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Life Raft Weak Link System

There has a variety of connection methods between Life

Raft Hydrostatic ReleaseUnit and the hull. Here will explain the
correctness of various connection methods from the principle of

When we test the inflatable life raft for new shipbuilding or It’s
annual service, we could always find the connections of HRU, painter
line and weak link is wrong. The following is a discussion of
hydrostatic release unit connection.

Common HRU like picture A.

The Painter line of each life raft(except the liferafts that are stored at
bow or stern in accordance with SOLAS Chapter III, paragraph 31.1.4)
should be connect with hull through HRU and weak link. Common
connection method of painter line like picture B and C, the main
purpose is, if life raft need to be thrown overboard by man,then the
painter line is firmly connected with hull through HRU; in case of ship
sinking, the painter line is connected with hull through weak link.

The HRU should automatically release life raft when at a depth of not
more than 4 meters under water, and it’s designed that the structure
should not be disengaged when subjected to waves. When the ship
sank, the life raft sank with the ship, reaching a certain depth (no
more than 4 meters), the HRU automatically release, at this time the
life raft is connected depends on the painter line and weak link with
the hull, life raft will float up by it’s own buoyancy,the painter line that
connected with hull will release the life raft subjected to the tension,
finally the weak link broken under the tension at 1.8KN ~ 2.6KN and
disengage the life raft from the when inspection, we should
check the connection of HRU carefully, otherwise the life raft could
not release at an emergency by wrong connection of HRU.

The picture D and E are right connection of HRU, while F and G are

In picture D and E, the painter line(green one) is connected with HRU

through a shackle,and HRU is connected with hull, but the weak
like(red one) is connected with shackle on painter line and hull; when
HRU released by pressure of water,The shackle on painter line also
disengaged from the HRU, at this time the life raft is connected
depends on the painter line and weak link with the hull, when the
buoyancy is big enough, the life raft will be automatically inflated, and
the weak link also broken by tension, then complete the whole
procedure of life raft.

In Picture F and G, when HRU automatically released, weak link

broken by buoyancy of life raft, but caused by directly connection
between the shackle on painter line and the shackle tied on life
raft(blue one)(The shackle one side is tied on life raft and another side
is connected with cradle, while cradle is welded with hull), not only
connected with weak link, so when weak link broken, the painter line
still connected with the shackle that tied on life raft, finally the life raft
will sink with ship and not released.

Article from:

300 GT (180 org) 12 liferaft (PS-SS) -

300 GT (220 org) 7 liferaft 4 lifeboat


600 GT (300 org) 10 liferaft 5 lifeboat

short voyage

600 GT (300 org) not 3 liferaft 15 lifeboat

short voyage

Oil tanker 80 m (20 2 liferaft (PS-SS) -


Bulk carrier 80 m (20 2 liferaft (PS-SS) -


Oil tanker 90 m (20 1 liferaft 2 lifeboat (PS-SS)


Bulk Carrier 90 m 1 liferaft 2 lifeboat (PS-SS)

(20 org)
Isi liferaft :

 Rescue quoits dengan tali minimal 30 m.

 Pisau (bukan tipe pisau lipat dengan gagang yang berbahan
mengapung). Jika liferaft berkapasitas 13 orang atau lebih, maka
disediakan 2 pisau.
 2 Dayung apung.
 3 Pembuka kaleng.
 2 Jankar laut.
 1 Pasang gunting.
 1 Alat P3K dalam wadah tahan air.
 1 Pluit.
 1 Lampu senter tahan air (untuk komunikasi kode morse)
dengan 1 Set baterai dan bohlam lampu pengganti.
 1 Cermin sinyal (heliograf).
 1 Reflektor radar.
 1 Kail pancing dan tali pancing beserta kelengkapannya.
 Rasio makanan dengan jumlah berkisar sekitar 10.000 kl untuk
setiap jumlah orang dalam 1 liferaft yang dibungkus dengan
kemasan tahan air.
 Rasio air tawar (air minum) dengan jumlah berkisar sekitar 1,5
liter untuk setiap jumlah orang dalam 1 liferaft.
 1 Wadah minum tahan karat.
 Termal Protective Aid cukup untuk 10% dari jumlah orang yang
disediakan dalam 1 liferaft.
 6 Hand Flares.
 4 Rocket Parachute Flares.
 2 Buoyant Smoke Signals.
 1 Buku petunjuk penggunaan (Survival Booklet) yang
terbungkus bahan tahan air.
Kesalahan penataan tatanan liferaft pada KMP Mutiara Alas III



Perbaikan yang seharusnya dilakukan :

Perawatan dalam penggunaan liferaft dapati dilakukan dimulai
dengan cara peluncuran liferaft :

1. Peluncuran secara manual :

 Pastikan tali painter terikat ke sisi kapal pada titik yang kuat.
 Lepaskan pagar (railing) dan periksa keluar untuk
menghilangkan penghalang.
 Lepaskan pengait dengan cradle (kunciannya) dan liferaft akan
meluncur kebawah dengan sendirinya.
 Setelah liferaft berada diatas air, tarik tali painter dengan
kencang kearah sisi kapal hingga mengembang.
 Saat liferaft sudah mengembang pastikan liferaft tidak terbalik,
apabila liferaft terbalik maka kembalikan liferaft ke posisi yang
 Turunkan penumpang melalu tangga embakasi (apabila ada)
atau melalui pintu darurat yang sudah disediakan dengan hati-
hati dan bergantian.
 Duduk dengan posisi berhadap-hadapan (tatap muka) atau
melingkar sesuai bentuk liferaft.
 Pastikan SART dan EPIRB telah diaktifkan.
 Hitung jumlah penumpang liferaft yang sesuai dengan
ketentuan kapasitas liferaft.
 Potong tali painter dengan menggunakan pisau yang sudah
disediakan di dalam liferaft.
 Gunakan dayung untuk mengarahkan liferaft agar menjauh dari

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