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Matho National High School

Matho Cortes Surigao Del Sur

Second Quarter Exam
S.Y. 2016-2017

I- Choose the exact answer. Write the your answer on the given space below.

1. Inconsiderate colleagues:_____________
 Friends
2. Conflict of Ideas and Philosophies:______________
 Organization
3. Drunkard partner:_______________
 Sin
4. Envious:___________
 Family
5. Unfaithful friend:___________
 Failures
6. Poor body conditions:____________
 Relatives
7. Guilt:__________
 Health
8. Discontentment:___________
 Self
9. Low Moral:___________
 Finances
10. Disobedient :_____________
 Spiritual deterioration
 Work
II- Select the correct answer that corresponds to the question.

1. Covers activities that impove awareness and identity,develop talents and potential, build human capital
and facilitate employability.
A. Self-esteem B. Confidence C. Personal Development D. Belongingness
2. What several business relationship formats of operating that involves selling books, courses and
techniques to individuals?
A. Consumer-to-business C. business-to-business
B. consumer-to-consumer D. business-to-consumer
3. Example of a business-to-business program.
A. business coaching & mentoring C. beauty enhancement
B. motivational speaking D. e-learning programs
4. Involves in the programs- in the case ones sold to companies and to goverments.
A. business-to-consumer C. Consumer-to-business
B. business-to-business D. consumer-to-consumer
5. What level of Maslow say that all individuals have an in-built need for personal development which
occurs through the process?
A. physiological needs C. Safety Needs
B. Aethestetic needs D. Love and Belongingness
6. Give further information about how you may manage your time more effectively.
A. Time Management and Minimising Distractions
B. Personal Development Plan
C. Transferable Skills
D. Overcoming Barriers to Learning a New Skill
7. Time Management and Minimising Distractions and consider how you could reorganise your time to fit
in the development of a new skill.
A. Family Commitments C. Lack of Time
B. Economic Situation D. Lack of Confidence or Self-Esteem
8. This is one of the greatest obstacles facing many individuals, support and help to take the first steps
towards learning a new skill.
A. Lack of Time C. Economic Situation
B. Lack of Confidence or Self-Esteem D. Family Commitments
9. Prevent you from having the time to learn a new skill, perhaps it is possible for you to enlist the help of
a friend or family member to give you a few free hours weekly.
A. Family Commitments C. Lack of Time
B. Economic Situation D. Lack of Confidence or Self-Esteem
10. Financial situation that consider as a barrier to developing new skills, this need not be the case.
A. Lack of Time C. Economic Situation
B. Lack of Confidence or Self-Esteem D. Family Commitments
11. This type of personality is characterized by spontaneity, optimism, enthusiasm, high energy, mental
flexibility, novelty seeking, impulsiveness and curiosity.
A. Melancholic B. Choleric C. Phlegmatic D. Sanguine
12. These people are mainly defined by their social skills, such as their ability to express themselves and
read other people face expressions and body language.
A. Melancholic B. Choleric C. Phlegmatic D. Sanguine
13. These people are direct, focused, tough, analytical, logical and strategic. They have a great deal of
courage and like to compete, often against each other.
A. Melancholic B. Choleric C. Phlegmatic D. Sanguine
14. This type of personality tend to be calm, loyal and orderly, just as their personality name sounds.
A. Melancholic B. Choleric C. Phlegmatic D. Sanguine
15. A process of dealing stressful situation.
A. Adapt B. Coping C. Avoid D. Absord
III- Identify how many personality does the picture depict and explain.
Matho National High School
Matho Cortes Surigao Del Sur
Second Quarter Exam
S.Y. 2016-2017
I- Encircle the correct answer.

1. What is the advantage of exercise ? 2. Any low intensity exercise where oxygen is
A.Improve quality of life A. Areobic
B. Decrease chronic disease B. Anaerobic
C. Stress relief C. Exercise
D. All the above
3. Exercise used to improve cardiovascular health? 4. Percentage of body fat

A. Flexibility A. Body composition

B. Aerobics B. Body fat
C. Strength C. BFI
D. Sport
5. What does BMI measure? 6. Use of physical activity to improve appearance

A. Flexibility A. Flex training

B. Muscle weight B. Body mass Training
C. Body fat C. Strenght training
D. Strength D. Cosmetic fitness
7. Ability to move joint in full range of motion 8. The art and science of teaching P.E

A. Flexibility A. Mentor
B. Strength B. Pedagogy
C. Play C. Tutoring
D. Role conflict D. None of the above
9. Which is a form of exercise 10. Which is not an exercise

A. Walking A. Basketball
B. Swimming B. Football
C.Biking C. Sitting
D. All the above D. Soccer
11. What type of movement is running?
A. Locomotors
B. Ballistic
C. Static
12. Whats the first thing you should do when you catch a ball?
A. Stick out your glove
B. Step towards the incoming ball
C. Step back away from the incoming ball
D. Lock eyes on the ball
13. . What are the five components of fitness?
A. Muscular Strength, Muscular Density, Flexiblity, Agility,Body Endurance
B. Muscular Endurance, Flexiblity, Muscular Strength, Cardiovascular Endurance, Body Composition
C. Muscular Endurance, Cardiovascular Strength, Body Composition, Flexiblity, Agility
D. Flexiblity, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Agility, Cardiovascular Strength

14. Pick out the order of operations once you enter P. E. class?

A. Get Dressed, Stand by lockers, Come out of locker room, Get in circle
B. Go to locker room, Get dressed, Leave locker room, Get in line
C. Take your time going to locker room, talk and take your time getting dressed, Come out of locker room
when you want to
D. Come to class, Go to locker room, Come out of locker room, Get lined up
15. When teaching a physical education class it is important to include some key points into your class,
involving how to start and end your class. What would those be in the correct order?

