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How to change the logo

You can change the below interfaces.

Many customer wants to change their logo. All you need to do is change the image file or
change the ini setting.

1. Change the image file

1) You can customize the ①, ②, ⑥ image.
2) It supports transparent image(alpha channel) which extension is PNG.
(It is not support JPG, BMP or other image extension.)
3) Image size is fixed so if the size is not correct, the lay out will be strange.
4) You just make a image and replace the logo image.
5) Image specifications
① Company logo 1
(1) Logo file name : program path\Logo\I_Logo_LogIn_90x27.png
(2) Image size : 90(w)x27(h)
② Program logo
(1) Logo file name : program path\Logo\I_LogIn_Human_415x78.png
(2) Image size : 415(w)x78(h)
⑥ Company logo 2
(1) Logo file name : program path\Logo\I_Logo_MainForm_90x27.png
(2) Image size : 90(w)x27(h)

2. change the ini file

1) You can customize the ③, ④, ⑤
2) How to change
(1) Open the 'program path\Config\Orion.ini' file using notepad.
(2) find '[LogoInfo]' section.
(3) change items.
③ Copyright
- identification : CopyRight
- Change the text.
ex) If you want to change it to "TEST" text.
CopyRight = @ 2013 DRTECH -> CopyRight = TEST
- save the file.
④ Copyright1
- identification : CopyRight1
- Change the text.
ex) If you want to change it to "TEST" text.
CopyRight = @ 2013 DRTECH -> CopyRight = TEST
- save the file.
⑤ Selected model
- identification : ModelVisible
- You can change it's visible.
Show the model : ModelVisible = 1
Do not want to show the model : ModelVisible = 0
- Save the file.

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