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Evaluación Principiantes

Side by Side 1
Instrucciones Conteste las interrogantes que le planteen los examinadores utilizando las reglas
gramaticales correctamente y con fluidez.

Unit 1

1. What is your name?

2. Respond to the statement “nice to meet you”

3. How old are you?

4. What is your last name/surname/family name?

5. How do you spell it?

6. What is your middle name?

7. What is your address?

8. What is your e-mail address?

9. What is your phone number?

10. Give five questions which mean “how are you”

11. Give five positive answers for the question:” how are you?”

12. Give five negative answers for the question: “how are you?”

Unit 2. Respond the following questions based on where we usually find these objects.

1. What are the different objects I can find on a wall?

2. What are the different objects I can find on a bookshelf?

3. What are the different objects I can find on a teacher’s table?

4. What are the different objects I can find on a child’s desk?

5. What are the different classroom objects I can find in a classroom and where are they?

(Board, stapler, speakers, flags, pen, pencil case, pencil sharpener, hole punch, stickers, backpack,

scissors, bulletin board, sheets, flyers, television)

Suppose you and your family moved to a huge house tell me where all they are, and what are they
Tell me as many places around town that you can remember. (Bank, hospital, Movie Theater, park,
post office, restaurant, supermarket, zoo)


It is Sunday morning, and today is the official cleaning day in your house. What are your family member
doing? (Possessive adjectives. My mother is cleaning her room, my father is fixing his motorcycle, my
siblings are washing their clothes.)


1. Are you tall or are you short?

2. Are you young or are you old?

3. Are you married or are you single?

4. Are you a noisy person or a quiet one?

5. Are you an easy person or a hard/difficult person to get along with?

6. Do you consider yourself rich or poor?

7. What is the weather like in Ontario?

8. What is the weather like Zacapa?

9. What is the weather like in Puerto Barrios?

10. What is your soul mate like?

11. What is your best friend like?

12. Is life cheap or expensive in Guatemala?

13. Is life nice or ugly in Guatemala?

14. In your opinion, is it English easy or difficult?

15. Is it snowing in Canada now?

16. Is it raining in Petén now?


(Ask the students for their family photos so the interviewer would ask questions like:
Who is he/she? What is his/her name? Where is she/he?
Who are they? What are their names? Where are they? What are they doing?

1. What is your mother like?

2. What’s your mother’s name?

3. What’s your father’s name?

4. What is your father like?

5. Do you have any brothers? What are their names if you have any?

6. Do you have any sisters? If so, what are their name(s)?

Unit 7

1. Are there any bus stations near your house? No, there aren't

2. Is there a gas station near your house? No, there isn’t

3. Is there a Laundromat near your home? No, there isn’t

4. Is there a police station near your house? No, there isn’t

5. Are you in school?

6. Is there an air conditioning in your house? No, there isn’t

7. How many rooms are there in your house? There are 7 rooms in my house

8. Are there any mice in your house? No there aren’t

9. How many bus stops are there in your town?

10. Is there a movie theater near your house? No there isn’t

11. Where is the closest shopping mall in your neighborhood? What’s its name?

12. How many people are there in your house? There are eight people in my house

13. Where is the bakery in your neighborhood? It's next to the store

14. Are there any roaches in your house? No there aren’t

15. How many suppers are there in a day? There is one supper

16. How many computers are there in your house? There are 2 computers in my house

17. Is there a person in your house who studies at GIF English Center? There is one person

18. Are there any flags on your room’s walls? No, there aren’t.

19. What different objects are there in your room?

20. What different objects are there in your mom’s kitchen?

21. Is there a wallet in your pocket? Yes, there is there is a wallet in my pocket

22. How many coins are there in your pockets? There are four coins in my pockets

23. How many accounts are there in your phone? There are sixty-five accounts in my phone

24. How many sim cards are there in your phone? There is one sim card in my phone

25. Where is the Guatemalan National Palace?

26. What is there across from The Cathedral of Guatemala City?

27. Is there a parking lot near your neighborhood? No, there isn’t

28. Is there a headset in your room? Yes, there is. There ate two headsets in my room.

29. Is there a flash drive in your backpack?

30. How many pets are there in your house?


1. What color is your belt today?

2. What color is your blouse or shirt?

3. What color are your jeans today?

4. What color is your pocket book/wallet?

5. What color are your shoes?

6. What do you think about my clothes? (that shirt is great, that belt is good, those shoes are fancy,


7. What do you think about your clothes? (this shirt is excellent, these pants are fancy, this watch is

expensive, etc.…)