A. Stretching, warm-up activity, main activity, cool down activity

B. Stretching, main activity, line up for class
C. Stretching, cool down activity, main actvity
D. Role call, cool down activity, and then a high impact activity
16. When teaching in a PE classroom, it is always important to start the class off with:

A. Role Call
B. Stretching and warm-up activity
C. Duck Goose
D. Standing in a line
17. What are three things that should be considered before teaching a gymnastics unit?

A. Potential of class, and warm up activities to do with them

B. Student fears, unfamiliarity wtih the sport, and how long the unit will take
C. Skills students already know, parents permission, how long the unit will take
D. Class ability, parental consent, and strength of students
18. Agility consist primarily of the ability to move:
A. Quickly and effeciently C. Explosively
B. Repeated Steps D. Rhythmically

19. Muscular strength is:

a. the ability for arm muscles to lift weights over your head
b. the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert maximum force
c. the ability to run more than one mile
d. the ability to jump over a car

20. The make-up of the body in terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue and organs) and fat mass.
a. Cardiovascular Endurance
b. Spot Reducing
c. Flexibility
d. Body Composition

21. The ability for a muscle to work against a resistance for an extended period of time is

a. Muscular strength
b. Flexibility
c. Cardiovascular endurance
d. Muscular endurance

22. The ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion.

a. Muscular Endurance
b. Muscular Strength
c. Flexibility
d. Cardiovascular Endurance

23. Running, swimming, and using an eliptical machine are all ways to improve your:

a. flexibility
b. muscular strength
c. cardiorespiratory endurance
d. muscular endurance

24. Increasing muscular strength and endurance helps:

a. improve metabolic rate

b. keep bones dense and strong
c. reduce risk of low back pain
d. all of the above

25. The ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues
during physical activity for a long period of time.

a. Muscular Strength
b. Muscular Endurance
c. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
d. Body Composition

26. Stretching a muscle to a point and then holding the position for 15-30 seconds is called:

a. Static Stretching
b. Ballistic Stretching
c. Dynamic Stretching
d. Torture Stretching

27. Which of the following is not a primary benefit of regular cardiovascular exercise?

a. improves heart and lung function

b. improves balance
c. improves insulin sensitivity
d. improves immune system

28. The benefits of a healthy body composition include: (check all that apply)

a. reduces risk of heart disease

b. reduces risk of diabetes
c. reduces risk of high blood pressure
d. reduces risk of stroke
29. In order to get the most benefits from exercise with the least amount of risk, you should:

A. Exercise at a high intensity such as sprinting or running.

B. Exercise at a moderate intensity such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling
C. Exercise at a low intensity.
D. The intensity doesn't matter.
30. Which of the following is not a primary benefit of regular cardiovascular exercise?
A. Increased ability to take in and use oxygen
B. Improved balance
C. Lower blood pressure
D. Lower pulse rate
31. Controlled arm and leg swings, slow activity which warms and stretches muscles is called:
A. Static stretching
B. Passive stretching
C. Dynamic stretching
D. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
32. Fitness walking, jogging, and running are physical activities that can improve:
A. muscle endurance and flexibility
B. cardiovascular fitness and flexibility
C. cardiovascular fitness and body composition
D. muscle strength and endurance
33. Muscular strength is:
A. the ability for arm muscles to lift weights over your head
B. the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert maximum force
C. the ability to run more than one mile
D. the ability to jump over a car
34. Stretching by assuming a stretch position and holding it for 30 to 60 seconds is called:
A. Static stretching
B. Passive stretching
C. Dynamic stretching
D. Procioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
35. Increasing muscular strength helps:
A. increase lean tissue
B. decrease body fat
C. improve fitness
D. all of the above
36. The ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues
during physical activity for a long period of time.
A. muscular strength
B. Flexibility
C. cardiovascular endurance
D. body composition
37. The make-up of the body in terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue and organs) and fat mass.
A. Cardiovascular Endurance
B. Spot Reducing
C. Flexibility
D. Body Composition
38. Individuals with good flexibility are less likely to be injured.
A. True
B. False
39. The ability for a muscle to work against a resistance for an extended period of time is
A. Muscular strength
B. Flexibility
C. Cardiovascular endurance
D. Muscular endurance
40. The principle of exercise which is how long one exercises to improve fitness is called:
A. Overload C. Time
B. Frequency D. Progression
41. The ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion.
A. Muscular Endurance
B. Muscular Strength
C. Flexibility
D. Cardiovascular Endurance
42. The warm-up is an activity that:
A. prepares your muscles for work
B. is the first stage of any physical activity routine
C. important for avoiding injuries
D. all of the above
43. Running, swimming, and using an eliptical machine are all ways to improve your:
A. Flexibility
B. muscular strength
C. cardiorespiratory endurance
D. muscular endurance
44. Evauluating your current fitness level prior to beginning an exercise program
A. is only important for physically inactive people
B. is not important
C. will have nothing to do with activities you choose for your program
D. will help in setting realistic goals
45. The number of times one should exercise to improve a component of fitness is called:
A. Intensity
B. Time
C. Frequency
D. Progression

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