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An infection of the upper part of the respiratory system which is above the lungs.
An upper respiratory infection (URI) can be due to any number of viral or bacterial
infections. These infections may affect the throat (pharyngitis), nasopharynx
(nasopharyngitis), sinuses (sinusitis), larynx (laryngitis), trachea (tracheitis) or bronchi
 Transmitted by viruses and bacteria
o Adenovirus
o Rhinovirus
o Pneumococcal
 Smoking habit

 People who suffer from heart disease or have a disorder with his lungs

Generally, the symptoms of upper respiratory infection result from the toxins
released by the pathogens as well as the inflammatory response mounted by the immune
system to fight the infection. Common symptoms of upper respiratory infection
generally include:
 Nasal Congestion,

 Runny Nose (rhinorrhea)

 Nasal Discharge (may change from clear to white to green)

 Sneezing,

 Sore or Scratchy throat,

 Painful Swallowing (odynophagia),

 Cough (from laryngeal swelling and post nasal drip),

 Malaise,

 Fever (more common in children).

The symptoms of upper respiratory infection usually last between 3-14 days; if
symptoms last longer than 14 days, an alternative diagnosis can be considered such
as, sinusitis, allergy, pneumonia, or bronchitis.
o Paracetamol
 To reduce the effect of fever and pain
 Dosage :
1. For adult : 1 tablet (3-4 times a day)
2. For kids : 0,5-1 tablet (3-4 times a day)

o Azitromisin
 To treat a wide variety of bacterial infections.
 Dosage:
1. For adult : 500 mg on first day
2. For kids : 10-100mg on first day

o Dexamethasone
 To reduce inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
 Dosage:
1. For adult : 0.5 mg-10 mg per day
2. For kids : 0,08 mg-0.3 mg per day

o Sambiloto Leaves
 Ingredients:
1. Fresh Sambiloto Leaves as much as 1 handheld
2. ½ cup boiled water
 Steps:
1. Take fresh sambiloto leaves
2. Ground and added water
3. Strain and ready to drink
o Garlic
The easiest and most effective way to use garlic slices as a non-medical
treatment for URI is to add a slice of garlic to a warm soup. Why? Because the
garlic slices will release the allicin compound which is a natural antibiotic that
will kill the virus and bacterial infections.

o Green Tea or Black Tea

 Ingredients:
1. 1.5 tsp Green Tea or Black Tea powder
2. Sugar or honey (optional)
3. 1 cup water
 Steps:
1. Boil a cup of water in a vessel.
2. Once the water stars boiling, turn off the flame and add the green
tea or black tea powder.
3. Let it sit for 3-5 minutes.
4. Now strain the tea into a cup and add the sugar/honey. And ready to
drink it.

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