8. What would you wear for a party?

9. What would you wear for a funeral?

10. What would your mother wear for your prom?

11. What would you wear for a job interview?

12. What would you wear for summer?

13. What would you wear for winter?

14. What is your teacher wearing today?


1. Do you like to cook?

2. Do you drive? If so where?

3. Where do you like to eat?

4. What kind of music do you listen to?

5. Do you like to paint?

6. What games do you like to play?

7. Do you like to read books?

8. How often do you read?

9. Where do you like to shop?

10. Do you like to sing?

11. Do you like to watch TV?

12. Where do you work?

13. Where do Brazilians live?

14. Where do Canadians live?

15. Where do the Chinese live?

16. Where do Egyptians live?

17. Where do French people live?

18. Where do Germans live?

19. Where do Greek people live?

20. Where do Italian people live?

21. Do you speak Portuguese?

22. Do you speak English?

23. Does Mario speak Arabic?

24. Does Mario speak French?

25. Do you speak German?

26. Do you speak Greek?

27. Do you speak Italian?

28. Do you speak Japanese?

29. Do you speak Polish?

30. Do you speak Russian?


1. What day do people usually go to church?

2. What day of the week do people “hate” the most?

3. What day is everyone’s “favorite “day of the week?

4. Are you an active person?

5. Are you an athletic person?

6. Are you a busy person?

7. Are you an outgoing person?

8. Are you a popular person?

9. Are you a shy person?

10. Do you jog?

11. Do you like volley ball?

12. Do you ride a bicycle?

13. What kind of sports does your father like?

14. Do you usually drink Coca-Cola?

15. Does your mother rarely drink liquor?

16. Why do you study English at GIF English Center?

17. How often does your father practice English with you?

18. Who do you study English with?

19. How many phones do you have?

20. How long does it take to come here?

21. Where does your father work?

22. Where does your mother like to eat?

23. Where do you like to study English?

24. How often do you check Facebook?

25. How often does your mother check Facebook?

26. How many words do you google during the day?


1. What do you like to do during the day?

2. What do you normally do during the week?

3. What do you do on the weekend?

4. What do you do in the morning?

5. What do you do in the afternoon?

6. What do you do during the evening?

7. What do you do at night?

8. Do you like long hair?

9. Do you have short hair?

10. Do you like long straight hair or curly hair?

11. Do you like blonde hair?

12. Do you have brown hair or black hair?

13. Do you have brown eyes?

14. Do you think blue eyes are ugly?

15. Do you have blue eyes?

16. What kind of phone do you have?

17. How often do you check Facebook?

18. How often does your mother call you?

19. What kind of shoes do you like?

20. How often does your mother make tamales?

21. How often do you study English during the week?

22. What kind of phone do you have?


1. What makes you angry?

2. Are you cold?

3. Do you get embarrassed often?

4. Are you happy today?

5. Is it hot outside?

6. Are you hungry?

7. Are you nervous about the test?

8. Are you sad today?

9. What are you scared of?

10. Are you thirsty?

11. Are you tired today?

12. When you are nervous do you bite your nails?

13. When you’re embarrassed do you blush?

14. Do you cry a lot?

15. When you exercise do you perspire?

16. When you’re cold do you shiver?

17. What makes you shout?

18. What makes you smile?

19. Do you walk back and forth when you think about things?

20. When you’re tired do you yawn?

21. Do you like to be clean?

22. Do you know how to drive?

23. Do you like to sleep?

24. Do you study a lot?

25. Do you sweep your house?

26. Do you take the bus often?

27. Are you good at typing?

28. What are you using to write on this test?

29. Do you walk to your classes at God is First?


1. Who is your favorite actor?

2. Who is your favorite actress?

3. Do you know any bakers?

4. Do you know any chefs?

5. Do you know any construction workers?

6. Do you know any dancers?

7. Do you know any mechanics?

8. Do you know any truck drivers?

9. Can you build anything?

