dry. Cut tofu in 1/4" to 1/2"
squares. Set aside. Mix almond butter, lime or lemon juice, Bragg's Liquid Aminos and red pepper
flakes. Set aside. Stir-fry garlic and tofu in 1 tablespoon of sesame oil in a wok, until garlic and tofu
slightly turn brown. Add in remaining oil, ginger, and onions. Stir-fry for two minutes. Add in vegetables
and almond mixture. Stir-fry until all vegetables are covered in almond mixture. Add in noodles and
bean sprouts. Stir-fry until sauce thickens and vegetables and noodles are hot. Use sliced lemons for


4 sprouted whole wheat tortillas
4 oz. soy Monterey Jack Cheese (shredded)
1/2 cup onion (diced)
1/2 cup green bell peppers (diced)
1/4 cup red bell pepper (diced)
2 tsp. canned green chilies (chopped)

Place tortilla in microwave with a paper towel cover. Microwave on high for 15 seconds. If preferred,
place in toaster oven for 2 minutes or warm on a dry fry pan and flip each top to bottom until all are
warmed through. Set aside. In a bowl, mix cheese, onion, peppers, and chilies. Split the mixture among
the tortillas. Roll tortillas and place seam side down on a plate. Top the tortilla rolls with cheese. Bake at
350 F for 5 minutes or until cheese melts.
Serve hot. Serves: 4, preparation time: 15 min, cook time: 5 min

¼ cup fresh Cilantro, coarsely chopped
¼ cup fresh Parsley, coarsely chopped
8 oz. (1 cup) Beans, soaked overnight (drain well and cook in boiling water for about 10 min-
utes or you could use
black-eyed beans, cranberry beans, or lima beans.)
1 ½ cups canned Chickpeas, rinsed and drained (15 oz. can)
1 clove Garlic, minced
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Cumin
1 Red Hot Chili Pepper, seeds and ribs removed, minced
¼ cup Red Onion, chopped
1 tsp. Turmeric
1 Tbs. fresh Lime Juice
3 Tbs. Flour (spelt, millet, whole wheat)
2 heads Butter Lettuce or Savoy Cabbage, leaves separated, tear big ones in half
6 cherry Tomatoes, quartered; or 1 small tomato finely chopped
Tahini Tofu Sauce (see recipe below)
1 Tbs. toasted or raw Sesame Seeds

In the food processor bowl, process the cilantro and parsley until fine. Add the next nine ingredients.
Pulse until the mixture forms a very thick, fairly smooth paste (you will need to scrape the sides down
and process a few times.) Add the flour and pulse to combine. Place this mixture in a bowl and set
aside. This mixture can be made a day ahead and refrigerated in an airtight container.

Drop falafel mixture 1 Tbs. at a time on a non-stick cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12
minutes. This can be brushed with olive oil and baked until golden brown if preferred.

Each fritter should be served warm on a piece of lettuce or cabbage cup. Use the remaining onions,
tomatoes, Tahini Tofu Sauce, and a sprinkling of sesame seeds to garnish. Wrap the cabbage around
the fritter and eat like a finger food hors d'oeuvre.

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