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Brand X is a medical technology company - they have created a smartphone compatible device
which allows men all over the world to test their sperm from the privacy and comfort of their own
home. The application accurately analyzes sperm quality with a smartphone and afterwards
gives personalized advice about how to improve sperm quality and overall health of a man.

The brand was established from the ‘industry standard’ of focussing on women’s reproductive
health - the founding team saw a gap in the market for medical technology and lifestyle support
specifically for men and improving their reproductive health.

The founding team is comprised of 3 key members - each founder has a background in medical
research, strategy, innovation and business development.

Brand X have collaborated with some of the leading academic and research institutions, to
design and clinically validate their application and lifestyle program, aimed at improving men’s
sperm quality and general health.

Brand X want to raise £250,000 via Crowdcube to grow their team, continue R&D for the
application and accompanying lifestyle program and marketing.


Please consider character count for each section, this includes spaces and punctuation.

Summary (/300) –

Brand X is here with a one of a kind smartphone compatible device that allows men to test their
sperm at the comfort and privacy of their home. It analyzes and gives results and advices to
improve sperm quality on the go. The business seeks to make this facility available for men
across the globe.


● (/70) – Unique technology that allows men to test their sperm at home.
● (/70) – Experienced founders in the field of innovative medical technology.
● (/70) – Collaborated with leading academic and research institutions.
● (/70) – Aims to fill the gap of male reproductive health in the market.

Idea (/1400) –
The lifestyle support and medical industry has always been more tilted towards men than
women. This caught the attention of the founding members of Brand X who then decided to fill
this gap.

Brand X is a medical technology company that has come up with a one of a kind smartphone
compatible device. The application allows men to test their sperm at the comfort and privacy of
their home. The application then analyzes sperm quality through the smartphone as well as
gives personalized advices regarding how to improve the quality of sperm along with overall
health of the user.

The founding members Brand X are elaborately experienced in the field of medical technology
along with innovation and business development. The business has also collaborated with some
of the leading academic and research institutions in order to design and validate their
application clinically. Their vision is to make sperm testing easy and comfortable, provide quality
advice to improve men’s sperm quality along with their overall health.

Through Crowdcube, the business aims to enhance their R&D wing for the application along
with their lifestyle program and marketing. Brand X is here to grow their team and make this
application available to men across the world.

Team (/1400) –

Brand X was founded by A, B, and C, each with an elaborate working history in the field of
medical technology, innovation and business development. They are the ones to notice the
huge unavailability of men’s reproductive health products and services.
Sperm testing is not just expensive but also very intimidating for a lot of men. The founding
members of Brand X have a vision of making sperm testing less intimidating and more
comfortable and private. They have designed a smartphone compatible device that runs tests,
analyzes the sperm and gives accurate results and advices to improve sperm quality and
general health.
To back their application and validate it clinically, the founding members of Brand X have
collaborated with some of the leading academic and research institutes.
The team is aimed towards growing and expanding their venture and make their application
available to men across the globe.

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