10. Can you cook anything?

11. Are you good at dancing?

12. Can you drive?

13. Do you have a file cabinet?

14. Do you like to fix things?

15. Can you operate a bus?

16. Do you like to paint?

17. Can you repair anything?

18. Do you like to sing?

19. Can you speak Spanish?

20. Can you take inventory at a store?

21. Do you like to talk to people?

22. Are you good at typing?

23. What do you use to talk to people the most?

24. How many Big Macs can you eat?

25. Where can I find good bread?

26. What can you do for Guatemala?

27. Why can you speak English?


1. What month does the year start?

2. What month has Valentine’s Day?

3. What month does the United States celebrate their 23wq Independence Day

4. What month has Halloween?

5. What month has Christmas?

6. What day do you come to English Class?

7. Is it windy in the winter?

8. Is it hot during the summer?

9. Does it feel good in the spring or the autumn?

10. What are your plans for next year?

11. Where are you going to spend Christmas?

12. Where are you going to study English next year?

13. How many days are you going to go to the gym next year?

14. How long are you going to study English next year?

15. Are you going to burn firecrackers for Christmas?

16. Are you going to buy a washing machine for your mother for the Mother's Day?

17. Where is your father going to work next year?

18. What are you going to do in a call center?


1. Do you have a backache today?

2. Do you have a cough?

3. Do you have an earache?

4. When was the last time you had a fever?

5. Do you have a headache?

6. When was the last time you had a sore throat?

7. What gives you a stomachache?

8. What gives you a toothache?

9. How are you?

10. How do you feel today?

11. Do you feel great or just fine?

12. What did you do for the Mother's Day?

13. What did your family do last Christmas?

14. What did you do for your birthday?

15. Where did you go for your last vacation?

16. What was your best experience when you were a child?


1. When was the last time you bought a big cola?

2. What was the last thing you did that you liked before school?

3. Did you drive to school today?

4. When was the last time you ate?

5. When was the last time you forgot something?

6. What was the last gift someone got you?

7. When was the last time you went to the supermarket?

8. Have you had a serious illness in the past?

9. Who made you happy last?

10. Who was the last new person you met? What was their name?

11. Have you ever taken anything without asking? What was it?

12. When was the last time you wrote a letter?

13. What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

14. Where did you go last weekend?

15. What did you do this morning?

16. How long did it take to come here?

17. Did you take a cold shower or a hot shower this morning?

18. Did you drink coffee or orange juice this morning?

19. Where did you spend Christmas last year?

20. How many times did you read your bible this week this week?


1. What is beautiful to you?

2. Is your house clean?

3. What makes you feel comfortable?

4. Do you feel uncomfortable when something is dirty?

5. Is your floor dull?

6. Are you an energetic person?

7. What is exciting to you?

8. Do you believe you are a good person?

9. What makes you happy?

10. Are you healthy?

11. Do you think you are heavy?

12. Are you hungry today?

13. Are you late often?

14. Do you consider yourself poor?

15. Are you a quiet person?

16. What makes you sad?

17. Is your floor shiny?

18. Do you get sick a lot?

19. Are you thin?

20. Are you thirsty right now?

21. Are you a tiny person?

22. Are you tired right now?

23. What is ugly to you?

24. What makes you feel uncomfortable?

25. When did you arrive at class?

26. When were you born?

27. When do you think you “grew up”?

28. Where do you live?

29. Do you want to move?

30. Do you like to study?

31. Do you work a lot?

32. What was the last book you read?

33. What was the last movie you saw?

34. What were you like when you were a child?

35. What was your favorite teacher's name in high school?

36. What was your favorite subject at school?


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