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Jakarta, I’ll be Back

Hi friends, let me introduce my self. My name is Fikri Azhar Novianto, I school in

SMPN 2 Padaherang, Ciamis Regency. At February 13th 2009, my school held study tour
program. At the momment, i was ninth class. In fact, that program indicated for eighth
class students. But quite a few ninth class students followed this program. Every eighth
class student had to follow this program, but ninth class students that followed this
program just three persons. We had to pay three hundreed and fifty thousand rupiahs
only to followed this program.

Our study tour destination was Jakarta City. This program held because aim to
research circumstance Jakarta City and also to recreation. Places that we visited were
Istiqlal Mosque, The President Palace and Dunia Fantasi ( Fantasy World ). We came from
Ciamis at 8 PM. During the long trip, I was so tired and I slept in bus when it moved.
Finally, after eight hour, we arrived in Jakarta at 4 AM.

First place visited was Istiqlal Mosque. In here, I took a bath and changed my shirt
with SMP uniform, white blue uniform. After that, I prayed shubuh together my friends,
and I also took photo in this mosque. Because this is rareness opportunity. I was so happy
could pray in Istiqlal, because this was first time that I prayed in Istiqlal. I never to forgot
this moment.

Next place visited was The Presedent Palace. In here we divided group by group.
Where one group were fifteen persons. I walked around president palace and explored
building by building and room by room with a guide. And saw any beautifull view that
including it. I was fortunely because I could visit president palace. But unhappily, we
couldn’t take photo here, I didn’t know why, but I think that because the privacy of
president palace.

Last place called Dufan. Dufan was place that very I liked. Because in here, we could
played and rode up unforgettable and the most extremly vehicles. Many vehicles that i
ridden, among of them were Tornado, The boat swing kora kora, dols palace, roller
coaster, extreme log 3d cinema and many more.

Today was tired day and also hapily day. I never forgot it. Time was 8 PM. We had
to back to Ciamis. All long way I slept because I was so tired. After I did hapily recreation,
I had to ready for National Exam in April. I promised that I should study hard to got a
better future life.
The Lion and The Goat

It was a summer day. It was a very hot day. Every body was suferring from the heat.
Every body was very thirsty. But it’s hard to find water. The river and the spring were dry.
A tired lion was walking weakly. He walked everywhere to find water.

“If i cannot find water soon, I’m going to die,” the lion thought.

Not far from the lion, there was a goat. He was thirsty, too. As they walked they
came to a small fountain. How happy they were!.

“Hey, stay away from my fountain!” snapped the lion.

“Your fountain? It’s mine!” the goat snapped back.

“I got here first!” said the lion.

“No! It was I who got here first!” replied the goat.

They began to fight over the fountain.

Finally, they got tired of fighting. So, they took a rest. When, they looked up, they
saw a flock of vultures above them. Vultures ate dead bodies.

“Hey, do you see the vultures?” asked the lion.

“Yes, I think they are waiting to see who is going to die. What do you think?” said
the goat.

“Let’s stop this fight. We’d better make friends” said the lion.

“It’s much better to make friends than to make an enemy” replied the goat.

Then they drank from the same fountain.

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